Rescue of Maya

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथा शैलनिपातेन भीषिताः खाण्डवालयाः। दानवा राक्षसा नागास्तरक्ष्वृक्षवनौकसः॥ द्विपाः प्रभिन्नाः शार्दूलाः सिंहाः केसरिणस्तथा। मृगाश्च महिषाश्चैव शतशः पक्षिणस्तथा॥
Vaishampayana said : The dwellers of the Khandava the Danavas, the Rakshasas, the Nagas the wolves and the bears, the other wild animals, the elephants with their temples rent, the tigers, the lions with manes, hundred of deer and buffaloes, birds and various other creatures, all being frightened by the falling stones and afflicted with anxiety, began to fly in all directions.

समुद्विग्ना विससृपुस्तथान्या भूतजातयः। तं दावं समुदैक्षन्त कृष्णौ चाभ्युद्यतायुधौ॥ उत्पातनादशब्देन त्रासिता इव च स्थिताः। ते वनं प्रसमीक्ष्याथ दह्यमानमनेकधा॥
They saw the fire and also two Krishnas ready with their weapons. Frightened at the fearful sounds, they lost their power of locomotion. Seeing the fire burning in innumerable places and seeing also Krishna with weapons to shoot them down they all set up a terrible roar.

कृष्णमभ्युद्यतास्त्रं च नादं मुमुचुरुल्बणम्। तेन नादेन रौद्रेण नादेन च विभावसोः॥
The whole of the firmament resounded with a terrible roar and with also the roar of the fire, as when the clouds roar at the time of the great dissolution.

ररास गगनं कृत्स्नमुत्पातजलदैरिवा ततः कृष्णो महाबाहुः स्वतेजोभास्वरं महत्॥
The mighty-armed Krishna (dark) Keshava hurled at them for their destruction his large, fierce and greatly effulgent discuss.

चक्रं व्यसृजदत्युग्रं तेषां नाशाय केशवः। तेनार्ता जातयः क्षुद्राः सदानवनिशाचराः॥
The dwellers of that forest, including the Danavas and the Rakshasas, were struck by that weapon; and being cut into hundred of pieces, they fill into the mouth of Agni (fire).

निकृत्ताः शतशः सर्वा निपेतुरनलं क्षणात्। तत्रादृश्यन्त ते दैत्याः कृष्णचक्रविदारिताः॥
Mangled by Krishna's discus, the Daityas were covered with fat and blood; and they looked like the evening clouds.

वसारुधिरसम्पृक्ता: संध्यायामिव तोयदाः। पिशाचान् पक्षिणो नागान् पशृंश्चैव सहस्रशः॥
O descendant of Bharata, the Vrishni hero Krishna, moving about like Death himself, killed again and again thousands of birds, the Pishachas, the Nagas and other creatures.

निघ्नंश्चरति वार्ष्णेयः कालवत् तत्र भारत। क्षिप्तं क्षिप्तं पुनश्चक्रं कृष्णस्यामित्रघातिनः॥
The discus, being hurled from the hands of Krishna, the slayer of foes killed innumerable creatures, and then it came back again to his hands.

छित्त्वानेकानि सत्त्वानि पाणिमेति पुनः पुनः। तथा तु निघ्नतस्तस्य पिशाचोरगराक्षसान्॥
While he was thus engaged in killing the Pishachas, the Nagas and the Rakshasas, the face and the feature of Krishna, the soul of all creatures, became fearful to look at.

बभूव रूपमत्युग्रं सर्वभूतात्मनस्तदा। समेतानां च सर्वेषां दानवानां च सर्वशः॥
Now the celestial that came to fight and mustered there could not defeat Krishna and Arjuna in battle.

विजेता नाभवत् कश्चित् कृष्णपाण्डवयोर्मधे। तयोर्बलात् परित्रातुं तं च दावं यदा सुराः॥
When the celestial found that they could not extinguish the fire or protect the forest from the prowess (of Arjuna and Krishna), they retired.

नाशक्नुवञ्छमयितुं तदाभूवन् पराङ्मुखाः। शतक्रतुस्तु सम्प्रेक्ष्य विमुखानमरांस्तथा।॥
O king, the deity of one hundred sacrifices (Indra),seeing the immortals retreat (from the battle), became exceedingly glad and much praised Keshava (Krishna) and Arjuna.

बभूव मुदितो राजन् प्रशंसन् केशवार्जुनौ। निवृत्तेष्वथ देवेषु वागुवाचाशरीरिणी॥
When the celestial retreated, an invisible voice thus spoke in a loud and deep voice to the deity of one thousand sacrifices (Indra).

शतक्रतुं समाभाष्य महागम्भीरनिःस्वना। न ते सखा संनिहितस्तक्षको भुजगोत्तमः॥
"Your friend, that best of the Nagas, Takshaka, has not been slain. Before the fire broke out in the Khandava, he had gone to Kurukshetra.

दाहकाले खाण्डवस्य कुरुक्षेत्रं गतो ह्यसौ। न च शक्यौ युधा जेतुं कथंचिदपि वासव॥ वासुदेवार्जुनावेतौ निबोध वचनान्मम। नरनारायणावेतौ पूर्वदेवौ दिवि श्रुतौ॥ भवानप्यभिजानाति यद्वी? यत्पराक्रमौ। नैतौ शक्यौ दुराधर्षों विजेतुमजितौ युधि॥
O Vasava, known from what I say that none can ever defeat in battle Vasudeva (Krishna) and Arjuna. They are Nara and Narayana. These two Rishis were formerly heard of in heavens. You will know what is their prowess and energy. They are invincible in battle; these two best of old Rishis are incapable of ever being defeated by any in all the worlds.

अपि सर्वेषु लोकेषु पुराणावृषिसत्तमौ। पूजनीयतमावेतावपि सर्वैः सुरासुरैः।२०॥ यक्षराक्षसगन्धर्वनरकिन्नरपन्नगैः।
They deserve worship from all the celestial, the Asuras, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Gandharvas, the human beings, the Asuras and the Nagas.

तस्मादितः सुरैः सार्धं गन्तुमहर्हसि वासव॥ दिष्टं चाप्यनुपश्यैतत् खाण्डवस्य विनाशनम्।
O Vasava, therefore, you should go away from this place with all the celestial. The destruction of the Khandava (forest) has been ordained by fate."

इति वाक्यमुपश्रुत्य तथ्यमित्यमरेश्वरः॥ क्रोधामर्षों समुत्सृज्य सम्प्रतस्थे दिवं तदा।
Having ascertained these words to be true, the lord of the immortals Indra gave up his wrath and jealousy and went back to heaven.

तं प्रस्थितं महात्मानं समवेक्ष्य दिवौकसः॥ सहिताः सेनया राजन्ननुजग्मुः पुरंदरम्।
O king, seeing that illustrious celestial gone away, the dwellers of heaven all followed Indra with their soldiers.

देवराजं तदा यान्तं सह देवैरवेक्ष्य तु॥ वासुदेवार्जुनौ वीरौ सिंहनादं विनेदतुः।
When those two heroes, Vasudeva and Arjuna, saw the chief of the celestial retreat with all the dwellers of heaven, they set up a leonine roar.

देवराजे गते राजन् प्रहृष्टौ केशवार्जुनौ॥ निर्विशङ्कं वनं वीरौ दाहयामासतुस्तदा।
O king, when Indra had gone away Keshava and Arjuna became exceedingly glad. Those two heroes then fearlessly assisted Agni to consume that forest.

स मारुत इवाभ्राणि नाशयित्वार्जुनः सुरान्॥ व्यधमच्छरसङ्घातैर्देहिनः खाण्डवालयान्।
Having scattered the celestial as the wind scatters the cloud, Arjuna killed with the showers of arrows numberless creatures who dwelt in the Khandava.

न च स्म किंचिच्छक्नोति भूतं निश्चरितुं ततः॥ संछिद्यमानमिषुभिरस्यता सव्यसाचिना।
Cut off by Savyasachi's (Arjuna's) arrows, not one among those innumerable creatures could escape (from that burning forest).

नाशक्नुवंश्च भूतानि महान्त्यपि रणेऽर्जुनम्॥ निरीक्षितुममोघास्त्रं योद्धं चापि कुतो रणे। शतं चैकेन विव्याध शतेनैकं पतत्त्रिणाम्॥
Not to speak of fighting with him none amongst the strongest creatures, who mustered together to fight, could even look at Arjuna with infallible arms. Sometimes piercing one hundred creatures with arrow and sometimes piercing one creature with one hundred arrows.

व्यसवस्तेऽपतन्नग्नौ साक्षात् कालहता इवा न चालभन्त ते शर्म रोधस्सु विषमेषु च॥
Arjuna (whirled about one his car). All creatures fell into the mouth of Agni as if struck dead by (Death himself). The creatures found no ease on the banks of the river, or on uneven plains, of in Sakshatas (crematoriums).

पितृदेवनिवासेषु संतापश्चाप्यजायत। भूतसङ्घाश्च बहवो दीनाश्चनुर्महास्वनम्॥
Everywhere they were afflicted with great heat. Innumerable creatures yelled in pain.

रुरुदुर्वारणाश्चैव तथा मृगतरक्षवः। तेन शब्देन वित्रेसुर्गङ्गोदधिचरा झषाः॥
Elephants, deer and wolves all wept and set up cries of affliction. At the sound the fishes that lived in the waters of the Ganges and the sea.. one

विद्याधरगणाचैव ये च तत्र वनौकसः। न त्वर्जुनं महाबाहो नापि कृष्णं जनार्दनम्॥ निरीक्षितुं वै शक्नोति कश्चिद् योद्धं कुतः पुनः।
The various classes of Vidhyadharas, the dwellers of that forest became very much alarmed. O mighty-armed hero, not to speak of fighting with Arjuna and Krishna dark Janardana, none could even look at them.

एकायनगता येऽपि निष्पेतुस्तत्र केचन॥ राक्षसा दानवा नागा जघ्ने चक्रेण तान् हरिः।
(Krishna) killed with his discus all the Rakshasas, the Nagas and the Danavas who rushed out in crowds.

ते तु भिन्नशिरोदेहाश्चक्रवेगाद् गतासवः॥ पेतुरन्ये महाकायाः प्रदीप्ते वसुरेतसि।
Those creatures of huge bodies, their heads and trunks cut off by the swift discus, deprived of their lives, fell down into the burning fire.

स मांसरुधिरौधैश्च वसाभिश्चापि तर्पितः॥ उपर्याकाशगो भूत्वा विधूमः समपद्यत। दीप्ताक्षो दीप्तजिह्वश्च सम्प्रदीप्तमहाननः॥
Being gratified with a large quantity of flesh, blood and fat, the flames rose up to a great height with curling wreath of smoke. Agni with fiery and coppery eyes and with flaming tongue and large mouth.

दीप्तोर्ध्वकेशः पिङ्गाक्षः पिबन् प्राणभृतां वसाम्। तां स कृष्णार्जुनकृतां सुधां प्राप्य हुताशनः॥ बभूव मुदितस्तृप्तः परां निर्वृतिमागतः।
Agni with fiery hair on his head, drank with the assistance of Krishna and Arjuna that nectar-like stream of fat. He was filled with great joy and thus being much gratified, he enjoyed much happiness.

तथासुरं मयं नाम तक्षकस्य निवेशनात्॥ विपद्रवन्तं सहसा ददर्श मधुसूदनः।
Then the slayer of Madhu saw an Asura, named maya suddenly escaping from the abode of Takshaka.

तमग्निः प्रार्थयामास दिधक्षुर्वातसारथिः॥ शरीरवाञ्जटी भूत्वा नदन्निव बलाहकः। श्रुत्वा मा
Agni, whose charioteer was the wind, immediately assuming a body with (fiery) matted looks on his head and roaring like the clouds, pursued the Asura with the intention of consuming him.

विज्ञाय दानवेन्द्राणां मयं वै शिल्पिनां वरम्॥ जिघांसुर्वासुदेवस्तं चक्रमुद्यम्य धिष्ठितः। स चक्रमुद्यतं दृष्ट्वा दिधक्षन्तं च पावकम्॥ अभिधावार्जुनेत्येवं मयस्त्राहीति चाब्रवीत्।
Seeing the Asura, Vasudeva stood with his weapon upraised, ready to cut him down. Seeing the discus upraised and Agni after him, with the intention of burning him, Maya said "O Arjuna, come soon to me and protect me".

तस्य भीतस्वनं भैरिति धनंजयः॥ प्रत्युवाच मयं पार्थो जीवयन्निव भारत। तं न भेतव्यमित्याह मयं पार्थो दयापरः॥
Having heard his frightened voice, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) exclaimed, “Do not fear." O descendant of Bharata, the reply of Partha seemed to give (Maya) his life.

तं पार्थेनाभये दत्ते नमुचेर्धातरं मयम्। न हन्तुमैच्छद् दाशार्हः पावको न ददाह च॥
As the kind Partha said to Maya not to fear, the Dasharha hero (Krishna) did not desire to kill him who was the brother of Namuchi. Agni also did not burn him down.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तद् वनं पावको धीमान् दिनानि दश पञ्च च। ददाह कृष्णपार्थाभ्यां रक्षितः पाकशासनात्॥
Having been protected by Krishna and Partha from the attacks of the chastiser of Paka (Indra), the greatly intelligent Agni burnt the forest for fifteen days.

तस्मिन् वने दह्यमाने षडग्निर्न ददाह च। अश्वसेनं मयं चैव चतुरः शाहूकांस्तथा॥
In the burning of that forest, he (Agni) speared the lives of only six creatures, (namely) Ashvasena, Maya and the four Sharangakas (a kind of feathery creatures).