Conquest of Sahadeva

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथैव सहदेवोऽपि धर्मराजेन पूजितः। महत्या सेनया राजन् प्रययौ दक्षिणां दिशम्॥
Vaishampayana said O king, having been sent away with affection by Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), with a very large army Sahadeva, was marched towards the south.

स शूरसेनान् कात्स्न्र्येन पूर्वमेवाजयत् प्रभुः। मत्स्यराजं च कौरव्यो वशे चक्रे बलाद् बली॥
That powerful descendant of Kuru, the lord (Sahadeva), strong in his own strength, vanquished the Shurasenas at the very outset. He then subjugated the king of Matsya.

अधिराजाधिपं चैव दन्तवक्रं महाबलम्। जिगाय करदं चैव कृत्वा राज्ये न्यवेशयत्॥
Having vanquished the powerful king of the Adhirajas, Dantavakra, and having made him pay tribute, the hero (Sahadeva) then replaced him on his throne.

सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम्। तथैवापरमत्स्यांश्च व्यजयत् स पटच्चरान्॥
He then subjugated Sukumara and the king Sumitra, and then the other Matsyas, and then the Patachharas.

निषादभूमि गोशृङ्गं पर्वतप्रवरं तथा। तरसैवाजयद् धीमान् श्रेणिमन्तं च पार्थिवम्॥
The greatly intelligent (Sahadeva) then soon conquered the country of the Nishadas and also the best of hills, called Goshringa, and the king, called Shrenimana.

नरराष्ट्रं च निर्जित्य कुन्तिभोजमुपाद्रवत्। प्रीतिपूर्वं च तस्याजौ प्रतिजग्राह शासनम्॥
Having then conquered the country, named Nararashtra, he marched against Kuntibhoja. He (the king of Kuntibhoja) very willingly accepted the sway (of the Pandavas).

तत्तश्चर्मण्वतीकूले जम्भकंस्यात्मजं नृपम्। ददर्श वासुदेवेन शेषितं पूर्ववैरिणा॥
Then on the banks of the Charmanvati, he met the son of the king Jambhaka who had been formerly defeated by Vasudeva for some old hostilities.

चक्रे तेन स संग्राम सहदेवेन भारत। स तमाजौ विनिर्जित्य दक्षिणाभिमुखो ययौ॥
O descendant of Bharata, he fought a battle with Sahadeva, but he (Sahadeva) defeated him and then marched towards the south.

सेकानपरसेकांश्च व्यजयत् सुमहाबलः। करं तेभ्य उपादाय रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
The greatly powerful hero then subjugated the Sekas and the other Sekas, and exacted tribute from them in the shape of various gems and jewels.

ततस्तेनैव सहितो नर्मदामभितो ययौ। विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ सैन्येन महताऽऽवृतौ। जिगाय समरे वीरावाश्चिनेयः प्रतापवान्॥ ततो रत्नान्युपादाय पुरं भोजकटं ययौ।
With them all, he then went to wards the country watered by the Narmada. The mighty son of Ashvinis (Sahadeva) then vanquished in a battle the two heroic kings of Avanti, named Vinda and Anuvinda who were surrounded by a large number of soldiers. Having exacted much wealth from them, he went towards the city of Bhojakata.

तत्र युद्धमभूद् राजन् दिवसद्वयमच्युत्॥ स विजित्य दुराधर्ष भीष्मकं माद्रिनन्दनः।
O king, O Achyuta (unfolding glory), a great battle was fought there for two days. But the son of Madri, Sahadeva, defeated the invincible Bhishmaka.

कोसलाधिपतिं चैव तथा वेणातटाधिपम्॥ कान्तारकांश्च समरे तथा प्राक्कोसलान् नृपान्।
He then defeated in battle the king of Kosala, the king of Venatatha, the Kantarakas, and the kings of the eastern Kosalas.

नाटकेयांश्च समरे तथा हेरम्बकान् युधि॥ मारुधं च विनिर्जित्य रम्यग्राममथो बलात्। नाचीनानर्धकांश्चैव राज्ञश्चैव महाबलः॥ तांस्तानाटविकीन् सर्वानजयत् पाण्डुनन्दनः। वाताधिपं च नृपति वशं चक्रे महाबलः॥
Having then defeated in battle the Natakeyas and the Herambakas, and having subjugated the Marudhas, he conquered Munjagrama by force. He then vanquished the kings of the Nachinas, the Arbukas and the various other forest kings who ruled in that part of the country. The greatly powerful son of Pandu then subjugated the king Vatadhipa.

पुलिन्दांश्च रणे जित्वा ययौ दक्षिणतः पुरः। युयुधे पाण्ड्यराजेन दिवसं नकुलानुजः॥
Having defeated in battle the Pulindas, he marched towards the south. The younger brother of Nakula (Sahadeva) then fought for a day with the king of Pandya.

तं जित्वा स महाबाहुः प्रययौ दक्षिणापथम्। गुहामासादयामास किष्किन्धां लोकविश्रुताम्॥
Having vanquished him, the mighty armed (hero) went (further) towards the south. He then came to the world-renowned caves of Kishkindhya.

तत्र वानरराजाभ्यां मैन्देन द्विविदेन च। युयुधे दिवसान् सप्त न च तौ विकृतिं गतौ॥
Here fought he for seven days with the monkey kings, named Mainda and Dvivida. They too, however, did not at all feel fatigued (in the fight).

ततस्तुष्टौ महात्मानौ सहदेवाय वानरौ। ऊचतुश्चैव संहृष्टौ प्रीतिपूर्वमिदं वचः॥
Those two illustrious monkey-kings (were much) pleased with Sahadeva, and they thus joyfully spoke to him these affectionate words.

गच्छ पाण्डवशार्दूल रत्नान्यादाय सर्वशः। अविघ्नमस्तु कार्याय धर्मराजाय धीमते॥
"O best of the Pandavas, go (back) on receiving wealth from us. Let the work of the intelligent Dharmaraja be accomplished without any hindrance."

ततो रत्नान्युपादाय पुरी माहिष्मती ययौ। तत्र नीलेन राज्ञा स चक्रे युद्धं नरर्षभः॥
Thereupon, having received wealth that best of men, (Sahadeva), marched towards the city of Mahishmati. He fought there a battle with king Nila.

पाण्डवः परवीरनः सहदेवः प्रतापवान्। ततोऽस्यं सुमहद् युद्धमासीद् भीरुभयंकरम्॥
The battle between the chastiser of foes, the powerful Pandava, Sahadeva, and the king (Nila) was very fearful.

सैन्यक्षयकरं चैव प्राणानां संशयावहम्। चक्रे तस्य हि साहाय्यं भगवान् हव्यवाहनः॥
It destroyed many soldiers, and it endangered the life (of the hero Sahadeva), for the lord, the carrier of sacrificial libation (fire), was helping him (the king Nila).

ततो रथा हया नागाः पुरुषाः कवचानि च। प्रदीप्तानि व्यदृश्यन्त सहदेवबले तदा॥
The cars, horses, elephants, and the wellarmoured of Sahadeva's army all appeared as if they were on fire.

ततः सुसम्भ्रान्तमना बभूव कुरुनन्दनः। नोत्तरं प्रतिवक्तुं च शक्तोऽभूज्जनमेजय॥
Seeing this, that descendant of Kuru was filled with great anxiety. O Janamejaya, seeing this, the hero could not resolve upon what he should do. inen was

जनमेजय उवाच किमर्थं भगवान् वह्निः प्रत्यमित्रोऽभवद् युधि। सहदेवस्य यज्ञार्थं घटमानस्य वै द्विज॥
Janamejaya said O exalted one, O Brahmana, why was it that the deity Agni became hostile in battle to Sahadeva who fighting for the accomplishment of a sacrifice?

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत्र माहिष्मतीवासी भगवान् हव्यवाहनः। श्रूयते हि गृहीतो वै पुरस्तात् पारदारिकः॥
Vaishampayana said It is heard that Agni, living in the city of Mahishmati, was formerly taken for an adulterer.

नीलस्य राज्ञो दुहिता बभूवातीवशोभना। साग्निहोत्रमुपातिष्ठद् बोधनाय पितुः सदा॥
The daughter of the king Nila was exceedingly handsome. She always used to stay near her father's Agnihotra (sacred fire) to stir it up.

व्यजनै—यमानोऽपि तावत् प्रज्वलते न सः। यावच्चारुपुटौष्ठेन वायुना न विधूयते॥
Being fanned as much as was possible, the fire did not blaze up, till it was not blown by the breaths of the sweet lips of that girl

ततः स भगवानाग्निश्चकमे तां सुदर्शनाम्। नीलस्य राज्ञः सर्वेषामुपनीतश्च सोऽभवत्॥
It was said in the king Nila's palace and in the houses of all (men) that the illustrious Agni wanted to marry that beautiful maiden; and he was (in fact) accepted by her.

ततो ब्राह्मणरूपेण रममाणो यदृच्छया। चकमे तां वरारोहां कन्यामुत्पललोचनाम्। तं तु राजा यथाशास्त्रमशासद् धार्मिकस्तदा॥
One day when he (Agni), assuming the form of a Brahmana, was enjoying at pleasure in the company of that handsome girl, he was discovered by the king. The virtuous monarch then ordered the Brahmana to be punished according to law.

प्रजज्वाल ततः कोपाद् भगवान् हव्यवाहनः। तं दृष्ट्वा विस्मितो राजा जगाम शिरसावनिम्॥
Thereupon the illustrious carrier of sacrificial libations (Agni) blazed up in wrath. Seeing this, the king was filled with astonishment, and he bent his head to the ground.

ततः कालेन तां कन्यां तथैव हि तदा नृपः। प्रददौ विप्ररूपाय वह्नये शिरसा ततः॥
After sometime, bending his head low, the king bestowed his that daughter on Agni who was in the disguise of a Brahmana.

प्रतिगृह्य च तां सुबूं नीलराज्ञः सुतां तदा। चक्रे प्रसादं भगवांस्तस्य राज्ञो विभावसुः॥
The illustrious Vibhavasu (Agni) accepted that fire-browed daughter of the king Nila, and he bestowed on the king his favours.

वरेणच्छन्दयामास तं नृपं स्विष्टकृत्तमः। अभयं च स जग्राह स्वसैन्ये वै महीपतिः॥
The illustrious gratifier of all purposes (Agni) also asked the king to solicit a boon from him. The king asked the boon by which he with the troops while engaged in battle might never be struck with panic.

ततः प्रभृति ये केचिदज्ञानात् तां पुरी नृपाः। जिगीषन्ति बलाद् राजंस्ते दह्यन्ते स्म वह्निना॥
O king, from that day he, who out of ignorance of this, desires to subjugate the city of the king (Nila), is consumed by fire.

तस्यां पुर्यां तदा चैव माहिष्मत्यां कुरूद्वह। बभूवुरनतिग्राह्या योषितश्छन्दतः किल॥ एवमग्निर्वरं प्रादात् स्त्रीणामप्रतिवारणे। वरिण्यस्तत्र नार्यो हि यथेष्टं विचरन्त्युत॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, from that day the girls of the city of Mahishmati became rather unacceptable to others (as wives). Agni by his boon granted them sexual liberty. The women of that city, being not confined to a particular husband, always roamed as Sairini at will.

वर्जयन्ति च राजानस्तत् पुरं भरतर्षभ। भयादग्नेर्महाराज तदाप्रभृति सर्वदा॥
O best of the Bharata race, O great king, from that day all the kings avoid this city for the fear of fire.

सहदेवस्तु धर्मात्मा सैन्यं दृष्ट्वा भयादितम्। परीतमग्निना राजन् नाकम्पत यथाचलः। उपस्पृश्य शुचिर्भूत्वा सोऽब्रवीत् पावकं ततः॥
O king, the virtuous-minded Sahadeva also, seeing his troops afflicted with fear and encircled with flames, stood motionless as a mountain. Touching water and purifying himself, he thus spoke to Pavaka (fire).

सहदेव उवाच त्वदर्थोऽयं समारम्भः कृष्णवर्त्मन् नमोऽस्तु ते। मुखं त्वमसि देवानां यज्ञस्त्वमसि पावक॥
Sahadeva said O Pavaka, O Krishnavartman, (having) smoke for marking your track, I bow to you. You are the mouth of the celestials; you are the sacrifice itself.

पावनात् पावकश्चासि वहनाद्धव्यवाहनः। वेदास्त्वदर्थं जाता वै जातवेदास्ततो ह्यसि॥
You are called Pavaka, because you sanctify every thing; thing; you are called Havyavahana, because you carry the sacrificial libation of Ghee. The Vedas have all sprung from you, and therefore, you are called Jatavedas.

चित्रभानुः सुरेशश्च अनलस्त्वं विभावसो। स्वर्गद्वारस्पृशश्चासि हुताशो ज्वलनः शिखी॥
You are Suresha (chief of the celestials), you Chitrabhanu, Anala, Svargadvarsparshi, Vibhavasu, Hutasha, Jvalana, Shikhi.

वैश्वानरस्त्वं पिङ्गेशः प्लवङ्गो भूरितेजसः। कुमारसूस्त्वं भगवान् रुद्रगर्भो हिरण्यकृत्॥
Vaishvanara, Pingesha, Plavanga and Bhuritejas. You are the origin of Kumara (Kartikeya). O exalted one, you are called Rudragarbha and Hiranyakrit.

अग्निर्ददातु मे तेजो वायुः प्राणं ददातु मे। पृथिवी बलमादध्याच्छिवं चापो दिशन्तु मे॥
O Agni, let yourself grant me energy and let Vayu grant me life. Let earth grant me nourishment and strength, and let water grant me prosperity.

अपांगर्भ महासत्त्व जातवेदः सुरेश्वर। देवानां मुखमग्ने त्वं सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्॥
O the first cause of waters, O great purity, O the origin of the Vedas, Othe chief of the are celestials, O the mouth of the celestials, purify me by your truly.

ऋषिभिर्ब्राह्मणैश्चैव दैवतैरसुरैरपि। नित्यं सुहुत यज्ञेषु सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्॥
The Rishis, the Brahmanas, the celestials and the Asuras every day pour Ghee in the sacrifice according to the ordinance. Let the rays of truth emanate from you as you exhibit yourself in sacrifices. Purify me,

धूमकेतुः शिखी च त्वं पापहानिलसम्भवः। सर्वप्राणिषु नित्यस्थः सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्॥
O smoke-bannered deity, O possessor of flames, O deity born of Vayu, O god who is present in all creatures. Purify me by your rays of truth.

एवं स्तुतोऽसि भगवन् प्रीतेन शुचिना मया। तुष्टिं पुष्टिं श्रुतिं चैव प्रीतिं चाग्ने प्रयच्छ मे॥
O exalted one having cheerfully cleansed myself, I do pray to you, O Agni, grant me now contentment and prosperity, knowledge and gladness.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्येवं मन्त्रमाग्नेयं पठन् यो जुहुयाद् विभुम्। ऋद्धिमान् सततं दान्तः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
Vaishampayana said He, who will pour Ghee into Agni reciting these Mantras, will be ever blessed with prosperity. Having his souls under his complete control, he will be cleansed of all his sins.

सहदेव उवाच यज्ञविजमिमं कर्तुं नार्हस्त्वं हव्यवाहन। एवमुक्त्वा तु माद्रेयः कुशैरास्तीर्य मेदिनीम्॥
Sahadeva said O carrier of sacrificial libation (Agni), you should not put obstacle to a sacrifice. Having said this, the son of Madri (Sahadeva) spread some Kusha grass of the ground.

विधिवत् पुरुषव्याघ्रः पावकं प्रत्युपाविशत्। प्रमुखे तस्य सैन्यस्य भीतोद्विग्नस्य भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, that best of men in expectation of the approaching fire then sat himself down in front of his terrified and anxious troops.

न चैनमत्यगाद् वह्निर्वेलामिव महोदधिः। तमुपेत्य शनैर्वह्निरुवाच कुरुनन्दनम्॥
Like the ocean that never pass beyond its shore, Agni did not pass over his (Sahadeva). Agni quietly came to him, and he thus spoke to that descendant of the Kuru.

सहदेवं नृणां देवं सान्त्वपूर्वमिदं वचः। उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ कौरव्य जिज्ञासेयं कृता मया। वेदि सर्वमभिप्रायं तद धर्मसुतस्य च॥
Sahadeva, that god among men, these words of assurance, "O descendant of Kuru rise up, rise up. I was only trying you.

मया तु रक्षिताव्येयं पुरी भरतसत्तम। यावद् राज्ञो हि नीलस्य कुले वंशधरा इति॥
I know all your purposes as well as those of the son of Dharma (Yudhishthira). O best of the Bharata race, this city will be protected by me.

ईप्सितं तु करिष्यामि मनसस्तव पाण्डव॥ तत उत्थाय हृष्टात्मा प्राञ्जलिः शिरसा नतः।
So long as there will be a scion in the King Nila's dynasty. O son of Pandu, I shall, however, accomplish the desire of your heart.”

पूजयामाय माद्रेयः पावकं भरतर्षभ॥ पावके विनिवृत्ते तु नीलो राजाभ्यगात् तदा।
O best of the Bharata race, the son of Madri rose up with a cheerful heart and bowing down his head with joined hands, he worshipped Pavaka (Agni).

पावकस्याज्ञया चैनमर्चयामास पार्थिवः॥ सत्कारेण नरव्याघ्रं सहदेवं युधाम्पतिम्। प्रतिगृह्य च तां पूजां करे च विनिवेश्य च॥
On the disappearance of Pavaka king Nila came there, and at the command of that deity (Agni), the king worshipped with due rites that best of men and that master in war, Sahadeva, He accepted his worship and made him pay tribute.

माद्रीसुतस्ततः प्रायाद विजयी दक्षिणां दिशम्। त्रैपुरं स वशे कृत्वा राजानममितौजसम्॥
Thereupon the victorious son of Madri went further towards the south. Having subjugated the immeasurably effulgent Tripura.

निजग्राह महाबाहुस्तरसा पौरवेश्वरम्। आकृति कौशिकाचार्य यत्नेन महता ततः॥
The mighty armed (hero) soon vanquished and subjugated the Paurava King; and he then with great deal of effort subjugated the preceptor of Kaushika, Akriti.

वशे चक्रे महाबाहुः सुराष्ट्राधिपतिं तदा। सुराष्ट्रविषयस्थश्च प्रेषयामास रुक्मिणे॥ राजे भोजकटस्थाय महामात्राय धीमते। भीष्मकाय स धर्मात्मा साक्षादिन्द्रसखाय वै॥
The mighty armed (hero) then subjugated the king of Shurashtra. He sent an ambassador to king Rukmin of Bhishmaka in the territories of Bhojakata, who, rich in wealth and intelligence, was the friend of Indra.

स चास्य प्रतिजग्राह ससुतः शासनं तदा। प्रीतिपूर्वं महाराज वासुदेवमवेक्ष्य च॥
O great king, remembering his friendship with Vasudeva (Krishna), that king with his son cheerfully accepted their (the Pandavas) sway.

ततः स रत्नान्यादाय पुनः प्रायाद् युधाम्पतिः। ततः शूर्पारकं चैव तालाकटमथापि च॥
Taking many jewels and much wealth from him (Rukmin), that master of war (Sahadeva) then subjugated Shuparaka and Talakata.

वशे चक्रे महातेजा दण्डकांश्च महाबलः। सागरद्वीपवासांश्च नृपतीन् म्लेच्छयोनिजान्॥
The greatly powerful (hero) then brought under his sway the exceedingly energetic Dandaka. Then he subjugated many kings born of the Mleccha race and living in the island in the sea;

निषादान् पुरुषादांश्च कर्णप्रावरणानपि। ये च कालमुखा नाम नरराक्षसयोनयः॥
Then the Nishadas, the cannibals, the Karnapravanas, those tribes called Kalamukhas who were a cross race between the men and Rakshasas,

कृत्स्नं कोलागिरिं चैव सुरभीपत्तनं तथा। द्वीपं ताम्राह्वयं चैव पर्वतं रामकं तथा॥
The whole of the Cole mountains, also Shurabhipattna, the island called Copper Island and the mountain called Ramaka.

तिमिङ्गिलं च स नृपं वशे कृत्वा महामतिः। एकपादांश्च पुरुषान् केरलान् वनवासिनः॥
Having brought under subjection, king Timingila, the illustrious warrior subjugated a wild tribe, named the Keralas who were men with one leg.

नगरी संजयन्ती च पाखण्डं करहाटकम्। दूतैरेव वशे चक्रे करं चैनानदापयत्॥
The son of Pandu also subjugated the city of Sanjayanti and the country of the Pakhandas and Karahatakas by means of his messengers alone; and he made them all pay tribute to him.

पाण्ड्यांश्च द्रविडांश्चैव सहितांश्चोण्ड्रकेरलैः। आन्ध्रांस्तालवनांश्चैव कलिङ्गानुष्ट्रकर्णिकान्॥
The hero also subjugated and exacted tribute from the Pandyas, the Dravidas the Udrakeralas, the Andhras, the Talavanas the Kalinga, and the Ushtrakarnikas.

आटवीं च पुरी रम्यां यवनानां पुरं तथा। दूतैरेव वशे चक्रे करं चैनानदापयत्॥
He brought under his away the charming city of Atavi and also the city of the Yavanas by sending messengers and by exacting tribute.

तत: कच्छगतो धीमान् दूतं माद्रवतीसुतः। प्रेषयामास हैडिम्बं पौलस्त्याय महात्मने। विभीषणाय धर्मात्मा प्रीतिपूर्वमरिंदमः॥ स चास्य प्रतिजग्राह शासनं प्रीतिपूर्वकम्। तच्च कालकृतं धीमानभ्यमन्यत स प्रभुः॥
O king of kings, that slayer of foes, the virtuous and intelligent son of Madri (Sahadeva), having (at last) arrived at the sea coast, sent ambassadors to the illustrious Vibhishana, the grandson of Pulastya. He also cheerfully accept his sway.

ततः सम्प्रेषयामास रत्नानि विविधानि च। चन्दनागुरुकाष्ठानि दिव्यान्याभरणानि च॥
He (Vibhishana) sent to him (Sahadeva) various kinds of jewels and gems, sandal and aloe-woods, many celestials ornaments.

वासांसि च महार्हाणि मणींश्चैव महाधनान्। न्यवर्तत ततो धीमान् सहदेवः प्रतापवान्॥
Many costly apparels and many valuable pearls. Thereupon the intelligent Sahadeva returned to his kingdom.

एवं निर्जित्य तरसा सान्त्वेन विजयेन च। करदान् पार्थिवान् कृत्वा प्रत्यागच्छदरिंदमः॥
Having vanquished by war and by, conciliation many kings and having also made them pay tribute to him, that chastiser of foes returned (to his own city).

धर्मराजाय तत् सर्व निवेद्य भरतर्षभ। कृतकर्मा सुखं राजन्नुवास जनमेजय॥
O king, O Janamejaya, the best of the Bharata race (Sahadeva) presented all, that wealth to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) and regarded himself crowned with success, and he became very happy.