SAMBHA VA PARVA: Chapter 139

Pensiveness of Dhritarashtra

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः संवत्सारस्यान्ते यौवराज्याय पार्थिव। स्थापितो तराष्ट्रेण पाण्डुपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥ धृतिस्थैर्य सहिष्णुत्वादानृशंस्यात् तथार्जवात्। भृत्यानम्नुकम्पार्थं तथैव स्थिरसौहृदात्॥
Vaisha'mpayana said : O king, after the expiration of a year (from this), the son of Pandu, Yudhisthira, was installed as the heir-apparent. For he was noted for his firmness, fortitude, patience, benev olence, frankness and unswerving honesty of heart.

ततोऽदीर्घेण कालेन कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। पितुरन्तर्दधे कीर्ति शीलवृत्तसमाधिभिः॥
Thereupon, within a very short time, the son of Kunti, Yudhisthira, overshadowed the deeds of his faiher by his good behaviour, manners and close application to business.

असियुद्धे गदायुद्धे रथयुद्धे च पाण्डवः। संकर्षणादशिक्षद् वै शश्वच्छिक्षां वृकोदरः॥
The Pandava Vrikodara began to receive lessons from Sankarshana (Balarama) in sword-fight, club-fight and car-fight.

समाप्तशिक्षो भीमस्तु द्युमत्सेनसमो बले। पराक्रमेण सम्पन्नो भ्रातृणामचरद् वशे॥
At the end of his education (in arms), he became in strength equal to Duymutsena. He remained in harmony with his brothers, becoming great in prowess.

प्रगाढदृढमुष्टित्वे लाघवे वेधने तथा। क्षुरनाराचभल्लानां विपादानां च तत्त्ववित्॥ ऋजुवक्रविशालानां प्रयोक्ता फाल्गुनोऽभवत्। लाघवे सौष्ठवे चैव नान्यः कश्चन विद्यते॥ बीभत्सुसदृशो लोके इति द्रोणो व्यवस्थितः। ततोऽब्रवीद् गुडाकेशं द्रोणः कौरवसंसदि॥
Arjuna became famous for the firmness of his grasp (of weapons), for his lightness of motion, his precision of aim and his proficiency in Kshura, Naracha, Bhalla, Vipatha and other straight, crooked and heavy weapons. And Drona said that there was none in the world who was equal to Bibhatsa (Arjuna) in lightness of hand and in general proficiency. Thereupon (one day) Drona thus spoke to Gudakesha (Arjuna) before the assembly of Kauravas.

अगस्त्यस्य धनुर्वेद शिष्यों मम गुरुः पुरा। अग्निवेश इति ख्यातस्तस्य शिष्योऽस्मि भारत॥ तीर्थात् तीर्थं गमयितुमहमेतत् समुद्यतः। तपसा यन्मया प्राप्तममोघमशनिप्रभम्॥ अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरो नाम यद् दहेत् पृथिवीमपि। ददता गुरुणा चोक्तं न मनुष्येष्विदं त्वया॥ भारद्वाज विमोक्तव्यमल्पवीर्येष्वपि प्रभो। त्वया प्राप्तमिदं वीर दिव्यं नान्योऽर्हति त्विदम्॥ समयस्तु त्वया रक्ष्यो मुनिसृष्टो विशाम्पते। आचार्यदक्षिणां देहि ज्ञातिग्रामस्य पश्यतः॥
In the time of yore Agastya had a disciple in the science of arms. Who was known as Agnivesha. He was my preceptor and I was his disciple. O descendant of Bharata, I obtained from him by asceticism a weapon, known by the name of Brahmashira, which can never be futile and which is like thunder itself and capable of consuming the whole earth. That weapon from what I have done may now descend from disciple to disciple. Giving it to me, my preceptor said, “O son of Bharadvaja, do not hurl this weapon against any human being and against one who possess but little energy." O hero, (Arjuna), you have obtained that celestial weapon (from me); none else deserves it. But O Vishampata, obey the command of that best of Rishis (Agnivesha). Now give your preceptor's Dakshina before all your relatives and cousins.

ददानीति प्रतिज्ञाते फाल्गुनेनाब्रवीद् गुरुः। युद्धेऽहं प्रतियोद्धव्यो युध्यमानस्त्वयानघ॥
Falguni (Arjuna) promised to the preceptor "To give (the Dakshina)." Drona said, O sinless one, you must fight with me when I fight with you.'

तथेति च प्रतिज्ञाय द्रोणाय कुरुपुङ्गवः। उपसंगृह्य चरणौ स प्रायादुत्तरां दिशम्॥
That best of Kurus promised this also to Drona. Touching his feet, he went away northwards.

स्वभावादगमच्छब्दो महीं सागरमेखलाम्। अर्जुनस्य समो लांके नास्ति कश्चिद् धनुर्धरः॥
There arose a great shout covering the whole earth, bounded by the belt of sea. “There was no bowman in the whole world equal to Arjuna.”

गदायुद्धेऽसियुद्धे च रथयुद्धे च पाण्डवः। पारगश्च धनुयुद्धे बभूवाथ धनंजयः॥
Pandava Dhananjaya became proficient in club-fight, sword-fight, car-fight and bowfight.

नीतिमान् सकलां नीति विबुधाधिपतेस्तदा। अवाप्य सहदेवोऽपि भ्रातृणां ववृते वशे॥ द्रोणेनैव विनीतश्च भ्रातृणां नकुलः प्रियः। चित्रयोधी समाख्यातो बभूवातिरथोदितः॥
Sahadeva, obtaining the whole science of morality and duties from the lord of all science Drona, remained obedient to his brothers. Nakula, the favourite of his brothers, taught by Drona, became known ass a skilful warrior and a car-warrior.

त्रिवर्षकृतयज्ञस्तु गन्धर्वाणामुपप्लवे। अर्जुनप्रमुखैः पार्थैः सौवीरः समरे हतः॥ न शशाक वशे कर्तुं यं पाण्डुरपि वीर्यवान्। सोऽर्जुनेन वशं नीतो राजाऽऽसीद् यवनाधिपः॥
Arjuna and the other Pandava princes became so powerful that they killed in battle the great Sauvira who had performed a sacrifice extending for three years, (remaining) undaunted by the attacks of the Gandharvas. The Yavana king, whom the powerful Pandu could not bring under subjection, was (also brought by Arjuna under control.

अतीव बलसम्पन्नः सदा मानी कुरून् प्रति। विपुलो नाम सौवीरः शस्तः पार्थेन धीमता॥ दत्तामित्र इति ख्यातं संग्रामे कृतनिश्चयम्। सुमित्रं नाम सौवीरमर्जुनोऽदमयच्छरैः॥
The great powerful and ever showing disregard for the Kurus. The king, named Vipula of the Sauviras was slain by the intelligent Partha. Arjuna also subjugated by means of his arrows king Sumitra of Sauvira, also known as Dattamitra, who always sought for an encounter with him.

भीमसेनसहायश्च रथानामयुतं च सः। अर्जुनः समरे प्राच्यान् सर्वानेकरथोऽजयत्॥
The third of the Pandava princes, assisted by Bhima, on only one single car, subjugated all the kings of the East backed by ten thousand cars.

तथैवैकरथो गत्वा दक्षिणामजयद् दिशम्। धनौघं प्रापयामास कुरुराष्ट्र धनंजयः॥ एवं सर्वे महामत्मानः पाण्डवा मनुजोत्तमाः। परराष्ट्राणि निर्जित्य स्वराष्ट्रं ववृधुः पुरा॥
In the same way Dhananjaya conquered on a single car the whole of the South; and he sent immense booty to the kingdom of the Kurus. Thus did the foremost of men, the illustrious Pandavas.Conquering the kingdoms of others, extended their own kingdom in the time of yore.

ततो बलमतिख्यातं विज्ञाय दृढधन्विनाम्। दूषितः सहसा भावो धृतराष्ट्रस्य पाण्डुषु। स चिन्तापरमो राजा न निद्रामलभनिशि॥
Seeing the great prowess and strength of these mighty bow-men, King Dhritarashtra's mind became suddenly poisoned against the Pandavas. From that day that king became filled with so much anxiety that he could not sleep.