History of Aurva

ब्राह्मण्युवाच नाहं गृहणामि वस्ताता दृष्टी स्मि रुषान्विता। अयं तु भार्गवो नूनमूरुज: कुपितोऽद्य वः॥
The Brahmani said : O children, I have not taken your eyesight, nor am I angry with you. This child of the Bhrigu race is certainly angry with you.

तेन चढूंषि वस्ताता व्यक्त कोपान्महात्मना। स्मरता निहतान् बन्धूनादत्तानि न संशयः॥
O children, there is no doubt your eyesight has been destroyed by this high-souled (Garbha) whose wrath has been kindled on remembering the massacre of his race.

गर्भानपि यदा यूयं भृगूणां जत पुत्रकाः। तदायमूरुणा गर्भो मया वर्षशतं धृतः॥
O children, when you were destroying even the embryos of the Bhrigu race, this child was held by in my thigh for one hundred years.

षडङ्गश्चाखिलो वेद इमं गर्भस्थमेव ह। विवेश भृगुवंशस्य भूयः प्रियचिकीर्षया॥
So that he may do good to the Bhrigu race, the entire Vedas with their six Angas came to him when he was in the womb.

सोऽयं पितृवधान व्यक्तं क्रोधाद् वो हन्तुमिच्छति। तेजसा तस्य दिव्येन चढूंषि मुषितानि वः॥
Being enraged at the slaughter of his fathers; he desires to kill you, it is by his celestials effulgence that your eye-sight has been destroyed.

तमेव यूयं याचध्वमौर्वं मम सुत्तोत्तमम्। अयं वः प्रणिपातेन तुष्टो दृष्टी: प्रमोक्ष्यति॥
O children, therefore, pray to my this excellent son, born of my thigh. Propitiated by your homage and by your bowing down your head to him, he may restore your eye-sight.

एवमुक्तास्ततः सर्वे राजानस्ते तमूरुजम्। ऊचुः प्रसीदेति तदा प्रसादं च चकार सः॥
Having been thus addressed, all the kings addressed that thigh-born child, saying 'Be propitious"; and the child became propitious to them.

अनेनैव च विख्यातो नाम्ना लोकेषु सत्तमः। स और्व इति विप्रर्षिरूकै भित्त्वा व्यजायत॥
As he was born after tearing open his mother's thigh, that excellent Brahmana came to be know throughout the world by the name of Aurva.

चढूंषि प्रतिलस्वा च प्रतिजग्मुस्ततो नृपाः। भार्गवस्तु मुनिमेने सर्वलोकपराभवम्॥
Regaining their eye-sight, the kings returned to their homes) and that descendant of Bhrigu resolved in his mind to overcome the world.

वसिष्ठ उवाच स चक्रे तात लोकानां विनाशाय महामनाः। सर्वेषामेव कात्स्न्येन मनः प्रवणमात्मनः॥ इच्छन्नपचितिं कर्तुं भृगूणां भृगुनन्दनः। सर्वलोकविनाशाय तपसा महतैधितः॥
Vasishtha said : O child, the high-souled man set his heart on the destruction of all creatures. In order to pay homage to his massacred ancestors, the descendant of the Bhrigu race engaged himself in the severest penances with the object of destroying the whole creation.

तापयामास ताँल्लोकान् सदेवासुरमानुषान्। तपसोग्रेण महता नन्दयिष्यन् पितामहान्॥
He afflicted the worlds with the celestials, the Asuras and the men by his greatly serve penances; and he thus gratified his ancestors.

ततस्तं पितरस्तात विज्ञाय कुलनन्दनम्। पितृलोकादुपागम्य सर्व ऊचुरिदं वचः॥
On learning what their son was doing in order to gratify their race, the Pitris all came to him from their region and said.

पितर ऊचुः और्व दृष्टः प्रभावस्ते तपसोग्रस्य पुत्रका प्रसादं कुरु लोकानां नियच्छ क्रोधमात्मनः॥
The Pitris said : O Aurva, O son, fierce you have become by your asceticism. Your power has been seen by us. Be propitious to the worlds; control your anger.

नानीशैर्हि तदा तात भृगुभिर्भावितात्मभिः। वधो ह्युपेक्षितः सर्वैः क्षत्रियाणां विहिंसताम्॥
O child, it was not from incapacity that the self-controlled Bhrigus were all indifferent to their own destruction caused by the murderous Kshatriyas.

आयुषा विप्रकृष्टेन यदा नः खेद आविशत्। तदास्माभिर्वधस्तात क्षत्रियैरीप्सितः स्वयम्॥
O child, when we grew tried with our long life, then it was that we desired our own death at the hands of the Kshatriyas.

निखातं यच्च वै वित्तं केनचिद् भृगुवेश्मनि। वैरायैव तदा न्यस्तं क्षत्रियान् कोपयिष्णुभिः॥
The wealth that the Bhrigus have kept hidden under the earth had been placed there with the object of enraging the Kshatriyas and creating a quarrel with them.

किं हि वित्तेन नः कार्यं स्वर्गेप्सूनां द्विजोत्तम। यदस्माकं धनाध्यक्षः प्रभूतं धनमाहरत्॥
O best of the twice born, of what use could wealth be to us who were desirous of obtaining heaven? Our treasurer (in heaven) has kept large treasures for us.

यदा तु मृत्युरादातुं न नः शक्नोति सर्वशः। तदास्माभिरयं दृष्ट उपायस्तात सम्मतः॥
When we found that death could by no means overtake us all, then, O child, we considered this to be the best means (of destroying us.)

आत्महा च पुमांस्तात न लोकॉल्लभते शुभान्। ततोऽस्माभिः समीक्ष्यैवं नात्मनाऽऽत्मा निपातितः॥
O child, those that commit suicide never attain to the blessed regions. Considering this, we abstained from self-destruction.

न चैतन्नः प्रियं तात यदिदं कर्तुमिच्छसि। नियच्छेदं मनः पापात् सर्वलोकपराभवात्॥
O child, that which you desire to do is not pleasing to us. Therefore, control your mind and abstain from overcoming the whole world.

मा वधीः क्षत्रियांस्तात न लोकान् सप्त पुत्रका दूषयन्तं तपस्तेजः क्रोधमुत्पतितं जहि॥
O child, O son, do not destroy your this anger which stains your ascetic effulgence. i