ASTIKA PARVA: Chapter 22

Seeing of ocean

सौतिरुवाच नागाश्च संविदं कृत्वा कर्तव्यमिति तद्वचः। निःस्नेहा वै दहेन्माता असंप्राप्तमनोरथा॥
Sauti said: The Nagas, after a consultation came to the conclusion that they should obey their mother's command, for if her wish was not gratified, she, abandoning her love towards them, would burn them all.

प्रसन्ना मोक्षयेदस्मांस्तस्माच्छापाच्च भामिनी। कृष्णं पुच्छं करिष्यामस्तुरगस्य न संशयः॥
If she was gratified, she might free them from the curse. They said:-“We shall undoubtedly make the horse's hair black.”

तथा हि गत्वा ते तस्य पुच्छे वाला इति स्मृताः। एतस्मिन्नन्तरे ते तु सपत्न्यौ पणिते तदा॥
It is said that they then went and became hairs on the tail of the horse (Uchchaishrava). In the mean time the two co-wives laid the wager.

ततस्ते पणितं कृत्वा भगिन्यौ द्विजसत्तम। जग्मतुः परया प्रीत्या परं पारं महोदधेः॥
And having laid the wager, o best of Brahmanas, the two sisters proceeded in great delight to the other side of the great ocean.

कदूश्च विनताचैव दाक्षायण्यौ विहायसा। आलोकयन्त्यावक्षोभ्यं समुद्र निधिमम्भसाम्॥
Kadru and Vinata, the daughters of Daksha, saw on their way the ocean, incapable of being easily disturbed.

वायुनाऽतीव सहसा क्षोभ्यमाणं महास्वनम्। तिमिगिलसमाकीर्णं मकरैरावृतं तथा॥
(But) greatly agitated all on a sudden by the wind. (It was) terribly roaring, full of Timingilas and Makaras.

संयुतं बहुसाहस्रैः सत्त्वैर्नानाविधैरपि। घोरै?रमनाधृष्यं गंभीरमतिभैरवम्॥
And many thousands of other creatures of various forms; it was frightful with the presence of horrible monsters; it was inaccessible, fearful and terrible,

आकरं सर्वरत्नानामालयं वरुणस्य च। नागानामालयं चापि सुरम्यं सरितां पतिम्॥
The mine of all gems, the home of Varuna, the beautiful habitation of the Nagas, the Lord of rivers,

पातालज्वलनावासमसुराणां तथालयम्। भयंकराणां सत्त्वानां पयसो निधिमव्ययम्॥
The abode of subterranean fire, the home of the Asuras and many fearful creatures, the reservoir of waters.

शुभं दिव्यममानाममृतस्याकरं परम्। अप्रमेयमचिन्त्यं च सुपुण्यजलसंमितम्॥
It was holy, the great receptacle of the Arabrosia of the celestials, immeasurable and inconceivable, full of holy waters.

महानदीभिर्बह्वीभिस्तत्र तत्र सहस्रशः। आपूर्यमाणमत्यर्थं नृत्यन्तमिव चोर्मिभिः॥
Filled with many thousands of and thus disturbed, dancing with its waves.

इत्येवं तरलतरोर्मिसंकुलं ते गंभीरं विकसितमम्बरप्रकाशं। पातालज्वलनशिखाविदीपिताङ्गं गर्जन्तं द्रुतमभिजग्मतुस्ततस्ते॥
Such was the ocean full of liquid waves, (it was) vast as the sky, deep, lighted with the flames of subterranean fire, roaring; they (the sisters) passed quickly over it. great rivers