The construction of the assembly-hall

वैशम्पायन उवाच अथाब्रवीन्मयः पार्थमर्जुनं जयतां वरम्। आपृच्छे त्वां गमिष्यामि पुनरेष्यामि चाप्यहम्॥
Vaishampayana said Then Maya spoke thus to the son of Pritha, Arjuna, the foremost of all victorious warriors, "I shall now go away with your permission, but shall soon come back.

उत्तरेण तु कैलासं मैनाकं पर्वतं प्रति। यियक्षमाणेषु पुरा दानवेषु मया कृतम्॥ चित्रं मणिमयं भाण्डं रम्यं बिन्दुसरः प्रति। सभायां सत्यसंधस्य यदासीद् वृषपर्वणः॥
When the Danavas were engaged in a sacrifice on the banks of the Bindu lake, in the north of the Kailasa near the Mainaka mountains I gathered charming and variegated Bhanda (mass of rough stones) of jewels and gems. I kept it in the house of Vrishaparva.

आगमिष्यामि तद् गृह्य यदि तिष्ठति भारत। ततः सभां करिष्यामि पाण्डवस्य यशस्विनीम्॥ मनः प्रह्लादिनी चित्रां सर्वरत्नभूषिताम्। अस्ति बिन्दुसरस्युग्रा गदा च कुरुनन्दन॥
O descendant of Bharata, if it still exists there, I shall come back with it. I shall then build a renowned, delightful and beautiful a assembly-hall for the Pandavas, which will be adorned with all gems gems and jewels. O descendant of Kuru, there is also a club in the Bindu lake.

निहिता भावयाम्येवं राज्ञा हत्वा रणे रिपून्। सुवर्णबिन्दुभिश्चित्रा गुर्वी भारसहा दृढा॥
Kept there by the king (of the Danavas) who killed with it all his foes in battle. It is hard and strong and variegated with golden knobs, it is capable of standing great weight.

सा वै शतसहस्रस्य सम्मितां शत्रुघातिनी। अनुरूपा च भीमस्य गाण्डीवं भवतो यथा॥
It can kill all focs, and it is equal in strength to one hundred thousand clubs. It is a fit weapon for Bhima as the Gandiva (bow) is yours.

वारुणश्च महाशङ्खो देवदत्त: सुघोषवान्। सर्वमेतत् प्रदास्यामि भवते नात्र संशयः॥
(There is also in that lake) a large conchshell of loud sound, named Devadatta which was produced by Varuna (Ocean). There is no doubt I shall give all these to you."

इत्युक्त्वा सोऽसुरः पार्थं प्रागुदीची दिशं गतः। अथोत्तरेण कैलासान्मनाकं पर्वतं प्रति॥
Having said this to Partha, that Asura (Maya) went away in a north-eastern direction. On the north of the Kailasa near the Mainaka mountains.

हिरण्यशृङ्गः सुमहान् महामणिमयो गिरिः। रम्यं बिन्दुसरो नाम यत्र राजा भगीरथः॥
There is a great peak full of many gems and jewels, called Hiranya Shringa. (There is) a charming lake named Bindusara where (once dwelt) king Bhagiratha.

द्रष्टुं भागीरथीं गङ्गामुवास बहुलः समाः। यत्रेष्टं सर्वभूतानामीश्वरेण महात्मना॥
He lived there for a long period with the desire of seeing the Ganges which is called Bhagirathi (after him). Here the illustrious lord of all creatures.

आहृताः क्रतवो मुख्याः शतं भरतसत्तम। यत्र यूपा मणिमयाश्चैत्याश्चापि हिरण्मयाः॥ शोभार्थं विहितास्तत्र न तु दृष्टान्ततः कृताः। अष्ट्वा स गतः सिद्धिं सहस्राक्षः शचीपतिः॥
O best of the Bharata race, performed one hundred great sacrifices. There were placed at this spot for beauty, many sacrificial stakes made of gems, and many sacrificial ultras made of gold though not according to the ordinance. Here after performing those sacrifices the deity of one thousand eyes, the husband of Sachi, acquired Siddhi (final success).

यत्र भूतपतिः सृष्ट्वा सर्वान् लोकान् सनातनः। उपास्यते तिग्मतेजाः स्थितो भूतैः सहस्रशः॥
Here the greatly effulgent lord of spirits (Shiva), the eternal lord of all creatures lived after creating all the worlds and here he was worshipped by all the sprites.

नरनारायणौ ब्रह्मा यमः स्थाणुश्च पञ्चमः। उपासते यत्र सत्रं सहस्रयुगपर्यये॥
Here Nara and Narayana, Brahma, Yama and the fifth Sthanu performed sacrifices after the expiration of one thousand Yugas.

यत्रेष्टं वासुदेवेन सत्रैर्वर्षगणान् बहून्। श्रद्दधानेन सततं धर्मसम्प्रतिपत्तये॥
Here for the establishment of virtue and religion Vasudeva with with pious devotion performed his sacrifices with extended for many long years.

सुवर्णमालिनो युपाश्चैत्याश्चाप्यतिभास्वराः। ददौ यत्र सहस्राणि प्रयुतानि च केशवः॥
Where Keshava placed thousands and tens of thousands of sacrificial stakes adorned with garlands of gold and innumerable (sacrificial) altars of great splendour.

तत्र गत्वा स जग्राह गदां शङ्ख च भारत। स्फाटिकं च सभाद्रव्यं यदासीद् वृषपर्वणः॥
O descendant of Bharata, going there he (Maya) brought the club, the conch shall and the various articles of crystal which belonged to Vrishaparva, (the Danava king).

किंकरैः सह रक्षोभिर्यदरक्षन्महद् धनम्। तदगृहणान्मयस्तत्र गत्वा सर्वं महासुरः॥
Going there thereat Asura, Maya, took all the great wealth which was guarded by the Takshas and Rakshasas and Kinkaras.

तदाहृत्य च तां चक्रे सोऽसुरोऽप्रतिमा सभाम्। विश्रुतां त्रिषु लोकेषु दिव्यां मणिमयीं शुभाम्॥
Bringing them away, the Asura (Maya) built with them a matchless assembly-hall. It was celebrated throughout the three worlds, it was beautiful, it was celestials, and it was full of gems and jewels.

यदां च भीमसेनाय प्रवरां प्रददौ तदा। देवदत्तं चार्जुनाय शङ्खप्रवरमुत्तमम्॥
He gave to Bhimasena that best of clubs (that was in the lake) he also gave to Arjuna that excellent and the best conch.

यस्य शङ्खस्य नादेन भूतानि प्रचकम्पिरे। सभा च सा महाराज शातकुम्भमयदुमा॥ दशकिष्कुसहस्राणि समन्तादायताभवत्। यथा वह्नर्यथार्कस्य सोमस्य च यथा सभा॥ भ्राजमाना तथात्यर्थं दधार परमं वपुः। अभिघ्नतीव प्रभया प्रभामर्कस्य भास्वराम्॥
The sound of that conch used to make all creatures tremble in feat. O great king, the assembly-hall that Maya built, stood on golden pillars, and it occupied an area of five thousand cubits square, possessing an most beautiful form. It (the liall) shone in great splendour like the fire, the sun or the moon. By its great effulgence it seemed to darken even the rays of the sun.

प्रबभौ ज्वलमानेव दिव्या दिव्येन वर्चसा। नवमेघप्रतीकाशा दिवमावृत्य विष्ठिता। आयता विपुला रम्या विपाप्मा विगतक्लमा॥ उत्तमद्रव्यसम्पन्ना रत्नप्रकारतोरणा। बहुचित्रा बहुधना सुकृता विश्वकर्मणा।॥
With its effulgence which was the mixture of both celestials and terrestrial light, it appeared as if it was on fire. Like a mass of new clouds rising in the sky, it filled the whole of the view. It was spacious large, charming, soothing, full of celestials effulgence, and filled with all sorts of excellent things, it was adorned with jeweled walls and gates, with many pictures and much wealth. It appeared like the work of Vishvakarma himself.

न दाशार्ही सुधर्मा वा ब्रह्मणो वाथ तादृशी। सभा रूपेण सम्पन्ना यां चक्रे मतिमान् मयः॥
The Sudharma (the assembly-hall) of the Dasharhas (Vrishnis)-nay even the abode of Brahma was not so grand and endued with so much beauty as this assembly-hall built by the intelligent Maya.

तां स्म मयेनोक्ता रक्षन्ति च वहन्ति च। सभामष्टौ सहस्राणि किंकरा नाम राक्षसाः॥
Being appointed by Maya, eight thousand Rakshasas, named Kinkaras, guarded and supported this assembly-hall.

अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा महाकाया महाबलाः। रक्ताक्षाः पिङ्गलाक्षाश्च शुक्तिकर्णाः प्रहारिणः॥
They were capable of ranging the sky, they were fearful, huge-bodied, and greatly strong; they had blood-like red and coppery eyes and arrowy-ears, they were all well-armed.

तस्यां सभायां नलिनी चकाराप्रतिमां मयः। वैदूर्यपत्रविततां मणिनालमयाम्बुजाम्॥ पद्मसौगन्धिकवतीं नानाद्विजगणायुताम्। पुष्पितैः पङ्कजैश्चित्रां कूतैर्मत्स्यैश्च काञ्चनैः। चित्रस्फटिकसोपानां निष्पङ्कसलिलां शुभाम्॥
In that assembly-hall Maya built a matchless tank, and in that tank were lilies with leaves made of dark-coloured gems and with stalks made of brilliant gems; there were also other aquatic flowers of golden leaves. Various kinds of water-fowls played in its water; it was adorned with full-blossomed lotuses; its water was transparent; and golden-coloured tortoises and fishes played in its bottom which was without mud. A flight of crystal steps rose from the edge of the water to the banks,

मन्दानिलसमुद्भूतां मुक्ताबिन्दुभिराचिताम्। महामणिशिलापट्टबद्धपर्यन्तवेदिकाम्॥
The gentle breeze shook the flowers that sudden its waters; its banks were adorned with costly marble slabs set with pearls.

मणिरत्नचितां तां तु केचिदभ्येत्य पार्थिवाः। दृष्ट्वापि नाभ्यजानन्त तेऽज्ञानात् प्रपतन्त्युत॥
Seeing that tank thus adorned with jewels and precious stones, many kings that came there mistook it for land, and they fell into it with their eyes open.

तां सभामभितो नित्यं पुष्पवन्तो महाद्रुमाः। आसन् नानाविधा लोलाः शीतच्छाया मनोरमाः॥३४
The assembly-hall was adorned with many charming, large and ever blossoming trees with green foliage and cool-shade.

काननानि सुगन्धीनि पुष्करिण्यश्च सर्वशः। हंसकारण्डवोपेताश्चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः॥ जलजानां च पद्यानां स्थलजानां च सर्वशः। मारुतो गन्धमादाय पाण्डवान् स्म निषेवते॥
And with many gardens, emitting a delicious fragrance. There was many tanks adorned with swans, Karandavas and Chakravakas. The breezes carried the fragrance of lotuses that grew in the waters and flowers that grew in the land and ministered to the pleasures of the Pandavas.

ईदृशीं तां सभां कृत्वा मासैः परिचतुर्दशैः। निष्ठितां धर्मराजाय मयो राजन् न्यवेदयत्॥
O king, having built such an assembly-hall in fourteen months, Maya informed Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) that it had been completed.