Arrival of Krishna

वैशम्पायन उवाच ऋषेस्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा निशश्वास युधिष्ठिरः। चिन्तयन् राजसूयेष्टिं न लेभे शर्म भारत॥
Vaishampayana said O descendant of Bharata, having heard these words of the Rishi (Narada) Yudhishthira heaved sight. Full of the thought of the Rajasuya, (sacrifice), the king did not get any peace of mind.

राजर्षीणां च तं श्रुत्वा महिमानं महात्मनाम्। यज्वनां कर्मभिः पुण्यैर्लोकप्राप्ति समीक्ष्य च॥ हरिश्चन्द्रं च राजर्षि रोचमानं विशेषतः। यज्वानं यज्ञमाहर्तुं राजसूयमियेष सः॥
Having heard the glory of the illustrious kings of old and having known their acquisition of regions of felicity by the performance of sacrifices and scared deeds, and having also thought the great sacrifice performed by the royal sage Harishchandra, the king Yudhishthira desired to make preparations for the Rajasuya sacrifice.

युधिष्ठिरस्ततः सर्वानर्चयित्वा सभासदः। प्रत्यर्चितश्च तैः सर्वैर्यज्ञायैव मनो दधे॥
Having worshipped all his Sabhasadas (counsellors and officers) and having been worshipped by them in return, he consulted with them about the sacrifice.

स राजसूयं राजेन्द्र कुरूणामृषभस्तदा। आहर्तुं प्रवणं चक्रे मनः संचिन्त्य चासकृत्॥
O king of kings, having reflected much, the best of the Kurus, (Yudhishthira) resolved to make preparations to perform that sacrifice.

भूयश्चाद्भुतवीर्यौजा धर्ममेवानुचिन्तयन्। किं हितं सर्वलोकानां भवेदिति मनो दधे॥
Reflecting upon virtue and righteousness, that king of wonderful energy and prowess set his heart to find out what should be beneficial to all his people.

अनुगृह्णन् प्रजाः सर्वाः सर्वधर्मभृतां वरः। अविशेषेण सर्वेषां हितं चक्रे युधिष्ठिरः॥
The foremost of all virtuous men Yudhishthira, ever kind to all his subjects, always acted without any distinction for the good of all.

सर्वेषां दीयतां देयं मुञ्चन् कोपमदावुभौ। साधु धर्मेति धर्मेति नान्यच्छ्रयेत भाषितम्॥
Dispelling all anger and vengeance he always said, “Give to each what each is to have.” The only sounds that could be heard (in his kingdom) were, "Blessed be Dharma, blessed be Dharma."

एवंगते ततस्तस्मिन् पितरीवाश्वसञ्जनः। न तस्य विद्यते द्वेष्टा ततोऽस्याजातशत्रुता॥
Having thus conducted himself and having given every one paternal assurance, he had none in his kingdom who entertained any hostile feelings towards him. He therefore came to be called Ajatasatru (enemy-less).

परिग्रहान्नरेन्द्रस्य भीमस्य परिपालनात्। शत्रूणां क्षपणाच्चैव बीभत्सोः सव्यसाचिनः॥
The king treated every one as if he was one of his own family; and Bhima ruled them all justly and impartially. Vibhatsu Savyasachi (Arjuna) by using both his hands protected all from their enemies.

धीमतः सहदेवस्य धर्माणामनुशासनात्। वैनत्यात् सर्वतश्चैव नकुलस्य स्वभावतः। अविग्रहा वीतभयाः स्वधर्मनिरताः सदा॥
The intelligent Sahadeva administered justice with all impartiality, and Nakula treated all with humility which was natural to his character. (For all this the kingdom became) free from quarrels and fear of all kinds. All people were engaged in their respective works.

निकामवर्षाः स्फीताश्च आसञ्जनपदास्तथा। वार्धषी यज्ञसत्त्वानि गोरक्षं कर्षणं वणिक्॥
The rains were as much as could be desired and the kingdom became full of prosperity. Persons living on usury, things necessary for sacrifices, cattle-rearing, tillage, and trades, all and everything grew in prosperity.

विशेषात् सर्वमेवैतत् संजज्ञे राजकर्मणा। अनुकर्षं च निष्कर्ष व्याधिपावकमूर्च्छनम्॥
In consequence of the good deeds of the kings, there was in his kingdom no extortion, no oppression in the realisation of rents, and no fear of disease, of fire, of death by poisoning, and of incantations,

सर्वमेव न तत्रासीद् धर्मनित्ये युधिष्ठिरे। दस्युभ्यो वञ्चकेभ्यश्च राज्ञः प्रति परस्परम्॥ राजवल्लभतश्चैव नाश्रूयत मृषा कृतम्। प्रियं कर्तुमुपस्थातुं बलिकर्म स्वकर्मजम्॥ अभिहर्तुं नृपाः षट्सु पृथग् जात्यैश्च नैगमैः। ववृधे विषयस्तत्र धर्मनित्ये युधिष्ठिरे॥
In consequence of Yudhishthira being ever devoted to virtue, it was never heard that thieves or cheats or royal favourites did not wrong towards one another. In consequence of Yudhishthira's devotion to virtue his tributary chiefs always waited upon him to render him good service on the six occasions (of war, treaty etc.); and the traders and merchants of different classes paid him their dues taxes liveable on their respective trades. Thus the kingdom grew in prosperity.

कामतोऽप्युपयुञ्जानै राजसैलॊभजैर्जनैः। सर्वव्यापी सर्वगुणी सर्वसाहः सह सर्वराट्॥
The prosperity of the kingdom increased even by greatly voluptuous and luxurious persons. The king possessed every accomplishment and he bore every thing in patience. His sway extended over all.

यस्मिन्नधिकृतः सम्राट् भ्राजमानो महायशाः। यत्र राजन् दश दिशः पितृतो मातृतस्तथा। अनुरक्ताः प्रजा आसन्नागोपाला द्विजातयः॥
O king whichever countries this renowned and the illustrious king conquered the people of them, from Brahmanas to peasants, were all more attached to him than to their own parents.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स मन्त्रिणः समानाय भ्रातूंश्च वदतां वरः। राजसूयं प्रति तदा पुनः पुनरपृच्छत॥
That foremost of speakers (Yudhishthira) summoned together his brothers and ministers and asked them again and again about the Rajasuya sacrifice.

ते पूच्छमानाः सहिता वचोऽर्थ्य मन्त्रिणस्तदा। युधिष्ठिरं महाप्राज्ञं यियक्षुमिदमब्रुवन्॥
Having been thus asked by the greatly wise Yudhishthira eager to perform the sacrifice, they spoke to him these words of grave import.

येनाभिषिक्तो नृपतिर्वारुणं गुणमृच्छति। तेन राजापि तं कृत्स्नं सम्राङ्गुणमभीप्सति॥
The Ministers said A king already in possession of a kingdom wishes to acquire all the attributes of an emperor by means of the sacrifice, (Rajasuya) a sacrifice that helps to acquire the attributes of Varuna.

तस्य सम्राङ्गुणार्हस्य भवतः कुरुनन्दन। राजसूयस्य समयं मन्यन्ते सुहृदस्तव।॥
O descendant of Kuru, you are worthy the attributes of an emperor; therefore your friends consider that the time has come for you to perform the Rajasuya sacrifice.

तस्य यज्ञस्य समयः स्वाधीनः क्षत्रसम्पदा। साम्ना षडग्नयो यस्मिश्चीयन्ते शंसितव्रतैः॥
In consequence of your Kshatriya possessions, the time for the performance of that sacrifice has come, the sacrifice in which the Rishis of rigid vows establish the six fires with the Mantras of the Sama Veda.

दर्वीहोमानुपादाय सर्वान् यः प्राप्नुते क्रतून्। अभिषेकं च यस्यान्ते सर्वजित् तेन चोच्यते॥
At the conclusion of a Rajasuya sacrifice, the performer is said to be installed in the sovereignty of an empire; he is then rewarded with the fruits of all sacrifices including the Agnihotra sacrifice. It is for this he is called the conqueror of all.

समर्थोऽसि महाबाहो सर्वे ते वशगा वयम्। अचिरात् त्वं महाराज राजसूयमवाप्स्यसि॥
O mighty armed hero, O great king, you are quite capable of performing this sacrifice. We are all obedient to you. You will soon be able to perform the Rajasuya.

अविचार्य महाराज राजसूये मनः कुरु। सर्वे पृथक् च सह चाब्रुवन्।॥
O great king, set your mind to perforin the Rajasuya without any further discussion." Vaishampayana said Thus spoke to the king all his friends and counsellors separately and together.

इत्येवं सुहदः स धर्म्यं पाण्डवस्तेषां वचः श्रुत्वा विशाम्पते। धृष्टमिष्टं वरिष्ठं च जग्राह मनसारिहा॥
O king, having heard their these virtuous, bold, agreeable and weighty words, the son of Pandu (Yudhishthira), accepted them in is mind.

श्रुत्वा सुहृद्वचस्तच्च जाश्चाप्यात्मनः क्षमम्। पुनः पुनर्मनो दधे राजसूयाय भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, having heard these words of his friends and having known his own strength also, the king again thought in his mind about the Rajasuya.

स भ्रातृभिः पुन/मानृत्विग्भिश्च महात्मभिः। मन्त्रिभिश्चापि सहितो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। धौम्यद्वैपायनाद्यैश्च मन्त्रयामास मन्त्रवित्॥
The intelligent Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, ever wise in counsel, again consulted with his brothers, with his ministers, his Ritvijas, his priest, Dhaumya and Dvaipayana and others.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच इयं या राजसूयस्य सम्राडर्हस्य सुक्रतोः। श्रद्दधानस्य वदतः स्पृहा मे सा कथं भवेत्॥
Yudhishthira said How can this Rajasuya sacrifice, which is worthy of an emperor and which my mind is desirous to perform, be accomplished only by my faith and speech?

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तास्तु राजीवलोचन। इदमूचुर्वचः काले धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Vaishampayana said O lotus-eyed hero, having been thus asked by the king, they thus spoke to the Dharmaraja Yudhishthira at that time.

अर्हस्त्वमसि धर्मज्ञ राजसूयं महाक्रतुम्। अथैवमुक्ते नृपतावृत्विग्भिर्ऋषिभिस्तथा॥
"O king, learned in the precepts of virtue, you are worthy of performing the great sacrifice of Rajasuya.” When the Ritvijas and the Rishis told these words.

मन्त्रिणो भ्रातरश्चान्ये तद्वचः प्रत्यपूजयन्। स तु राजा महाप्राज्ञः पुनरेवात्मनाऽऽत्मवान्॥ ते तेन राज्ञा भूयो विममृशे पार्थो लोकानां हितकाम्यया। सामर्थ्ययोगं सम्प्रेक्ष्य देशकालौ व्ययागमौ॥
His ministers and his brothers highly approved of his words. The greatly wise and self-controlled son of Pritha (Yudhishthira), ever desirous to do good to the world, again thought over the matter in his mind, taking into his consideration his won strength and means, the time and the place, his income and expenditure.

विमृश्य सम्यक् च धिया कुर्वन् प्राज्ञो न सीदति। न हि यज्ञसमारम्भः केवलात्मविनिश्चयात्॥
He knew that the wise never come to grief, because they always act after due deliberation, He thought that the sacrifice should not be commenced pursuant to his own resolution only.

भवतीति समाज्ञाय यत्नतः कार्यमुद्वहन्। स निश्चयार्थ कार्यस्य कृष्णमेव जनार्दनम्॥
Carefully bearing on his shoulder the weight of affairs, he (Yudhishthira) thought of Krishna Janardana as the fittest person to decide the matter.

सर्वलोकात् परं मत्वा जगाम मनसा हरिम्। अप्रमेयं महाबाहुं कामाज्जातमजं नृषु॥
knowing his (Krishna) to be the foremost of all persons, the possessor of immeasurable; energy, the mighty-armed, (hero), being without birth and was born among men only out of his pleasure, he (Yudhishthira) thought of Hari (Krishna) in his mind.

पाण्डवस्तर्कयामास कर्मभिर्देवसम्मतैः। नास्य किंचिदविज्ञातं नास्य किंचिदकर्मजम्॥ न स किंचिन्न विषहेदिति कृष्णममन्यत। स तु तां नैष्ठिकी बुद्धिं कृत्वा पार्थो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having reflected upon his God-like feats, the son of Pandu (Yudhishthira) thought that there could be nothing unknown to him nothing unachievable by him and nothing that he could not bear. Having argued thus, he remembered Krishna. Having come to this settled conclusion, the of Pritha Yudhishthira.

गुरुवद् भूतगुरवे प्राहिणोद् दूतमञ्जसा। शीघ्रगेन रथेनाशु स दूतः प्राप्य यादवान्॥
son Soon sent a messenger to that lord of all beings, sending through him (the messenger) blessings and agreeable words such as the elder should send to his younger. Riding on a swift car, that messenger soon reached the Yadavas.

द्वारकावासिनं कृष्णं द्वारवत्यां समासदत्। धर्मनाकाक्षिणं पार्थं दर्शनाकाक्षयाच्युतः॥
He arrived at Dvaravati in which Dvaravati city Krishna was living. Having heard that the son of Pritha (Yudhishthira) was eager to see him, Achyuta (Krishna) also became eager to see him.

इन्द्रसेनेन सहित इन्द्रप्रस्थमगात् तदा। व्यतीत्य विविधान् देशांस्त्वरावान् क्षिप्रवाहनः॥
Passing quickly through various countries on (the car yoked with his swift horses, he arrived at Indraprastha with Indrasena.

इन्द्रप्रस्थगतं पार्थमभ्यगच्छज्जनार्दनः। स गृहे पितृवद् भ्रात्रा धर्मराजेन पूजितः। भीमेन च ततोऽपश्यत् स्वसारं प्रीतिमान् पितुः॥
Having arrived at Indraprastha, Janardana (Krishna) came to son of Pritha (Yudhishthira). He was worshipped by his cousin Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) in his house with paternal affection.

प्रीतः प्रीतेन सुहृदा रेमे स सहितस्तदा। अर्जुनेन यमाभ्यां च गुरुवत् पर्युपासितः॥ तं विश्रान्तं शुभे देशे क्षणिनं कल्पमच्युतम्। धर्मराजः समागम्याज्ञापयत् स्वप्रयोजनम्॥
He was also received by Bhima as affectionately. He then went cheerfully to see the sister of his father (Kunti). He was worshipped by the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) their superiors. superiors. He then conversed with his friend Arjuna with joy; Arjuna was very glad to see him. Then when he had rested for sometime in that pleasant place and become fully refreshed, Yudhishthira came to him and spoke to him his business.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच प्रार्थितो राजसूयो मे न चासौ केवलेप्सया। प्राप्यते येन तत् ते हि विदितं कृष्ण सर्वशः॥
Yudhishthira said. O Krishna, I have desired to perform the Rajasuya sacrifice, but it cannot be performed as by my simply wishing to perform it. You know every thing by which it may be accomplished.

यस्मिन् सर्वं सम्भवति यश्च सर्वत्र पूज्यते। यश्च सर्वेश्वरो राजा राजसूयं स विन्दति॥
He in whom every thing is possible he who is worshipped every where and he who is the king of all kings can alone perform this sacrifice.

तं राजसूयं सुहृदः कार्यमाहुः समेत्य मे। तत्र मे निश्चिततमं तव कृष्ण गिरा भवेत्॥
O Krishna, my friends and ministers have said that I should perform it, but your words will be my guide in this matter.

केचिद्धि सौहृदादेव न दोषं परिचक्षते। स्वार्थहेतोस्तथैवान्ये प्रियमेव वदन्त्युत॥
Some (counsellors) do not notice faults (difficulties) out of friendship. Some out of self interest say only that which will be agreeable to the hearer.

प्रियमेव परीप्सन्ते केचिदात्मनि यद्धितम्। एवमप्रायाश्च दृश्यन्ते जनवादाः प्रयोजने॥
Some again consider that which is beneficial to them as the fittest thing to be adopted, Men are seen to advice thus in business.

त्वं तु हेतूनतीत्यैतान् कामक्रोधौ व्युदस्य च। परमं यत् क्षमं लोके यथावद् वक्तुमर्हसि॥
You are above all motives; you have conquered anger and desire; you should tell me which is most beneficial to the world.