HIDIMBA-VADHA: Chapter 153

Fight between Hidimba and Bhima

वैशम्पायन उवाच तां विदित्वा चिरगतां हिडिम्बो राक्षसेश्वरः। अवतीर्य दुमात् तस्मादाजगामाशु पाण्डवान्॥
Vaishampayana said : Seeing her delay (in returning), the king of the Rakshasas, Hidimba, got down from the tree and came where the Pandavas were.

लोहिताक्षो महाबाहुरूर्ध्वकेशो महाननः। मेघसंघातवर्मा च तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रो भयानकः॥
(He was) of red eyed and strong arms, of standing hair and large mouth, of colour like clouds, of sharp teeth and fearful appearance.

तमापतन्तं दृष्टैव तथा विकृतदर्शनम्। हिडिम्बोवाच वित्रस्ता भीमसेनमिदं वचः॥
Seeing this frightful creature alike from the tree, Hidimba became alarmed and thus spoke

आपतत्येष दुष्टात्मा संक्रुद्धः पुरुषादकः। साहं त्वां भ्रातृभिः सार्धं यद् ब्रवीमि तथा कुरु॥
"The wicked minded cannibal is coming in anger. Do with your brothers what I ask you.

अहं कामगमा वीर रक्षोबलसमन्विता। आरुहेमां मम श्रोणि नेष्यामि त्वां विहायसा॥
O hero, endued as I am with the prowess of Rakshasas, I am capable of going anywhere at will. Get upon my hips; I shall carry you through the sky.

प्रबोधयैतान् संसुप्तान् मातरं च परंतप। सर्वानेव गमिष्यामि गृहीत्वा वो विहायसा॥
O chastiser of foes, awake your mother and others, sleeping in comfort. Taking them all, I shall go through the sky".

भीम उवाच मा भैस्त्वं पृथुसुश्रोणि नैष कश्चिन्मयि स्थिते। अहमेनं हनिष्यामि प्रेक्षन्त्यास्ते सुमध्यमे॥
Bhima said: O lady of fair hips, fear nothing. I am certain that so long I am here, there is no Rakshasa who can harm any of these (men). O lady of slender waist, I shall kill this (cannibal) before your very sight.

नायं प्रतिबलो भीरू राक्षसापसदो मम। सोढुं युधि परिस्पन्दमथवा सर्वराक्षसाः॥
O timid girl, this worst of Rakshasas is not a worthy antagonist of mine, nay all the Rakshasas can never with stand my great prowess in battle.

पश्य बाहू सुवृत्तौ मे हस्तिहस्तनिभाविमौ। ऊरू परिघसंकाशौ संहतं चाप्युरो महत्॥
Behold my arms each like a trunk of an elephant. (Behold) my thighs like two iron clubs. (Behold) my chest, broad and adamantine.

विक्रमं मे यथेन्द्रस्य साद्य द्रक्ष्यसि शोभने। मावमंस्थाः पृथुश्रोणि मत्वा मामिह मानुषम्॥
O beautiful girl, you shall see to day my Indra like prowess. O lady of fair hips, do not consider me weak, thinking that I am a human being.

हिडिम्बोवाच नावमन्ये नरव्याघ्र त्वामहं देवरूपिणम्। दृष्टप्रभावस्तु मया मानुषेष्वेव राक्षसः॥
Hidimba said: O best of men, you are like a celestial. I do not consider you weak. but I have seen the prowess that Rakshasas exert on men.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथा संजल्पतस्तस्य भीमसेनस्य भारत। वाचः शुश्राव ताः क्रुद्धो राक्षसः पुरुषादकः॥
Vaishampayana said: O descendant of Bharata, the angry cannibal the Rakshasas hear these words of Bhima thus talking there.

अवेक्षमाणस्तस्याश्च हिडिम्बो मानुषं वपुः। स्रग्दामपूरितशिखं समग्रेन्दुनिभाननम्॥ सुभूनासाक्षिकेशान्तं सुकुमारनखत्वचम्। सर्वाभरणसंयुक्तं सुसूक्ष्माम्बरवाससम्॥
He saw Hidimba in human form, her head decked with garlands of flowers and her face like the full moon. Her eyebrows, nose, eyes and ringlets were all of the handsome description and her nail and complexion were of the most delicate colour. She was decked with all kinds of ornaments and attired in fine transparent robes.

तां तथा मानुषं रूपं बिभ्रती सुमनोहरम्। पुंस्कामा शरूमानस्च चुक्रोध पुरुषादकः॥
Seeing her in that charming human form the cannibal thought that she was lustful and became (very) angry.

संक्रुद्धो राक्षसस्तस्या भगिन्याः कुरुसत्तम्। उत्फाल्य विपुले नेत्रे ततस्तामिदमब्रवीत्॥ को हि मे भोक्तुकामस्य विजं चरित दुर्मतिः। न विभेषि हिडिम्बे किं मत्कोपाद् विप्रमोहिता।१७।।
O best of the Kurus, becoming angry with his sister, the Rakshasas expanded his large eyes and thus spoke to her, "What foolish creature throws obstacle on my way when I am hungry; O Hidimba, have you become so senseless as not to fear my anger?

धिक् त्वामसति पुंस्कामे मम विप्रियकारिणि। पूर्वेषां राक्षसेन्द्राणां सर्वेषामयशस्करि॥
O unchaste women, fie on you! you do me an injury out of lust! You are ready to sacrifice the honours of all the chief Rakshasas, your ancestors!

यानिमानाश्रिताकार्षीर्विप्रियं सुमहन्मम। एष तानद्य वै सर्वान् हनिष्यामि त्वया सह॥
I shall kill you with all those for whose sake you are trying to do me a great injury."

एवमुक्त्वा हिडिम्बां स हिडिम्बो लोहितेक्षणः। वधायाभिपपातैनान् दन्तैर्दन्तानुपस्पृशन्॥
Having addressed Hidimba thus Hidimba with red eyes, his teeth pressing against teeth, ran at her with the intention of killing her.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य भीमः प्रहरतां वरः। भर्त्सयामास तेजस्वी तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
The best of all wielders of weapons Bhima, seeing him rush at her, reproached him by saying "stop, stop."

वैशम्पायन उवाच भीमसेनस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं प्रहसन्निव। भगिनीं प्रति संक्रुद्धमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥ किं ते हिडिम्ब एतैर्वा सुखसुप्तैः प्रबोधितैः। मामासादय दुर्बुद्धे तरसा त्वं नराशन॥
Vaishampayana said: Seeing the Rakshasas angry with his sister, Bhimasena smiled (in scom) and spoke thus, O Hidimba why do you awaken these (men) sleeping in comfort? O wicked-minded (Rakshasa), come to me first without loss of time.

मय्येव प्रहरेहि त्वं न स्त्रियं हन्तुमर्हसि। विशेषतोऽनपकृते परेणापकृते सति॥
Smite me first; you should not kill woman, specially when she has been sinned against instead of sinning.

न हीयं स्ववशा बाला कामयत्यद्य मामिह। चोदितैषा ह्यनङ्गेन शरीरान्तरचारिणा॥
This girl is not in her own control in becoming lustful towards me. She has been moved by the god of love who pervades every living form.

भगिनी तव दुर्वृत्त रक्षसां वै यशोहर। त्वन्नियोगेन चैवेयं रूपं मम समीक्ष्य च॥ कामय.यद्य मां भीरुस्तव नैषापराध्यति। अनङ्गेन कृते दोघे नेमां गर्हितुमर्हसि॥
o wicked creature, O you the most infamous of your class, your sister came here at your command. Seeing my person, she desire me. The timid girl has done you no harm. It is the fault of the god of love and therefore, you should not injure her.

मयि तिष्ठति दुष्टात्मन् न स्त्रियं हन्तुमर्हसि। संगच्छस्व मया सार्धमेकेनैको नराशन॥
O wicked wretch, you should not kill a woman when I am here. O cannibal, come with me (to a distance) and fight singly with me.

अहमेको नयिष्यामि त्वामद्य यमसादनम्। अद्य मद्वलनिष्पिष्टं शिरो राक्षस दीर्यताम्। कुञ्जरस्येव पादेन विनिष्पिष्टं बलीयसः॥
I shall singly (fight with you) and send you to day to the land of the dead. O Rakshasa, your head will be pounded to pieces, being pressed by my strength.

अद्य गात्राणि ते कङ्काः श्येना गोमायवस्तथा। कर्षन्तु भुवि संहृष्टा निहतस्य मया मृधे॥
As if pressed by the trend of a mighty elephant. When you will be killed by me in battle your body will be to day torn by hawks, herons and jackals, in glee.

क्षणेनाद्य करिष्येऽहमिदं वनमराक्षसम्। पुरा यद् दूषितं नित्यं त्वया भक्षयता नरान्॥
I shall in a moment make this forest free of all Rakshasas, so long polluted by you by eating men.

अद्य त्वां भगिनी रक्षः कृष्यमाणं मयासकृत्। द्रक्ष्यत्यद्रिप्रतीकाशं सिंहेनेव महाद्विपम्॥
O Rakshasas, your sister will see today that I shall drag you, huge though your are like a mountain, as a lion drags an elephant.

निराबाधास्त्वयि हते मया राक्षसांसन। वनमेतच्चरिष्यन्ति पुरुषा वनचारिणः॥
O worst of Rakshasas, when you will be killed by me men frequenting this forest will live safely and without fear.

हिडिम्ब उवाच गर्जितेन वृथा किं ते कत्थितेन च मानुष। कृत्वैतत् कर्मणा सर्वं कत्येथा मा चिरं कृथाः॥
Hidimba said : O man, what is the need of your this vaunting and boasting? Accomplish all this first and then you my vaunt. Therefore, do not make any delay.

बलिनं मन्यसे यच्चाप्यात्मानं सपराक्रमम्। ज्ञास्यस्यद्य समागम्य मयाऽऽत्मानं बलाधिकम्॥ न तावदेतान् हिंसिष्ये स्वपन्त्वेते यथासुखम्। एष त्वामेव दुर्बुद्धे निहन्म्यद्याप्रियंवदम्॥ पीत्वा तवासृग् गात्रेभ्यस्ततः पश्चादिमानपि। हनिष्यामि ततः पश्चादिमां विप्रियकारिणीम्॥
You know yourself to be strong and endued with prowess. In your encounter with me to-day, you shall now rightly know with what is your (real) strength. I shall not kill these (your brothers) till then. Let them sleep at their pleasure. o foolish man, I shall first kill you who speaks such evil words. After drinking your blood, I shall then kill these (your brothers) and then kill this (my sister) who has done me an injury.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा ततो बाहुं प्रगृह्य पुरुषादकः। अभ्यद्रवत संक्रुद्धो भीमसेनमरिंदमम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this, the cannibal, outstretching his arms, ran in great wrath towards that chastiser of foes, Bhimasena.

तस्याभिद्रवतस्तूर्णं भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। वेगेन प्रहितं बाहुं निजग्राह हसन्निव॥
The greatly powerful Bhima soon sized the extended arms (of the rushing Rakshasas) with great force, as if in sport.

निगृह्य तं बलाद् भीमो विस्फुरन्तं चकर्ष ह। तस्माद् देशाद् धनूंष्यष्टौ सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगं यथा॥
Then seizing the struggling Rakshasas with violence, Bhima dragged him away from that place full thirty two cubits, as a lion drags a small deer.

ततः स राक्षसः क्रुद्धः पाण्डवेन बलार्दितः। भीमेसनं समालिङ्ग्य व्यनदद् भैरवं रवम्॥
Thereupon the Rakshasas, becoming an angry, clasped the Pandava Bhima with great force and he sent forth a terrible yell.

पुनर्भीमो बलादेनं विचकर्ष महाबलः। मा शब्दः सुखसुप्तानां भ्रातृणां मे भवेदिति॥
The greatly strong Bhima then dragged him again (further away) with (great) force, so that his comfortably sleeping brothers might not awake by his yell.

अन्योन्यं तौ समासाद्य विचकर्षतुरोजसा। हिडिम्बो भीमसेनश्च विक्रमं चक्रतुः परम्॥
Clasping and dragging each other with great force, both Bhimasena and Hidimba displayed their great prowess.

बभञ्जतुस्तदा वृक्षाल्लताश्चाकर्षतुस्तदा। मत्ताविव च संरब्धौ वारणौ षष्टिहायनौ॥
Fighting like two large elephants mad with rage, they broke down the trees and tore off the creepers that grew around.

तयोः शब्देन महता विबुद्धास्ते नरर्षभाः। सह प्रात्रा च ददृशुर्हिडिम्बामग्रतः स्थिताम्॥
By the great noise (of the fight) those best of men (the Pandavas) woke up with their mother and they saw Hidimba sitting before them.