Marriage of Draupadi

दुपद उवाच अश्रुत्वैवं वचनं ते महर्षे मया पूर्वं यतितं संविधातुम्। न वै शक्यं विहिस्यापयानं तदेवेदमुपपन्नं विधानम्॥
Drupada said : O great Rishi, it is only when I have not heard from you all this that I intended to act in the way I have already told you. I am now incapable of acting against what has been ordained by the celestials. I therefore desire to act as you have said.

दिष्टस्य ग्रन्थिरनिवर्तनीयः स्वकर्मणा विहितं नेह किंचित् स्तदेवेदमुपपन्नं विधानम्॥
The knot of destiny cannot be untied. There is nothing which is the result of our own actions. That which was made to secure one husband (for my daughter) becomes now the source of this (new) ordinance.

नैकं पतिं मे भगवान् ददातु। स चाप्येवं वरमित्यब्रवीत् तां देवो हि वेत्ता परमं यदत्र॥
As Krishna (Draupadi) had repeatedly asked (in her former life) for five times saying, “Give me a husband," the greatly deity had granted her the boon accordingly. The deity himself knows the right or the wrong of this.

यदि चैवं विहितः शंकरेण धर्मोऽधर्मो वा नात्र ममापराध:। गृहणन्त्विमे विधिवत् पाणिमस्या यथोपजोषं विहितैषां हि कृष्णा॥
When Shankara has fixed this ordinance, sinful or virtuous, I can have no fault. Therefore, let these (heroes) take as ordained the hand of Krishna according to all due rites.

वैशम्पायन उवाच मद्यैव पुण्याहमुत वः पाण्डवेया अद्य पौष्यं योगमुपैति चन्द्रमाः पाणिं कृष्णायास्त्वं गृहाणाद्य पूर्वम्॥
Vaishampayana said : The illustrious Rishi then spoke thus to Dharamraja (Yudhishthira), "O son of Pandu today is an auspicious day. Today the Moon has entered the constellation Paushya. You first take the hand of Krishna today.”

ततो राजा यज्ञसेनः सपुत्रो जन्यार्थमुक्तं बहु तत् तदग्र्यम्। माप्लाव्य रत्नैर्बहुभिर्विभूष्य॥
Thereupon the king Yajnasena with his son made preparations for the marriage. Keeping ready many costly marriage presents, he brought out his daughter Krishna adorned after a bath, with many jewels and pearls.

ततस्तु सर्वे सुहदो नृपस्य समाजग्मुः सहिता मन्त्रिणश्च। द्रष्टुं विवाहं परमप्रतीता द्विजाश्च पौराश्च यथा प्रधाना॥
All the friends and the relatives of the king with the state ministers and many Brahmanas and citizens according to their precedence of ranks, came there in joy to witness the marriage ceremony.

ततोऽस्य वेश्मावयजनोपशोभितं विस्तीर्णपद्मोत्पलभूषिताजिरम्। बलौघररत्नौघविचित्रमाबभौ नभो यथा निर्मलतारकान्वितम्॥
Adorned with that concourse of chief men, with its court-yards decked with lotuses and lilies and beautified with the lines of troops and fastened round with diamonds and precious stones, his (Drupada's) palace looked like the sky studded with the brilliant stars.

ततस्तु ते कौरवराजपुत्रा विभूषिताः कुण्डलिनो युवानः। महार्हवस्त्राम्बरचन्दनोक्षिताः कृताभिषेकाः कृतमङ्गलक्रियाः॥
Then those Kuru Princes, those young (heroes) bathed; adorned with ear-rings, attired in costly robes and perfumed by Sundal paste, they performed the Abhisheka (preparatory ceremony) and all other usual auspicious rites.

पुरोहितेनाग्निसमानवर्चसा सहैव धौम्येन यथाविधि प्रभो। क्रमेण सर्वे विविशुस्ततः सदो महर्षभा गोष्ठमिवाभिनन्दितः॥
O lord, like mighty bulls entering their r 'n, they !..en accompanied by their priest Dhaumya, as effulgent as fire, entered in joy and in due order (the wedding place) one after the other.

ततः समाधाय स वेदपारगो जुहाव मन्त्रैर्ध्वलितं हुताशनम्। ततोऽभ्यनुज्ञाय नियोजयामास सहैव कृष्णया॥
Then that Veda-knowing priest (Dhaumya) kindled the sacred fire and poured the libations of ghee in that blazing fire with proper Mantras. That Mantra knowing Brahmana then called Yudhisthira and united him with Krishna (Draupadi).

प्रदक्षिणं तौ प्रगृहीतपाणी समानयामास स वेदपारगः। तमाजिशोभिनं पुरेहितो राजगृहाद् विनिर्ययौ॥
Walking round the fire (for seven times), the bride and the bridegroom took each other's hands. Thus they were married by the Vedaknowing (Dhaumya). Then taking leave of that ornament of battle (Yudhishthira), he (Dhaumya) went out of the palace.

क्रमेण चानेन नराधिपात्मजा वरस्त्रियस्ते जगृहस्तदा करम्। अहन्यहन्युत्तमरूपधारिणो महारथाः कौरववंशवर्धनाः॥
Then those mighty car-warriors, the perpetuators of the Kuru race, those princes, attired in costly robes, took the hand of that best of women (Draupadi) day by day in succession.

इदं च तत्राद्भुतरूपमुत्तम जगाद देवर्षिरतीतमानुषम्। महानुभावा किल सा सुमध्यमा बभूव कन्यैव गते गतेऽहनि॥
The celestial Rishi told me of a very wonderful incident, namely that the highsouled lady of slender waist (Draupadi) regained her virginity day after day (i.e., every day after her previous marriage).

कृते विवाहे द्रुपदो धनं ददौ महारथेभ्यो बहुरूपसमुत्तमम्। शतं रथानां वरहेममालिनां चतुर्युजां हेमखलीनमालिनाम्॥
After the wedding was over, Drupada gave to those great car-warriors various kind of excellent wealth. (He gave them) one hundred chariots with golden standards, each drawn by four horses with golden bridles;

शतं गजानामपि पद्मिनां तथा शतं गिरीणामिव हेमशृङ्गिणाम्। तथैव दासीशतमग्र्ययौवनं महार्हवेषाभरणाम्बरस्रजम्॥
One hundred elephants all possessing auspicious marks on their temples and faces and all looking like so many mountains with golden peaks; and one hundred young maidservants attired in costly robes and adorned with ornaments and floral wreaths.

पृथक् पृथग् दिव्यदृशां पुनर्ददौ तदा धनं सौमकिरग्निसाक्षिकम्। तथैव वस्त्राणि विभूषणानि प्रभावयुक्तानि महानुभावः॥
Making fire his witness, the high-souled king of the lunar race, (Draupada), gave separately each of those celestials-like heroes much wealth, various brilliant ornaments and many costly robes.

कृते विवाहे च ततस्तु पाण्डवाः। प्रभूतरत्नामुपलभ्यं तां श्रियम्। विजहरिन्द्रप्रतिमा महाबलाः पुरे च पाञ्चालनृपस्य तस्य ह॥
When the wedding was over and after they had obtained that maiden, like Lakshmi herself, along with great wealth, those greatly powerful sons of Pandu like so many Indras passed their days in joy, in the capital of the Panchala king.