The northern conquests of Bhima

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कुमारविषये श्रेणिमन्तमथाजयत्। कोसलाधिपतिं चैव बृहद्बलमरिंदमः॥
Vaishampayana said Thereupun that chastiser of foes vanquished (king) Shrenimana of the country of Kumara, and then Vrihadvala, the king of Koshala.

अयोध्यायां तु धर्मज्ञं दीर्घयज्ञं महाबलम्। अजयत् पाण्डवश्रेष्ठो नातितीव्रण कर्मणा॥
The best of the Pandavas (Bhima) then vanquished the greatly powerful and virtuous (king) Dirghayajna of Ayodhya by performing greatly fearful deeds.

ततो गोपालकक्षं च सोत्तरानपि कोसलान्। मल्लानामधिपं चैव पार्थिवं चाजयत् प्रभुः॥
The lord (Bhima) then subjugated the country of Gopalakaksha and the northern Kosalas, and then the king of the Malla.

ततो हिमवतः पार्श्व समभ्येत्य जलोद्भवम्। सर्वमल्पेन कालेन देशं चक्रे वशं बली॥
The powerful (hero), then arrived at the damp country at the foot of the Himalayas and soon subjugated the whole of that country.

एवं बहुविधान् देशान् विजिग्ये भरतर्षभः। भल्लाटमभितो जिग्ये शुक्तिमन्तं च पर्वतम्॥
That best of the Bharata race (Bhima) thus brought under his sway various country of Bhallata and also the mountains of Shuktimanta.

पाण्डवः सुमहावीर्यो बलेन बलिनां वरः। स काशिराजं समरे सुबाहुमनिवर्तिनम्॥
The foremost of all powerful men, the greatly mighty Pandava (Bhima), then vanquished in battle Subahu, the king of Kashi, who never retreated (from the field).

वशे चक्रे महाबाहुर्भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। ततः सुपार्श्वमभितस्तथा राजपतिं क्रथम्॥ युध्यमानं बलात् संख्ये विजिग्ये पाण्डवर्षभः। ततो मत्स्यान् महातेजा मलदांश्च महाबलान्॥
And the mighty armed Bhima of fearful prowess brought him also under his sway. Then that best of the Pandavas by great force vanquished in battle Kratha who reigned (over and kingdom) near Suparshva. Then the greatly effulgent (hero) vanquished the Matsyas and the mighty Malavas.

अनघानभयांश्चैव पशुभूमिं च सर्वशः। निवृत्य च महाबाहुर्मदधारं महीधरम्॥
And all the countries, called Pashubhumi, which were free from all fear of oppression. Returning (from these places), that mighty armed (hero) vanquished Madadhara and Mahidhara.

सोमधेयांश्च निर्जित्य प्रययावुत्तरामुखः। वत्सभूमिं च कौन्तेयो विजिग्ये बलवान् बलात्॥
And the Somadheyas. He then marched towards the north. The mighty son of Kunti (Bhima) then by force conquered the country, named Vatsabhumi.

भर्गाणामधिपं चैव निषदाधिपति तथा। विजिग्ये भूमिपालांश्च मणिमत्प्रमुखान् बहून्।॥
He then conquered the king of the Bhargas, the king of the Nishadas, and many other rulers, Maniman being at their head.

ततो दक्षिणमल्लांश्च भोगवन्तं च पर्वतम्। तरसैवाजयद् भीमो नातितीव्रण कर्मणा॥
Then Bhima without any very great effort soon vanquished the southern Mallas and the mountain Bhogavanta.

शर्मकान् वर्मकांश्चैव व्यजयत् सान्त्वपूर्वकम्। वैदेहकं च राजानं जनकं जगतीपतिम्॥ विजिग्ये पुरुषव्याघ्रो नातितीव्रण कर्मणा। शकांश्च बर्बरांश्चैव अजयगच्छद्मपूर्वकम्॥
He then vanquished the Sharmakas and the Varmakas by a policy of conciliation. That best of men then without any very great exertion vanquished the king of Videha, the lord of the universe, Janaka. He then by craftiness vanquished the Shakas and the barbarians.

वैदेहस्थस्तु कौन्तेय इन्द्रपर्वतमन्तिकात्। किरातानामधिपतीनजयत् सप्त पाण्डव॥
The son of Kunti, the Pandava (Bhima), sent forth expeditions from Videha and conquered the seven kings of the Kiratas, living on the Indra Parvata (imountains).

ततः सुह्मान् प्रसुह्मांश्च सपक्षानतिवीर्यवान्। विजित्य युधि कौन्तेयो मागधानभ्यधाद् बली॥ दण्डं च दण्डधारं च विजित्य पृथिवीपतीन्। तैरेव सहितैः सर्वैर्गिरिव्रजमुपाद्रवत्॥
Thereupon the greatly energetic and powerful hero, the son of Kunti (Bhima), vanquished the Suhamas and the Prasuhmas, winning over to his his side Danda and Dandadhara. Being accompanied by all other kings, the Pandava (Bhima) then marched towards Girivraja.

जारासंधिं सान्त्वयित्वा करे च विनिवेश्य ह। तैरेव सहितैः सर्वैः कर्णमभ्यद्रवद् बली॥
Having subjugated the son of Jarasandha by conciliation and having made him pay tribute, the hero, accompanied by all the kings he had vanquished, marched against Karna.

स कम्पयन्निव महीं बलेन चतुरङ्गिणा। युयुधे पाण्डवश्रेष्ठः कर्णेनामित्रघातिना॥
Making the earth tremble by his troops of four kinds, that best of the Pandavas fought (a battle) with that slayer of foes Karna.

स कर्णं युधि निर्जित्य वशे कृत्वा च भारत। ततो विजिग्ये बलवान् राज्ञः पर्वतवासिनः॥
O descendant of Bharata, having vanquished and brought under his away Karna, he then vanquished the powerful kings who lived on the mountains.

अथ मोदागिरौ चैव राजानं बलवत्तरम्। पाण्डवो बाहुवीर्येण निजघान महामृधे॥
The Pandava (Bhima) then in a fearful fight killed by the strength of his arms the mighty king who dwelt in Madagiri.

ततः पुण्ड्राधिपं वीरं वासुदेवं महाबलम्। कौशिकीकच्छनिलयं राजानं च महौजसम्॥
O king, he then subjugated the heroic and greatly powerful Vasudeva, the king of Pundra, and the king Mahaujasa who lived in Kaushikacha.

उभौ बलभृतौ वीरावुभौ तीव्रपराक्रमौ। निर्जित्याजी महाराज वङ्गराजमुपाद्रवत्॥
O great king, having vanquished both these heroic and greatly powerful kings, the son of Pritha (Bhima), then attacked the king of Vanga.

समुद्रसेनं निर्जित्य चन्द्रसेनं च पार्थिवम्। ताम्रलिप्तं च राजानं कर्वटाधिपतिं तथा॥
Having vanquished Samudarasena and the king Chandrasena, the king of Tamralipta and the king of Karvata.

सुह्यानामधिपं चैव ये च सागरवासिनः। सर्वान् म्लेच्छगणांश्चैव विजिग्ये भरतर्षभः॥
The ruler of the Suhamas and also the kings that lived on the sea coast, the best of the Bharata race (Bhima) subjugated all the Mlecchas.

एवं बहुविधान् देशान् विजित्य पवनात्मजः। वसु तेभ्य उपादाय लौहित्यमगमद् बली॥
Having thus conquered various countries and having taken much wealth from them all, the powerful son of Pavana (wind), came to Lohitya.

स सर्वान् म्लेच्छनृपतीन् सागरानूपवासिनः। करमाहारयामास रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
From all the kings of the Mlecchas who lived on the coast of these, he exacted tribute in the shape of various gems and jewels.

चन्दनागुरुवस्त्राणि मणिमौक्तिककम्बलम्। काञ्चनं रजत चैव विद्रुमं च महाधनम्॥
Sandalwood, ales, clothes, gems, pearls, blankets, gold, silver and valuable corals.

ते कोटिशतसंख्येन कौन्तेयं महता तदा। अभ्यवर्षन् महात्मानं धनवर्षेण पाण्डवम्॥
They (the Mleccha kings) showered upon the illustrious son of Kunti, the Pandava (Bhima), every thick shower of wealth counted by hundreds of millions.

इन्द्रप्रस्थमुपागम्य भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। निवेदयामास तदा धर्मराजाय तद् धनम्॥
Have arrived at Indraprastha, Bhima of fearful prowess offered all those wealth to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira).