Battle between the celestial and Krishna and Arjuna

तस्याथ वर्षतो वारि पाण्डव: प्रत्यवारयत्। शरवर्षेण बीभत्सुरुत्तमास्त्राणि दर्शयन्॥
Vaishampayana said : The son of Pandu, Vivatsu (Arjuna), calling his excellent weapons to his help, stopped that shower of rain by means of a shower of his own.

खाण्डवं च वनं सर्वं पाण्डवो बहुभिः शरैः। आच्छादयदमेयात्मा नीहारेणेव चन्द्रमाः॥
The high-souled Pandava covered the Khandava forest with innumerable arrows, as the atmosphere is filled with a thick fog.

न च स्म किंचिच्छक्नोति भूतं निश्चरितुं ततः। संछाद्यमाने खे बाणैरस्यता सव्यसाचिना॥
When the sky over the forest was thus covered with the arrows of Savyasachi (Arjuna), not a single creature could escape (from that forest).

तक्षकस्तु न तत्रासीन्नागराजो महाबलः। दह्यमाने वने तस्मिन् कुरुक्षेत्रं गतो हि सः॥
The greatly powerful king of the Nagas Takshaka, was not there. When the forest was on fire, he was absent in Kurukshetra where he had gone.

निगीर्य च। अश्वसेनोऽभवत् तत्र तक्षकस्य सुतो बली। स यत्नमकरोत् तीव्र मोक्षार्थं जातवेदसः॥
But the powerful son of Takshaka, named Ashvasena, was there (in the forest); and he made great efforts to escape from the fire.

न शशाक स निर्गन्तुं निरुद्धोऽर्जुनपत्रिभिः। मोक्षयामास तं माता निगीर्य भुजगात्मजा॥
Confined by Arjuna's arrows, he could not succeed to come out (of the forest), but the snakes lady, his mother, determined to save his life.

तस्य पूर्वं शिरो ग्रस्तं पुच्छमस्य निगीर्यमाणा साक्रामत् सुतं नागी मुमुक्षया॥
She first swallowed his head and then she began to swallow his tail; in that state she then attempted to save her son and rose to the sky.

तस्याः शरेण तीक्ष्णेन पृथुधारेण पाण्डवः। शिरश्चिच्छेद गच्छन्त्यास्तामपश्यच्छचीपतिः॥ तं मुमोचयिषुर्वज्री वातवर्षेण पाण्डवम्। मोहयामास तत्कालमश्वसेनस्त्वमुच्यत॥
As soon as the Pandava (Arjuna) saw her escaping, he cut off her head by means of sharp arrows, but the husband of Sachi, the wielder of thunder, Indra, saw all this; and he resolved to save the son of his friend. He raised a violent wind and deprived Arjuna of his consciousness. In the meantime Ashvasena succeeded in effecting his escape.

तां च मायां तदा दृष्ट्वा घोरां नागेन वञ्चितः। द्विधा त्रिधा चखगतान् प्राणिनः पाण्डवोऽच्छिनत्।१०।।
Having seen this fearful delusion and having been deceived by the Nagas, the Pandava cut down all creatures into two three or more pieces.

शशाप तं च संक्रुद्धो बीभत्सुर्जिह्यगामिनम्। पावको वासुदेवश्चाप्यप्रतिष्ठो भविष्यसि॥
Vivatsu (Arjuna) cursed in anger the Naga that had so deceitfully escaped; so did Vasudeva (Krishna) and Agni. They said, "Never shall you be able to win fame or position.”

ततो जिष्णुः सहस्राक्षं स्वं वितत्याशुगैः शरैः। योधयामास संक्रुद्धो वञ्चनां तामनुस्मरन्॥
Then remembering the deception practised on him, Jishnu (Arjuna) became very much angry and covering the sky with a cloud of arrows, he sought to fight with the god of thousand eyes(Indra).

देवराजोऽपि तं दृष्ट्वा संरब्धं समरेऽर्जुनम्। स्वमस्त्रमसृजत् तीव्र छादयित्वाखिलं नभः॥
Seeing Arjuna in wrath, the king of the celestial also sought to fight with him. He hurled his very fearful weapons and covered whole of the sky.

ततो वायुर्महाघोषः क्षोभयन् सर्वसागरान्। वियत्स्थो जनयन् मेघाञ्जलधारासमाकुलान्॥
Then greatly roaring winds, agitating all the oceans, gathered together masses of clouds charged with torrents of rains.

ततोऽशनिमुचो घोरांस्तडित्स्तनितनि:स्वनान्। तद्विघातार्थमसृजदर्जुनोऽप्यस्त्रमुत्तमम्॥ वायव्यमभिमन्याथ प्रतिपत्तिविशारदः। तेनेन्द्राशनिमेघानां वीर्योजस्तद् विनाशितम्॥ जलधाराश्च ताः शोषं जग्मुर्नेशुश्च विद्युतः। क्षणेन चाभवद् व्योम समप्रशान्तरजस्तमः॥
Thereupon those clouds, charged with thunder-rattle, vomited thunder and flashes of lightings; but to dispel them Arjuna hurled and excellent weapon. Named Vayavya (wind weapon) with proper Mantras. In a moment it destroyed the force and the energy of Indra's thunder and it dried up the water that was in those masses of clouds; it then destroyed the lightings that played amongst them.

सुखशीतानिलवहं प्रकृतिस्थार्कमण्डलम्। निष्प्रतीकारहृष्टश्च हुतभुग विविधाकृतिः॥ सिच्यमानो वसौघैस्तैः प्राणिनां देहनिःसृतैः। प्रजज्वालाथ सोऽर्चिष्मान् स्वनादैः पूरयञ्जगत्॥
(In a moment) the sky was cleared off dust and darkness; delicious and cool breeze began to blow and the sun regained its normal state. Then Agni, sprinkled over with the fat that came out of the burning bodies of the various creatures, blazed up with all his flames and filled the universe with his roars.

कृष्णाभ्यां रक्षितं दृष्ट्वा तं च दावमहंकृताः। खमुत्पेतुर्महाराज सुपर्णाद्याः पतत्रिणः॥ गरुत्मान् वज्रसदृशैः पक्षतुण्डनखैस्तथा। प्रहर्तुकामो न्यपतदाकाशात् कृष्णपाण्डवौ॥
O great king, seeing that the forest was protected by the two Krishnas, many feathery creatures of the Garuda race proudly came down from the sky with the desire of striking those two heroes Krishna and the Pandava (Arjuna) with their thunder like strong wings, breaks and claws.

तथैवोरगसङ्घाताः पाण्डवस्य समीपतः। उत्सृजन्तो विषं घोरं निपेतुर्खलिताननाः॥
Many Nagas also came down upon the Pandava (Arjuna), all with faces emitting most virulent poisons.

तांश्चकर्त शरैः पार्थः सरोषाग्निसमुक्षितैः। विविशुश्चापि तं दीप्तं देहाभावाय पावकम्॥
Partha cut them to pieces by his arrows which appeared as if they had been steeped in the fire of his wrath. They (those birds and snakes) all fell into the burning fire below.

ततोऽसुराः सगन्धर्वा यक्षराक्षसपन्नगाः। उत्पेतुर्नादमतुलमुत्सृजन्तो रणार्थिनः॥
Wishing to fight, there also came innumerable Asuras, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Rakshasas and Nagas, all uttering fearful yells.

अयः कणपचक्राश्मभुशुण्ड्युद्यतबाहवः। कृष्णपार्थो जिघांसन्तः क्रोधसम्मूर्छितौजसः॥
Armed with instruments which vomited iron balls and bullets from their throats and with machines and propelled huge stones and rockets, they rushed forward to strike Krishna and Partha.

तेषामतिव्याहरतां शस्त्रवर्षं प्रमुञ्चताम्। प्रममाथोत्तमाङ्गानि बीभत्सुनिशितैः शरैः॥
Though they rained a fearful shower of weapons, Vivatsu (Arjuna) cut off their heads with his sharp arrows,

कृष्णश्च सुमहातेजाश्चक्रेणारिविनाशनः। दैत्यदानवसङ्घानां चकार कदनं महत्॥
That slayer of foes, the greatly effulgent Krishna, also made a great slaughter of the Daityas and the Danavas with his discus.

अथापरे शरैर्विद्धाश्चक्रवेगेरितास्तथा। वेलामिव समासाद्य व्यतिष्ठन्नमितौजसः॥
Being struck with the force of his discus and pierced with his arrows, many immeasurably powerful Asuras became as motionless as the waifs and strays thrown on the shores by the waves.

ततः शक्रोऽतिसंक्रुद्धस्त्रिदशानां महेश्वरः। पाण्डुरं गजमास्थाय तावुभौ समुपाद्रवत्॥ वेगेनाशनिमादाय वज्रमस्त्रं च सोऽसृजत्। हतावेताविति प्राह सुरानसुरसूदनः॥
Then the lord of the celestial Indra, riding on him white elephant, rushed upon the two heroes and speedily taking up his irresistible thunder bolt he hurled it with great force. The slayer of the Asuras (Indra) said to the celestial, “ These ter@ (Krishna and Arjuna) are already killed."

ततः समुद्यतां दृष्ट्वा देवेन्द्रेण महाशनिम्। जगृहुः सर्वशस्त्राणि स्वानि स्वानि सुरास्तथा।३१॥
Thereupon seeing the great thunder about to be hurled by the great Indra, the celestial each took up his own respective weapon.

कालदण्डं यमो राजन् गदां चैव धनेश्वरः। पाशांश्च तत्र वरुणो विचित्रां च तथाशनिम्॥
O king, Yama took up his death dealing club, the lord of wealth (Kubera) his mace, Varuna his noose and his beautiful missiles,

स्कन्धः शक्तिं समादाय तस्थौ पेरुरिवाचलः। ओषधीर्दीप्यमानाश्च जगृहातेऽश्विनावपि॥
Skanda (Kartikeya) took up his weapon Shakti and he stood as motionless as Meru mountain. The Ashvinis stood up with their fiery plaints in there hands.

जगृहे च धनुर्धाता मुसलं तु जयस्तथा। पर्वतं चापि जग्राह क्रुद्धस्त्वष्टा महाबलः॥
Dhatri (creator) stood with his bow in hand and Jaya with a great club, the greatly strong Tvashtri took up in anger a huge mountain.

अंशस्तु शक्तिं जग्राह मृत्युर्देवः परश्वधम्। प्रगृह्य परिघं घोरं विचचारार्यमा अपि॥
Surya took up a bright dart and Mrityu a battle axe. Aryamana taking up a fearful bludgeon walked about.

मित्रश्च क्षुरपर्यन्तं चक्रमादाय तस्थिवान्। पूषा भगश्च संक्रुद्धः सविता च विशाम्पते॥ आत्तकार्मुकनिस्त्रिंशाः कृष्णपार्थो प्रदुद्रुवुः।
Mitra stood there taking up a discuss as sharp as a razor. O king, Pushkara, Bhaga and Savita. Rushed upon Partha and Krishna with bows and swords in their hands.

रुद्राश्च वसवश्चैव मरुतश्च महाबलाः॥ विश्वेदेवास्तथा साध्या दीप्यमानाः स्वतेजसा। एते चान्ये च बहवो देवास्तौ पुरुषोत्तमौ॥ कृष्णपार्थो जिघांसन्तः प्रतीयुर्विविधायुधाः।
The Rudras, the Vasus, the greatly powerful Marutas. The Vishvadevas and the Sadhyas, all blazing in their own effulgence, these and many other celestial, armed with various weapons, rushed upon those two best of men, Krishna and Partha, with the desire of killing them.

तत्राद्भुतान्यदृश्यन्त निमित्तानि महाहवे॥ युगान्तसमरूपाणि भूतसम्मोहनानि च। तथा दृष्ट्वा सुसंरब्धं शक्रं देवैः सहाच्युतौ॥ अभीतौ युधि दुर्धर्षों तस्थतुः सज्जकार्मुकौ।
Then a wonderful phenomenon was seen in that great battle. Mysterious protects appeared, resembling those that appear at the great dissolution. Seeing this and seeing also Indra with millions of celestial prepared for fight. They (Krishna and Arjuna), fearless and invincible in battle, stood calmly with their bows in hands.

आगच्छतस्ततो देवानुभौ युद्धवइशारदौ॥ व्यताडयेतां संक्रुद्धौ शरैर्वज्रोपमैस्तदा।
Well-skilled in battle those warriors angrily attacked the advancing hosts of the celestial with their thunder-like arrows.

असकृद् भग्नसंकल्पा: सुराश्च बहुशः कृताः॥ भयाद् रणं परित्यज्य शक्रमेवाभिशिश्रियुः।
They the celestial left the battle (field) in fear and sought the protection of Indra.

दृष्ट्वा निवारितान् देवान् माधवेनार्जुनेन च॥ आश्चर्यमगमंस्तत्र मुनयो नभसि स्थिताः।
Seeing the celestial routed by Madhava (Krishna) and Arjuna. The Rishis who were in the sky became very much astonished.

शक्रश्चापि तयोर्वीर्यमुपलभ्यासकृद् रणे॥ बभूव परमप्रीतो भूयश्चैतावयोधयत्
Indra also, seeing that great prowess in the battle. Became exceedingly pleased; and he once more rushed upon them.

ततोऽश्मवर्षं सुमहद् व्यसृजत् पाकशासनः॥ भूय एव तदा वीर्यं जिज्ञासुः सव्यसाचिनः।
The chastiser of Paka (Indra) then sent down a shower of stones to ascertain the power of Savyasachi (Arjuna).

तच्छरैरर्जुनो वर्ष प्रतिजघ्नेऽत्यमर्षितः॥ विफलं क्रियमाणं तत् समवेक्ष्य शतक्रतुः। भूयः संवर्धयामास तद्वर्षं पाकशासनः॥
Who could draw his bow even with his left hand, but Arjuna dispelled that shower. Seeing his showers dispelled (by Arjuna), the god of one thousand sacrifices (Indra), the chastiser of Paka, once more sent down a thick shower of stone.

सोऽश्मवर्षं महावेगैरिषुभिः पाकशासनिः। विलयं गमयामास हर्षयन् पितरं तथा॥
The son of the chastiser of Paka Arjuna gave great pleasure to his father Indra by dispelling that shower also by his greatly swift arrows.

तत उत्पाट्य पाणिभ्यां मन्दराच्छिखरं महत्। सदुमं व्यसृजच्छको जिघांसुः पाण्डुनन्दनम्॥
Then Shakra Indra, wishing to kill the son of Pandu, tore up with his hands a large peak from the Mandara mountain with trees and all; he then hurled it against him.

ततोऽर्जुनो वेगवद्भिवलिताप्रैरजिह्मगैः। शरैविध्वंसयामास गिरेः शृङ्गं सहस्रधा॥
But Arjuna soon cut down that mountain peak into thousand pieces by his swift and firemouthed arrows.

गिरेर्विशीर्यमाणस्य तस्य रूपं तदा बभौ। सार्कचन्द्रग्रहस्येव नभसः परिशीर्यतः॥
Fragments of that mountain peak in falling through the sky, looked as if the sun, the moon and the planets loosened from their positions fell down on earth.

तेनाभिपतिता दावं शैलेन महता भृशम्। शृङ्गेण निहतास्तत्र प्राणिनः खाण्डवालयाः॥
The fragments of that huge peak fell down on that forest and they killed numerous creatures, the dwellers of the Khandava.