JATUGRIHA: Chapter 144

Instructions to Purochana

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तेषु राज्ञा तु पाण्डुपुत्रेषु भारत। दुर्योधनः परं हर्षमगच्छत् स दुरात्मवान्॥ स पुरोचनमेकान्तमानीय भरतर्षभ। गृहीत्वा दक्षिणे पाणौ सचिवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ ममेयं वसुसम्पूर्णा पुरोचन वसुंधरा। यथेयं मम तद्वत् ते स तां रक्षितुमर्हसि॥ न हि मे कश्चिदन्योऽस्ति विश्वासिकतरस्त्वया। सहायो येन संधाय मन्त्रयेयं यथा त्वया॥
Vaishampayana said : O descendant of Bharata, when the king thus addressed the sons of Pandu, the wickedminded Duryodhana became exceedingly happy. O best of the Bharata race, he summoned in private, Purochana and taking up his right hand, he thus spoke to that counsellor. O Purochana, this world, full of wealth, is mine. It is equally yours with me. (Therefore), you should protect it. I have no other more trustworthy supporter and counsellor than you with whom I can consult.

संरक्ष तात मन्त्रं च सपत्नांश्च ममोद्धर। निपुणेनाभ्युपायेन यद् ब्रवीमि तथा कुरु॥
O sire, keep my counsel (a secret) and destroy my enemy by some clever device. Accomplish, what I ask you to do.

पाण्डवा धृतराष्ट्रेण प्रेषिता वारणावतम्। उत्सवे विहरिष्यन्ति धृतराष्ट्रस्य शासनात्॥
The Pandavas have been sent by Dhritarashtra to Varanavata. They will sport there in the festival at the command of Dhritarashtra.

स त्वं रासभयुक्तेन स्पन्दनेनाशुगामिना। वारणावतमद्यैव यथा यासि तथा कुरु॥
Do that by with you can reach Varanavata this very day on a car drawn by swift asses.

तत्र गत्वा चतुःशालं गृहं परमसंवृतम्। नगरोपान्तमाश्रित्य कारयेथा महाधनम्॥
Going there, erect a quadrangle palace at the outskirts of the city, (which should be) rich in materials and furniture. Guard it (also) well.

शणसर्जरसादीनि यानि द्रव्याणि कानिचित्। आग्नेयान्युत सन्तीह तानि तत्र प्रदापय॥
Use in it (in erecting that house,) hemp, resin and all other inflammable materials that are procurable.

सर्पिस्तैलवसाभिश्च लाक्षया चाप्यनल्पया। मृत्तिका मिश्रयित्वा त्वं लेपं कुड्येषु दापय॥
Mixing a little earth with ghee, oil, fat and a large quantity of lac, plaster the wall with it.

शणं तैलं घृतं चैव जतु दारूणि चैव हि। तस्मिन् वेश्मनि सर्वाणि निक्षिपेथाः समन्ततः॥ यथा च तन्न पश्येरन् परीक्षन्तोऽपि पाण्डवाः। आग्नेयमिति तत् कार्यमपि चान्येऽपि मानवाः॥ वेश्मन्येवं कृते तत्र गत्वा तान् परमार्चितान्। वासयेथाः पाण्डवेयान् कुन्ती च ससुहृज्जनाम्॥
Place carefully all over that house hemp, oil, ghee, lac and wood. In such a way that the Pandavas and other men may not even with scrutiny see them or conclude that it is made of inflammable materials. Erecting such a house and worshipping the Pandavas with great reverence, make them live in it with Kunti and all their friends.

आसगानि च दिव्यानि यानानि शयनानि च। विधातव्यानि पाण्डूनां यथा तुष्येत वै पिता॥ यथा च तन्न जानन्ति नगरे वारणावते। तथा सर्वं विधातव्यं यावत् कालस्य पर्ययः॥
Place there for the Pandavas seats, conveyances and beds of best workmanship, as ordered my father. Manage all this in a way so that none in the city of Varanavata may know it, till the end we have in view is accomplished.

ज्ञात्वा च तान् सुविश्वस्ताशयानानकुतोभयान्। अग्निस्त्वया ततो देयो द्वारतस्तस्य वेश्मनः॥
Knowing that they are sleeping in that house in confidence and without fear, set fire to it, beginning from the gate.

दह्यमाने स्वके गेहे दग्धा इति ततो जनाः। न गर्हयेयुरस्मान् वै पाण्डवार्थाय कर्हिचित्॥
The people will think that they have been burnt to death in that burning house; and therefore none will be able to blame us for the death of the Pandavas,

स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय कौरवाय पुरोचनः। प्रायाद् रासभयुक्तेन स्पन्दनेनाशुगामिना॥
Purochana promised to that Kaurava (Duryodhana) to carry out all by saying, “Be it so" and he then went (away) on a swift car drawn by asses.

स गत्वा त्वरितं राजन् दुर्योधनमते स्थितः। यथोक्तं राजपुत्रेण सर्वं चक्रे पुरोचनः॥
O king, ever obedient to Duryodhana, he went without loss of time. Purochana did all that the prince said, (asked him to do).