JATUGRIHA: Chapter 145

Arrival at Varanavata

वैशम्पायन उवाच पाण्डवास्तु रथान् युक्तान् सदश्वैरनिलोपमैः। आरोहमाणा भीष्मस्य पादौ जगृहुरार्तवत्॥ राज्ञश्च धृतराष्ट्रस्य द्रोणस्य च महात्मनः। अन्येषां चैव वृद्धानां कृपस्य विदुरस्य च॥ एवं सर्वान् कुरून् वृद्धानभिवाद्य यतव्रताः। समालिङ्गय समानान् वै बालैश्चाप्यभिवादितः॥
Vaishampayana said : The Pandavas got on their cars yoked with fine horses having the speed like that of the wind, When ascending (the car), they touched in grief the feet of Bhishma, of the king Dhritarashtra, of the high-souled Drona, Kripa and Vidura and of all the other old men. Thus duly saluting all the elders of the Kuru race, embracing the equals, being saluted by even the boys.

सर्वा मातृस्तथाऽऽपृच्छ्य कृत्वा चैव प्रदक्षिणम्। सर्वाः प्रकृतयश्चैव प्रययुर्वारणावतम्॥
Taking leave of all the mothers (elderly ladies), walking round them respectfully and bidding farewell to the citizens, they (the Pandavas) started for Varanavata.

विदुरच महाप्राज्ञस्तथान्ये कुरुपुङ्गवाः। पौराश्च पुरुषव्याघ्रानन्वीयुः शोककर्शिताः॥ तत्र केचिद् ब्रुवन्ति स्म ब्राह्मणा निर्भयास्तदा। दीनान् दृष्ट्वा पाण्डुसुतानतीव भृशदुःखिताः॥
The greatly intelligent Vidura and other best of the Kurus and also the citizens followed these best of men (for some distance) in sorrow. Seeing the sons of Pandu affected with sorrow and in grief, some of the men of the city spoke thus-

विषमं पश्यते राजा सर्वथा स सुमन्दधीः। कौरव्यो धृतराष्ट्रस्तु न च धर्म प्रपश्यति॥
“The king (Dhritarashtra) sees not things with an equal eye. He is always wickedminded. The Kuru Dhritarashtra dose not cast his eye on virtue.

न हि पापमपापात्मा रोचयिष्यति पाण्डवः। भीमो वा बलिनां श्रेष्ठः कौन्तेयो वा धनंजयः॥
The Pandava (Yudhisthira), the best of all strong men Bhima, or Dhananjaya (Arjuna) will never commit the sin of rebellion.

कुत एव महात्मानौ माद्रीपुत्रौ करिष्यत। तान् राज्यं पितृतः प्राप्तान् धृतराष्टो न मृष्यते॥
What these illustrious (princes) would do, the two sons of Madri will also do. They have inherited the kingdom from their father, but Dhritarashtra can not beat them.

अधर्म्यमिदमत्यन्तं कथं भीष्योऽनुमन्यते। विवास्यमानानस्थाने नगरे योऽभिमन्यते॥
How could Bhishma sanction such an act of great sin? How could he sanction their exile to that wretched city?

पितेव हि नृपोऽस्माकमभूच्छांतनवः पुरा। विचित्रवीर्यो राजर्षिः पाण्डुश्च कुरुनन्दनः॥
The son of Shantanu, Vichitravirya and the descendant of Kuru, the royal sage Pandu, were to us like our fathers.

स तस्मिन् पुरुषव्याघ्र देवभावं गते सति। राजपुत्रानिमान् बालान् धृतराष्ट्रो न मृष्यते॥
Now that best of men (Pandu), having gone to heaven, Dhritarashtra can not bear these princes, his sons.

वयमेतदनिच्छन्तः सर्व एव पुरोत्तमात्। गृहान् विहाय गच्छामो यत्र गन्ता युधिष्ठिरः॥
We can not sanction this. Therefore leaving this excellent city and our houses, we shall go to the place where Yudhisthira is going.

तांस्तथावादिनः पौरान् दुःखितान् दुःखकर्शितः। उवाच मनसा ध्यात्वा धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
The king of virtue, Yudhisthira reflected for some time and then addressed in sorrow the citizens who were talking thus in grief.

पिता मान्यो गुरुः श्रेष्ठो यदाह पृथिवीपतिः। अशङ्कमानैस्तत् कार्यमस्माभिरिति नो व्रतम्॥
“The king of the world (Dhritarashtra) is our father, (he is) worthy of our regard, (he is) our preceptor and our superior. It is our duty, to accomplish with auspicious mind whatever he commands.

भवन्तः सुहृदोऽस्माकमस्मान् कृत्वा प्रदक्षिणम्। प्रतिनन्द्य तथाशीभिर्निवर्तध्वं यथा गृहम्॥ यदा तु कार्यमस्माकं भवद्भिपपत्स्यते। तदा करिष्यथास्माकं प्रियाणि च हितानि च॥
"You are our friends; walking round us and making us happy with your blessings, return to your homes. When the time comes for anything to be done for us by you, then accomplish all that is agreeable and beneficial to us."

एवमुक्तास्तदा पौराः कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। आशीभिश्चाभिनन्द्यैताञ्जग्मुर्नगरमेव हि॥
Having been thus addressed, the citizens walked round the Pandavas and offered them their blessings. They then returned to the city.

पौरेषु विनिवृत्तेषु विदुरः सत्यधर्मवित्। बोधयन् पाण्डवश्रेष्ठमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
When the citizens had left (the Pandavas), Vidura, learned in all the precepts of virtue, thus spoke to the eldest Pandava in order to want him (of his danger.)

प्राज्ञः प्राज्ञप्रलापज्ञः प्रलापज्ञमिदं वचः। प्राज्ञं प्राज्ञः प्रलापज्ञः प्रलापज्ञं वचोऽब्रवीत्॥
The learned man (Vidura) conversant with the (Mlecha) Jargon, spoke thus to the learned man (Yudhisthira), also conversant with the (Mlecha) jargon (in that Mlecha jargon)."

यो जानाति परप्रज्ञा नीतिशास्त्रानुसारिणीम्। विज्ञायेह तथा कुर्यादापदं निस्तरेद् यथा॥
He who knows the schemes of others (enemies) according to the dictates of political science, knowing it, should act in such a way as to avoid all dangers.

अलोहं निशितं शस्त्रं शरीरपरिकर्तनम्। यो वेत्ति न तु तं नन्ति प्रतिघातविदं द्विषः॥
He, who knows that there are sharp weapons capable of cutting the body though not made of iron and understands also the means of warding them off, can never be injured by the enemy.

कक्षघ्नः शिशिरघ्नश्च महाकक्षे बिलौकसः। न देहदिति चात्मानं यो रक्षति स जीवति॥
He lives who protects himself by the knowledge that neither the consumer of straw and wood not the drier of dews burns the inmates of a hole in the deep forest.

नाचक्षुर्वेति पन्थानं नाचक्षुर्विन्दते दिशः। नाधृतिर्बुद्धिमाप्नोति बुध्यस्वैवं प्रबोधितः॥
The blind man sees not his way, (for) the blind man has no knowledge of direction. He who has no firmness never acquires prosperity. Knowing this, keep yourself always alert.

अनाप्तैर्दत्तमादत्ते नरः शस्त्रमलोहजम्। श्वाविच्छरणमासाद्य प्रमुच्येत हुताशनात्॥
The man, who takes a weapon (which is) not made of iron (and which is) given him by his enemy, can escape from fire by making his house like hole of a jackal.

चरन् मार्गान् विजानाति नक्षत्रैर्विन्दते दिशः। आत्मना चात्मनः पञ्च पीडयन् नानुपीड्यते॥
By travelling a man may know the ways and by the star he can ascertain the direction. He that keeps his five (senses) under control can never be oppressed by his enemy."

एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। विदुरं विदुषां श्रेष्ठं ज्ञातमित्येव पाण्डवः॥
Having been thus addressed, the king of virtue, the son of Pandu, Yudhishthira, thus replied to that foremost of learned men, the illustrious Vidura. "I have understood you."

अनुशिक्ष्यानुगम्यैतान् कृत्वा चैव प्रदक्षिणम्। पाण्डवानभ्यनुज्ञाय विदुरः प्रययौ गृहान्॥
Vidura, thus having instructed the Pandavas, walked round them and bidding them farewell, returned to his house.

निवृत्ते विदुरे चापि भीष्मे पौरजने तथा। अजातशत्रुमासाद्य कुन्ती वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vidura, Bhishma and citizens having gone back, Kunti came to Ajatashatru (Yudhisthira) and spoke thus-

क्षत्ता यदब्रवीद् वाक्यं जनमध्येऽब्रुवन्निव। त्वया च स तथेत्युक्तो जानीमो न च तद् वयम्॥
"What Khattwa (Vidura) said to you in the midst of many people, so indistinctly as if he said nothing and what you said similarly (in reply) is not understood by us.

यदीदं शक्यमस्माभिर्ज्ञातुं न च सदोषवत्। श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत् सर्वं संवादं तव तस्य च॥
"If it is not improper for us to know it, I desire to hear all that passed between you and him."

युधिष्ठिर उवाच गृहादग्निश्च बोद्धव्य इति मां विदुरोऽब्रवीत्। पन्थाश्च वो नाविदितः कश्चित् स्पादिति धर्मधीः॥
Yudhisthira said : The virtuous Vidura said to me that I must know that the house (at Varanavata) is made of inflammable materials. (He further said) the way of escape will also be known to you."

जितेन्द्रियश्च वसुधां प्राप्स्यतीति च मेऽब्रवीत्। विज्ञातमिति तत् सर्वं प्रत्युक्तो विदुरो मया॥
He told me "The man who is self controlled wins (the sovereignty) of the whole world." I replied to Vidura. “I have understood you."

वैशम्पायन उवाच अष्टमेऽहनि रोहिण्यां प्रयाताः फाल्गुनस्य ते। वारणावतमासाद्य ददृशुर्नागरं जनम्॥
Vaishampayana said : The Pandavas stared for Varanavata on the eighth day of the month of Falguni when the star Rohini was ascendant; and arriving there they saw the town and its people.