Installation in the Rajasuya

वैशम्पायन उवाच रक्षणाद् धर्मराजस्य सत्यस्य परिपालनात्। शत्रूणां क्षपणाच्चैव स्वकर्मनिरताः प्रजाः॥
Vaishampayana said Protected by Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) and supported by Truth and also all their enemies being kept in check, all subjects (of the Pandava king) were always engaged in their respective business.

बलीनां सम्यगादानाद् धर्मतश्चानुशासनात्। निकामवर्षी पर्जन्यः स्फीतो जनपदोऽभवत्॥
In consequence of the equitable taxation and the virtuous and the just rule of the king, the clouds poured as much rain as desired, and the country became prosperous.

सर्वारम्भाः सुप्रवृत्ता गोरक्षा कर्षणं वणिक्। विशेषात् सर्वमेवैतत् संजज्ञे राजकर्मणः॥
As the result of the king's (virtuous) acts every thing of the kingdom, specially the breeding of cattle, agriculture and trade, greatly flourished.

दस्युभ्यो वञ्चकेभ्यो वा राजन् प्रति परस्परम्। राजवल्लभतश्चैव नाश्रूयन्त मृषा गिरः॥
O king, even cheats and thieves, nay even the king's favourites, were never heard to speak lies amongst themselves,

अवर्षं चातिवर्षं च व्याधिपावकमूर्च्छनम्। सवमेतत् तदा नासीद् धर्मनित्ये युधिष्ठिरे॥
During the reign of Yudhishthira, who was ever devote to virtue, there were no draughts, or floods, or plagues, or fires, or premature deaths.

प्रियं कर्तुमुपस्थातुं बलिकर्म स्वभाजवम्। अभिहर्तुं नृपा जग्मुर्नान्यैः कार्यैः कथंचन॥
The (other) kings used to come to him only for agreeable services, or for paying their respects to him, or for offering to him tribute that did not (any way) impoverish them. They never used to come for any other purpose (such as conquests).

धय॑र्धनागमैतस्य ववृधे निचयो पहान्। कर्तुं यस्य न शक्येत क्षयो वर्षशतैरपि॥
The large treasury of the King became so much filled with the hoards of wealth virtuously obtained that it could not be emptied even in one hundred years.

स्वकोष्ठस्य परीमाणं कोशस्य च महीपतिः। विज्ञाय राजा कौन्तेयो यज्ञायैव मनो दधे॥
Having ascertained the state of his treasury and the extent of his possessions, the son of Kunti (Yudhishthira) set his heart upon performing the (Rajasuya) sacrifice.

सुहृदयश्चैव ये सर्वे पृथक् च सह चाब्रुवन्। यज्ञकालस्तव विभो क्रियतामत्र साम्प्रतम्॥
His friends and relatives all separately and jointly said, "O lord, the time for the sacrifice has come. Let it be now performed without delay.”

अथैव ब्रुवतामेव तेषामभ्याययौ हरिः। ऋषिः पुराणो वेदात्मादृश्यश्चैव विजानताम्॥ जगतस्तस्थुषां श्रेष्ठः प्रभवश्चाप्ययश्च ह। भूतभव्यभन्नाथः केशवः केशिसूदनः॥
When they were thus talking, there came that omniscient and ancient one, that soul of the Vedas, that invincible one as described by the learned, that foremost of all lasting existences in the universe, that origin of all things, that receptacle in which every thing is destroyed, that slayer of Keshi, Hari (Krishna).

प्राकारः सर्ववृष्णीनामापत्स्वभयदोऽरिहा। बलाधिकारे निक्षिप्य सम्यगानकदुन्दुभिम्॥ उच्चावचमुपादाय धर्मराजाय माधवः। धनौघं पुरुषव्याघ्रो बलेन महताऽऽवृतः॥ तं धनौघमपर्यन्तं रत्नसागरमक्षयम्। नादयन् स्थघोषेण प्रविवेश पुरोत्तमम्॥
Having appointed Vasudeva command of the army and having brought with him for Dharmaraja Yudhishthira a large amount of wealth, the bulwark of all the Vrishnis, the dispelled of all fears in danger, the grinder of all foes, that best of men, Madhava, entered the excellent city (Indraprastha), surrounded with a large army to the was and filling, the atmosphere with the rattle of his chariot's wheels. The inexhaustible ocean of gems, that the Pandavas possessed.

पूर्णमापूरयंस्तेषां द्विषच्छोकावहोऽभवत्। असूर्यमिव सूर्येण निवातमिव वायुना।। कृष्णेन समुपेतेन जहषे भारतं पुरम्॥
Was brought to a full limit by the wealth that he (Krishna) brought, and thus all their (the Pandava's) griefs were removed. By the arrival of Krishna, the capital of the Bharata race was gladdened like a sunless region by the sun, or a region of still air by gentle breeze.

तं मुदाभिसमागम्य सत्कृत्य च यथाविधि। स पृष्ट्वा कुशलं चैव सुखासीनं युधिष्ठिरः॥
Coming to him with joy and receiving him with all dues respect, Yudhishthira asked him his welfare. When he (Krishna) comfortably seated.

धौम्यद्वैपायनमुखैर्ऋत्विग्भिः पुरुषर्षभ। भीमार्जुनयमैश्चैव सहितः कृष्णमब्रवीत्॥
That best of men (Yudhishthira) with the Ritvikas, Dhaumya and Dvaipayana being at their head, and also with Bhima, Arjuna and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) thus spoke to Krishna.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच त्वत्कृते पृथिवी सर्वा मद्वशे कृष्ण वर्तते। वार्ष्णेय त्वत्प्रसादादुपार्जितम्॥
Yudhishthira said O Krishna, it is for you that the whole earth has come rinder my sway. O descendant of the Vrishni race, it is through your favour that this vast wealth has been earned by me.

सोऽहममिच्छामि तत् सर्वं विधिवद् देवकीसुत। उपयोक्तुं द्विजायेभ्यो हव्यवाहे च माधव॥
O Madhava, O son of Devaki, I desire to devote all this wealth to the Brahmanas and to the. carrier of sacrificial libations (Agni) according to the ordinance.

तदहं यष्टुमिच्छामि दाशार्ह सहितस्त्वया। अनुजैश्च महाबाहो तनमानुज्ञातुमर्हसि॥
O prince of the Dasarha race, O mighty armed hero, you should grant me permission to celebrate the Rajasuya sacrifice along with you and with my brothers.

धनं च बहु तद् दीक्षाप गोविन्द त्वमात्मानं महाभुजा त्वयीष्टवति दाशार्ह विपाप्मा भविता ह्यहम्॥
O Govinda, O long-armed hero, O prince of the Dasarha race, install yourself in that sacrifice. If you perform the sacrifice, I shall be cleansed from sin.

मां वाप्यभ्यनुजानीहि स हैमिरनुजैविभो। अनुज्ञातस्त्वया कृष्ण प्राप्नुयां क्रतुमुत्तमम्॥
O lord, O Krishna, grant permission to me that I may be installed in the sacrifice along with my these younger brothers, for if permitted by you, I shall be able to enjoy the fruit of that excellent sacrifice.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तं कृष्णः प्रत्युषाचेदं बहूक्त्वा गुणविस्तरम्।
Vaishampayana said To him replied Krishna after extolling his many virtues.

त्वमेव राजशार्दूल सम्राडो महाक्रतुम्। सम्प्राप्नुहि त्वया प्राप्ते कृतकृत्यास्ततो वयम्॥ यजस्वाभीप्सितं यज्ञं मयि श्रेयस्यवस्थिते। नियुक्ष्व त्वं च मां कृत्ये सर्वं कर्तास्मि ते वचः॥
Krishna said O best of kings, you deserve the imperial dignity. Let therefore the great (Rajasuya) sacrifice be performed. If you perform that sacrifice, and if you obtain its fruit, we shall all consider ourselves as crowned with success. I am always engaged in seeking your good. Perform the sacrifice you desire. Appoint me in some office in that sacrifice. I shall obey all your commands.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच सफलः कृष्ण संकल्पः सिद्धिश्च नियता मम। यस्य मे त्वं हृषीकेश यथेप्सितमुपस्थितः॥
Yudhishthira said O Krishna, O Hrishikesha, when you have come here agreeably to my wish, my resolve is fulfilled; success is sure to come to my work.

वैशम्पायन उवाच अनुज्ञातस्तु कृष्णेन पाण्वो भ्रातृभिः सह। ईजितुं राजसूयेन साधनान्युपचक्रमे॥
Vaishampayana said Having been commanded by Krishna, the son of Pandu (Yudhishthira) with his brothers employed himself to collect the necessary materials for the Rajasuya (sacrifice).

ततस्त्वाज्ञापयामास पाण्डवोऽरिनिबर्हणः। सहदेव युधां श्रेष्ठं मन्त्रिणश्चैव सर्वशः॥
That chastiser of foes, the son of Pandu (Yudhishthira), commanded that foremost of all warriors, Sahadeva, and also all his ministers, saying.

अस्मिन् क्रतौ यथोक्तानि यज्ञाङ्गानि द्विजातिभिः। तथोपकरणं सर्वं मङ्गलानि च सर्वशः॥ अधियज्ञांश्च सम्भारान् धौम्योक्तान् क्षिप्रमेव हि। समानयन्तु पुरुषा यथायोगं यथाक्रमम्॥
“Let men be appointed to collect without loss of time all those articles which the Brahmanas will direct as necessary for the performance of this sacrifice, and also all auspicious necessaries and things that Dhaumya may order to be collected; each of the king required and one after the other in due order.

इन्द्रसेनो विशोकश्च पूस्चार्जुनसारथिः। अन्नाद्याहरणे युक्ताः सन्तु मत्प्रियकाम्यया॥
Let Indrasena and Vishoka and the charioteer of Arjuna, Puru, if, they desire to please me, be employed in collecting them.

सर्वकामाश्च कार्यन्तां रसगन्धसमन्विताः। मनोरथप्रीतिकरा द्विजानां कुरुसत्तम॥
O best of the Kuru race (Sahadeva) let them gather every article agreeable to taste and smell, articles which may delight and attract the hearts of the Brahmanas."

तद्वाक्यसमकालं च कृतं सर्वं न्यवेदयत्। सहदेवो युधां श्रेष्ठो धर्मराजे युधिष्ठिरे॥
As soon as these words were uttered by Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, that foremost of all warriors, Sahadeva, informed the king that they had been all done.

ततो द्वैपायनो राजन्नृत्विजः समुपानयत्। वेदान्व महाभागान् साक्षान्मूर्तिमतो द्विजान्॥
O king, Dvaipayana then appointed the Ritvijas, who were high-souled, and who were like the Vedas in their personified forms.

स्वयं ब्रह्मत्वमकरोत् तस्य सत्यवतीसुतः। धनंजयानामृषभः सुसामा सामगोऽभवत्॥
The son of Satyavati (Vyasa) himself became the Brahma in that sacrifice, the best of the Dhananjaya race, Susama, became the chaunter of the Sama Veda.

याज्ञवल्क्यो बभूबाथ ब्रह्मिष्ठोऽध्वर्युसत्तमः। पैलो होता वसोः पुत्रो धोम्येन सहितोऽभवत्॥
The Brahma-knowing Yajnavalkya became the Adhvaryu, the son of Vasu Paila, with Dhaumya, became the Hotas.

एतेषां पुत्रवर्गाश्च शिष्याश्च भरतर्षभ। बभूवर्होत्रगाः सर्वे वेदवेदाङ्गपारगाः॥
O best of the Bharata race, the disciples and the sons of these men, all well-acquainted with the Vedas, became Hotragas,

ते वाचयित्वा पुण्याहमूहयित्वा च तं विधिम्। शास्त्रोक्तं पूजयामासुस्तद् देवयजनं महत्॥
Having uttered benedictions, and having recited the objects of the sacrifice, all of them worshipped the large (sacrificial) ground according to the ordinance.

तत्र चक्रुरनुज्ञाताः शरणान्युत शिल्पिनः। गन्धवन्ति विशालानि वेश्मानीव दिवौकसाम्॥
Commanded by the Brahmanas, the builders and the artifices erected their many houses that were specious and that were well perfumed like the temples of gods.

तत आज्ञापयामास स राजा राजसत्तमः। सहदेवं तदा सद्यो मन्त्रिणं पुरुषर्षभः॥
Thereupon that best of kings, and that best of men, the king (Yudhishthira) immediately commanded his minister Sahadeva saying.

आमन्त्रणार्थं दूतांस्त्वं प्रेषयस्वाशुगान् द्रुतम्। उपश्रुत्य वचो राज्ञः स दूतान् प्राहिणोत् तदा॥ आमन्त्रयध्वं राष्ट्रेषु ब्राह्मणान् भूमिपानथ। विशश्च मान्यान् शूद्रांश्च सर्वानानयतेति च॥
“Dispatch soon (some-swift messengers to invite all. “Having heard the royal command, he (Sahadeva) soon sent messengers saying. “Invite all the Brahmanas of the kingdom, all the owners of land (Kshatriyas). All the Vaishyas, and all the respectable Shudras. Bring them all here (in this sacrifice)".

वैशम्पायन उवाच समाज्ञप्तास्ततो दूताः पाण्डवेयस्य शासनात्। आमन्त्रयाम्बभूवुश्च आनयंश्चापरान् द्रुतम्। तथा परानपि नरानात्मनः शीघ्रगामिनः॥
At the command of the Pandavas those swift messengers invited every one without any loss of time, and they brought with them many persons both friends and strangers.

ततस्ते तु यथाकालं कुन्तीपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। दीक्षयाञ्चक्रिरे विप्रा राजसूयाय भारत॥
o descendant of Bharata, at the proper time the Brahmanas installed the son of Kunti, Yudhishthira, in the sacrifice,

दीक्षितः स तु धर्मात्मा धर्मराजो युधिष्ठरः। जगाम यज्ञायतनं वृतो विप्रैः सहस्रशः॥
When the virtuous Dharmaraja Yudhishthira was installed in the sacrifice, he went to the sacrificial ground, surrounded by thousands of Brahmanas.

भ्रातृभििितभिश्चैव सुहृद्भिः सचिवैः सह। क्षत्रियैश्च मनुष्येन्द्रैर्नानादेशसमागतैः॥
And accompanied by his brothers, relatives, friends and ministers, and also by many best of men among the Kshatriyas who had assembled from various countries.

अमात्यैश्च नरश्रेष्ठो धर्मो विग्रहवानिव। आजग्मुर्ब्राह्मणास्तत्र विषयेभ्यस्ततस्ततः॥ सर्वविद्यासु निष्णाता वेदवेदाङ्गपारगाः। तेषामावसथांश्चक्रुर्धर्मराजस्य शासनात्॥
And also by many counsellors. Many Brahmanas, learned in all the branches of knowledge and well versed in the Vedas and the Vedangas, began to assemble there from various directions. At the command of the Dharmaraja, habitations were erected for them.

बह्वन्नाच्छादनैयुक्तान् सगणानां पृथक् पृथक्। सर्वर्तुगुणसम्पन्नान् शिल्पिनोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
And their attendants, separately for each by thousands of artisans who were endued with all qualifications, they were filled with much food and many clothes.

तेषु ते न्यवसन् राजन् ब्राह्मणानृपसत्कृताः। कथयन्तः कथां बह्वीः पश्यन्तो नटनर्तकान्॥
O king, having been duly worshipped by the king, Brahmanas continued to live there, passing their time in conversation on various topics and seeing the performance of actors and dancers.

भुञ्जतां चैव विप्राणां वदतां च महास्वनः। अनिशं श्रूयते तत्र मुदितानां महात्मनाम्॥
The noise of these illustrious Brahmanas eating and talking cheerfully was continuously heard.

दीयतां दीयतामेषां भुज्यतां भुज्यतामिति। एवम्प्रकाराः संजल्पाः श्रूयन्ते स्मात्र नित्यशः॥
"Give, Give", "Eat, Eat", were the words that were continuously and every day heard there.

गवां शतसहस्राणि शयनानां च भारत। रुक्मस्य योषितां चैव धर्म राजः पृथग् ददौ॥
O descendant of Bharata, Dharmaraja separately gave to each of those Brahmanas thousands of kine, beds, golden coins and damsels.

प्रावर्ततैवं यज्ञः स पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः। पृथिव्यामेकवीरस्य शक्रस्येव त्रिविष्टपे॥
Thus like the sacrifice formerly performed by Shakra (Indra) in heaven, began the sacrifice of that matchless hero, the illustrious Pandava (Yudhishthira), on earth.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा प्रेषयामास पाण्डवम्। नकुलं हास्तिनपुरं भीष्माय पुरुषर्षभः॥ द्रोणाय धृतराष्ट्राय विदुराय कृपाय च। भ्रातृणां चैव सर्वेषां येऽनुरक्ता युधिष्ठिरे॥
Then that best of men, the king Yudhishthira, sent the Pandava Nakula to Hastinapur to Bring Bhishma, Drona, Dhritarashtra, Vidura, Kripa, and all those cousins who were attached to him.