JATUGRIHA: Chapter 146

Colloquy of Bhima and Yudhisthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः सर्वाः प्रकृतयो नगराद् वारणावतात्। सर्वमङ्गलसंयुक्ता यथाशास्त्रमतन्द्रिताः॥ श्रुत्वाऽऽगतान् पाण्डुपुत्रान् नानायानैः सहस्रशः। अभिजग्मुर्नरश्रेष्ठान् श्रुत्वैव परया मुदा॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing that the sons of Pandu were coming, all the citizens came speedily by thousands, out of the town of Varanavata with joy, on various conveyances, taking with them all the auspicious things as directed by the Shastras in order to receive those best of men.

ते समासाद्य कौन्तेयान् वारणावतका जनाः। कृत्वा जयाशिषः सर्वे परिवार्यावतस्थिरे॥
Coming to the sons of Kunti, the citizens of Varanavata surrounded them and blessed them by uttering the word Jaya (victory).

तैर्वृतः पुरुषव्याघ्रो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। विबभौ देवसंकाशो वज्रपाणिरिवामरैः॥
Being thus surrounded by them, that best of men, the king of virtue, Yudhisthira, looked as effulgent as the thunderer (Indra) in the midst of the celestial.

सत्कृताश्चैव पौरैस्ते पौरान् सत्कृत्य चानघ। अलंकृतं जनाकीर्णं विविशुर्वारणावतम्॥
Being welcomed by the citizens and welcoming them in return, those sinless ones (the Pandavas) entered the populous and ornamented Varanavata.

ते प्रविश्य पुरी वीरास्तूर्णं जग्मुरथो गृहान्। ब्राह्मणानां महीपालं रतानां स्वेषु कर्मसु॥
Entering the town, O king, those heroes first went to the houses of the Brahmanas engaged in their proper duties.

नगराधिकृतानां च गृहाणि रथिनां तदा। उपतस्थुर्नरश्रेष्ठा वैश्यशूद्रगृहाण्यपि॥
Then those best of men went to the houses of the officials in charge of the town; then they went to the houses of the car warriors, then to those of the Vaishyas and then even to those of the Shudras.

अर्चिताश्च नरैः पौरैः पाण्डवा भरतर्षभ। जग्मुरावसथं पश्चात् पुरोचनपुरस्सराः॥
O best of the Bharata race, thus adored by the citizens, the Pandavas went to their house with Purochana walking at the head (of the possession).

तेभ्यो भक्ष्याणि पानानि शयनानि शुभानि च। आसनानि च मुख्यानि प्रददौ स पुरोचनः॥
Purochana gave them first class food and drink, beds and carpets and seats.

तत्र ते स्तकृतास्तेन सुमहार्हपरिच्छदाः। उपास्यमानाः पुरुषैरूषुः पुरनिवासिभिः॥
Being served by Purochana and adored by the citizens, they (the Pandavas,) attired in costly robes, lived there.

दशरात्रोषितानां तु तत्र तेषां पुरोचनः। निवेदयामास गृहं शिवाख्यमशिवं तदा॥
When they had lived there for ten nights, Purochana spoke to them about the house, called "Blessed,” though really (it was) unblessed.

तत्र ते पुरुषव्याघ्रा विविशुः सपरिच्छदाः। पुरोचनस्य वचनात् कैलासमिव गुह्यकाः॥
Thereupon those best of men, attired in (costly) garments, entered that house at the request of Purochana, as Guhyakas enter (those) in the Kailasa (mountain).

तच्चागारमभिप्रेक्ष्य सर्वधर्मभृतां वरः। उवाचाग्नेयमित्येवं भीमसेनं युधिष्ठिरः॥
Inspecting that house, that foremost of all virtuous men, Yudhisthira, said to Bhimasena that the house was made of inflammable materials.

जिघ्राणोऽस्य वसागन्धं सर्पिर्जतुविमिश्रितम्। कृतं हि व्यक्तमाग्नेयमिदं वेश्म परंतप॥
Yudhisthira said : O chastiser of foes, from the smell of fat and ghee mixed with lac, it is event, his house is made of inflammable materials.

शणसर्जरसंव्यक्तमानीय गृहकर्मणि। मुञ्जबल्वजवंशादि द्रव्यं सर्वं घृतोक्षितम्॥ शिल्पिभिः सुकृतं ह्याप्तैर्विनीतैर्वेश्मकर्मणि। विश्वस्तं मामयं पापो दग्धुकामः पुरोचनः॥ तथा हि वर्तते मन्दः सुयोधनवसे स्थितः। इमां तु तां महाबुद्धिर्विदुरो दृष्टवांस्तथा॥ आपदं तेन मां पार्थं स सम्बोधितवान् पुरा। ते वयं बोधितास्तेन नित्यमस्मद्धितैषिणा॥ पित्रा कनीयसा स्नेहाद् बुद्धिमन्तोऽशिवं गृहम्। अनार्यैः सुकृतं गूढैर्दुर्योधनवशानुगैः॥
By the help of trusted and well skilled artisans, the enemies have nicely built this house with hemp, health, straw and Purochana desires to burn me after inspiring me with confidence. The wicked man, therefore, lives here, obedient to (the instruction of) Duryodhana. The greatly intelligent Vidura, knew this danger. Therefore, O son of Pritha, he told me of it beforehand. Knowing this, that well-wiser of ours. The younger brother of our father, out of affection for us, has told us about this house, so full of danger and constructed by the wretches under Duryodhana (who is) acting secretly (from behind).

भीमसेन उवाच यदीदं गृहमाग्नेयं विहितं मन्यते भवान्। तथैव साधु गच्छामो यत्र पूर्वोषिता वयम्॥
Bhima said: If this house is known to you inflammable, then let us go to the place where we lived first.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच इह यत्तैर्निराकारैर्वस्तव्यमिति रोचये। अप्रमत्तैर्विचिन्वद्भिर्गतिमिष्टां ध्रुवामितः॥
Yudhisthira said : I think we should rather live here, seeming unsuspicious, but we must remain very cautious and keep our senses wide awake and as at the same time we must seek for some means of escape. us

यदि विन्देत चाकारमस्माकं स पुरोचनः। क्षिप्रकारी ततो भूत्वा प्रदह्यादपि हेतुतः॥
If Purochana finds from our demeanour that we have learnt his design, he may suddenly burn to death by taking immediately steps.

नायं विभेत्युपक्रोशादधर्माद् वा पुरोचनः। तथा हि वर्तते मन्दः सुयोधनवशे स्थितः॥
Purochana cares very little for obloquy and sin. The wretch lives here in obedience to (the instructions) of Duryodhana.

अपि चेह प्रदग्धेषु भीष्मोऽस्मासु पितामहः। कोपं कुर्यात् किमर्थं वा कौरवान् कोपयीत सः॥
If we are brunt, will grandfather Bhishma be angry? Why would he make the Kurus angry with him by showing his anger.

अथवापीह दग्धेषु भीष्मोऽस्माकं पितामहः। धर्म इत्येव कुष्येरन् ये चान्ये कुरुपुङ्गवाः॥
It may be that if we are brunt, our grandfather Bhishma and other best men of the Kuru race may be indignant for the sake of virtue.

वयं तु यदि दाहस्य बिभ्यतः प्रद्रवेमहि। स्पशैर्निर्घातयेत् सर्वान् राज्यलुब्धः सुयोधनः॥
If we fly from this place from the fear of being brunt, Duryodhana, covetous for kingdom, will surely bring about our death by means of spies.

अपदस्थान् पदे तिष्ठन्नपक्षान् पक्षसंस्थितः। हीनकोशान् महाकोशः प्रयोगैर्घातयेद् ध्रुवम्॥ तदस्माभिरिमं पापं तं च पापं सुयोधनम्। वञ्चयद्भिर्निवस्तव्यं छन्नावासं क्वचित् क्वचित्॥
The wicked Duryodhana has rank, power, friends, allies and wealth, but we have none. He can certainly destroy us by adopting many means. Deceiving this wretch and that wretch also, let us live in disguise for some time.

ते वयं मृगयाशीलाश्चराम वसुधामिमाम्। तथा नो विदिता मार्गा भविष्यन्ति पलायताम्॥
Let us lead a life of hunting, wandering over the earth. We shall then be aware of all the paths that exist for escape.

भौमं च बिलमद्यैव करवाम सुसंवृतम्। गूढश्वासान्न नस्तत्र हुताशः सम्प्रधक्ष्यति॥
We shall dig in all secrecy, this very day a subterranean passage in our room. If we can keep it secret from others, fire will not able to consume us.

वसतोऽत्र यथा चास्मान्न बुध्येत पुरोचनः। पौरो वापि जनः कश्चित् तथा कार्यमतन्द्रितैः॥
Therefore we shall live here (and act in such a way) as Purochana and the citizens of Varanavata may not know what we are doing.