JATUGRIHA: Chapter 148

Burning of the lac house

वैशम्पायन उवाच तांस्तु दृष्ट्वा सुमनसः परिसंवत्सरोषितान्। विश्वस्तानिव संलक्ष्य हर्षं चक्रे पुरोचनः॥ पुरोचने तथा हृष्टे कौन्तेयोऽथ युधिष्ठिरः। भीससेनार्जुनौ चोभौ यमौ प्रोवाच धर्मवित्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having seen them living cheerfully and without suspicious for a full year, Purochana became exceedingly glad. Seeing Purochana ili that state of mind, the virtuous son of Kunti, Yudhishthira, thus spoke to Bhima, Arjuna and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva).

अस्मानयं सुविश्वस्तान् वेत्ति पापः पुरोचनः। वञ्चितोऽयं नृशंसात्मा कालं मन्ये पलायने॥
Yudhisthira said: The cruel hearted and sinful Purochana thinks us very trustful and he has thus been well deceived. I think (therefore) that the time for our escape has come.

आयुधागारमादीप्य दग्ध्वा चैव पुरोचनम्। षट् प्राणिनो निधायेह द्रवामोऽनभिलक्षिताः॥
Setting fire to the arsenal, burning Purochana to death and leaving six bodies here, let us escape from this place, unobserved by any.

अथ दानापदेशेन कुन्ती ब्राह्मणभोजनम्। चक्रे निशि महाराज आजग्मुस्तत्र योषितः॥ ता विहृत्य यथाकामं भुक्त्वा पीत्वा च भारत। जग्मुर्निशि गृहानेव समनुज्ञाप्य माधवीम्॥
On the occasion of an alms giving, Kunti fed on a certain night a large number of Brahmanas. There came also a number of ladies. O descendant of Bharata, they ate and drank and enjoyed themselves as much as they pleased. And they all returned home with the permissions of Madhvi (Kunti).

निषादी पञ्चपुत्रा तु तस्मिन् भोज्ये यदृच्छया। अन्नार्थिनी समभ्यागात् सपुत्रा कालचोदिता॥ सा पीत्वा मदिरां मत्ता सपुत्रा मदविह्वला। सह सर्वैः सुतै राजंस्तस्मिन्नेव निवेशने॥ सुष्वाप विगतज्ञाना मृतकल्पा नराधिप। अथ प्रवाते तुमुले निशि सुप्ते जने तदा॥ तदुपादीपयद् भीमः शेते यत्र पुरोचनः। ततो जदुगृहद्वारं दीपयामास पाण्डवः॥
Impelled by fate, a Nishada woman with her five sons came there with the desire of obtaining food and she enjoyed herself there at pleasure. She drank wine and became drunk and incapable with her sons. O king, she with her sons slept in that house more dead than alive. O king, when all the people fell asleep, a violent storm began to blow on that night. Bhima then set fire to the house where Purochana was asleep; then the Pandava set fire to the door of that lac house.

समन्ततो ददौ पश्चादग्नि तत्र निवेशने। ज्ञात्वा तु तद् गृहं सर्वमादीप्तं पाण्डुनन्दनाः॥ सुरङ्गां विविशुस्तूर्णं मात्रा सार्धमरिंदमाः। ततः प्रतापः सुमहाञ्छब्दश्चैव विभावसोः॥ प्रादुरासीत् तदा तेन बुबुधे स जनवजः। तदवेक्ष्य गृहं दीप्तमाहुः पौराः कृशाननाः॥
Then he set fire to that house in several places. When the sons of Pandu were satisfied that the house had caught fire in all parts. Those chastisers of foes, then speedily entered the subterranean passage with their mother. Thereupon the intense heat and the great roar of the fire. Awakened the people of the city; and seeing the house ablaze, they said in sorrowful face.

पौरा ऊचुः दुर्योधनप्रयुक्तेन पापेनाकृतबुद्धिना। गृहमात्मविनाशाय कारितं दाहितं च तत्॥ अहो धिग् धृतराष्ट्रस्य बुद्धिर्नातिसमञ्जसा। यः शुचीन् पाण्डुदायादान् दाहयामास शत्रुवत्॥
The Citizens said : The wicked minded (Purochana) built this house to destroy the relatives of his employer under the instructions of the Duryodhana and he has (now) set fire to it. Fire Fire on SO Dhritarashtra, whose understanding is partial! He has burnt to death the heirs of Pandu, as if they were his enemies?

दिष्ट्या त्विदानी पापात्मा दग्धोऽयमतिदुर्मतिः। अनागसः सुविश्वस्तान् यो ददाह नरोत्तमान्॥
The wicked minded and sinful (Purochana), who has brunt those best of men (the Pandavas) innocent and unsuspicious, has himself been (also) burnt to death as fate would have it.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं ते विलपन्ति स्म वारणावतका जनाः। परिवार्य गृहं तच्च तस्थू रात्रौ समन्ततः॥
Vaishampayana said : Thus bewailed the citizens of Varanavata. Surrounding the house, they remained for the whole night there.

पाण्डवाश्चापि ते सर्वे सह मात्रा सुदुःखिताः। बिलेन तेन निर्गत्य जग्मुर्दुतमलक्षिताः॥
The Pandavas however with their sorrowful mother came out of the subterranean passage and fled unobserved in haste.

तेन निद्रोपरोधेन साध्वसेन च पाण्डवाः। न शेकुः सहसा गन्तुं सह मात्रा परंतपाः॥
Those chastisers of foes, the Pandavas, on account of sleeplessness and fear, could not proceed with speed with their mother.

भीमसेनस्तु राजेन्द्र भीमवेगपराक्रमः। जगाम भ्रातृनादाय सर्वान् मातरमेव च॥ स्कन्धमारोप्य जननी यमावरून वीर्यवान्। पार्थी गृहीत्वा पाणिभ्यां भ्रातरौ सुमहाबलः॥
O king of kings, Bhimasena, educed with great speed and power, took upon his body his mother and all his brothers. The greatly strong and energetic Vrikodara took his mother on his shoulder, the twins on his sides and the two sons of Pritha, his brothers (Arjuna and Yudhisthira) on both his arms.

उरसा पादपान् भञ्जन् महीं पद्भ्यां विदारयन्। स जगामाशु तेजस्वी वातरंहा वृकोदरः॥
He broke the trees by his breast and pressed the earth with his feet. He tius marched on.