Conquests of Nakula

वैशम्पायन उवाच नकुलस्य तु वक्ष्यामि कर्माणि विजयं तथा। वासुदेवजितामाशां यथासावजयत् प्रभुः॥
Vaishampayana said I shall now describe to you the conquests of Nakula and how that lord conquered the countries one subjugated by Vasudeva (Krishna).

निर्याय खाण्डवप्रस्थात् प्रतीचीमभितोदिशम्। उद्दिश्य मतिमान् प्रायान्महत्या सेनया सह॥
The intelligent (Nakula), surrounded by a large ariny, started from the Khandavaprastha and marched towards the west.

सिंहनादेन महता योधानां गर्जितेन च। रथनेमिनिनादैश्च कम्पयन् वसुधामिमाम्॥
The earth trembled with the shouts and the leonine roars of the warriors and the rattle of the chariot wheels.

ततो बहुधनं रम्यं गवाढ्यं धनधान्यवत्। कार्तिकेयस्य दयितं रोहीतकमुपाद्रवत्॥
He first attacked the hilly countries called Rohitaka which was dear to Kartikeya, and which was delightful, prosperous, and full of kine and every king of wealth.

तत्र युद्धं महच्चासीच्छूरैर्मत्तमयूरकैः। मरुभूमि स कात्स्र्थेन तथैव बहुधान्यकम्॥ च प्रतस्थे शैरीषकं महोत्थं च वशे चक्रे महाद्युतिः। आक्रोशं चैव राजर्षि तेन युद्धमभून्महत्॥
The battle between him and the heroic Mattamayurakas was a great one. The greatly effulgent (hero) then conquered the desert country and then the country, called Shairishaka which was full of wealth and paddy, then also that country, called Mahottha. a great battle was then fought with the royal saga, Akrosha.

तान् दशार्णान् स जित्वा पाण्डुनन्दनः। शिबींस्त्रिगर्तानम्बष्ठान् मालवान् पञ्चकर्पटान्॥ तथा माध्यमिकांश्चैव वाटधानान् द्विजानथ। पुनश्च परिवृत्याथ पुष्करारण्यवसिनः॥ गणानुत्सवसंकेतान् व्यजयत् पुरुषर्षभः। सिन्धुकूलाश्रिता ये च ग्रामणीया महाबलाः॥
Having subjugated the Dasharnas, the Shiva, the Trigartas, the Ambashthas, the Malavas, the five tribes of Karpatavas the twice-born tribes called Madhyamikas and Vatadhanas, the son of Pandu (Nakula) marched onwards. They turning back, that best of men (Nakula) subjudged all the tribes named Utsavasanketas, the greatly powerful Gramaniyas living on the sea coast,

शूद्राभीरगणाश्चैव ये चाश्रित्य सरस्वतीम्। वर्तयन्ति च ये मत्स्यैर्ये च पर्वतवासिनः॥
The Shudras, the Abhiras living on the banks of the Sarasvati, and all those tribes that lived on fishing and those that lived on the mountains.

कृत्स्नं पञ्चनदं चैव तथैवामरपर्वतम्। उत्तरज्योतिषं चैव तथा दिव्यकटं पुरम्॥ द्वारपालं च तरसा वशे चक्रे महाद्युतिः। रामठान् हारहूणांश्च प्रतीच्याश्चैव ये नृपाः॥
The whole country, called after the five rivers, the mountains called Amara, the country called Uttarajyotisha, the city of Divyakata and the tribe called Dvarapala, the Ramathas, the Harahunas, and the various other kings of the west were all subjugated by the greatly effulgent hero.

तान् सर्वान् स वशे चक्रे शासनादेव पाण्डवः। तत्रस्थः प्रेषयामास वासुदेवाय भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, having brought them all under his sway, the Pandava Nakula then sent messengers to Vasudeva (Krishna).

स चास्य गतभी राजन् प्रतिजग्राह शासनम्। ततः शाकलमभ्येत्य मद्राणां पुटभेदनम्॥
He (Krishna) with all the Yadavas accepted the sway (of the Pandavas). He then went to Shakala, the city of the Madras.

मातुलं प्रीतिपूर्वेण शल्यं चक्रे वशे बली। स तेन सत्कृतो राज्ञा सत्कारार्हो विशाम्पते॥
The hero made his uncle Shalya to accept cheerfully their (the Pandava's) sway, o king, deserving as he was of his uncle's hospitality and entertainment, he was well entertained by him.

रत्नानि भूरीण्यादाय सम्प्रतस्थे युधाम्पतिः। ततः सागरकुक्षिस्थान् म्लेच्छान् परमदारुणान्॥
The well-skilled hero in war (Sahadeva), taking a large amount of wealth and gems and jewels, marched onwards. He then subjugated the greatly fearful Mlecchas living in the Ocean.

पह्नवान् बर्बरांश्चैव किरातान् यवनाञ्छकान्। ततो रत्नान्युपादाय वशे कृत्वा च पार्थिवान्। न्यवर्तत कुरुश्रेष्ठो नकुलचित्रमार्गवित्॥
Also the barbarians called Palhavas, the Kiratas, the Yavanas and the Shakas. Having thus subjugated and exacted tribute from all the kings.

करभाणां सहस्राणि कोशं तस्य महात्मनः। ऊहुर्दश महाराज कृच्छ्रादिव महाधनम्॥
That best of the Kuru race, Nakula of great resources, then returned (to Indraprastha). So great was the treasure that he brought that ten thousand camels carried the treasure of that illustrious prince.

इन्द्रप्रस्थगतं वीरमभ्येत्य स युधिष्ठिरम्। ततो माद्रीसुतः श्रीमान् धनं तस्मै न्यवेदयत्॥
O great king, having arrived Indraprastha, the hero offered all the wealth of Yudhishthira.

एवं विजित्य नकुलो दिशं वरुणपालिताम्। प्रतीची वासुदेवेन निर्जितां भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, thus did Nakula conquer the west, presided over by Varuna, the at countries that had been once before conquered by Vasudeva (Krishna).