Coronation of Karna

वैशम्पायन उवाच दत्तेऽवकाशे पुरुषैर्विस्मयोत्फुल्ललोचनैः। विवेश रङ्गं विस्तीर्णं कर्णः परपुरंजयः॥
Vaishampayana said : When the spectators, with eyes expended with wonder, made way for that subjugator of hostile cities; Karna, he entered the spacious arena.

सहजं कवचं बिभ्रत् कुण्लोद्योतिताननः। सधनुर्वद्धनिस्त्रिंशः पादचारीव पर्वतः॥
He was armed in his natural coat of armour, his face was brightened with his earrings, his bow was in his hand and his sword in his lions, he entered like a walking cliff.

कन्यागर्भः पृथुयशाः पृथायाः पृथुलोचनः। तीक्ष्णांशो स्करस्यांशः कर्णोऽरिगणसूदनः॥
The illustrious destroyer of enemies, the large eyed Karna was born of Pritha (Kunti) in her maidenhood. He was a portion of the hot beamed sun.

सिंहर्षभगजेन्द्राणां बलवीर्यपराक्रमः। दीप्तिकान्तिद्युतिगुणैः सूर्येन्दुज्वलनोपमः॥
His power and energy were like those of lions, the bulls or the best of elephants. He was like the sun in splendour, moon in loveliness and fire in effulgence.

प्रांशुः कनकतालाभः सिंहसंहननो युवा। असंख्येयगुणः श्रीमान् भास्करस्यात्मसम्भवः॥
Being born of the sun, he was tall like a golden palm; he was a youth who could slay lions. He was handsome and possessed countless accomplishments.

स निरीक्ष्य महाबाहुः सर्वतो रङ्गमण्डलम्। प्रणाम द्रोणकृपयो त्यादृतमिवाकरोत्॥
The mighty armed (hero) looked all around the arena and bowed rather with indifference to Drona and Kripa.

स समाजजन: सर्वो निश्चल: स्थिरलोचनः। कोऽयमित्यागतक्षोभः कौतूहलपरोऽभवत्॥
The entire assembly of people remain emotionless and stared in steadfast gaze. They were filled with great curiously and asked one another, "Who is he?"

सोऽब्रवीन्मेघगम्भीरस्वरेण वदतां वरः। भ्राता भ्रातरमज्ञातं सावित्रः पाकशासनिम्॥
That foremost of eloquent men, the son of the sun, (Karna) in a voice deep as the roars of clouds, addressed his unknown brother thus-

पार्थ यत् ते कृतं कर्म विशेषवदहं ततः। करिष्ये पश्यातं नृणां माऽऽत्मना विस्मयं गमः॥
"O Partha, I shall perform feats before this assembly excelling all that you have done. Behold them and will be amazed."

असमाप्ते ततस्तस्य वचने वदतां वर। यन्त्रोत्क्षिप्त इवोत्तस्थौ क्षिप्रं वै सर्वतो जनः॥
O best of all eloquent men, when he had hardly finished his words, the spectators stood up all at once as if uplifted by some instrument.

प्रीतिश्च मनुजव्याघ्र दुर्योधनमुपाविशत्। ह्रीश्च क्रोधश्च बीभत्सु क्षणेनान्वाविवेश ह॥
O best of men, Duryodhana was delighted, while Bibhatsa (Arjuna) was filled with abashment and anger.

ततो द्रोणाभ्यनुज्ञात: कर्णः प्रियरणः सदा। यत् कृतं तत्र पार्थेन तच्चकार महाबलः॥
The greatly powerful Karna, ever fond of battle, displayed with the permission of Drona all that Partha had displayed before.

अथ दुर्योधनस्तत्र भ्रातृभिः सह भारत। कर्णं परिष्वज्य मुदा ततो वचनमब्रवीत्॥
O descendant of Bharata, Duryodhana with his brothers thereupon embraced Karna with delight and spoke to him thus-

दुर्योधन उवाच स्वागतं ते महाबाहो दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि मानद। अहं च कुरुराज्यं च यथेष्टमुपभुज्यताम्॥
Duryodhana said : "O mighty armed hero welcome to you! man deserving of politeness, I have got you by good fortune. Command me and the Kuru kingdom at your pleasure.

कर्ण उवाच कृतं सर्वमहं मन्ये सखित्वं च त्वया वृणे। द्वन्द्वयुद्धं च पार्थेन कर्तुमिच्छाम्यहं प्रभो॥
Karna said: When you have said this, I consider it as already accomplished. I only desire your friendship. O lord, I long for a single combat with Arjuna.

दुर्योधन उवाच भुक्ष्व भोगान् मया साधु बन्धूनां प्रियकृद् भव। दुहृदां कुरु सर्वेषां मूर्ध्नि पादमरिंदम॥
Duryodhana said : Enjoy with me the good things of life. Be the benefactor of your friends. O oppressor of enemies, place your feet on the heads of all foes.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः क्षिप्तमिवात्मानं मत्वा पार्थोऽभ्यभाषत। कर्ण भ्रातृसमूहस्य मध्येऽचलमिव स्थितम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon Partha considered himself disgraced and spoke to Karna who stood amidst the (Kuru) brothers like a hill.

अर्जुन उवाच अनाहूतोपसृष्टानामनाहूतोपजल्पिनाम्। ये लोकास्तान् हत: कर्ण मया त्वं प्रतिपत्स्यसे॥
Arjuna said : O Karna, the path which the unwelcome intruder and the uninvited talker comes to shall be yours.

कर्ण उवाच रङ्गोऽयं सर्वसामान्यः किमत्र तव फाल्गुन। वीर्यश्रेष्ठाश्च राजानो बलं धर्मोऽनुवर्तते॥
Karna said: This arena is meant for all; it is not for you alone. O Falguni, they are kings who are superior in power; Kshatriya Dharma depends on prowess alone.

किं क्षेपैर्दुर्बलायासैः शरैः कथय भारत। गुरोः समक्षं यावत् ते हराम्यद्य शिरः शरैः॥
o descendant of Bharata, what need is their of altercation which is the habit of the weak! Speak in arrows, until I cut off your head today in the presence of the preceptor.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो द्रोणाभ्यनुज्ञातः पार्थः परपुरंजयः। भ्रातृभिस्त्वरयाऽऽश्लिष्टो रणायोपजगाम तम्॥
Vaishampayana said : The subduer of hostile cities, Partha, was embraced by his brothers and with the permission of Drona he advanced for the combat.

ततो दुर्योधनेनापि सभ्रात्रा समरोद्यतः। परिष्वक्तः स्थितः कर्णः प्रगृह्य सशरं धनुः॥
Thereupon, Karna was embraced by Duryodhana with his brothers. Taking up his bow and arrows he stood ready for fight.

ततः सविद्युत्स्तनितैः सेन्द्रायुधपुरोगमैः। आवृतं गगनं मेधैर्बलाकापङ्क्तिहासिभिः॥
The sky was covered in clouds emitting flashes of lightning and the coloured bow of Indra appeared shedding its effulgent rays. The clouds seemed to be laughing on account of the presence of white cranes that were then flying.

ततः स्नेहाद्धरिहयं दृष्ट्वा रङ्गावलोकिनम्। भास्करोऽप्यनयन्नाशं समीपोपगतान् घनान्॥
Seeing that Indra was thus showing his affection (towards Arjuna), the sun dispersed the clouds over his son.

मेघच्छायोपगूढस्तु ततोऽदृश्यत फाल्गुनः। सूर्यातपपरिक्षिप्तः कर्णोऽपि समदृश्यत॥
Falguni (Arjuna) was invisible under cover of the clouds, but Karna was visible on account of the clouds being dispersed from him by the sun.

धार्तराष्ट्रा यतः कर्णस्तस्मिन् देशे व्यवस्थिताः। भारद्वाजः कृपो भीष्मो यतः पार्थस्ततोऽभवन्॥
The sons of Dhritarashtra stood by Karna and the son of Bharadvaja, (Drona) Kripa and Bhishma stood by Partha.

द्विधा रङ्गः समभवत् स्त्रीणां द्वैधमजायत। कुन्तिभोजसुता मोहं विज्ञातार्था जगाम ह॥
The assembly was also divided into two parties, so were the ladies also. And on learning the affair the daughter of Bhoja, Kunti fainted away.

तां तथा मोहमापन्नां विदुरः सर्वधर्मवित्। कुन्तीमाश्वासयामास प्रेष्याभिश्चन्दनोदकैः॥
The learned in all the precepts of virtue, Vidura, revived the insensible Kunti by sprinkling over (her face) water mixed with sandal-paste.

ततः प्रत्यागतप्राणा तावुभौ परिदंशितौ। पुत्रौ दृष्ट्वा सुसम्भ्रान्ता नान्वपद्यत किंचन॥
O being revived she was seized with fear on seeing her two sons clad in armour, but she could do nothing.

तावुद्यतमहाचापौ कृपः शारद्वतोऽब्रवीत्। द्वन्द्वयुद्धसमाचारे कुशलः सर्वधर्मवित्॥
When the two (heroes) were ready with their great bows raised up, the son of Sharadvana, Kripa, well versed in all the precepts of virtue and expert in the rules of duels, said-

अयं पृथायास्तनयः कनीयान् पाण्डुनन्दनः। कौरवो भवता साधु द्वन्द्वयुद्धं करिष्यति॥ त्वमप्येवं महाबाहो मातरं पितरं कुलम्। कथयस्व नरेन्द्राणां येषां त्वं कुलभूषणम्॥
Kripa said : “This son of Pandu is the youngest child of Kunti. He is a Kuru and he will fight a duel with you. O mighty armed hero, you should also tell us the lineage of your father and mother and the royal line in which you are an ornament.

ततो विदित्वा पार्थस्त्वां प्रतियोत्स्यति वा न वा। वृथाकुलसमाचारैर्न युध्यन्ते नृपात्मजाः॥
Knowing this, Partha will fight with you, or he will not fight (as he will think proper.) The sons of kings never fight a duel with men of inferior lineage.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्य कर्णस्य व्रीडावनतमाननम्। बभौ वर्षाम्बुविक्लिन्नं पद्ममागलितं यथा॥
Vaishampayana said : Thus addressed, Karna's face was flushed! with the blushes of shame and it looked like the pale lotus torn and disfigured by the showers of rains.

दुर्योधन उवाच आचार्य त्रिविधा योनी राज्ञां शास्त्रविनिश्चये। सत्कुलीनश्च शूश्च यश्च सेनां प्रकर्षति॥
Duryodhana said : O preceptor, it is said in the Shastras that three classes of men cam claim royalty, namely persons of noble birth, heroes and those that lead soldiers.

यद्ययं फाल्गुनो युद्धे नाराज्ञा योद्भुमिच्छति। तस्मादेषोऽङ्गविषये मया राज्येऽभिषिच्यते॥
But if Falguni is unwilling to fight with one who is not a king, I install him (Karna) as the king of Anga.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तस्मिन् क्षणे कर्णः सलाजकुसुमैर्घटैः। काञ्चनैः काञ्चने पीद्दे मन्त्रविद्भिर्महारथः॥ अभिषिक्तोऽङ्गराज्ये स श्रिया युक्तो महाबलः। सच्छत्रवालव्यजनो जयशब्दोत्तरेण च॥
Vaishampayana said : When the cheers cease at that very moment the greatly powerful car-warrior Karna, seated on a golden seat, the (royal) umbrella over his head and yak tails waved by his side, was installed king of Anga by the Brahmanas, learned in the Mantras, in the proper form, with paddy, flowers, Ghata (water pots) and much fold.

उवाच कौरवं राजन् वचनं स वृषस्तदा। अस्य राज्यप्रदानस्य सदृशं किं ददानि ते॥ प्रब्रूहि राजशार्दूल कर्ता ह्यस्मि तथा नृप। अत्यन्तं सख्यमिच्छामीत्याह तं स सुयोधनः॥
O king, (Karna) said to the Kauravas (Duryodhana), "What shall I give you compared," your gift of a kingdom! O king O best of men, I shall do all you will command." Suyodhana (Duryodhana) replied, “I long for your friendship."

एवमुक्तस्ततः कर्णस्तथेति प्रत्युवाच तम्। हर्षाच्चोभौ समाश्लिष्य परां मुदमवापतुः॥
Having been thus addressed, Karna replied. “Be it so." They thereupon embraced each other in joy and felt great happiness.