Trial of arms

वैशम्पायन उवाच कुरुराजे हि रङ्गस्ये भीमे च बलिनां वरे। पक्षपातकृतस्नेहः स द्विधेवाभवज्जनः॥।॥
Vaishampayana said : On the appearance of the Kuru prince (Duryodhana) and the foremost of all strong men Bhima, the spectators were divided into two parties by their partiality swayed by the love (towards each of the contending heroes).

वीर कुरुराजेति ही भीम इति जल्पताम्। पुरुषाणां सुविपुलाः प्रणादाः सहसोत्थिताः॥
Some cried, “Behold the heroic Kuru prince; some cried, “Behold the heroic Bhima.” Thus from these cries of the people rose a great uproar (in the arena).

ततः क्षुब्धार्णवनिभं रङ्गमालोक्य बुद्धिमान्। भारद्वाजः प्रियं पुत्रमश्वत्थामानमब्रवीत्॥
On seeing the place become like a troubled ocean, the intelligent son of Bharadvaja, (Drona) spoke to his dear son Ashvathama.

द्रोण उवाच वारयैतौ महावीरों कृतयोग्यावुभावपि। मा भूद् रङ्गप्रकोपोऽयं भीमदुर्योधनोद्भवः॥
Drona said: “Ştop these two mighty heroes, so expert in arms. Let not the anger of the assembled people be excited by this encounter between Bhima and Duryodhana.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तावुद्यतगदौ गुरुपुत्रेण वारितौ। युगान्तानिलसंक्षुब्धौ महावेलाविवार्णवौ॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon the two combatants, with uplifted clubs, resembling two swollen oceans agitated by the winds that blow at the time of the world's dissolution, were stopped by the son of the preceptor.

ततो रङ्गाङ्गणगतो द्रोणो वचनमब्रवीत्। निवार्य वादिगणं महामेघनिभस्वनम्॥
Then Drona entered the arena and sopping the musicians spoke thus in a voice deep as the roars of the clouds.

यो मे पुत्रात् प्रियतरः सर्वशस्त्रविशारदः। ऐन्द्रिरिन्द्रानुजसमः स पार्थो दृश्यतामिति॥
“Behold all of you now that Partha who is dearer to me then my own son, who is the master of all arms, who is the son of Indra himself and who is like the younger brother of Indra."

आचार्यवचनेनाथ कृतस्वस्त्ययनो युवा। बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्राणः पूर्णतूणः सकार्मुकः॥ काञ्चनं कवचं बिभ्रत् प्रत्यदृश्यत फाल्गुनः। सार्कः सेन्द्रायुधतडित् ससंध्य इव तोयदः॥
At the command of the preceptor, the youthful Falguni (Arjuna), equipped with finger protector, his quiver full of arrows, with his bow in hand and with a golden armour on, after having performed the propitiatory rites, appeared in the arena like an evening cold reflecting the rays of the setting son and illumined by the hues of the rainbow and the flashes of lighting.

ततः सर्वस्य रङ्गस्य समुत्पिञ्जलकोऽभवत्। प्रावाद्यन्त च वाद्यानि सशङ्खानि समन्ततः॥
On this a great cry of joy rose from all parts of the arena and musical instruments were played and conches were blown.

एष कुन्तीसुतः श्रीमानेष मध्यमपाण्डवः। एष पुत्रो महेन्द्रस्य कुरूणामेष रक्षिता॥ एषोऽस्त्रविदुषां श्रेष्ठ एष धर्मभृतां वरः। एष शीलवतां चापि शीलज्ञाननिधिः परः॥ इत्येवं तुमुला वाचः शृण्वत्याः प्रेक्षकरिताः। कुन्त्याः प्रस्रवसंयुक्तैरनैः क्लिन्नमुरोऽभवत्॥
All cried, “This is the handsome son of Kunti, the middle (third) son of Pandu. This is the son of Indra. This the protector of the Kuru race. This is the best of the all name learned in arms. This is the best of all cherisher of virtue. This is the foremost of all well conducted persons. This is their great repository of the knowledge of all (good) manners.” Hearing these loud cries of the spectators, the tears of Kunti, mixing with the milk of her breast, drenched her bosom.

तेन शब्देन महता पूर्णश्रुतिरथाब्रवीत्। धृतराष्ट्रो नरश्रेष्ठो विदुरं हृष्टमानसः॥
Having his ears filled with the uproar, the best of men, Dhritarashtra, asked Vidura with delight,

क्षत्तः क्षुब्धार्णवनिभः किमेव सुमहास्वनः। सहसैवोत्थितो रङ्गे भिन्दन्निव नभस्तलम्॥
“O Kshatta, what is this great uproar, like that of the troubled sea, that rises in the arena all of sudden echoing the very heavens?"

विदुर उवाच एष पार्थो महाराज फाल्गुनः पाण्डुनन्दनः। अवतीर्णः सकवचस्तत्रैष सुमहास्वनः॥
Vidura said: O great king, the son of Pritha and Pandu, Falguni (Arjuna), clad in armour; has entered, the arena; and therefore is this uproar.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि रक्षितोऽस्मि महामते। पृथारणिसमुद्भूतैस्त्रिभिः पाण्डववह्निभिः॥
Dhritarashtra said : O high-souled man, I have indeed been blessed, favoured and protected by the three fire (sons) of Pritha (Kunti) who is like the sacred fuel.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्मिन् प्रमुदिते रङ्गे कथंचित् प्रत्युपस्थिते। दर्शयामास बीभत्सुराचार्यायास्त्रलाघवम्॥ आग्नेयेनासृजद् वह्नि वारुणोनासृजत् पयः। वायव्येनासृजद् वायुं पार्जन्येनासृजद् घनान्॥
Vaishampayana said : When the spectators some what regained their equanimity, Bibhatsu (Arjuna) displayed before his preceptor his lightness in the use of arins. He created fire by the Agneya weapon, by the Varuna weapon he created water. He created winds by the Vayavya weapon and by the Parjanya weapon, he created the clouds.

भौमेन प्राविशद् भूमि पार्वतेनासृजद् गिरीन्। अन्तर्धानेन चास्त्रेण पुनरन्तर्हितोऽभवत्॥
He created land by the Bhima weapon and by the Parvata weapon he created the mountains. He made all this to disappear by the Antardhana weapon.

क्षणात् प्रांशुः क्षणाद्धस्वः क्षणाच्च रथधूर्गतः। क्षणेन रथमध्यस्थः क्षणेनावतरन्महीम्॥
In a moment he appeared tail and in a moment short. He was now yoked in his car; he was in the next moment on the car itself; he was then again on the ground.

सुकुमारं च सूक्ष्मं च गुरुं चापि गुरुप्रियः। सौष्ठवेनाभिसंक्षिप्तः सोऽविध्यद् विविधैः शरैः॥
The favourite (pupil) of the preceptor (Arjuna) shot by his arrows various marks, some tender, some fine and some of thick composition.

भ्रमतश्च वराहस्य लोहस्य प्रमुखे समम्। पञ्च बाणानसंयुक्तान् सम्मुमोचैकबाणवत्॥
He let fly at one time five arrows from his bow stung into the mouth of a moving iron boar as if they were but one arrow.

गव्ये विषाणकोषे च चले रज्ज्वलम्बिनि। निचखान महावीर्यः सायकानेकविंशतिम्॥
That greatly effulgent hero sent twenty one arrows into the hollow of a cow's horn hang upon a rope which was swinging to and fro.

इत्येवमादि सुमहत् खड्गे धनुषि चानघ। गदायां शस्त्रकुशलो मण्डलानि ह्यदर्शयत्॥
O sinless one, in this manner he (Arjuna), walking round the arena, displayed his profound skill in the use of the sword, bow and club.

तत: समाप्तभूयिष्ठे तस्मिन् कर्मणि भारता मन्दीभूते समाजे च वादित्रस्य च निःस्वने॥ द्वारदेशात् समुद्भूतो माहात्म्यबलसूचकः। वज्रनिष्पेषसदृशः सुश्रुवे भुजनिःस्वनः॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, when the tournament was alrnost ended, when the excitement of the spectators cooled down and the sound of music stopped. There was heard at the gate the slapping of arms, betokening power and strength, like the roars of thunder.

दीर्यन्ते किं नु गिरयः किंस्विद् भूमिर्विदीर्यते। किंस्विदापूर्यते व्योम जलधाराघनैर्घनैः॥
"Are mountains splitting? Is the earth going to be rent asunder? Is the sky resounding with the roar of gathering clouds?”

रङ्गस्यैवं मतिरभूत् क्षणेन वसुधाधिपः। द्वारं चाभिमुखाः सर्वे बभूवुः प्रेक्षकास्तदा।॥
O king, all the spectators in the arena thought thus and turned their eyes towards the gate.

पञ्चभिर्धातृभिः पार्थैर्द्राणः परिवृतो बभौ। पञ्चतारेण संयुक्तः सावित्रेणेव चन्द्रमाः॥
Drona was surrounded by the five brothers, the sons of Pritha and looked like the moon surrounded by the five constellations.

अश्वत्थाम्ना च सहितं भ्रातृणां शतमूर्जितम्। दुर्योधनममित्रनमुत्थितं पर्यवारयत्॥ स तैस्तदा भ्रातृभिरुद्यतायुधैर्गदाग्रपाणिः समवस्थितैर्वृतः। बभौ यथा दानवसंक्षये पुरा पुरन्दरो देवगणैः समावृतः॥
That chastiser of foes, Duryodhana, with his one hundred haughty brothers and with Ashvathama, stood up in haste. That prince (Duryodhana) with his club in his hand, surrounded by his one hundred brothers with uplifted weapons, looked like Indra in the days of yore when he stood surrounded by the celestial at the time of the battle with the Danavas.