Colloquy between Arjuna and Agni

वैशम्पायन उवाच स तु नैराश्यमापन्नः सदा ग्लानिसमन्वितः। पितामहमुपागच्छत् संक्रुद्धो हव्यवाहनः॥
Vaishampayana said : Then Agni in despair and his malady (uncured) came to the grandsire in anger.

तच्च सर्वं यथान्यायं ब्रह्मणे संन्यवेदयत्। उवाच चैनं भगवान् मुहूर्तं स विचिन्त्य तु॥
He told Brahma all that had happened. The illustrious one, then reflecting for a moment, spoke thus to him,

उपायः परिदृष्टो मे यथा त्वं धक्ष्यसेऽनघ। कालं च कंचित् क्षमतां ततस्त्वं धक्ष्यसेऽनल॥
“O sinless one, I see a means by which you may consume Khandava today. O Agni! wait for some time, then you will consume.

भविष्यतः सहायौ ते नरनारायणौ तदा। ताभ्यां त्वं सहितो दावं धक्ष्यसे हव्यवाहन॥
O Fire! Nara and Narayana will assist you. Accompanied by both of them you will burn Khandava.

एवमस्त्विति तं वह्निर्ब्रह्माणं प्रत्यभाषत। सम्भूतौ तौ विदित्वा तु नरनारायणावृषी॥ कालस्य महतो राजंस्तस्य वाक्यं तस्य वाक्यं स्वयम्भुवः। अनुस्मृत्य जगामाथ पुनरेव पितामहम्॥
Agni said to Brahma 'so it be'. Thereafter knowing the incernation of Nara and Narayana he remembered the words of Brahma and he went to him.

अब्रवीच्च तदा ब्रह्मा यथा त्वं धक्ष्यसेऽनल। खाण्डवं दावमद्यैव मिषतोऽस्य शचीपतेः॥
Then Brahma addressed him that I see a mcans by which you may consume Khandava today even before the very sight of the husband of Sachi (Indra).

नरनारायणौ यौ तौ पूर्वदेवौ विभावसो। सम्प्राप्तौ मानुषे लोके कार्यार्थं हि दिवौकसाम्॥
O Vibhavasu, the two old dcities Nara and Narayana have become incarnates in the world of men to accomplish the purposes of the dwellers of heaven (the celestial).

अर्जुनं वासुदेवं च यौ तौ लोकोऽभिमन्यते। तावेतौ सहितावेहि खाण्डवस्य समीपतः॥ तौ त्वं याचस्व साहाय्ये दाहार्थं खाण्डवस्य च। ततो धक्ष्यसि तं दावं रक्षितं त्रिदशैरपि॥
They are called on earth Vasudeva (Krishna) and Arjuna. They are now staying near the Khandava (forest). Ask those two (heroes) to help you in consuming the Khandava. You will then be able to consume it, even if it be protected by the celestial.

तौ तु सत्त्वानि सर्वाणि यत्नतो वारयिष्यतः। देवराजं च सहितौ तत्र मे नास्ति संशयः॥
They will certainly prevent the dwellers of the Khandava to escape; and they will thwart Indra also. I have not the least doubt in this."

एकच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं त्वरितो हव्यवाहनः। कृष्णपार्थावुपागम्य यमर्थं त्वभ्यभाषत॥ अब्रवीनृपशार्दूल तत्कालसदृशं वचः। दिधएं खाण्डवं दावमकामस्य शतक्रतोः॥ तं ते कथितवानस्मि पूर्वमेव नृपोत्तम। तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तवग्नेर्बीभत्सुर्जातवेदसम्॥
Having heard his words, Agni speedily came to Krishna and Arjuna. What he said to those illustrious pair, I have already told you. O best of kings, hearing these words of Agni who desired to consume the foes of Pandava against the wishes of Indra, Vivatsu (Arjuna) said to him these words will suited to the occasion.

अर्जुन उवाच उत्तमास्त्राणि मे सन्ति दिव्यानि च बहूनि च। यैरहं शक्नुयां योद्धुमपि वज्रधरान् बहून्॥
"I have numberless excellent celestial weapons with which I can fight even with many wielders of thunder(Indra).

धनुर्मे नास्ति भगवन् बाहुवीर्येण सम्मितम्। कुर्वतः समरे यत्नं वेगं यद् विषहेन्मम॥
But, O illustrious one, I have no bow suited to the strength of my arms and capable of bearing the might I put fourth in battle.

शरैश्च मेऽर्थो बहुभिरक्षयैः क्षिप्रमस्यतः। न हि वोढुं रथः शक्तः शरान् मम यथेप्सितान्॥
In consequence of the great lightness of my hands, I require arrows that will be inexhaustible (in the quiver). My car also is hardly able to bear the load of arrows that I desire to keep by me.

अश्वांश्च दिव्यानिच्छेयं पाण्डुरान् वातरंहसः। रथं च मेघनिर्घोषं सूर्यप्रतिमतेजसम्॥
I desire to have (some) celestial horses of pure white colour, possessing the speed of the wind and (I also desire to have) a car, possessing the splendour of the sun; the clatter of its wheels should resemble the roars of clouds.

तथा कृष्णस्य वीर्येण नायुधं विद्यते समम्। येन नागान् पिशाचांश्च निहन्यान्माधवो रणे॥
Then there is no weapon suited to Krishna's prowess. He requires weapon like the one with which Mahadeva (Shiva) kills Nagas and Pishachas in the battle.

उपायं कर्मसिद्धौ च भगवन् वक्तुमर्हसि। निवारयेयं येनेन्द्रं वर्षमाणं महावने॥
O illustrious one, you should give us the means by which we may gain success; and we can prevent Indra from pouring rains on that extensive forest.

पौरुषेण तु यत् कार्यं तत् कर्तारौ स्व पावक। करणानि समर्थानि भगवन् दातुमर्हसि॥
O Agni, we are ready to do what is possible to be done by manliness and prowess. O illustrious one, but you should give us the proper means.