Return of the Pandavas

वैशम्पायन उवाच अजिनानि विधु-वन्तः करकांश्च द्विजर्षभाः। ऊचुस्ते भीर्न कर्तव्या वयं योत्स्यामहे परान्॥
Vaishampayana said : Those best of Brahmanas (present there), shaking their deer-skins and coconut shell water pots, exclaimed, “Fear not; we shall fight with the foes."

तानेवं वदतो विप्रानर्जुनः प्रहसन्निव। उवाच प्रेक्षका भूत्वा यूयं तिष्ठथ पार्श्वतः॥
Arjuna smilingly told those Brahmanas who spoke to him “Stand aside as spectators,

अहमेनानजिह्मात्रैः शतशो विकिरज्छरैः। वारयिष्यामि संक्रुद्धान् मन्त्रैराशीविपानिव॥
I shall check all these kings, like snakes by. Mantras, showering on them arrows furnished with sharp points.”

इति तद् धनुरानम्य शुल्कावाप्तं महाबलः। भ्रात्रा भीमेन सहितस्तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः॥
Having said this, the mighty Arjuna took up the bow he had obtained as the dower and accompanied by his brother Bhima, stood immovable as a mountain.

ततः कर्णमुखान् दृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियान् युद्धदुर्मदान्। सम्पेततुरभीतौ तौ गजौ प्रतिगजानिव॥
Seeing the Kshatriyas, ever furious in battle, with Karna at their head, the two heroic brothers rushed at them like two elephants rushing against a herd of hostile elephants.

ऊचुश्च वाचः परुपास्ते राजानो युयुत्सवः। आहवे हि द्विजस्यापि वधो दृष्टो युयुत्सतः॥
Then those kings, eager for battle, fiercely exclaimed, Killing a Brahmana desirous of fighting in battle is permitted.“

इत्येवमुक्त्वा राजानः सहसा दुद्रुबुद्धिजान्। ततः कर्णो महातेजा जिष्णुं प्रति ययौ रणे॥
Saying this, the monarchs at once rushed upon the Brahmanas and the greatly powerful Karna rushed against Jishnu (Arjuna) to fight.

युद्धार्थी वासिताहेतोर्गजः प्रतिगजं यथा। भीमसेनं ययौ शल्य मद्राणामीश्वरो बली॥
The mighty! king of the Madras, Shalya rushed against. Bhima like one elephant rushing against another for a female one.

दुर्योधनादयः सर्वे ब्राह्मणैः सह संगताः। मृदुपूर्वमयत्नेन प्रत्ययुध्यंस्तदाहवे॥
Duryodhana and others all fought with the Brahmanas, but they skirmished with them lightly and carelessly.

ततोऽर्जुनः प्रत्यविध्यदापतन्तं शितैः शरैः। कर्णं वैकर्तनं श्रीमान् विकृष्य बलवद् धनुः॥
Then the illustrious Arjuna, seeing the son of Vikartana, Karna, coming towards him, drew his tough bow and pierced him with his sharp arrows.

तेषां शराणां वेगेन शितानां तिग्मतेजसाम्। विमुह्यमानो राधेयो यत्नात् तमनुधावति॥
The son of Radha (Karna), being much pestered by his swift, powerful and effulgent arrows, attacked Arjuna with more care (than before).

तावुभावप्यनिर्देश्यौ लाघवाज्जयतां वरौ। अयुध्येतां सुसंरब्धावन्योन्यविजिगीषिणौ॥
Then Karna and Arjuna, both foremost of all warriors, fought madly on, each eager to vanquish the other. Such was the lightness of hand they displayed that they both became invisible (on account of the incessant showers of arrows).”

कृते प्रतिकृतं पश्य पश्य बाहुबलं च मे। इति शूरार्थवचनैरभाषेतां परस्परम्॥
“Behold the strength of my arms, “Mark how I have counteracted your feats, they addressed each other in such words, intelligible only of the heroes.

ततोऽर्जुनस्य भुजयोर्वीर्यमप्रतिमं भुवि। ज्ञात्वा वैकर्तनः कर्णः संरब्धः समयोधयत्॥
Enraged on seeing the strength and energy of Arjuna's arms as matchless in the earth, the son of Surya, Karma, fought with greater vigour.

अर्जुनेन प्रयुक्तांस्तान् बाणान् वेगवतस्तदा। प्रतिहत्य ननादोच्चैः सैन्यानि तदपूजयन्॥
Parrying all the swift and strong arrows shot at him by Arjuna, Karna sent up a laud shout. And his great feat was applauded by all the warriors.

कर्ण उवाच तुष्यामि ते विप्रमुख्य भुजवीर्यस्य संयुगे। अविषादस्य चैवास्य शस्त्रास्त्रविजयस्य च॥
Karna said: O foremost of the Brahmanas, I am pleased to see the strength of your arms, that know no relaxation in battle. Your weapons are worthy of achieving victory.

किं त्वं साक्षाद् धनुर्वेदो रामो वा विप्रसत्तम। अथ साक्षाद्धरिहयः साक्षाद् वा विष्णुरच्युतः॥
Is the science of arms personified in you, or are you that best of Brahmanas (Parashu) Rama or Indra himself or Vishnu, or Achyuta himself?

आत्मप्रच्छादनार्थं वै बाहुवीर्यमुपाश्रितः। विप्ररूपं विधायेदं मन्ये मां प्रतियुध्यसे॥
In order to conceal your personality have you assumed the forin of a Brahmana and mastering all the strength of arms are you now fighting with me?

न हि मामाहवे क्रुद्धमन्यः साक्षाच्छचीपतेः। पुमान् योधयितुं शक्तः पाण्डवाद् वा किरीटिनः॥
None except Sachi's husband (Indra) or Kiriti (Arjuna), the son of Pandu is capable of fighting with me when I am angry on the field of battle.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तमेवं वादिनं तत्र फाल्गुनः प्रत्यभाषत। नास्मि कर्ण धनुर्वेदो नास्मि रामः प्रतापवान्॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing his these words, Falguni (Arjuna) replied, “ O Karna, I am not the science of arms; I am not also the powerful Rama.

ब्राह्मणोऽस्मि युधां श्रेष्ठः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः। ब्राह्मे पौरंदरे चास्त्रे निष्ठितो गुरुशासनात्॥
I am only a Brahmana who is the foremost of all wielders of arms. By the grace of my preceptor, I have become expert in the Brahma and Paurandra weapons. I am here to-day to vanquish you in battle. O hero, wait a little.”

स्थितोऽस्म्यद्य रणे जेतुं त्वां वै वीर स्थिरो भव। एवमुक्तस्तु राधेयो युद्धात् कर्णो न्यवर्तत॥
Having been thus addressed, the son of Radha, Karna, refrained from the fight, for the great car-warrior thought that the Brahma might is ever invincible. a

ब्राह्यं तेजस्तदाजय्यं मन्यमानो महारथः। अपरस्मिन् वनोद्देशे वीरौ शल्यवृकोदरौ॥
On another part of the field the mighty hcroes Shalya and Vrikodara (Bhima) endued with great strength, well skilled in battle and learning,

बलिनौ युद्धसम्पन्नौ विद्यया च बलेन च। अन्योन्यमाह्वयन्तौ तु मत्ताविव महागजौ॥
Challenged one another and fought like two mad elephants, striking each other with their clenched fists and knees.

मुष्टिभिर्जानुभिश्चैव निघ्नन्तावितरेतरम्। प्रकर्षणाकर्षणयोरभ्याकर्षविकर्षणैः॥
Sometimes pushing each other to distance, sometimes dragging each other near; sometimes throwing each other down with their faces down-wards and sometimes on their sides, they fought on, striking each other at times with the clenched fists.

आचकर्षतुरन्योन्यं मुष्टिभिश्चापि जघ्नतुः। ततश्चटचटाशब्दः सुघोरो ह्यभवत् तयोः॥
As they fought each other with blows hard as the clash of two pieces of stones, the arena rang with the sound of their combat.

पाषाणसम्पातनिभैः प्रहारैरभिजघ्नतुः। मुहूर्तं तौ तदान्योन्यं समरे पर्यकर्षताम्॥ ततो भीमः समुक्षिप्य बाहुभ्यां शल्यमाहवे। अपातयत् कुरुश्रेष्ठो ब्राह्मणा जहसुस्तदा॥ तत्राश्चर्यं भीमसेनश्चकार पुरुषर्षभः। यच्छल्यं पातितं भूमौ नावधीद् बलिनं बली॥
Fighting thus in the battle for a few minutes, Bhima, the best of the Kurus, then taking up Shalya on his arms, hurled him to a distance and the best of men Bhimasena surprised all (by his feat), for though he threw the powerful Shalya on the ground, he did not hurt him much.

पातिते भीमसेनेन शल्ये कर्णे च शरूिते। शरूिताः सर्वराजानः परिवर्तृकोदरम्॥
When Shalya was thus thrown down by Bhima and Karna was struck with fear, all the other kings were filled with awe and they surrounded Vrikodara (Bhima from all sides), of

ऊचुश्च सहितास्तत्र साध्विमौ ब्राह्मणर्षभौ। विज्ञायेतां क्वजन्मानौ क्वनिवासौ तथैव च॥
They said, "Surely these best Brahmanas are excellent (warriors). Ascertain in what tribe they have been born and when they live.

को हि राधासुतं कर्णं शक्तो योधयितुं रणे। अन्यत्र रामाद् द्रोणाद्वा पाण्डवाद्वा किरीटिनः॥
Who is capable of fighting with the son of Radha, Karna, in battle except Rama, Drona or Kiriti, the son of Pandu (Arjuna)?

कृष्णाद् वा देवकीपुत्रात् कृपाद् वापि शरद्वतः। को वा दुर्योधनः शक्तः प्रतियोधयितुं रणे॥
Who is capable of fighting in battle with Duryodhana except the son of Devaki Krishna and son of Sharadvan, Kripa?

तथैव मद्राधिपति शल्यं बलवतां वरम्। बलदेवादृते वीरात् पाण्डवाद् वा वृकोदरात्॥ वीराद् दुर्योधनाद् वान्यः शक्तः पातयितुं रणे। क्रियतामवहारोऽस्माद् युद्धाद् ब्राह्मणसंवृतात्॥
Who is capable of overthrowing in battle the king of Madra, Shalya, the foremost of great warriors, except Baladeva, the heroic Vrikodra, the son of Pandu and the heroic Duryodhana? Therefore, let as desist from this fight with the Brahmanas.

ब्राह्मणा हि सदा रक्ष्याः सापराधापि नित्यदा। अथैनानुपलभ्येह पुनर्योत्स्याम हृष्टवत्॥ तांस्तथावादिनः सर्वान् प्रसमीक्ष्य क्षितीश्वरान्। अथान्यान् पुरुषांश्चापि कृत्वा तत् कर्म संयुगे॥
Brahmanas, if they be offending, should still ever be protected. First let us ascertain who these (heroes) are. After we have learnt it, we my cheerfully fight with them.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत् कर्म भीमस्य समीक्ष्य कृष्ण: कुन्तीसुतौ तौ परिशरूमानः। निवारयामास महीपतींस्तान् धर्मेण लब्धेत्यनुनीय सर्वान्॥
Vaishampayana said : Seeing that feat of Bhima, Krishna believed them both to be the sons of Kunti. Gently addressing the assemble monarch by saying, “ This maiden has been greatly won (by the Brahmanas)” he induced them to desist from the fight.

एवं ते विनिवृत्तास्तु युद्धाद् युद्धविशारदाः। यथावासं ययुः सर्वे विस्मिता राजसत्तमाः॥
Having thus desisted from the battle, those best of monarchs, those (heroes) well (skilled in battle, returned to their respective kingdoms, all becoming exceedingly surprised.

वृत्तो प्रह्मोत्तरो रङ्गः पाञ्चाली ब्राह्मणैर्वृता। इति ब्रुवन्तः प्रययुर्ये तत्रासन् समागताः॥
Those that assembled there went away saying that the Brahmanas had become victorious to-day; the princess of Panchala had become the bride of a Brahmana.

ब्राह्मणैस्तु प्रतिच्छन्नौ रौरवाजिनवासिभिः। कृच्छ्रेण जग्मतुस्तौ तु भीमसेनधनंजयौ॥
Surrounded by Brahmanas attired in skins of deed and other wild animals, Bhima and Dhananjaya passed through the crowd with good deal of difficulty.

विमुक्तौ जनसम्बाधाच्छत्रुभिः परिवीक्षितौ। कृष्णयानुगतौ तत्र नृवीरौ तौ विरेजतुः॥ पौर्णमास्यां घनर्मुक्तौ चन्द्रसूर्याविवोदितौ। तेषां माता बहुविधं विनाशं पर्यचिन्तयत्॥
Those heroes among men, mangled by the enemies and followed by Krishna, at last came out of the crowd and they looked like the full moon or the sun emerged from the clouds. And their mother (Kunti in her lodging) began to think of various evils having overtaken her sons.

अनागच्छत्सु पुत्रेषु भैक्षकालेऽभिगच्छति। धार्तराष्ट्रर्हता न स्युर्विज्ञाय कुरुपुङ्गवाः॥
Seeing that her sons were late in returning from their begging tour, she was filled with anxiety. At one time she thought that the sons of Dhritarashtra had recognised and killed them.

मायान्वितैर्वा रक्षोभिः सुघोरैर्दृढवैरिभिः। विपरीतं मतं जातं व्यासस्यापि महात्मनः॥
Next she feared that some cruel and strong Rakshasas, endued with the prowess of deception, had killed them. And she asked herself, “Could the illustrious Vyasa himself have been guided by perverse intelligence?"

इत्येवं चिन्तयामास सुतस्नेहावृता पृथा। ततः सुप्तजनप्राये दुर्दिने मेघसम्प्लुते॥ महत्यथापराहणे तु घनैः सूर्य इवावृतः। ब्राह्मणैः प्राविशत् तत्र जिष्णुर्भार्गववेश्म तत्॥
Thus Pondered Pritha out of her affection for her children. Then in the stillness of the late afternoon, Jishnu (Arjuna), accompanied with many Brahmanas, entered the potter's house like the cloud-covered sun emerged from the clouds in a cloudy day.