Birth of Pandu princes

वैशम्पायन उवाच उक्तवन्तो यथा वीर्यमसकृत् सर्ववृष्ण्यः। ततोऽब्रवीद् वासुदेवो वाक्यं धर्मार्थसंयुतम्॥
Vaishampayana said : When the powerful Vrishnis all began to speak in this strain, then Vasudeva (Krishna) spoke these words of deep import and true morality.

नावमानं कुलस्यास्य गुडाकेशः प्रयुक्तवान्। सम्मानोऽभ्यधिकस्तेन प्रयुक्तोऽयं न संशयः॥
Gudakesha (Arjuna) has not insulted our family by what he has done. There is no doubt he has enhanced our glory.

अर्थलुब्धान् न वः पार्थो मन्यते सात्वतान् सदा। स्वयंवरमनाधृष्यं मन्यते चापि पाण्डवः॥
Partha knows that we are never mercenary. The Pandava (Arjuna) also regards Svyaimvara as doubtful in its results.

प्रदानमपि कन्यायाः पशुवत् कोऽनुमन्यते। विक्रयं चाप्यपत्यस्य कः कुर्यात् पुरुषो भुवि॥
Who also would approved of accepting a bride in gift as if she were an animal? What man again is there on earth who would sell his offsprings?

एतान् दोषांस्तु कौन्तेयो दृष्टवानिति मे मतिः। अतः प्रसह्य हृतवान् कन्यां धर्मेण पाण्डवः॥
I think the son of Kunti (Arjuna) saw these faults in all other methods, therefore the Pandava took the maiden away by force according to ordinance.

उचितश्चैव सम्बन्धः सुभद्रां च यशस्विनीम्। एष चापीदृशः पार्थः प्रसह्य हृतवानिति॥
This alliance is very proper. Subhadra is an illustrious girl and so is Partha. Thinking all this, he has taken her away by force. a

भरतस्यान्वये जातं शान्तनोश्च यशस्विनः। कुन्तिभोजात्मजापुत्रं को बुभूषेत नार्जुनम्॥
Who is there that would not desire to have Arjuna as a friend? He is born in the race of Bharata and the illustrious Shantanu and he is also the son of the daughter of Kuntibhoja.

न च पश्यामि यः पार्थं विजयेत रणे बलात्। वर्जयित्वा विरूपाक्षं भगनेत्रहरं हरम्॥ अपि सर्वेषु लोकेषु सेन्द्ररुद्रेषु मारिष। स च नाम रथस्तादृङ्मदीयास्ते च वाजिनः॥ योद्धा पार्थश्च शीघ्रास्त्रः को नु तेन समो भवेत्। तमभिद्रुत्य सान्त्वेन परमेण धनंजयम्॥ न्यवर्तयत् संहृष्टा ममैषा परमा मतिः।
I do not see such a man in all the worlds, even with Indra and the Rudras, who can vanquish him in battle except the three eyed deity Shiva. His car is well known; my steeds are now yoked to it. Partha as a warrior is also well known and his lightness of hand too is well known. Who shall be equal to him? Go cheerfully to Dhananjaya; stop him by conciliation and bring him back. This is my opinion.

यदि निर्जित्य वः पार्थो बलाद् गच्छेत् स्वकं पुरम्।।११ प्रणश्येद् वो यशः सद्यो न तु सान्त्वे पराजयः।
If Partha goes away to his city (Indraprastha) by defeating us, our fame will be destroyed. But there is no disgrace in conciliation.

तच्छ्रुत्वा वासुदेवस्य तथा चक्रुर्जनाधिप॥
O king, having heard these words of Vasudeva, they did as he directed.

निवृत्तश्चार्जुनस्तत्र विवाहं कृतवान् प्रभुः। उषित्वा तत्र कौन्तेयः संवत्सरपराः क्षपाः॥
Stopped by them, the lord Arjuna returned to Dvarka and he was then united with Subhadra in marriage.

विहत्य च यथाकामं पूजितो वृष्णिनन्दनैः। पुष्करे तु ततः शेषं कालं वर्तितवान् प्रभुः॥ पूर्णे तु द्वादशे वर्षे खाण्डवप्रस्थमागतः।
Having worshipped by the Vrishnis, the son of Kunti remained for a year in Dvarka, sporting there at pleasure. The lord (Arjuna) passed the last portion of his excite at Pushkara. When twelve years were thus complete, he came back of Khandavaprastha.

अभिगम्य च राजानं नियमेन समाहितः॥ अभ्यर्च्य ब्राह्मणान् पार्थो द्रौपदीमभिजग्मिवान्।
He went to Yudhishthira and worshipped him first; he then worshipped the Brahmanas and at last he went to Draupadi.

तं द्रौपदी प्रत्युवाच प्रणयात् कुरुनन्दनम्॥ तत्रैव गच्छ कौन्तेय यत्र सा सात्वतात्मजा।
Draupadi, out of jealousy, thus spoke to that descendant of Kuru, Arjuna, “O son of Kunti, go there where the daughter of the Satvata race is.

सुबद्धस्यापि भारस्य पूर्वबन्धः श्लथायते॥ तथा बहुविधं कृष्णां विलपन्ती धनंजयः सान्त्वयामास भूयश्च क्षमयामास चासकृत्॥ सुभद्रां त्वरमाणश्च रक्तकौशेयवासिनीम्। पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः॥ साधिकं तेन रूपेण शोभमाना यशस्विनी।
A second always relaxes the first one, however strong it might be.” Thus Krishna (Draupadi) lamented in various strains and Dhananjaya (Arjuna) comforted her, asking again and again her forgiveness. Coming to Subhadra attired in red silk, Partha sent her (into the inner apartments) dressed in the grab of a cow-herd women. The illustrious lady looked handsome even in that dress.

भवनं श्रेष्ठमासाद्य वीरपत्नी वराङ्गना।॥ ववन्दे पृथुताम्राक्षी पृथां भद्रा यशस्विनी।
Arriving at that best of houses, that wife of a hero, the best of women, the illustrious Bhadra (Subhadra) of large and radish eyes worshipped Pritha.

तां कुन्ती चारुसर्वाङ्गीमुपाजिघ्रत मूर्धनि॥ प्रीत्या परमया युक्ता आशीर्भिर्युञ्जतातुलाम्।
Out of excessive affection Kunti sinelt the head of that maiden of perfectly charming features and she then pronounced infinite blessings upon her.

ततोऽभिगम्य त्वरिता पूर्णेन्दुसदृशानना॥ ववन्दे द्रौपदी भद्रा प्रेष्याहमिति चाब्रवीत्।
Then that damsel of the face like the full moon, Bhadra, soon went to Draupadi and worshipped her saying, "I am your maid."

प्रत्युत्थाय तदा कृष्णा स्वसारं माधवस्य च॥ परिष्वज्यावदत् प्रीत्या निःसपत्नोऽस्तु ते पतिः।
Krishna hastily rose and embraced the sister of Madhava; and out of affection she then said, “Let you husband be without a rival."

तथैव मुदिता भद्रा तामुवाचैवमस्त्विति॥ ततस्ते हृष्टमनसः पाण्डवेया महारथाः। कुन्ती च परमप्रीता बभूव जनमेजय॥ श्रुत्वा तु पुण्डरीकाक्षः सम्प्राप्तं स्वं पुरोत्तमम्। अर्जुनं पाण्डवश्रेष्ठमिन्द्रप्रस्थगतं तदा॥ आजगाम विशुद्धात्मा सह रामेण केशवः।
Bhadra then with a delightful heart said to her, “But it so." O Janamejaya, from that time, those great car-warriors the Pandavas, lived happily and Kunti also became vary happy. Having heard that the best of the Pandavas Arjuna, had reached that excellent city, Indraprastha, the lotus-eyed and pure-souled Keshava (Krishna) came there with Rama (Baladeva),

वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह वीरैर्महारथैः॥ भ्रातृभिश्च कुमारैश्च योधैश्च बहुभिर्वृतः।
And the other heroes and great carwarriors of the Vrishni and the Andhaka races and his brothers and sons and many other warriors.

सैन्येन महता शौरिरभिगुप्तः परंतपः॥ तत्र दानपतिर्धीमानाजगाम महायशाः। अक्रूरो वृष्णिवीराणां सेनापतिररिंदमः॥ अनाधृष्टिर्महातेजा उद्धवश्च महायशाः।
That chastiser of foes, Shauri, came with a large army and there also came that chastiser of foes, that exceedingly liberal, greatly intelligent and illustrious commander-in-chief of the Vrishni heroes, Akrura. (There also came) the greatly illustrious Uddhava.

साक्षाद् बृहस्पतेः शिष्यो महाबुद्धिर्महामनाः॥ सत्यकः सात्यकिश्चैव कृतवर्मा च सात्वतः।
Who was a man of great soul and great intelligence, like a disciple of Brihaspati himself. (There also came) Satyaka and Satyaki and Kritavarmana and Satvata,

प्रद्युम्नश्चैव साम्बश्च निशद्दः शरुरेव च॥ चारुदेष्णश्च विक्रान्तो झिल्ली विपृथुरेव च। सारणश्च महाबाहुर्गदश्च विदुषां वरः॥
Pradyumna, Samba, Nishatha and Shanku, Chandrasena, the greatly powerful Jhilli, Vipritha, the mighty armed Sarana the foremost of all learned men Gada.

एते चान्ये च बहवो वृष्णिभोजान्धकास्तथा। आजग्मुः खाण्डवप्रस्थमादाय हरणं बहु॥
These and many other Vrishni, Bhojas and Andhakas came to Indraprastha, bringing with them many bridal presents.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा श्रुत्वा माधवमागतम्। प्रतिग्रहार्थं कृष्णस्य यमौ प्रास्थापयत् तदा॥
Hearing that Madhava (Krishna) had come, the king Yudhishthira sent the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) to receive him.

ताभ्यां प्रतिगृहीतं तु वृष्णिचक्रं महर्द्धिमत्। विवेश खाण्डवप्रस्थं पताकाध्वजशोभितम्॥
Having been welcomed by them, the Vrishni heroes of great prosperity entered Khandavaprastha which was well-adorned with flags and standards.

सम्मृष्टसिक्तपन्थानं पुष्पप्रकरशोभितम्। चन्दनस्य रसैः शीतैः पुण्यगन्धैनिषेवितम्॥
The street were well-swept and waters; they were adorned with floral wreathes and bunches, sprinkled over with cooling and fragrant Sandal-wood-water.

दह्यतागुरुणा चैव देशे देशे सुगन्धिना। हृष्टपुष्टजनाकीर्णं वणिम्भिरुपशोभितम्॥
Every part of the town was full of the sweet scent of burning aloes. The whole city was full of happy and healthy people and adorned with traders and merchants.

प्रतिपेदे महाबाहुः सह रामेण केशवः। वृष्ण्यन्धकैस्तथा भोजैः समेतः पुरुषोत्तमः॥ सम्पूज्यमानः पौरेश्च ब्राह्मणैश्च सहस्रशः। विवेश भवनं राज्ञः पुरन्दरगृहोपमम्॥
That best of men, the mighty-armed Keshava (Krishna) with Rama and many of the Vrishni, Bhoja and Andhaka races entered the town and was worshipped by thousands of citizens and Brahmanas. He then entered the king's palace which was like the palace of Indra hiinself.

युधिष्ठिरस्तु रामेण समागच्छद् यथाविधि। मूर्षि केशवमाघ्राय बाहुभ्यां परिषस्वजे॥
Yudhishthira received Rama with all due ceremonies and the king embraced Keshava with both his arms ad smelt his head.

तं प्रीयमाणो गोविन्दो विनयेनाभिपूजयन्। भीमं च पुरुषव्याघ्रं विधिवत् प्रत्यपूजयत्॥
Being much pleased with the reception, Govinda (Krishna) worshipped him (Yudhishthira) with all humility. He duly worshipped that best of men Bhima.

तांश्च वृष्ण्यन्धक श्रेष्ठान् कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। प्रतिजग्राह सत्कारैर्यथाविधि यथागतम्॥
The son of Kunti, Yudhishthira, then welcomed with all due ceremonies all the other chief men of the Vrishni and the Andhaka races.

गुरुवत् पूजयामास कांश्चित् कांश्चिद् वयस्यवत्। कांश्चिदभ्यवदत् प्रेम्णा कैश्चिदप्यभिवादितः॥
He worshipped some as his superiors, he welcomed others as his equals; he received some with affection and he worshipped others with reverence.

तेषां ददौ हृषीकेशो जन्यार्थे धनमुत्तमम्। हरणं वै सुभद्राया ज्ञातिदेयं महायशाः॥
Then the illustrious Hrishikesha (Krishna) gave much wealth to the bridge groom's party. He gave to the illustrious Subhadra all the bridal presents given to her by her relatives.

रथानां काञ्चनाङ्गानां किरूिणीजालमालिनाम्। चतुर्युजामुपेतानां सूतैः कुशलशिक्षितैः॥
(He gave the Pandavas) one thousand golden cars adorned with rows of bells, to each of which were yoked four steeds driven by well-trained charioteers.

सहस्रं प्रददौ कृष्णो गवामयुतमेव च। श्रीमान् माधुर देश्यानां दोग्ध्रीणां पुण्यवर्चसाम्॥
Ten thousand well complexioned kine, belonging to the country of Mathura and yielding much milk were also presented (o the Pandavas) by Krishna.

वडवानां च शुद्धानां चन्द्रांशुसमवर्चसाम्। ददौ जनार्दनः प्रीत्या सहस्रं हेमभूषितम्॥
Being very much pleased, Janardana (Krishna) gave them one thousand moon-like with golden harnesses.

तथैवाश्वतरीणां च दान्तानां वातरंहसाम्। शतान्यञ्जनकेशीनां श्वेतानां पञ्च पञ्च च॥
(He also gave them) one thousand mules of white colour with black manes, all possessing the speed of wind and all well trained.

स्नानपानोत्सवे चैव प्रयुक्तं वयसान्वितम्। स्त्रीणां सहस्रं गौरीणां सुवेषाणां सुवर्चसाम्॥ सुवर्णशतकण्द्दीनामरोमाणां स्वलंकृताम्। परिचर्यासु दक्षाणां प्रददौ पुष्करेक्षणः॥
(He gave them also) one thousand of skin perfectly polished, all young and virgin, all well-attired and of excellent complexion, each wearing one hundred pieces of gold round her neck, adorned with all ornaments and wellskilled in saving at bath and at drink and in every kind of service.

पृष्ठ्यनामपि चाश्वानां बालिकानां जनार्दनः। ददौ शतसहस्राख्यं कन्याधनमुत्तमम्॥
Janardana (Krishna) also gave them as an excellent dowry of the bride, hundreds of thousands of horses, brought from the country of Balhikas.

कृताकृतस्य मुख्यस्य कनकस्याग्निवर्चसः। मनुष्यभारान् दाशार्हो ददौ दश जनार्दनः॥
Janardana gave her (Subhadra) as her dowry ten loads of first class gold, possessing the splendour of fire; some portions of were purified and some portions in original state.

गजानां तु प्रभिन्नानां त्रिधा प्रस्रवतां मदम्। गिरिकूटनिकाशानां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनाम्॥ क्लृप्तानां पटुघण्टानां चारूणां हेममालिनाम्। हस्त्यारोहैरुपेतानां सहस्रं साहसप्रियः॥ रामः पाणिग्रहणिकं ददौ पार्थाय लागली। प्रीयमाणो हलधरः सम्बन्धं प्रतिमानयन्॥ स महाधनरत्नौघौ वस्त्रकम्बलफेनवान्। महागजमहाग्राहः पताकाशैवलाकुलः॥
The wielder of plough his weapon, the lover of heroism, Rama, gave Partha as his nuptial present one thousand elephants with secretions flowing in three streams from the thrce parts of their bodies, each as large as a mountain., each irresistible in battle, each decked with coverlets. Well adorned with everringing bells and other golden ornaments and cach equipped with excellent haudhas on its back. The large number of gems and the large quantity of wealth presented by the Yadavas looked like a sea, of which the cloths and blankets were the foams, the elephants were the alligators and sharks and the flags the floating weeds.

पाण्डुसागरमाविद्धः प्रविवेश महाधनः। पूर्णमापूरयंस्तेषां द्विषच्छोकावहोऽभवत्॥ प्रतिजग्राह तत् सर्वं धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। पूजयामास तांश्चैव वृष्ण्यन्धकमहारथान्॥
The sea, thus swelling into large proportions, mingled with the ocean of wealth of the Pandavas. It was filled to the brim to the great sorrow of all their foes. Dharmaraja Yudhishthira accepted all these presents and worshipped all those great warriors of the Vrishni and Andhaka raccs.

ते समेता महात्मानः कुरुवृष्ण्यन्धकोत्तमाः। विजह्वरमरावासे नराः सुकृतिनो यथा॥
Those illustrious of the Kuru, Vrishni and Andhaka races passed their time all in merriment and in pleasure, as do the virtuous inen in heaven (after their death).

तत्र तत्र महानादैरुत्कृष्टतलनादितैः। यथायोगं यथाप्रीति विजह्वः कुरुवृष्णयः॥
The Kurus and the Vrishnis sported there with joyous hearts, often shouting and clapping their hands.

एवमुत्तमवीर्यास्ते विहृत्य दिवसान् बहून्। पूजिताः कुरुभिर्जग्मुः पुनरवती प्रति॥
Thus passing many days in pleasure and worshipped and entertained by the Kurus, the greatly effulgent Vrishni heroes then returned to the city of Dvaravati.

राम पुरस्कृत्य ययुर्वृष्ण्यन्धकमहारथाः। रत्नान्यादाय शुभ्राणि दत्तानि कुरुसत्तमैः॥
The great warriors of the Vrishni and the Andhaka races, placing Rama at their head and carrying with them all those brilliant gems presented to them by the excellent Kuru, set out (for their own city).

वासुदेवस्तु पार्थेन तत्रैव सह भारत। उवास नगरे रम्ये शक्रप्रस्थे महात्मना॥
O descendant of Bharata, the high-souled Vasudeva (Krishna however) remained with Arjuna in the charming city of Indraprastha.

व्यचरद् यमुनातीरे मृगयां स महायशाः। मृगान् विध्यन् वराहांश्च रेमे सार्धं किरीटिना॥
That greatly illustrious hero roamed along the banks of Yamuna in search of deer. he sported and hunted with Kiriti (Arjuna), piercing deer and wild boars with his arrows.

ततः सुभद्रा सौभद्रं केशवस्य प्रिया स्वसा। जयन्तमिव पौलोमी ख्यातिमन्तमजीजनत्॥
Then Subhadra, the beloved sister of Krishna, gave birth to an illustrious son, like Pauloma's daughter (Sachi) giving birth to Jayanta (son of Indra).

दीर्घबाहुं महोरस्कं वृषभाक्षमरिंदमम्। सुभद्रा सुषुवे वीरमभिमन्युं नरर्षभम्॥
He was of long arms, broad chest and bulllike eyes; that chastiser of focs, that best of men, that hero, the son of Subhadra, was named Abhimanyu.

अभिश्च मन्युमांश्चैव ततस्तमरिमर्दनम्। अभिमन्युमिति प्राहुरार्जुनि पुरुषर्षभम्॥
That best of the Bharata race, that chastiser of foes, that son of Arjuna, was called Abhimanyu, because he was fearless and wrathful.

स सात्वत्यामतिरथः सम्बभूव धनंजयात्। मखे निर्मथनेनेव शमीगर्भाद्भुतासनः॥
That great hero was begotten by Dhananjaya on the maiden of the Satvata race, like fire produced by rubbing in a sacrifice from within the Sami wood.

यस्मिञ्जाते महातेजाः कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। अयुतं गा द्विजातिभ्यः प्रादान्निष्कांश्च भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata on the birth of this child the powerful son of Kunti, Yudhishthira, gave away to the Brahmanas ten thousand kine and many thousand gold coins.

दयितो वासुदेवस्य बाल्यात् प्रभृति चाभवत्। पितृणामिव सर्वेषां प्रजानामिव चन्द्रमाः॥
The child became a favourite of Vasudeva from his earliest years and of his father and uncles. He shone like the moon become and the favourite of all the people.

जन्मप्रभृति कृष्णाश्च चक्रे तस्य क्रियाः शुभाः। स चापि ववृधे बालः शुक्लपक्षे यथा शशी॥
Krishna performed all the usual rites of infancy on his birth. The child began to grow up like the moon in the white fortnight.

चतुष्पादं दशविधं धनुर्वेदमरिंदमः। अर्जुनाद् वेद वेदज्ञः सकलं दिव्यमानुषम्॥
That chastiser of foes learnt from Arjuna the science of arms with its four branches and ten divisions, both human and celestials; and he also became in the Vedas.

विज्ञानेष्वपि चास्त्राणां सौष्ठवे च महाबलः। क्रियास्वपि च सर्वासु विशेषानभ्यशिक्षयत्॥ आगमे च प्रयोगे च चक्रे तुल्यमिवात्मना। तुतोष पुत्रं सौभद्रं प्रेक्षमाणो धनंजयः॥
That powerful boy (Abhimanyu) became equal to his father in counteracting the weapons hurled upon him, in great lightness of hands, in fleetness of inotion, forward and backward and in traversing and wheeling. Seeing his son, the son of Subhadra, (so skillful in arms), Dhananjaya became exceedingly happy.

सर्वसंहननोपेतं सर्वलक्षणलक्षितम्। दुर्धर्षमृषभस्कन्धं व्यात्ताननमिवोरगम्॥
He possessed the power of crushing all his enemies-he had every auspicious mark on his body; he was invincible in battle and as broad shouldered as a bull; he had a face like that of a snake,

सिंहदष महेष्वासं मत्तमातङ्गविक्रमम्। मेघदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषं पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननम्॥
He was as proud as the lion, he was a great powerful as a mad elephant. His voice was like that of the roars of clouds and his face was like that of the full moon.

कृष्णस्य सदृशं शौर्ये वीर्य रूपे तथाऽकृतौ। ददर्श पुत्रं बीभत्सुर्मघवानिव तं यथा॥
He was equal to Krishna in bravery, in energy, in beauty and in features. Vivatsu (Arjuna) saw his son as if he was Maghavata himself.

पाञ्चाल्यपि तु पञ्चभ्यः पतिभ्यः शुभलक्षणा। लेभे पञ्च सुतान् वीराश्रेष्ठान् पञ्चाचलानिव॥
The auspicious Panchala princess also obtained five heroic, excellent and mountainsons from the five Pandavas.

युधिष्ठिरात् प्रतिविन्ध्यं सुतसोमं वृकोदरात्। अर्जुनाच्छुतकर्माणं शतानीकं च नाकुलिम्॥ सहदेवाच्छ्रुतसेनमेतान् पञ्च महारथान्। पाञ्चाली सुषुवे वीरानादित्यानदितिर्यथा॥
Prativindhya begotten by Yudhishthira, Sutasoma by Vrikodara, Shrutakarmana by Arjuna, Shatanika by Nakula and Shrutasena by Sahadeva; they were all great car-warriors. The Panchala princess gave birth to these five heroes, as Aditi gave birth to the Adityas.

शास्त्रतः प्रतिविन्ध्यं तमूचुर्विप्रा युधिष्ठिरम्। परप्रहरणज्ञाने प्रतिविध्यो भवत्वयम्॥
The Brahmanas from their for-knowledge said to Yudhishthira, that because that son of his would be capable of bring like the Vindhya mountains the weapons of the foe, he should be called Prativindhyas. was

सुते सोमसहस्रे तु सोमार्कसमतेजसम्। सुतसोमं महेष्वासं सुषुवे भीमसेनतः॥
Because the child that Draupadi bore to Bhimsena was born after Bhima had performed one thousand Soma sacrifices, he should be called the great bow-man Sutasoma.

श्रुतं कर्म महत् कृत्वा निवृत्तेन किरीटिना। जातः पुत्रस्तथेत्येवं श्रुतकर्मा ततोऽभवत्॥
Because Arjuna's son was born on his relurn from exile during which he had achieved many celebrated feats, that child came to be called Shrutakarma.

शतानीकस्य राजर्षेः कौरव्यस्य महात्मनः। चक्रे पुत्रं सनामानं नकुलः कीर्तिवर्धनम्॥
Nakula's son was named Shatanika after a royal sage of that name in the illustrious race of Kuru.

ततस्त्वजजनत् कृष्णा नक्षत्रे वह्निदैवते। सहदेवात् सुतं तस्माच्छ्रुतसेनेति यं विदुः॥
And because the son, Draupadi bore to Sahadeva, was born under the constellation, called Vahni Daivata, therefore he was called after the commander-in-chief of the celestials ariny, Shrutasena.

एकवर्षान्तरास्वेते द्रौपदेया यशस्विनः। अन्वजायन्त राजेन्द्र परस्परहितैषिणः॥
The sons of Draupadi were all born each at the interval of year. all of them became renowned and was much attached to one another.

जातकर्माण्यानुपूर्व्याच्चूडोपनयनानि च। चकार विधिवद् धौम्यस्तेषां भरतसत्तम॥
O king, all their rites of infancy and childhood according to the ordinance, such as Chudakarana and Upanayana, were duly performed by Dhaumya.

कृत्वा च वेदाध्ययनं ततः सुचरितव्रताः। जगृहुः सर्वमिष्वस्त्रमर्जुनाद् दिव्यमानुषम्॥
After having studied the Vedas, those princes of excellent behaviour and vow learnt from Arjuna the use of all the weapons, both celestials and human.

दिव्यगर्भोपमैः पुत्रैयूंढोरस्कैर्महारथैः। अन्वितो राजशार्दूल पाण्डवा मुदमाप्नुवन्॥
O best of kings, having obtained sons, all of whom were celestials, all of whom possessed broad chests and all whom became great warriors, the Pandavas became exceedingly happy.