Conquests of Bhima

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु भीमसेनोऽपि वीर्यवान्। धर्मरजमनुप्राप्य ययौ प्राची दिशं प्रति॥
Vaishampayana said In the meantime, having received the permission of Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), the powerful Bhimasena marched towards the east.

महता बलचक्रेण परराष्ट्रावमर्दिना। हस्त्यश्वरथपूर्णेन दंशितेन प्रतापवान्॥ वृतो भरतशार्दूलो द्विषच्छोकविवर्द्धनः। स गत्वा नरशार्दूल: पञ्चालानां पुरं महत्॥
That best of the Bharata race (Bhima), that hero of great velour and enhancer of the enemy's sorrow, was accompanied by a powerful army with the full compliment of elephants, horses and cars, an army well-armed and capable of grinding all hostile kingdoms, that best of men (Bhima) first went to thereat country of the Panchalas.

पञ्चालान् विविधेपायैः सान्त्वयामास पाण्डवः। ततः स गण्डकाञ्छूरो विदेहान् भरतर्षभः॥ विजित्याल्पेन कालेन दशार्णानजयत् प्रभुः। तत्र दाशार्णको राजा सुधर्मा लोमहर्षणम्। कृतवान् भीमसेनेन महद् युद्धं निरायुधम्॥
The Pandava (Bhima) began to conciliate the Panchalas by various means. Then that best of the Bharata race soon defeated the Gandakas and Videhas. The Lord (Bhima) then subjugated the Dasarnas. The king of the Dasarnas, Sudharma.

भीमसेनस्तु तद् दृष्ट्वा तस्य कर्म महात्मनः। अधिसेनापतिं चक्रे सुधर्माणं महाबलम्॥
Fought a fearful battle with Bhima without any arms. Seeing the feat of that illustrious (king), Bhimasena installed installed the mighty Sudharma as the generalissimo (of his army).

ततः प्राची दिशं भीमो ययौ भीमपराक्रमः। सैन्येन महता राजन् कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम्॥
O king, causing the earth itself to tremble with the tread of the mighty army that followed him, then Bhima of fearful velour marched towards the east.

सोऽश्वमेधेश्वरं राजन् रोचमानं सहानुगम्। जिगाय समरे वीरो बलेन बलिनां वरः॥
O king, that hero, the foremost of all mighty men, then defeated in battle Rochaman, the king of Ashvamedha, with all his troops.

स तं निर्जित्य कौन्तेयो नातितीव्रण कर्मणा॥ पूर्वदेशं महावीर्यो विजिग्ये कुरुनन्दन॥
Having vanquished that king by performing feats that excelled in fierceness, the greatly powerful descendant of Kuru subjugated the eastern region.

ततो दक्षिणमागम्य पुलिन्दनगरं महत्। सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम्॥
He then went to the south in the great city of the Pulindas and subjugated Sukumara and the king Sumitra.

ततस्तु धर्मराजस्य शासनाद् भरतर्षभः। शिशुपालं महावीर्यमभ्यगाज्जनमेजय॥
O Janamejaya, then at the command of Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, that best of the Bharata race marched against the greatly powerful Shishupala.

चेदिराजोऽपि तच्छ्रुत्वा पाण्डवस्य चिकीर्षितम्। उपनिष्क्रम्य नगरात् प्रत्यगृहणात् परंतप॥
Having heard the intentions of the Pandava (Bhima), the king of Chedi came out of his city. That chastiser of foes then received the son of Pritha with all respects.

तौ समेत्य महाराज कुरुचेदिवृषौ तदा। उभयोरात्मकुलयोः कौशल्यं पर्यपृच्छताम्॥
O great king, those two best of the Kuru and the Chedi race then met together and inquired after each other's welfare.

ततो निवेद्य तद् राष्ट्र चेदिराजो विशाम्पते। उवाच भीमं प्रहसन् किमिदं कुरुषेऽनघ॥
O king, the king of Chedi offered his kingdom to Bhima, and he smilingly said "O sinless one, what are you bent upon to do?

तस्य भीमस्तदाऽचख्यौ धर्मराजचिकीर्षितम्। स च तं प्रतिगृह्येव तथा चक्रे नराधिपः॥
Thereupon Bhima told him all about the intentions of the king Yudhishthira. That king acted as desired (by the Pandava).

ततो भीमस्तत्र राजन्नुषित्वा त्रिदश क्षपाः। सत्कृत: शिशुपालेन ययौ सबलवाहनः॥
O king, having been duly entertained by Shishupala, Bhima lived there for thirty nights. He then set out from Chedi with his troops and vehicles.