Departure of Arjuna, for the forest

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं ते समयं कृत्वा न्यवसंस्तत्र पाण्डवाः। वशे शस्त्रप्रतापेन कुर्वन्तोऽन्यान् महीक्षितः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having made that rule (amongst themselves), the Pandavas continued to live there (at Khandhavaprastha). They brought under their sway many kings by their prowess of arms.

तेषां मनुजसिंहानां पञ्चानाममितौजसाम्। बभूव कृष्णा सर्वेषां पार्थानां वशवर्तिनी॥
Krishna (Draupadi) became obedient to all the five sons of Pritha, those five best men of immeasurable energy.

ते तया तैश्च सा वीरैः पतिभिः सह पञ्चभिः। बभूव परमप्रीता नागैर्भोवती यथा॥
She became exceedingly happy in her five heroic husbands as the Sarasvati in elephants; and they (the Pandavas) also were exceedingly happy in her.

वर्तमानेषु धर्मेण पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। व्यवर्धन् कुरवः सर्वे हीनदोषा: सुखान्विताः॥
In consequence of the illustrious Pandavas being virtuous, all the Kurus, being free from sin and becoming very happy, grew in prosperity.

अथ दीर्घेण कालेन ब्राह्मणस्य विशाम्पते। कस्यचित् तस्करा जह्वः केचिद् गा नृपसत्तम॥
O king, O best of monarchs, many days after (it so happened) that a robber stole some kine of a certain Brahmanas,

ह्रियमाणे धने तस्मिन् ब्राह्मणः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः। आगम्य खाण्डवप्रस्थमुद क्रोशत् स पाण्डवान्॥
When his wealth (kine) was thus stolen, the Brahmana lost his senses in anger; and coming to Khandavaprastha, he thus reproved the Pandavas.

ह्रियते गोधनं क्षुदैर्नृशंसैरकृतात्मभिः। प्रसह्य चास्मद्विषयादभ्यधावत पाण्डवाः॥
The Brahmana said: O Pandavas, despicable and wicked wretches are robbing away my kine in your dominion. Parsue the robbers.

ब्राह्मणस्य प्रशान्तस्य हविर्ध्वाक्षैः प्रलुप्यते। शार्दूलस्य गुहां शून्यां नीचः क्रोष्टाभिमर्दति॥
Alas! the sacrificial ghee of a peaceful Brahmana is being carried away by crows. Alas, the wretched jackal is invading the empty cave of a lion!

अरक्षितारं राजानं बलिषड्भागहारिणम्। तमाहुः सर्वलोकस्य समग्रं पापचारिणम्॥
A king, who takes the sixth part of the produce, but does not protect his subjects, is called by all men as the most sinful in all the worlds.

ब्राह्मणस्वे हृते चौरेर्धर्मार्थे च विलोपिते। रोरूयमाणं च मयि क्रियतामस्त्रधारणम्॥
The wealth of a Brahmana is being taken away by thieves; virtue is going to be destroyed. Take me up by the hand, for I am in great grief.

वैशम्पायन उवाच रोरूयमाणस्याभ्याशे भृशं विप्रस्य पाण्डवः। तानि वाक्यानि शुश्राव कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः॥
Vaishampayana said : Thus were the Pandavas reproved by the Brahmana weeping in bitter grief. The son of Kunti, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) heard his (weeping) words.

श्रुत्वैव च महाबाहुर्मा भैरित्याह तं द्विजम्। आयुधानि च यत्रावसन् पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्॥ कृष्णया सह तत्रास्ते धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। सम्प्रवेशाय चाशक्तो गमनाय च पाण्डवः॥
As soon as he heard it, the mighty-armed hero told the Brahmana, "Don't fear". But in the room where the arms of the illustrious Pandavas were, Dharmaraja Yudhishthira was then sitting with Krishna (Draupadi). The Pandavas (Arjuna) was, therefore, unable to enter the room or to go (with the Brahmana).

तस्य चार्तस्य तैर्वाक्यैश्चोद्यमानः पुनः पुनः। आक्रन्दे तत्र कौन्तेयश्चिन्तयामास दुःखितः॥
Being repeatedly urged by the weeping words of the Brahmana, the son of Kunti (Arjuna) pondered in sorrow.

ह्रियमाणे धने तस्मिन् ब्राह्मणस्य तपस्विनः। अश्रुप्रमार्जनं तस्य कर्तव्यमिति निश्चयः॥
Arjuna said : "Alas, this ascetic Brahmana's wealth is being rubbed! It is certainly my duty to dry up his tears.

उपक्षेपणजोऽधर्मः सुमहान् स्यान्महीपतेः। यद्यस्य रुदतां द्वारि न करोम्यद्य रक्षणम्॥
If I do not protect him who is weeping at our gate, the king (Yudhishthira) will be touched by sin for my indifference.

अनास्तिक्यं च सर्वेषामस्माकमपि रक्षणे। प्रतितिष्ठेत लोकेऽस्मिन्नधर्मश्चैव नो भवेत्॥
Our own irreligiousness will also be talked all over the kingdom and we shall certainly incur a great sin.

अनादृत्य तु राजानं गते मयि न संशयः। अजातशत्रोर्नृपतेर्मम चैवानृतं भवेत्॥
There is no doubt that if I enter (the room) disregarding the king, I shall not truthfully behave towards that enemiless monarch.

अनुप्रवेशे राज्ञस्तु वनवासो भवेन्मम। सर्वमन्यत् परिहतं धर्षणात् तु महीपतेः॥ अधर्मो वै महानस्तु वने वा मरणं मम। शरीरस्य विनाशेन धर्म एव विशिष्यते॥
If I enter (the room) where the king is, an exile in the forest will be my lot. But I must overlook every thing. I do not care if I am to incur sin by disregarding the king. I care not if I am to go to the forest and die there. Virtue is superior to body and it lasts after the body perishes.

एवं विनिश्चित्य ततः कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः। अनुप्रविश्य राजानमापृच्छ्य च विशाम्पते॥ धनुरादाय संहृष्टो ब्राह्मण प्रत्यभाषत।
O king, having resolved this, the son of Kunti Dhananjaya (Arjuna) entered the room and talked with the king (Yudhishthira).

ब्राह्मणागम्यतां शीघ्रं यावत् परधनैषिणः॥ न दूरे ते गताः क्षुद्रास्तावद् गच्छावहे सह। यावनिवर्तयाम्यद्य चौरहस्ताद् धनं तव॥
Bringing the bow, he cheerfully told the Brahmana, O Brahmana, come soon, so that those wretched thieves may not go far off. I shall accompany you and restore to you your wealth that has fallen into the hands of the robbers."

सोऽनुसृत्य महाबाहुर्धन्वी वर्मी रथी ध्वजी। शरैर्विध्वस्य तांश्चौरानवजित्य च तद् धनम्॥
He then went away, armed with bow-cased in mail, riding on the chariot and holding the standard. Piercing those thieves with arrows, he took back that wealth (kine).

ब्राह्मणं समुपाकृत्य यशः प्राप्य च पाण्डवः। ततस्तद् गोधनं पार्थो दत्त्वा तस्मै द्विजातये॥ आजगाम पुरं वीरः सव्यसाची धनंजयः। सोऽभिवाद्य गुरून् सर्वान् सर्वैश्चाप्यभिनन्दितः॥
Thus helping the Brahmana by returning to him his kine and winning great renown, the Pandava. The heroic Savyasachi Dhananjaya returned to the city. He then bowed to all the elders and was in return congratulated by them all.

धर्मराजमुवाचेदं व्रतमादिश मे प्रभो। समयः समतिक्रान्तो भवत्संदर्शने मया।॥ वनवासो गमिष्यामि समयो ह्येष नः कृतः।
He then said to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), “O Lord, give me permission to observe the vow. The rule that was established by us has been violated by me on my seeing you.

इत्युक्तो धर्मराजस्तु सहसा वाक्यमप्रियम्॥ कथमित्यब्रवीद् वाचा शोकार्तः सज्जमानया। युधिष्ठिरो गुडाकेशं भ्राता भ्रातरमच्युतम्॥ उवाच दीनो राजा च धनंजयमिदं वचः। प्रमाणमस्मि यदि ते मत्तः शृणु वचोऽनघ॥
I shall go into exile to the forest, for we made this rule.” Suddenly hearing those most painful words uttered (by Arjuna), Yudhishthira, was afflicted with grief and sad in agitated voice, “Why?" Then Yudhishthira thus spoke in grief to his vowobserving brother Gudakesha (curly haired) Dhananjaya (Arjuna), “O sinless one, if I am an authority worthy of regard, listen to what I say-an

अनुप्रवेशे यद् वीर कृतवांस्त्वं मम प्रियम्। सर्वं तदनुजानामि व्यलीकं न च मे हृदि॥
O hero, I know full well why you entered the room and did what you thought would be disagreeable to me. But I have not felt any displeasure for it.

गुरोरनुप्रवेशो हि नोपघातो यवीयसः। यवीयसोऽनुप्रवेशो ज्येष्ठभ्य विधिलोपकः॥
The younger brother may enter the room in which his elder brother sits with his wife. There is no fault to be found in this. If the elder brother enters the room where his younger brother is with his wife, then he acts against the rules of propriety.

निवर्तस्व महाबाहो कुरुष्व वचनं मम। न हि ते धर्मलोपोऽस्ति न च ते धर्षणा कृता॥
O mighty-armed hero, therefore, desist from your purpose. Do what I say. Your virtue has suffered no diminution and you have not also shown any disregard towards me.

अर्जुन उवाच न व्याजेन चरेद् धर्ममिति मे भवतः श्रुतम्। न सत्याद् विचलिष्यामि सत्येनायुधमालभे॥
Arjuna said : I have heard from you that the virtue should not be practiced by quibbling. I shall not waver from truth. Truth is my weapon.

वैशम्पायन उवाच सोऽभ्यनुज्ञाय राजानं वनचर्याय दीक्षितः। वने द्वादश वर्षाणि वासायानुजगाम ह॥
Vaishampayana said : Having obtained the king's permission, he made preparations to live in the forest. He went away to dwell in the forest for twelve years.