Birth of the son of Saudasya

गन्धर्व उवाच ततो दृष्ट्वाऽऽश्रमपदं रहितं तैः सुतैर्मुनिः। निर्जगाम सुदुःखार्तः पुनरप्याश्रमात् ततः॥
The Gandharva said : Seeing his hermitage bereft of his children, the Rishi, afflicted with grief, again came out of it.

सोऽपश्यत् सरितं पूर्णां प्रावृटकाले नवाम्भसा। वृक्षान् बहुविधान् पार्थ हरन्ती तीरजान् बहून्॥
O Partha, (in course of his wandering), he saw a river swollen with the waters of the rainy season, it was sweeping away many trees and plants that grew on its banks.

अथ चिन्तां समापेदे पुनः कौरवन्दन। अम्भस्यस्या निमज्जेयमिति दुःखसमन्वितः॥
O descendant of Kuru, seeing this, the sorrowful Rishi began to ponder and thought that he would certainly be killed if he fell into its waters.

ततः पाशैस्तदाऽऽत्मानं गाढं बद्धवा महामुनिः। तस्या जले महानद्या निममज्ज सुदुःखितः॥
Thereupon the great Rishi tied himself with very strong cords and fell in grief into the waters of that great river.

अथ छित्त्वा नदी पाशांस्तस्यारिबलसूदन। स्थलस्थं तमृषि कृत्वा विपाशं समवासृजत्॥
O chastiser of hostile ranks, the river, having torn those cords and making him free of them, cast him on the land.

उत्ततार तत: पाशैर्विमुक्तः स महानृषिः। विपाशेति च नामास्या नद्याश्चक्रे महानृषिः॥
Having been freed from the cords, the great Rishi rose (from the shore) and he gave that river the name of Vipasha.

शोकबुद्धिं तदा चक्रे न चैकत्र व्यतिष्ठत। सोऽगच्छत पर्वतांश्चैव सरितश्च संरासि च॥
Being oppressed with grief, that Rishi could not from that time stay at one place. He went to the mountains, rivers and lakes.

दृष्ट्वा स पुनरेवर्निदीं हैमवतीं तदा। चण्डग्राहवती भीमां तस्याः स्रोतस्यपातयत्॥
Seeing once more the river Himavati of terrible appearance and full of fierce animals, the Rishi threw himself into its waters.

सा तमग्निसमं विप्रमनुचिन्त्य सरिद्वरा। शतधा विद्रुता यस्माच्छतदुरिति विश्रुता॥
That best of rivers, thinking the Brahmana to be fire, immediately fled away in a hundred different streams and thence was she called the Shatadru.

ततः स्थलगतं दृष्ट्वा तत्राप्यात्मानमात्मना। मर्तुं न शक्यमित्युक्त्वा पुनरेवाश्रमं ययौ॥
Thereupon, seeing himself again in dry land (he said), "(Alas)! I am not able to die by my own hands.” Saying this, (the Rishi) again went to (his own) hermitage.

स गत्वा विविधाञ्छैलान् देशान् बहुविधांस्तथा। अदृश्यन्त्याख्यया वध्वाथाश्रमेऽनुसृतोऽभवत्॥
When he was thus returning, crossing various mountains and countries, his daughterin-law Adrishyanti was following him.

अथ शुश्राव संगत्या वेदाध्ययननिः :स्वनम्। पृष्ठतः परिपूर्णार्थं षड्भिरङ्गैरलंकृतम्॥
He heard from behind, as she neared him, the sound of the well-explained recitations of the Vedas with its six ornaments (of elocution).

अनुव्रजति कोन्वेष मामित्येवाथ सोऽब्रवीत्। अहमित्यदृश्यन्तीमं सा स्नुषा प्रत्यभाषत। शक्तेर्भार्या महाभाग तपोयुक्ता तपस्विनी॥
He said, “Who is it that follows me?" His daughter-in-law replied, “I am Adrishyanti, the wife of Shakti. I am an ascetic woman, engaged in asceticism."

वसिष्ठ उवाच पुत्रि कस्यैष साङ्गम्य वेदस्याध्ययनस्वनः। पुरा साङ्गम्य वेदस्य शक्तेरिव मया श्रुतः॥
Vasishtha said: O daughter, whose is this sound of the recitations of the Vedas with their Angas, that is heard by me and (which is exactly) like the recitations of the Vedas and the Angas by Shakti?

अदृश्यन्त्युवाच अयं कुक्षौ समुत्पन्नः शक्तेर्गर्भः सुतस्य ते। समा द्वादश तस्येह वेदानभ्यस्यतो मुने॥
Adrishyanti said : In my womb is a child begotten by your son Shakti. He has been here (studying the Vedas) for twelve years. You have heard the recitations (of the Vedas) by that Rishi.

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमुक्तस्तया हृष्टो वसिष्ठः श्रेष्ठभागृषिः। अस्ति संतानमित्युक्त्वा मृत्योः पार्थ न्यवर्तत॥
The Gandharva said: Having been thus addressed by her, that best of Rishis, Vasishtha, became exceedingly glad. O Partha, saying, "There is a child (of my race)”, he refrained from self-destruction.

ततः प्रतिनिवृत्तः स तया वध्वा सहानघ। कल्माषपादमासीनं ददर्श विजने वने।॥
The sinless (Rishi), accomplished by his daughter-in-law, returned (to his hermitage). He saw (one day) Kalmashapada sitting in a solitary forest.

स तु दृष्टैव तं राजा क्रुद्ध उत्थाय भारत। आविष्टो रक्षसोग्रेण इयेषात्तुं तदा मुनिम्॥
O descendant of Bharata, on seeing him the king at once rose in anger and as he was possessed with the Rakshasas, he desired to devour the Rishi.

अदृश्यन्ती तु तं दृष्ट्वा क्रूरकर्माणमग्रतः। भयसंविग्नया वाचा वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing that that king of cruel of cruel deeds, Adrishyanti spoke thus to Vasishtha in anxiety and fear,

असौ मृत्युरिवोगेण दण्डेन भगवन्नितः। प्रगृहीतेन काष्ठेन राक्षसोऽभ्येति दारुणः॥
O illustrious Sir, the fearful Rakshasas (looking) like Death himself armed with his staff is coming towards us with a wooden club in his hand.

तं निवारयितुं शक्तो नान्योऽस्ति भुवि कश्चन। त्वदृतेऽद्य महाभाग सर्ववेदविदांवर॥
O illustrious Sir, O best of all learned men in the Vedas, there is none else except you in the world who can restrain him today.

पाहि मां भगवन् पापादस्माद् दारुणदर्शनात्। राक्षसोऽयमिहात्तुं वै नूनमावां समीहते॥
O illustrious Sir, save me from this cruel wretch of fearful appearance. The Rakshasas is certainly coming towards us to devour us.

वसिष्ठ उवाच मा भैः पुत्रि न भेतव्यं राक्षसात् तु कथंचन। नैतद् रक्षो भयं यस्मात् पश्यसि त्वमुपस्थितम्॥
Vasishtha said : O daughter, do not fear; there is nothing to be afraid of from any Rakshasas. There is no fear from Rakshasas whom you see coming.

राजा कल्माषपादोऽयं वीर्यवान् प्रथितो भुवि। स एषोऽस्मिन् वनोद्देशे निवसत्यतिभीषणः॥
He is the king Kalmashapada celebrated in the world as being a very powerful (monarch). That fearful man lives in this forest.

गन्धर्व उवाच तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः। वारयामास तेजस्वी हुकारेणैव भारत॥
The Gandharva said : O descendant of Bharata, the illustrious and the effulgent Rishi Vasishtha, seeing him advancing, stopped him by uttering a loud roar.

मन्त्रपूतेन च पुनः स तमभ्युक्ष्य वारिणा। मोक्षयामास वै शापात् तस्माद् योगान्नराधिपम्॥
Sprinkling over him water sanctified by Mantras (incantations), he freed the king from the terrible curse.

स हि द्वादश वर्षाणि वासिष्ठस्यैव तेजसा। ग्रस्त आसीद् ग्रेहणेव पर्वकाले दिवाकरः॥
He (the king) had been overwhelmed by the effulgence of Vasislitha's son as the sun by the planet (Rahu) at the time of an eclipse.

रक्षसा विप्रमुक्तोऽथ स नृपस्तददू वनं महत्। तेजसा रञ्जयामास संध्याभ्रमिव भास्करः॥
Having been thus freed froin the Rakshasas by that Brahmana (Vasishtha) the king illuminated the great forest by his splendour, as the sun illuminates the evening clouds.

प्रतिलभ्य ततः संज्ञामभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिः। उवाच नृपतिः काले वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम्॥
Regaining his consciousness, the king saluted the Rishi with joined hands and he thus spoke to that best of Rishis Vasishtha.

सौदासोऽहं महाभाग याज्यस्ते मुनिसत्तम। अस्मिन् काले यदिष्टं ते ब्रूहि किं करवाणि ते॥
"O illustrious Sir, I am the son of Saudasa; O excellent Rishi, I am your disciple. Tell me what is your desire now and what I am to do."

वसिष्ठ उवाच वृत्तमेतद् यथाकालं गच्छ राज्यं प्रशाधि वै। ब्राह्मणं तु मनुष्येन्द्र भावमंस्थाः कदाचन।॥
Vasishtha said: o king of men, my desire has been fulfilled at the proper time. Return to your kingdom and rliic your subjects. Never (again) disregard the Brahmanas.

राजोवाच नावमंस्ये महाभाग कदाचिद् ब्राह्मणानहम्। त्वनिदेशे स्थितः सम्यक् पूजयिष्याम्यहं द्विजान्॥
The King said: O illustrious sir, I shall never again disregard the best Brahmanas. In obedience to your command, I shall properly worship the Brahmanas.

इक्ष्वाकूणां च येनाहमनृणः स्यां द्विजोत्तम। तत् त्वत्तः प्राप्तुमिच्छामि सर्ववेदविदां वर॥
O best of the twice-born, O best of all men learned in the Vedas. I desire to obtain from you that by which I may be freed from the debt I owe to the race of Ikshaku.

अपत्यमीप्सितं मह्यं दातुमर्हसि सत्तम। शीलरूपगुणोपेतमिक्ष्वाकुकुलवृद्धये॥
O excellent man, you should grant me a son, I desire to have, who will posses beauty, accomplishments and good behaviour.

गन्धर्व उवाच ददानीत्येव तं तत्र राजानं प्रत्युवाच ह। वसिष्ठः परमेष्वासं सत्यसंधो द्विजोत्तमः॥
The Gandharva said : The best of the twice born, ever devoted to truth Vasishtha, replied to that great bowman, the king saying, “I will give."

ततः प्रतिययौ काले वसिष्ठः सह तेन वै। ख्यातां पुरीमिमां लोकेष्वयोध्यां मनुजेश्वर॥
O king of men, after sometime, Vasishtha, accompanied by him (the king), went to his capital, known all over the world by the name of Ayodhya.

तं प्रजाः प्रतिमोदन्त्यः सर्वाः प्रत्युद्गतास्तदा। विपाप्मानं महात्मानं दिवौकस इवेश्वरम्॥
The people came out in joy to receive the sinless and the illustrious one, as the celestials do their chief (Indra).

सुचिराय मनुष्येन्द्रो नगरी पुण्यलक्षणाम्। विवेश सहिस्तेन वसिष्ठेन महर्षिणा॥
The accompanied by the great Rishi Vasishtha entered without delay his auspicious capital.

ददृशुस्तं महीपालमयोध्यावासिनो जनाः। पुरोहितेन सहितं दिवाकरमिवोदितम्॥
The citizens of Ayodhya saw the king accompanied by his priest (Vasishtha), as if he were the rising sun.

स च तां पूरयामास लक्ष्या लक्ष्मीवतां वरः। अयोध्यां व्योम शीतांशुः शरत्काल इवोदितः॥
The king, most handsome of all handsome men, filled Ayodhya with the whole sky with his splendour.

संसिक्तमृष्टपन्थानं पताकाध्वजशोभितम्। मनः प्रह्लादयामास तस्य तत् पुरमुत्तमम्॥
His (king's) mind was filled with joy on seeing that excellent city with its well-watered and well-swept streets and with banners and pendants flying all around.

तुष्टपुष्टजनाकीर्णा सा पुरी कुरुनन्दन। अशोभत तदा तेन शक्रेणेवामरावती॥
O descendant of Kuru, that city, full of well-fed and happy men, looked as gay as Amravati with the presence of Indra.

ततः प्रविष्टे राजर्षों तस्मिंस्तत् पुरमुत्तमम्। राज्ञस्तस्याज्ञया देवी वसिष्ठमुपचक्रमे॥
After the royal sage (the king Kalmashapada) had entered that excellent city, the queen at his command, came to Vasishtha.

ऋतावथ महर्षिः स सम्बभूव तया सह। देव्या दिव्येन विधिना वसिष्ठः श्रेष्ठभागृषिः॥
The best of Rishis, Vasishtha, made an agreement with her and he united himself with her according to the highest ordinance.

ततस्तस्यां समुत्पन्ने गर्भे स मुनिसत्तमः। राज्ञाभिवादितस्तेन जगाम मुनिराश्रमम्॥
Thereupon, when the queen conceived by him, that best of Rishis (Vasishtha), receiving the salutation of the king, went away to his hermitage.

दीर्घकालेन सा गर्भं सुषुवे न तुं तं यदा। तदा देव्यश्मना कुक्षिं निर्विभेद यशस्विनी॥
When she had borne the conception for a long time, the illustrious lady tore open her womb with a piece of stone.

ततोऽपि द्वादशे वर्षं स जज्ञे पुरुषर्षभः। अश्मको नाम राजर्षिः पौदन्यं यो न्यवेशयत्॥
Thus was born after a conception of twelve years that best of men, that royal sage, Ashmaka, who founded Pandava (a city).