Words of Krishna

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्मै दित्सति कन्यां तु ब्राह्मणाय तदा नृपे। कोप आसीन्महीपानामालोक्यान्योन्यमन्तिकात्॥
Vaishampayana said : When the king expressed his desire to bestow his daughter on that Brahmana, all the assembled kings looked at one another and were filled with wrath.

अस्मानयमतिक्रम्य तृणीकृत्य च संगतान्। दातुमिच्छति विप्राय द्रौपदी योषितां वराम्॥
The kings said : Passing us by and regarding the assembled potentates as straw, this Draupada desires to bestow his daughter, the best of women, on a Brahmana.

अवरोप्येह वृक्षं तु फलकाले निपात्यते। निहन्मैनं दुरात्मानं योऽयमस्मान् न मन्यते॥
Having planted the tree, he cuts it down when it is about to bear fruits. The wretch does not respect us, therefore let us kill him.

न ह्यर्हत्येष सम्मानं नापि वृद्धक्रमं गुणैः। हन्मैनं सह पुत्रेण दुराचारं नृपद्विषम्॥
He does not deserve our respect or he veneration due to his age. On account of such conduct, we shall kill this wretch who insult kings with their sons.

अयं हि सर्वानाहूय सत्कृत्य च नराधिपान्। गुणवद् भोजयित्वान्नं ततः पश्चान्न मन्यते॥
After inviting all the kings and entertaining them with excellent food, he at last insult them all.

अस्मिन् राजसमावाये देवानामिव संनये। किमयं सदृशं कञ्चित्रपतिं नैव दृष्टवान्॥
In this assemblage of monarchs which is like a conclave of the celestials, does he not find a single king who is equal to himself?

न च विप्रेष्वधीकारो विद्यते वरणं प्रति। स्वयंवरः क्षत्रियाणामितीयं प्रथिता श्रुतिः॥
The Shruti says that the Svaimvara is for the Kshatriyas; the Brahmanas have no claim in a selection of husband (by a Kshatriyas lady).

अथवा यदि कन्येयं न च कञ्चिद् बुभूपति। अग्नावेनां परिक्षिप्य याम राष्ट्राणि पार्थिवाः॥
O kings, if this maiden does not desire to select one of us as her husband, let us throw her into fire and return to our kingdoms.

ब्राह्मणो यदि चापल्याल्लोभाद् वा कृतवानिदम्। विप्रियं पार्थिवेन्द्राणां नैष बध्यः कथंचन॥
Though this Brahmana has done this injury to the kings out of his officiousness or avarice, he should not be still killed.

ब्राह्मणार्थं हि नो राज्यं जीवितं हि वसूनि च। पुत्रपौत्रं च यच्चान्यदस्माकं विद्यते धनम्॥
For our kingdoms, lives, wealth, sons and grandsons and whatever other wealth we have (in this world) all exist for the Brahmanas.

अवमानभयाच्चैव स्वधर्मस्य च रक्षणात्। स्वयंवराणामन्येषां मा भूदेवंविधा गतिः॥
Something must be done (however) so that from the fear of disgrace and from the desire of maintaining that which properly belongs to the respective orders, (the impertinent interference of Brahmanas) may not cause other Svaimvaras to end thus.

इत्युक्त्वा राजशार्दूला हृष्टाः परिघवाहवः। द्रुपदं तु जिघांसन्तः सायुधाः समुपाद्रवन्॥
Having said this, those best of kings, having arms like the spiked iron maces, took up their weapons and rushed upon Drupada to kill him.

तान् गृहीतशरावापान् क्रुद्धानापततो बहून्। द्रुपदो वीक्ष्य संत्रासाद् ब्राह्मणाञ्छरणं गतः॥
Seeing those kings all rushing upon him in anger with bows and arrows, Drupada sought the protection of the Brahmanas from fear.

वेगेनापततस्तांस्तु प्रभिन्नानिव वारणान्। पाण्डुपुत्रौ महेष्वासौ प्रतियातावरिंदमौ॥
But those great bowmen, those two sons of Pandu (Bhima and Arjuna), those chastisers of foes, (at once) advanced to oppose those kings rushing towards Drupada like mad elephants.

ततः समुत्पेतुरुदायुधास्ते महीक्षितो वद्धगोधामुलित्राः। वमर्षयन्तोऽर्जुनभीमसेनौ।॥
Thereupon all those kings and princes with their figures cased in leather and their weapons upraised, rushed in anger towards the Kuru princes, Bhima and Arjuna.

ततस्तु भीमोऽद्भुतभीमकर्मा महाबलो वज्रसमानसारः। उत्पाट्य दोर्थ्यां दुममेकबीरो निष्पत्रयामास यथा गजेन्द्रः॥
Then the powerful Bhima of extraordinary deeds, possessing the strength of thunder, tore up a large tree like an elephant and then desisted in of its all leaves.

तं वृक्षमादाय रिपुप्रमाथी दण्डीव दण्डं पितृराज उग्रम्। तस्थौ समीपे पुरुषर्षभस्य पार्थस्य पार्थः पृथुदीर्घबाहुः॥
Taking that tree, the mighty-armed Bhima, the son of Pritha, the chastiser of all foes, stood, like Yama with his fearful staff, near that best of man Partha (Arjuna.)

जिष्णुः स हि भ्रातुरचिन्त्यकर्मा। विसिष्मिये चापि भयं विहाय तस्थौ धनुर्गृह्य महेन्द्रकर्मा॥
Seeing that feat of his brother, the greatly intelligent Jishnu (Arjuna), himself being of inconceivable feats, became very much astonished. Being equal to Indra in achievements, he cast off all his fears; and he stood ready with his bow to receive those assailants.

जिष्णोः सहभ्रातुरचिन्त्यकर्मा। दामोदरो भ्रातरमुग्रवीर्य हलायुधं वाक्यमिदं बभाषे॥
Seeing the feats of both Jishnu (Arjuna) and his brother, Damodara (Krishna) of superhuman intelligence and in conceivable feats, spoke thus to his brother Halayudha (Balarama) of fearful energy.

य एष सिंहर्षभखेलगामी महद्धनुः कर्षति तालमात्रम्। एषोऽर्जुनो नात्र विचार्यमस्ति यद्यस्मि संकर्षण वासुदेवः॥
O Sankarshana, that hero who has the gait like that of a great lion, who draws the large bow in his hand, which is full four cubits in length, is undoubtedly Arjuna. If I am the son of Vasudeva there is no doubt about it.

यस्त्वेष वृक्षं तरसावभज्य राज्ञां निकारे सहसा प्रवृत्तः। वृकोदरान्नान्य इहैतदद्य कर्तुं समर्थः समरे पृथिव्याम्॥
That hero, who has suddenly torn up the tree and who has within a moment become ready to drive away the monarchs, is undoubtedly Vrikodara (Bhima). None else in the world could have performed today such after in the field of battle.

योऽसौ स्तनुर्महासिंहगतिविनीतः। गौरः प्रलम्बोज्ज्वलचारुघोणो विनिःसृतः सोऽच्युत धर्मपुत्रः॥
O Achyuta, the other youth, having eyes like lotus leaves, who is full four cubits tall, who has the gait of mighty lion, who is humble, fair-complexioned, with prominent and shinning nose, who a moment before has left the arena, is undoubtedly the son of Dharma (Yudhishthira).

यौ तौ कुमाराविव कार्तिकेयौ द्वावश्विनेयाविति मे वितर्कः। न्मया श्रुताः पाण्डुसुताः पृथा च॥
The two other youths, each as handsome as Kartikeya, are, I am sure, the son of the twin Ashvinis. I heard that sons of Pandu and Pritha had escaped from the fire of the lac house.

तमब्रवीन्निर्जलतोयदाभो हलायुधोऽनन्तरजं प्रतीतः। प्रीतोऽस्मि दृष्ट्वा हि पितृष्वसारं पृथां विमुक्तां सह कौरवावयैः॥
Then Halayudha of the complexion of clouds charged with rains spoke thus to his younger brother in joy, "I am glad to hear that our father's sister Pritha, with the foremost of the Kuru princes (the Pandavas) has escaped (from the lac-house).