JATUGRIHA: Chapter 149

Crossing the Ganges

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु यथासम्प्रत्ययं कविः। विदुरः प्रेषयामास तद् वनं पुरुषं शुचिम्॥
Vaishampayana said : In the meanwhile, the learned Vidura sent to that forest a man of pure character whom he much trusted.

स गत्वा तु यधोद्देशं पाण्डवान् ददृशे वने। जनन्या सह कौरव्य मापयानान् नदीजलम्॥
He went to the place where he was directed to go; and he was the descendants of Kuru, the son of Pandu, with their mother, measuring the depth of the water of a river in the forest.

विदितं तन्महाबुद्धेर्विदुरस्य महात्मनः। ततस्तस्यापि चारेण चेष्टितं पापचेतसः॥ ततः प्रवासितो विद्वान् विदुरेण नरस्तदा। पार्थानां दर्शयामास मनोमारुतगामिनीम्॥ सर्ववातसहां नावं यन्त्रयुक्तां पताकिनीम्। शिवे भागीरथीतीरे नरैर्विस्त्रम्भिभिः कृताम्॥
The design of the wicked minded (Duryodhana) was made kncwn by this spy to the high souled and greatly learned Vidura. Therefore that learned man was sent by Vidura and that person showed to the sons of Pritha a boat, as swift as mind or wind. With mechanism and flags, made by trusted artificers and capable of withstanding wind and waves. It was on the banks of the holy Bhagirathi.

ततः पुनरथोवाच ज्ञापकं पूर्वचोदितम्। युधिष्ठिर निबोधेदं संज्ञार्थं वचनं कवेः॥
He said these word to show that he was really sent (by Vidura). (He said), "O Yudhishthira, listen to what the learned Vidura) said to you.

कक्षघ्नः शिशिरघ्नश्च महाकक्षे विलौकसः। न हन्तीत्येवमात्मानं यो रक्षति स जीवति॥
'Neither the consumer of straw and wood, nor the drier of the dews burns the inmates of a hole in the forest. He escapes from death who protects himself.'

तेन मां प्रेषितं विद्धि विश्वस्तं संज्ञयानया! भूयश्चैवाह मां क्षत्ता विदुरः सर्वतोऽर्थवित्॥ कर्णं दुर्योधनं चैव भ्रातृभिः सहितं रणे। शकुनि चैव कौन्तेय विजेतासि न संशयः॥
By these credentials know me to have been sent by Vidura and also to be his trusted agent. Kshatta (Vidura), learned in the precepts of all religions, told me also. O son of Kunti, that you shall surely defeat in battle Karna, Duryodhana with his brothers and Sakuni.

इयं वारिपथे युक्ता नौरप्सु सुखगामिनी। मोचयिष्यति वः सर्वानस्माद् देशान्न संशयः॥
"This boat is ready on the waters. It will glide pleasantly on. It will surely carry away from these regions."

अथ तान् व्यथितान् दृष्ट्वा सह मात्रा नरोत्तमान्। नावमारोष्य गङ्गायां प्रस्थितानब्रवीत् पुनः॥
Seeing those best of men with their mother pensive and sad, he made them get on the boat that was on the Ganges. Going with them hiniself, he again said ..

विदुरो मूर्युपाघ्राय परिष्वज्य वचो मुहुः। अरिष्टं गच्छताव्यग्राः पन्थानमिति चाब्रवीत्॥
"Vidura, having smelled your heads and embracing you, has said it again and again that in commencing your auspicious journey and going alone, you should never be careless."

इत्युक्त्वा स तु तान् वीरान् पुमान् विदुरचोदितः। तारयामास राजेन्द्र गङ्गां नावा नरर्षभान्॥
O king, having said this, the man sent by Vidura took those heroes, those best of man, to the other side of the Ganges on his boat.

तारयित्वा ततो गङ्गां पारं प्राप्तांश्च सर्वशः। जयाशिषः प्रयुज्याथ यथागतमगाद्धि सः॥
Having taken them over the waters and seen them all safe on the opposite bank, he uttered the word Jaya (Victory) and blessing them he went back to the place whence he came.

पाण्डवाश्च महात्मानः प्रतिसंदिश्य वै कवेः। गङ्गामुत्तीर्य वेगेन जग्मुर्मूढमलक्षिताः॥
The illustrious Pandavas also, sending some message to the learned (Vidura) and having crossed the Ganges, proceeded in haste and in great secrecy, being your observed by all.