Counsel of Kanika

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वा पाण्डुसुतान् वीरान् बलोद्रिक्तान् महौजसः। धृतराष्ट्रो महीपालश्चिन्तामगमदातुरः॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing that the heroic sons of Pandu were endued with great energy and prowess, the king Dhritarashtra became very miserable with anxiety.

तत आहूय मन्त्रज्ञं राजशास्त्रार्थवित्तमम्। कणिकं मन्त्रिणां श्रेष्ठं धृतराष्ट्रोऽब्रवीद् वचः॥
Thereupon summoning that best of ministers, Kanika, learned in politics and expert in counsels, Dhritarashtra said-

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच उत्सित्ताः पाण्डवा नित्यं तेभ्योऽसूये द्विजोत्तम। तत्र मे निश्चिततमं संधिविग्रहकारणम्। कणिक त्वं ममाचक्ष्व करिष्ये वचनं तव॥
Dhritarashtra said : O best of Brahmanas, the Pandavas are daily over-shadowing the earth. I am very jealous of them. Should I have peace or war with them? O Kanika, advise me truly; I shall do your bidding.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स प्रसन्नमनास्तेन परिपृष्टो द्विजोत्तमः। उवाच वचनं तीक्ष्णं राजशास्त्रार्थदर्शनम्॥
Vaishampayana said : That best of Brahmanas feel answered him in these pointed words, well-agreeing with the import of politics.

शृणु राजन्निदं तत्र प्रोच्यमानं मयानघ। न मेऽभ्यसूया कर्तव्या श्रुत्वैव कुरुसत्तम।॥
Kanika said: O sinless king, listen to me as I answer. O best of the Kurus, you should not be angry with me on hearing what I say.

नित्यमुद्यतदण्डः स्यान्नित्यं विवृतपौरुषः। अच्छिद्रश्छिद्रदर्शी स्यात् परेषां विवरानुगः॥
Kings should ever be ready with upraised scepter (to rule) and they should ever extend their prowess. Carefully avoiding all faults of theirs, they should ceaselessly watch for the faults of others.

नित्यमुद्यतदण्डाद्धि भृशमुद्विजते जनः। तस्मात् सर्वाणि कार्याणि दण्डेनैव विधारयेत्॥
If the king is ever ready with his uplifted scepter, every one fears him. Therefore he should ever have recourse to his scepter (chastisement) in all he does.

नास्यच्छिद्रं परः पश्येच्छिद्रेण परमन्वियात्। गृहेत् कूर्म इवाङ्गानि रक्षेद् विवरमात्मनः॥ नासम्यक्कृतकारी स्यादुपक्रम्य कदाचन। कण्टको ह्यपि दुश्छिन्न आसावं जनयेच्चिरम्॥
He should so act as others (his enemies) may not find any fault in him. But he should see the faults (defects) others. He should keep his resources concealed as does a tortoise his members of body. Having begun a particular act, he should ever completely accomplish it. A thorn, if not wholly extracted, produces a fostering sore.

वधमेव प्रशंसन्ति शत्रूणामपकारिणाम्। सुविदीर्णं सुविक्रान्तं सुयुद्धं सुपलायितम्॥ आपद्यापदि काले च कुर्वीत न विचारयेत्। नावज्ञेयो रिपुस्तात दुर्बलौऽपि कथंचन।॥
The killing of a harmful foe is always praiseworthy. If he be powerful, if he be a great warrior, one should watch for the hour of his disaster and then kill him without any scruple. O son, if the enemy be weak, still he should not be scorned.

अल्पोऽप्यग्निर्वनं कृत्स्नं दहत्याश्रयसंश्रयात्। अन्धः स्यादन्धवेलायां वाधिर्यमपि चाश्रयेत्॥
A spark of fire can consume a forest if it can spread from object to object. They (kings) should sometimes feign deafness and blindness; for if they are incapable of chastising, they should pretend not to notice the faults. They should then consider their bows as made of straw.

कुर्यात् तृणमयं चापं शयीत मृगशायिकाम्। सान्त्वादिभिरुपायैस्तु हन्याच्छत्रु वशे स्थितम्॥
But they should be as watchful as a herd of deer sleeping (in the woods). When your enemy will be in your hands, destroy him by any means, open or secret. Do not show him any mercy, though he seeks your protection.

दया न तस्मिन् कर्तव्या शरणागत इत्युत्। निरुद्विग्नो हि भवति नहताज्जायते भयम्॥
An old enemy should be killed even by winning him over by wealth. Thus you must be free of anxiety, for there is no fear from a dead man.

हन्यादमित्रं दानेन तथा पूर्वापकारिणम्। हन्यात् त्रीन् पञ्च सप्तेति परपक्षस्य सर्वशः॥
Destroy all the three, five and seven resources of the enemy; you must destroy them (enemies) by completely uprooting them.

मूलमेवादितीश्छिन्द्यात् परपक्षस्य नित्यशः। ततः सहायांस्तत्पक्षान् सर्वांश्च तदनन्तरम्॥
Then you should destroy their allies and partisans. If the root (principal) is destroyed, they (allies) can never exist.

छिन्नमूले ह्यधिष्ठाने सर्वे तज्जीविनो हताः। कथं नु शाखास्तिष्ठेरंश्छिन्नमूले वनस्पतौ॥
If the root of the lord of the forest (tree) is uprooted, its branches and twigs can never exist as before. Carefully concealing your own weakness and watching those of your enemies.

एकाग्रः स्यादविवृतो नित्यं विवरदर्शकः। राजन् नित्यं सपत्नेषु नित्योद्विग्नः समाचरेत्॥
O king, you should rule over your kingdom, ever being very watchful.

अग्न्याधानेन यज्ञेन काषायेण जटाजिनैः। लोकान् विश्वासयित्वैव ततो लुम्पेद् यथा वृकः॥
By maintaining the perpetual fire by sacrifices, by brown clothes, by matted locks and skin cloth. You should first gain the confidence of men (your enemies); and then you should spring upon them like a wolf.

असुशं शौचमित्याहुरर्थानामुपधारणे। आनाम्य फलितां शाखां पक्वं पक्वं प्रशातयेत्॥
It is said that in earning wealth, hypocrisy is a cheap means. As a hooked staff is used to bend down a bough of a tree of pluck the ripe fruits.

फलार्थोऽयं समारम्भो लोके पुंसां विपश्चिताम्। वहेदमित्रं स्कन्धेन यावत् कालस्य पर्ययः॥
So this method should be adopted in destroying one's own enemies. Carry your enemy on your shoulder till the time comes.

ततः प्रत्यागते काले भिन्द्याद् घटमिवाश्मनि। अमित्रो न विमोक्तव्यः कृपणं बपि ब्रुवन्॥ कृपा न तस्मिन् कर्तव्या हन्यादेवापकारिणम्। हन्यादमित्रं सान्त्वेन तथा दानेन वा पुनः॥ तथैव भेददण्डाभ्यां सर्वोपायैः प्रशातयेत्।
When the times come, you can throw him down and break him into pieces as a earthen vessel is broken being thrown on stones. An enemy should never be allowed to escape, even if he piteously addresses you. You ought not to show him any inercy; he must be slain at once. Enemies should be destroyed by the arts of conciliation or the expenditure of money or by producing disunion amongst his allies or by the employment of every means in your power.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच कथं सान्त्वेन दानेन भेदैर्दण्डेन वा पुनः॥ अमित्रः शक्यते हन्तुं तन्मे ब्रूहि यथातथम्।
Dhritarashtra said : Tell me in detail how can a foe be destroyed by the arts of conciliation, or the expenditure of money or by producing disunion or by the employment of force.

कणिक उवाच शृणु राजन् यथावृत्तं वने निवसतः पुरा॥ जम्बुकस्य महाराज नीतिशास्त्रार्थदर्शिनः।
Kanika said: O king, hear what happened in the days of yore. O great king, there dwelt in the forest a jackal well-acquainted with the science of politics.

अथ कश्चित् कृतप्रज्ञः शृगाल: स्वार्थपण्डितः॥ सखिभिय॑वसत् सार्धं व्याघ्राखुवृकबभ्रुभिः। तेऽपश्यन् विपिने तस्मिन् बलिनं मृगयूथपम्॥ अशक्ता ग्रहणे तस्य ततो मन्त्रममन्त्रयन्।
The Jackal was wise and mindful of his own interest. He lived in the company of four friends, namely a tiger, a wolf, a mouse and a mongoose. They saw in the woods a strong deer, the leader of a herd, whom however they could not seize for his fleetness and strength. Thereupon they held a consultation.

जम्बुक उवाच असकृद् यतितो ह्येष हन्तुं व्याघ्र वने त्वया।॥ युवा वै जवसम्पन्नो बुद्धिशाली न शक्यते। मूषिकोऽस्य शयानस्य चरणौ भक्षयत्वयम्॥ यथैनं भक्षितैः पादैर्व्याघ्रो गृहणातु वै ततः। ततो वै भक्षयिष्यामः सर्वे मुदितमानसाः॥
The Jackal said : O tiger, you have made many attempts to seize this deer, but your efforts were in vain, for this deer is young, fleet and intelligent. Let the mouse go and eat into its feet when it is asleep. When his feet will be thus eaten, let the tiger go and seize it. Then we shall all eat it with a delightful heart.

जम्बुकस्य तु तद् वाक्यं तथा चक्रुः समाहिताः। मूषिकाभक्षितैः पादैर्मृगं व्याघ्रोऽवधीत् तदा॥
Hearing these words of the jackal, they carefully did what he said. The feet of the deer being eaten up by the mouse, he was killed by the tiger.

दृष्ट्वाचेष्टमानं तु भूमौ मृगकलवरम्। स्नात्वाऽऽगच्छत भद्रं वोरक्षामीत्याह जम्बुकः॥
The Jackal said, “ Blessed be you! Go and perform your ablutions. I shall look after it (the deer)".

शृगालवचनात् तेऽपि गताः सर्वे नदी ततः। स चिन्तापरमो भूत्वा तस्थौ तत्रैव जम्बुकः॥
Hearing what the Jackal said, they all went to a river. The Jackal waited there, deeply meditating what he should do (next).

अथाजगाम पूर्वं तु स्नात्वा व्याघ्रो महाबलः। ददर्श जम्बुकं चैव चिन्ताकुलितमानसम्॥
The greatly strong tiger came first after his bath and saw the Jackal sitting in a pensive mind.

व्याघ्र उवाच किं शोचसि महाप्राज्ञ त्वं नो बुद्धिमतां वरः। अशित्वा पिशितान्यद्य विहरिष्यामहे वयम्॥
The Tiger said : O greatly wise one, what are you pondering over? You are the foremost of all intelligent persons. Let us enjoy ourselves (now) by feasting on this carcass.

जम्वुक उवाच शृणु मे त्वं महाबाहो यद् वाक्यं मूषिकोऽब्रवीत्। धिग् बलं पृगराजस्य मयाद्यायं मृगो हतः॥
The Jackal said: O mighty armed one, hear what the mouse has said. (He said)" Fie on the strength of the king of beasts (tiger). The deer has been killed by me.

माहुबलमाश्रित्य तृप्तिमद्य गमिष्यति। गर्जमानस्य तस्यैवमतो भक्ष्यं न रोचये॥
He will gratify his hunger today by the might of my arms.” When he has thus boasted, I, for my part, do not wish to touch this food.

व्याघ्र उवाच ब्रवीति यदि स ह्येवं काले ह्यस्मिन् प्रबोधितः। स्वबाहुबलमाश्रित्य हनिष्येऽहं वनेचरान्॥ खादिष्ये तत्र मांसानि इत्युक्त्वा प्रस्थितो वनम्। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु मूषिकोऽप्याजगाम ह॥ तमागतमभिप्रेत्य शृगालोऽप्यब्रववीद् वचः।
The Tiger said: If the mouse has really said this, my sense is awakened. I shall from this day kill with the might of my own arms the beasts of the forest and feast on their flesh. Having said this he went away into the forest. At this time the mouse came there. Seeing him come, the Jackal thus spoke to him.

जम्बुक उवाच शृणु मूषिक भद्रं ते नकुलो यदिहाब्रवीत्॥
The Jackal said : Blessed by you, O mouse. Listen to what the mongoose has said.

मृगमांसं न खादेयं गरमेतन्न रोचते। मूषिकं भक्षयिष्यामि तद् भवाननुमन्यताम्॥
(He said) "The flesh of this deer is poisoned (by the touch of the tiger). I shall not eat it. If you give me permission I shall eat the mouse."

तच्छुत्वा मूषिको वाक्यं संत्रस्तः प्रगतो बिलम्। ततः स्नात्वा स वै तत्र आजगाम वृको नृप॥
Having heard this, the mouse became alarmed and he quickly entered his hole. O king, then after his bath came there the wolf.

तमागतमिदं वाक्यमब्रवीज्जम्बुकस्तदा। मृगराजो हि संक्रुद्धो न ते साधु भविष्यति॥ सकलत्रस्त्विहायाति कुरुष्व यदनन्तरम्। एवं संचेदितस्तेन जम्बुकेन तदा वृकः॥ ततोऽवलुम्पनं कृत्वा प्रयात: पिशिताशनः। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु नकुलोऽप्याजगाम ह॥
On his coming, the Jackal spoke to him thus. The king of the beasts (tiger) has become angry with you. No good will come to you. He will be soon here with his wife. Do now as you please. The wolf, ever fond of animal food, fled contracting his body into the smallest dimensions, and thus was he got rid of by the jackal. At this time the mongoose came.

तमुवाच महाराज नकुलं जम्बुको वने। स्वबाहुबलमाश्रित्य निर्जितास्तेऽन्यतो गताः॥ मम दत्त्वा नियुद्धं त्वं भुड्क्ष्व मांसं यथेप्सितम्।
O great king, the jackal thus spoke to the mongoose in the forest. I have defeated others with the might of my arms and they have already fled away. Fight with me first and then eat this flesh as you please.

नकुल उवाच मृगराजो वृक्श्चैव बुद्धिमानपि मूषिकः॥ निर्जिता यत् त्वया वीरास्तमाद् वीरतरो भवान्। न त्वयाप्युत्सहे योद्धमित्युक्त्वा सोऽप्युपागमत्॥
The Mongoose said : When the king of the beasts (tiger) the wolf and the intelligent mouse have all been defeated by you, heroes as they are, you seem to be a greater hero than they. I do not desire (therefore) to fight with you: Saying this he went away.

कणिक उवाच एवं तेषु प्रयातेषु जम्बुको हृष्टमानसः। खादति स्म तदा मांसमेकः सन् मन्त्रनिश्चयात्॥
Kanika said: When thus they all went away, the jackal was much pleased in his heart for the success of policy and he alone ate the flesh (of that deer).

एवं समाचरन्नित्यं सुखमेधते भूपतिः। भयेन भेदयेद् भीरुं शूरमञ्जलिकर्मणा॥ लुब्धमर्थप्रदानेन समं न्यूनं तथौजसा। एवं ते कथितं राजशृणु चाप्यपरं तथा॥
If kings act in this way, they can always be happy. Thus should the timid, by exciting their fears, the courageous by the arts of conciliation, the covetous by gift of wealth and the inferiors and the equals by the exhibition of prowess, be brought into subjugation. O king, besides what I have said, listen to something else that I say.

पुत्रः सखा वा भ्राता वा पिता वा यदि वा गुरुः। रिपुस्थानेषु वर्तन्तो हन्तव्या भूतिमिच्छता॥
If your son, friend, brother and father, or even your preceptor, become your enemy. If you desire prosperity, you should.

शपथेनाप्यरिं हन्यादर्थदानेन वा पुनः। विषेण मायया वापि नोपेक्षते कथंचन। उभौ चेत् संशयोपेतौ श्रद्धावांस्तत्र वर्द्धते॥
Destroy him by curses, by incantations, by gift of wealth, by poison or by deception. He should never be neglected out of scorn. If both the parties be equal and success uncertain, then he who acts with diligence grows in prosperity.

गुरोरप्यविलप्तस्य कार्याकार्यमजानतः। उत्पथप्रतिपन्नस्य न्याय्यं भवति शासनम्॥
If the preceptor himself be vain, ignorant of what should be done and what should be left undone and vicious in his ways, even he should be chastised.

क्रुद्धोऽप्यक्रुद्धरूपः स्यात् स्मितपूर्वाभिभाषिता। न चाप्यन्यमपध्वंसेत् कदाचित् कोपसंयुतः॥ प्रहरिष्यन् प्रियं ब्रूयात् प्रहरन्नपि भारत। प्रहत्य च कृपायीत शोचेत च रुदेत च॥
If you are angry, show yourself as if you are not so, speaking then with even smiles. O descendant of Bharatas, never reprove any one with indications of anger. Speak soft words before you hit (your enemy), (speak soft words) even when you are hitting (your enemy). After hitting (your enemy), pity the victim and grieve for him and even shed tears.

आश्वासयेच्चापि परं सान्त्वधर्मार्थवृत्तिभिः। अथास्य प्रहरेत् काले यदा विचलिते पथि॥
Securing confidence (of the enemy) by conciliation, by gift of wealth and by long kind behaviour. You must destroy him if he does not walk aright.

अपि घोरापराधस्य धर्ममाश्रित्य तिष्ठतः। स हि प्रच्छाद्यते दोषः शैलो मेघैरिवासितैः॥
The greatly sinful men live as if they are very virtuous. He conceals his sins, as black clouds cover the mountains.

यः स्यादनुप्राप्तवधस्तस्यागारं प्रदीपयेत्। अधनान् नास्तिकांश्चौरान विषये स्वे न वासयेत्॥
You should burn the house of those that should be killed by you. You should never permit beggars, atheists and thieves to live in you kingdom.

प्रत्युत्थानासनाद्येन सम्प्रदानेन केनचित्। प्रतिविश्रब्धघाती स्यात् तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रो निमग्नकः॥
By a sudden sally or pitched battle, by poison, by gift of wealth, or by any means, you must destroy your enemy. You can act with the greatest cruelty. You should make your teeth sharp (enough) to bite with fatal effect.

अशस्तेिभ्यः शङ्केत शख्तेिभ्यश्च सर्वशः। अशक्याद् भयमुत्पन्नमपि मूलं निकृन्तति॥
You must destroy him so effectually that he may not again raise up his head. You should always fear even those from whom you have no fear. If you do not fear a man, by your root may be destroyed (your ruin inay come).

न विश्वसेदविश्वस्ते विश्वस्ते नातिविश्वसेत्। विश्वासाद् भयमुत्पन्नं मूलान्यपि निकृन्ततिः॥
You should never trust the faithless, nor should you trust too much those that are faithful. If fear (enmity) is engendered in a man whom you trust, your root may be destroyed (your total ruin may come).

चारः सुविहित: कार्य आत्मनश्च परस्य वा। पाषण्डांस्तापसादींश्च परराष्ट्रेषु योजयेत्॥
The spies should be first carefully tested of their fidelity and then they should be appointed in your cwn (kingdom) or in (the kingdom of others). The spies in the kingdoms of others should be scoundrels and persons in the garbs of ascetic.

उद्यानेषु विहारेषु देवतायतनेषु च। पानागारेषु रथ्यासुसर्वतीर्थेषु चाप्यथ॥ चत्वरेषु च कूपेषु पर्वतेषु वनेषु च। समवायेषु सर्वेषु सरित्सु च विचारयेत्॥
They should be (placed) in gardens. In place of amusements, in temples. In drinkingballs, in streets and with all the Tirthas (state officials), in place of sacrifice, near wells, on mountains, in forests. In all places where people congregate and on rivers. They should move about in these places.

वाचा भृशं विनीतः स्याद्धदयेन तथा क्षुरः। स्मितपूर्वाभिभाषी स्यात् सृष्टो रौद्राय कर्मणे॥
They should be humble in speech, but their hearts must be as sharp as the razors. When you are engaged in doing a very cruel and terrible act, you should talk with smiles on your lips.

अञ्जलिः शपथः सान्त्वं शिरसा पादवन्दनम्। आशाकरणमित्येवं कर्तव्यं भूतिमिच्छता॥
If you desire for prosperity, you must (adopt these acts narnely) fold your hands, be humble, take oath, use conciliation, worship the feet of others by lowering your head and inspire hope.

सुपुष्पितः स्यादफलः फलवान् स्याद् दुरारुहः। आमः स्यात् पक्वसंकाशो न च जीर्येत कर्हिचित्।।
A man of policy should be like a tree decked with flowers but bearing no fruits. If there be any fruiti, it must be inaccessible and at a great height. If ripe, they must look raw. Such a man never fades.

त्रिवर्गे त्रिविधा पीडा ह्यनुबन्धस्तथैव च। अनुबन्धाः शुभा ज्ञेयाः पीडास्तु परिवर्जयेत्॥
Trivarga, (Dharma, Artha and Kama) has three evils knit together (with three goods). Extracting the good from it, the evil should be avoided. He who practices virtue has also two diseases, (evil to cope with).

धर्मं विचरतः पीडा सापि द्वाभ्यां नियच्छति। अर्थं चाप्यर्थलुब्धस्य कामं चातिप्रवर्तिनः॥
(Namely) the want of wealth and the neglect of pleasure. Those in pursuit of pleasure are made unhappy for the neglect of the two others. And those who pursue pleasure suffer for the want of virtue and wealth.

अगर्वितात्मा युक्तश्च सान्त्वयुक्तोऽनसूयिता। अवेक्षितार्थः शुद्धात्मा मन्त्रयीत द्विजैः सह॥
Therefore you should pursue virtue, wealth and pleasure in such a way that you may not have to suffer in any way. With humiliation and attention, without jealousy and solicitations, you should in all sincerity consult with Brahmanas in accomplishing your purpose.

कर्मणा येन केनैव मृदुना दारुणेन च। उद्धरेद् दीनमात्मानं समर्थो धर्ममाचरेत्॥
When you are fallen, you should raise yourself by any means, either gentle or violent. When you have raised yourself, you should practice virtue.

न संशयमनारुह्य नरो भद्राणि पश्यति। संशयं पुनरारुह्य यदि जीवति पश्यति॥
The man who has never met with any calamity can never have prosperity. This is seen in the life of one who has passed through calamities.

यस्य बुद्धिः परिभवेत् तमतीतेन सान्त्वयेत्। अनागतेन दुर्बुद्धिं प्रत्युत्पन्नेन पण्डितम्॥
He who is afflicted with sorrow should be consoled by the recitation of old history. The ignorant (should be consoled) by the hope of future prosperity and the learned by pleasing office. He who quietly responses after concluding a treaty with an enemy, considering himself crowned with success.

योऽरिणा सह संधाय शयीत कृतकृत्यवत्। स वृक्षागे यथा सुप्तः पतितः प्रतिबुध्यते॥
Is like a person who awakes after having failen down from the top of a tree where he slept. Counsel should be kept concealed without the fear of calumny.

मन्त्रसंवरणे यत्नः सदा कार्योऽनसूयता। आकारमभिरक्षेत चारेणाप्यनुपालितः॥ नाच्छित्त्वा परमर्माणि नाकृत्वा कर्म दारुणम्। नाहत्वा मत्स्यघातीव प्राणोति महतीं श्रियम्॥
And while seeing everything with the eyes of his spies, he should conceit his own thoughts before the spies of others like a fisherman who becomes rich by catching and killing fish, a king grc" vs prosperous by tearing the vitals of his enemy and by doing some violent acts.

कर्शितं व्याधितं क्लिन्नमपानीयमघासकम्। परिविश्वस्तमन्दं च प्रहर्तव्यमरेबलम्॥
The strength of your enemy as represented by his force should always be completely destroyed, by ploughing it up, by moving it down or by afflicting it with disease, starvation and want of drink.

नार्थिकोऽर्थिनमभ्येति कृतार्थे नास्ति संगतम्। तस्मात् सर्वाणि साध्यानि सावशेषाणि कारयेत्॥
A person in want never goes to a person in affluence. When your purpose has been fulfilled, you need not go to the man whom you have hitherto looked to for its accomplishment.

संग्रहे विग्रहे चैव यत्नः कार्योऽनसूयता। उत्साहश्चापि यत्नेन कर्तव्यो भूतिमिच्छता॥
Therefore, when you do a thing, do it completely, leaving nothing to be done. He who desires prosperity, should diligently exert to seek for allies and means in order to conduct his war.

नास्य कृत्यानि बुध्येरन् मित्राणि रिपवस्तथा। आरब्धान्येव पश्येरन् सुपर्यवसितान्यपि॥
He should act in such a way that both friends and foes may not know his intention before the commencement of the act. Let them know it when the act has been commenced or ended.

भीतवत् संविधातव्यं यावद् भयमनागतम्। आगतं तु भयं दृष्ट्वा प्रहर्तव्यमभीतवत्॥
As long as danger does not come, so long only should you look as if you are afraid. Seeing the danger already come, you should grapple it courageously.

दण्डेनोपनतं शत्रुमनुगृहणाति यो नरः। स मृत्युमुपगृहणीयाद् गर्भमश्वतरी यथाः॥
The man, who trusts his enemy who is already under his control, invites his own death as a mule by her conception.

अनागतं हि बुध्येत यच्च कार्यं पुरः स्थितम्। न तु बुद्धिक्षयात् किंचिदतिक्रामेत् प्रयोजनम्॥
You should consider the future acts as already arrived. Else on account of the loss of reason, you may overlook an important point (in accomplishing the act). He who desires prosperity, should always exert himself with energy and prudence.

उत्साहश्चापि यत्नेन कर्तव्यो भूतिमिच्छता। विभज्य देशकालौ च दैवं धर्मादयस्त्रयः। नैःश्रेयसौ तु तौ ज्ञेयौ देशकालाविति स्थितिः॥
Adopting his measures (suited) to time and place, destiny and Dharma, Artha and Kama. It is well known that time and place produce the greatest good.

तालवत् कुरुते मूलं बालः शत्रुरुपेक्षितः। गहनेऽग्निरिवोत्सृष्टः क्षिप्रं संजायते महान्॥
If an enemy is despised and over looked, he may soon grow like a palm tree extending its roots, or like a spark of fire in the deep forest that may soon flame upto a great conflagration.

अग्निं स्तोकमिवात्मानं संधुक्षयति यो नरः। स वर्धमानो ग्रसते महान्तमपि संचयम्॥
As a small fire, if fed with fagots, soon becomes capable of coming all, so a man who increase his power making alliances, soon becomes capable of vanquishing even the strongest foe.

आशां कालवतीं कुर्यात् कालं विघ्नेन योजयेत्। विजं निमित्ततो ब्रूयानिमित्तं वापि हेतुतः॥
The hope, that you give to your enemy, should be long deferred to be fulfilled. When the time comes for fulfilling it, invent some pretext to defer it still. Let the pretext appear as founded on some reason and let that reason (also) appear as founded on some other reason.

क्षुरो भूत्वा हरेत् प्राणान् निशितः कालसाधनः। प्रतिच्छन्नो लोमहारी द्विषतां परिकर्तनः॥
Unpitying and sharp, concealed in their leathern cases, striking when opportunity comes, sweeping of all hair, kings should resemble razors in the mater of destroying their enemy.

पाण्डवेषु यथान्यायमन्येषु च कुरूद्वह। वर्तमानो न मज्जेस्त्वं तथा कृत्यं समाचर॥ सर्वकल्याणसम्पन्नो विशिष्ट इति निश्चयः। तस्मात् त्वं पाण्डुपुत्रेभ्यो रक्षात्मानं नराधिप।९।।
O supporter of the Kuru dignity, act with the Pandavas and others as policy dictates and (act) in such a way that you may not have to reput in futuic. I have not the least doubt that you are endued with every blessing and good fortune, O king, therefore, protect yourself frorn the sons of Pandu.

भ्रातृव्या बलिनो यस्मात् पाण्डुपुत्रा नराधिप। पश्चात्तापो यथा न स्यात् तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्॥
O king, the sons of Pandu are stronger than their cousins (your sons). O chastiser of foes, I tell you plainly what you ought to do.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा सम्प्रतस्थे कणिकः सवगृहं ततः। धृतराष्ट्रोऽपि कौरव्यः शोकार्तः समपद्यत॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this Kanika went away to his house and the descendant of Kuru Dhritarashtra become pensive and sad.