Chastisement of Drupadas

वैशम्पायन उवाच पाण्डवान् धार्तराष्ट्रांश्च कृतास्त्रान् प्रसमीक्ष्य सः। गुर्वर्थं दक्षिणाकाले प्राप्तेऽमन्यत वै गुरुः॥
Vaishampayana said : Seeing the sons of Pandu and Dhritarashtra accomplished in arms, Drona thought that the time had come when he could demand the preceptor's Dakshina (remuneration).

ततः शिष्यान् समानीय आचार्योऽर्थमचोदयत्। द्रोणः सर्वानशेषेण दक्षिणार्थं महीपते॥
O king, one day assembling his pupils together, the preceptor Drona asked his Dakshina from them all, saying-

पञ्चालराजं दुपदे गृहीत्वा रणमूर्धनि। पर्यानयत भद्रं वः सा ख्यात् परमदक्षिणा॥
"Seize the kind of Panchala, Drupada, in battle and bring him to me. That will be the most acceptable Dakshina to me".

तथेत्युक्त्वा तु ते सर्वे रथेस्तूर्णं प्रहारिणः। आचार्यधनदानार्थं द्रोणेन सहिता ययुः॥
Saying “Be it so," they all ascended their chariots with their arms and marched out with Drona in order to pay the remuneration to their preceptor.

ततोऽभिजग्मुः पञ्चालान् निघ्नन्तस्ते नरर्षभाः। ममृदुस्तस्य नगरं दुपदस्य महौजसः॥ दुर्योधनश्च कर्णश्च युयुत्सुश्च महाबलः। दुःशासनो विकर्णश्च जलसंध: सुलोचनः॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः कुमारा बहुविक्रमाः। अहं पूर्वमहं पूर्वमित्येवं क्षत्रियर्षभाः॥
Those best of man destroyed the Panchalas and went to the capital of the greatly powerful Drupada and attacked it. Duryodhana, Karna, greatly strong Yuyutsu, Dushasana, Vikarna, Jalasandha, Sulochana. These and many other princes of great prowess, all foremost of Kshatriyas, vied with one another to become foremost in the attack.

ततो वररथारूढाः कुमारा: सादिभिः सह। प्रविश्य नगरं सर्वे राजमार्गमुपाययुः॥
The princes, riding on first class chariots and followed by cavalry, entered the hostile capital and proceeded along its streets.

तस्मिन् काले तु पाञ्चालः श्रुत्वा दृष्ट्वा महद् बलम् भ्रातृभिः सहितो राजंस्त्वरया निर्ययौ गृहात्॥
At this time the king of the Panchalas, seeing the great army and hearing its roar, soon came out of his palace with all his brothers.

ततस्तु कृतसंनाहा यज्ञसेनसहोदराः। शरवर्षाणि मुञ्चन्तः प्रणेदुः सर्व एव ते॥
The king Yajnasena (Drupada) was well armed, but he was assailed by them (Kurus) with a shower of arrows, all uttering their war cry.

ततो रथेन शुभ्रेण समासाद्य तु कौरवान्। यज्ञसेनः शरान् घोरान् ववर्ष युधि दुर्जयः॥
The invincible warrior, Yajnasena, riding on his white chariot, attacked the Kurus and began to rain his fearful arrows.

वैशम्पायन उवाच पूर्वमेव तु सम्मन्त्र्य पार्थो द्रोणमथाब्रवीत्। दद्रिकात् कुमाराणामाचार्यं द्विजसत्तमम्॥
Vaishampanya said : Seeing the pride of the princes, Partha (Arjuna) spoke thus to the preceptor, that excellent Brahmana Drona.

एषां पराक्रमस्यान्ते वयं कुर्याम साहसम्। एतैरशक्यः पाञ्चालो ग्रहीतुं रणमूर्धनि॥
“We shall display our power when they would finish theirs. The are not capable of killing the king of the Panchalas in the battle."

एवमुक्त्वा तु कौन्तेया भ्रातृभिः सहितोऽनघः। अर्धकोशे तु नगरादतिष्ठद् बहिरेव सः॥
Having said this, that sinless son of Kunti (Arjuna) with his brothers waited outside the city at a distance of a mile.

दुपदः कौरवान् दृष्ट्वा प्राधावत समन्ततः। शरजालेन महता मोहयन् कौरवी चमूम्॥ तमुद्यतं रथेनैकमाशुकारिणमाहवे। अनेकमिव संत्रासान्मेनिरे तत्र कौरवाः॥
Seeing the Kauravas, Drupada rushed forward and afflicted the Kuru army with a shower of arrows. Such was his lightness of motion on the field of battle that though he was fighting alone on a single chariot, the Kurus thought in fear that there was more then one Drupada.

दुपदस्य शरा घोरा विचेरुः सर्वतो दिशम्। ततः शङ्खाश्च भेर्यश्च मृदङ्गाश्च सहस्रशः॥ प्रावाद्यन्त महाराज पाञ्चालानां निवेशने। सिंहनादश्च संजज्ञे पाञ्चालानां महात्मनाम्॥
The fearful arrows of Drupada fell on all sides and thousands of conches, trumpets and drums began to be sounded by the Panchalas in their houses. O great king, a terrible roar, like that of the lion, rose from the mighty Panchalas. The great sound of the twang of their bow-strings seemed to rend the very sky.

धनुातलशब्दश्च संस्पृश्य गगनं महान्। दुर्योधनो विकर्णश्च सुबाहुदीर्घलोचनः॥ दुःशासनश्च संक्रुद्धः शरवर्षैरवाकिरन्। सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासः पार्षतो युधि दुर्जयः॥ व्यधमत् तान्यनीकानि तत्क्षणादेव भारत। दुर्योधनं विकर्णं च कर्णं चापि महाबलम्॥ नानानृपसुतान् वीरान् सैन्यानि विविधानि च। अलातचक्रवत् सर्वं चरन् बाणैरतर्पयत्॥
(Thereupon) Duryodhana, Vikarna, Subahu, Dirghalochana and Dushasana, becoming furious, began to shower arrows upon the enemy. The mighty bow-man, the son of Prishata (Drupada), invincible in battle, though pierced with arrows. Instantly began to afflict the hostile army. O descendant of the Bharata race, careering over the field of battle like a fiery wheel, he smote with his arrows Duryodhana, Vikarna, even greatly powerful Karna and many other heroic princes and various other soldiers and slaked their thirst for battle.

तत्तस्तु नागराः सर्वे मुसलैर्यष्टिभिस्तदा। अभ्यवर्षन्त कौरव्यान् वर्षमाणा घना इव॥
Then the citizens showered upon the Kurus club, maces and other missiles, like cloud's showering rains.

सबालवृद्धास्ते पौराः कौरवानभ्ययुस्तदा। श्रुत्वा सुतुमुलं युद्ध कौरवा नेव भारत॥ द्रवन्ति स्म नदन्ति स्म क्रोशन्तः पाण्डवान् प्रति। पाड्वास्तु स्वयं श्रुत्वा आर्तानां लोमहर्षणम्॥ अभिवाद्य ततो द्रोणं रथानारुरुहुस्तदा। युधिष्ठिरं निवार्याशु मा युध्यस्वेति पाण्डवम्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, young and old, all the citizens, hearing of the battle, rushed out and assailed the Kurus. They (Kurus) broke and fled, wailing towards the Pandavas; and the Pandavas, hearing their terrible wall. Ascended their cars after duly worshipping Drona. Then Arjuna, hastily asking Yudhisthira not to engage in the fight by saying "Don't fight".

माद्रेयौ चक्ररक्षौ तु फाल्गुनश्च तदाकरोत्। सेनाग्रगो भीमसेनः सदाभूद गदया सह॥
At that time appointing the sons of Madri (Nakula and Sahadeva) as the protectors of his chariot wheels, rushed out. And Bhima, ever in the front, ran ahead with his club in his hand.

तदा शत्रुस्वनं श्रुत्वा भ्रातृभिः सहितोऽनघः। अयाज्जवेन कौन्तेयो रथेनानादयन् दिशः॥
The sinless son of Kunti (Arjuna), thus accompanied by his brother, hearing the shouts of the enemy, advanced towards them, filling the whole region with the rattle of the wheels of his chariot.

पाञ्चालानां ततः सेनामुद्भूतार्णवनिःस्वनाम्। भीमसेनो महाबाहुर्दण्डपाणिरिवान्तकः॥ प्रविवेश महासेनां मकरः सागरं यथा। स्वयमभ्यद्रवद् भीमो नागानीकं गदाधरः॥
As a Makara enters the sea, so the mightyarmed Yama-like Bhima with his club in his hand entered the Panchala ranks and roared as fiercely as the ocean in a tempest. Ever skillful in battle, Bhima, the son of Pritha, upraising his club, attacked the soldiers riding on elephants with the powers of his arms like the great destroyer himself.

स युद्धकुशलः पार्थो बाहुवीर्येण चातुलः। अहनत् कुञ्जरानीकं गदया कालरूपधृत्॥
Those huge animals like mountains, struck with Bhima's club, had their heads broken into pieces and they fill covered with blood, like cliffs loosened by thunder.

ते गजा गिरिसंकाशाः क्षरन्तो रुधिरं बहु। भीमसेनस्य गदया भिन्नमस्तकपिण्डकाः॥ पतन्ति द्विरदा भूमौ वज्रघातादिवाचलाः। गजानश्वान् रथांश्चैव पातयामास पाण्डवः॥ पदातींश्च रथांश्चैव न्यवधीदर्जुनाग्रजः। गोपाल इव दण्डेन यथा पशुगणान् वने॥ चालयन् रथनागांश्च संचचाल वृकोदरः।
The Pandava, the elder of Arjuna, (Bhima) felled to the ground elephants and horses and cars by thousands and killed many foot soldiers and car-warriors. As a herdsman drives the cattle with his stuff in the wood, so did Vrikodara drive before him the chariots and elephants (of the hostile force).

वैशम्पायन उवाच भारद्वाजप्रियं कर्तुमुद्यतः फाल्गुनस्तदा॥ पार्षतं शरजालेन क्षिपन्नागात् स पाण्डवः। हयौघांश्च रथौघांश्च गजौघांश्च समन्ततः॥ पातयन् समरे राजन् युगान्ताग्निरिव ज्वलन्।
Vaishampayana said : Falguni (Arjuna), eager to do the favourite work of the son of Bharadvaja, (Drona), felled the son of Prishata (Drupada) from his elephant, covering him with arrows. O king, like the fire at the end of a Yuga, he felled in the battle thousands of horses, car and elephants.

पाञ्चाला: सृञ्जयास्तथा॥ शरैर्नानाविधैस्तूर्णं पार्थं संछाद्य सर्वशः। सिंहनादं मुखैः कृत्वा समयुध्यन्त पाण्डवम्॥ ततस्ते हन्यमाना
Thereupon all the Panchalas and the Shrinjyas, being thus attacked (by Arjuna), assailed Partha with a shower of weapons of various kinds.

तद् युद्धमभवद् घोरं सुमहाद्भुतदर्शनम्। सिंहनादस्वनं श्रुत्वा नामृष्यत् पाकशासनिः॥
They uttered from their mouths great shorts like the roars of lions and they desperately attacked the Pandava (Arjuna). The battle became fearful and furious to be hold. Hearing their great leonine shouts, he (Arjuna) became illed with wrath.

ततः किीटी सहसा पाञ्चालान् समरेऽद्रवत्। छादयन्निषुजालेन महता मोहयन्निव॥
Kirti (Arjuna) immediately assailed the Panchalas in the battle and covering them with a shower of arrows, he greatly confused them.

शीघ्रमभ्यस्यतो बाणान् संदधानस्य चानिशम्। नान्तरं ददृशे किंचिन् कौन्तेयस्य यशस्विनः॥
They, that saw the son of Kunti (at that time), could not mark any interval between his fixing the arrows on the bowstring and letting them off.

सिंहनादश्च संजज्ञे साधुशब्देन मिश्रितः। ततः पाञ्चालराजस्तु तथा सत्यनिता सह॥ त्वरमाणोऽभिदुद्राव महेन्द्रं शम्बरो यथा। महता शरवर्षेण पार्थः पाञ्चालमावृषोत्॥
The whole place was filled with leonine shouts mixed with cheers of approval. Thereupon the king of the Panchalas, accompanied with Satyajit (his commander-in-chief). Rushed towards him with speed, as Indra did towards (the Danava) Shambara, Partha covered the Panchala king with a thick shower of arrows.

ततो हलहलाशब्द आसीत् पाञ्चालके बले। जिघृक्षति महासिंहो गजानामिव यूथपम्॥
Thereupon arose a great uproar among the Panchala-host like the roar of a great lion when springing on the leader of a heard of elephants.

दृष्ट्वा पार्थं तदाऽऽयान्तं सत्यजित् सत्यविक्रमः। पाञ्चालं वै परिप्रेप्सुर्धनंजयमुपारवत्॥ ततस्त्वर्जुनपाञ्चालौ युद्धाय समुपागतौ। व्यक्षोभयेतां तौ सैन्यमिन्द्रवैरोचनाविव॥
Seeing Arjuna rush towards the Panchalaking for slaying him, greatly powerful Satyajit attacked him. The two heroes (Arjuna and the Panchala-king) rushed upon each other like Indra upon Virochanas; and they broke each other's ranks.

ततः सत्यजितं पार्थो दशभिर्मर्मभेदिभिः। विव्याध बलवद् गाढं तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Thereupon Parth “pierced Satyajit with ten keen arrows" at which feat the spectators were all amazed.

ततः शरशतैः पार्थं पाञ्चालः शीघ्रमार्दयत्। पार्थस्तु शरवर्षेण छाद्यमानो महारथः॥ वेगं चक्रे महावेगो धनुामवमृज्य च। ततः सत्यजितश्चापं छित्त्वा राजानमभ्ययात्॥
Thereupon the Panchala (Satyajit) covered Partha with one hundred arrows. That great car-warrior Arjuna rubbed his bow-string in order to increase the force and velocity of his arrows. Then covering the enemy with a shower of arrows, he cut off the bow of Satyajit and rushed upon the king (Drupada).

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय सत्यजिद् वेगवत्तरम्। सावं ससूतं सरथं पार्थं विव्याध सत्वरः॥
But Satyajit immediately took up an other bow and he soon pierced with arrows Partha, with his chariot, charioteer and horses.

स तं न ममृषे पार्थः पाञ्चालेनार्दितो युधि। ततस्तस्य विनाशार्थं सत्वरं व्यसृजच्छरान्॥
Thus being assailed, the hero Partha did not forgive the Panchala (Satyajit). In order to kill him soon, he (Arjuna) pierced with a number of arrows.

हयान् ध्वजं धनुर्मुष्टिमुभौ तौ पार्णिसारथी। स तथा भिद्यमानेषु कार्मुकेषु पुनः पुनः॥ हयेषु विनियुक्तेषु विमुखोऽभवदाहवे। स सत्यजितमालोक्य तथा विमुखमाहवे॥ वेगेन महता राजन्नभ्यवर्षत पाण्डवम्। तदा चक्रे महद् युद्धमर्जुनो जयतां वरः॥ खगमुद्धृत्य कौन्तेयः
(His enemy's) horses, flags, bow, clenched fist, charioteer and the attendant at his back. Seeing his bow repeatedly cut down. And his horses slain as often, he (Satyajit) desisted from the fight. Secing Satyajit thus desisted from the fight. The king (Drupada) attacked the Pandava (Arjuna) with great speed. Then that foremost of victorious heroes. Arjuna, fought a wonderful battle.

तस्य पार्थो धनुश्छित्त्वा ध्वज चोळमपातयत्। पञ्चभिस्तस्य विव्याध हयान् सूतं च सायकैः॥
Cutting off his bow and felling his flatstaff on the grounds he pierced his enemy's horses and charioteer with five arrows.

तत उत्सृज्य तच्चापमाददानं शरावरम्। सिंहनादमथाकरोत्॥
Thereupon that son of Kunti (Arjuna), throwing aside his bow and taking off his quiver, took up a scimitar and sent forth a leonine shout.

पाञ्चालस्य रथस्येषामाप्लुत्य सहसापतत्। पाञ्चालरथमास्थाय अवित्रस्तो धनंजयः॥ विक्षोभ्याम्भोनिधिं पार्थस्तं नागमिव सोऽग्रहीत्। ततस्तु सर्वपाञ्चाला विद्रवन्ति दिशो दश॥
He suddenly leaped from his chariot and fell on that of the Panchala-king. Dhananjaya (Arjuna) stood fearlessly on the chariot of the Panchala-king. He seized him (Drupada) as Garuda seized a huge snake after agitating the waters of the deep sea. Thereupon all the Panchalas ran away in all directions.

दर्शयन् सर्वसैन्यानां स बाह्वोर्बलमात्मनः। सिंहनादस्वनं कृत्वा निर्जगाम धनंजयः॥
Showing the prowess of arms to all the hosts, Dhananjaya (Arjuna), sending forth a leonine shout, came out of the Panchala ranks).

आयान्तमर्जुनं दृष्ट्वा कुमाराः सहितास्तदा। ममृदुस्तस्य नगरं द्रुपदस्य महात्मनः॥
Seeing him return (with his captive), the princes laid waste the capital of the illustrious Drupada.

अर्जुन उवाच सम्बन्धी कुरुवीराणां दुपदो राजसत्तमः। मा वधीस्तद्बलं भीम गुरुदानं प्रदीयताम्॥
Arjuna said : This best of kings Drupada is a relative of the Kuru heroes. Therefore, O Bhima, do no: kill his soldiers. Let us only give out preceptor's remuneration.

वैशम्पायन उवाच भीमसेनस्तदा राजन्नर्जुनेन निवारितः। अतृप्तो युद्धधर्मेषु न्यवर्तत महाबलः॥
Vaishampayana said : O king thus prevented by Arjuna, the greatly strong Bhima, though unsatiated with the battle, refrained from the act of slaughter.

ते यज्ञसेनं दुपदं गृहीत्वा रणमूर्धनि। उपाजहः सहामात्यं द्रोणस्य भरतर्षभ।६३॥
O best of the Bharata race, thus seizing Yajnasena Drupada in the battle with his ministers, they offered him to Drona.

भग्नदर्प हृतधनं तं तथा वशमागतम्। स वैरं मनसा ध्यात्वा द्रोणो. दुपदमब्रवीत्॥
(Seeing the king) humiliated and deprived of wealth and brought under his complete control, Drona remembered his former hostility towards him and he thus spoke to him.

विमृद्य तरसा राष्ट्र पुरं ते मृदितं मया। प्राप्य जीवं रिपुवशं सखिपूर्वं किमिष्यते॥
"Your kingdom and your capital have been laid waste by me. Receiving your like at my hand, do you desire to revive our old friendship?".

एवमुक्त्वा प्रहस्यैनं किंचित् स पुनरब्रवीत्। मा भैः प्राणभयाद् वीर क्षमिणो ब्राह्मणा वयम्॥
Having said this, he smiled a little and again said, "O hero, do not fear for your life. We are Brahmans that are ever-forgiving.

आश्रमे क्रीडितं क्रीडितं यत् तु त्वया बाल्ये मया सह। तेन संवर्द्धितः स्नेहः प्रीतिश्च क्षत्रियर्षभ॥
O beast of Kshatriyas, from that day when in your boyhood you played with me in the ĀDI PARVA hermitage, my love and affection for you have grown up.

प्रार्थयेयं त्वया सख्यं पुनरेव जनाधिप। वरं ददामि ते राजन् राज्यस्यार्धमवाप्नुहि॥
O king, I ask for your friendship again. O king, I grant you as a boon half of your kingdom.

अराजा किल नो राज्ञः सखा भवितुमर्हसि। अतः प्रयतितं राज्ये यज्ञसेन मया तव॥
O Yajnasena, how can one be a friend of a king who is not a king? And therefore I retain half of your kingdom.

राजासि दक्षिणे कूले भागीरथ्याहामुत्तरे। सखायं मां विजानीहि पाञ्चाल यदि मन्यसे॥
You became the king of the territory lying on the southern side of the Bhagirathi and I become that of the northern side. O Panchala, if it please you, know me henceforth as your friend."

दुपद उवाच अनार्शयमिदं ब्रह्मन् विक्रान्तेषु महात्मसु। प्रीये त्वयाहं त्वत्तश्च प्रीतिमिच्छामि शाश्वतीम्॥
Drupada said : O Brahmana, this is not (at all) wonderful to the man of noble soul and great prowess. I am pleased with you and I desire to give you everlasting pleasure.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तः स तं द्रोणो मोक्षयामास भारत। सत्कृत्य चैनं प्रीतात्मा राज्या) प्रत्यपादयत्॥
Vaishampayana said : O descendant of Bharata, having been thus addressed, Drona released him (Drupadas); and cheerfully performing the usual offices of regard, he bestowed upon him the half of the kingdom.

माकन्दीमथ गङ्गायास्तीरे जनपदायुताम्। सोऽध्यावसद् दीनमनाः काम्पिल्यं च पुरोत्तमम्॥ दक्षिणांश्चापि पञ्चालान् यावच्चर्मण्वती नदी। द्रोणेन चैवं द्रुपदः परिभूयाथ पालितः॥
(Receiving the territory named) Makandi with many towns and cities, situated on the banks of the Ganges, Drupada lived in the best of cities, called Kampilya. After his defeat by Drona, he (Drupada) also ruled over the southern Panchala upto the banks of the Charmanavati river.

क्षात्रेण च बलेनास्य नापश्यत् स पराजयम्। हीनं विदित्वा चात्मानं ब्राह्मण स बलेन तु॥ पुत्रजन्म परीप्सन् वै पृथिवीमन्वसंचरत्। अहिच्छत्रं च विषयं द्रोणः समभिपद्यत॥
He was well convinced that his could not defeat Drona by Kshatriya might alone, he being very much inferior to him in Brahma (spiritual) power. He therefore wandered over the world to find the rneans of obtaining a son (who could defeat Drona). (Meanwhile) Drona lived at Ahichatra.

एवं राजन्नहिच्छत्रा पुरी जनपदायुता। युधि निर्जित्य पार्थेन द्रोणारा प्रतिपादिता॥
Which was full of towns and cities and which was bestowed upon him by Partha after defeating the hero (Drupada).