Return of Bhima

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्ते कौरवाः सर्वे विना भीमं च पाण्डवाः। वृत्तक्रीडाविहारास्तु प्रतस्थुर्गजसाह्वयम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Here the Pandavas and the Kurus, after finishing their sports and pleasure, returned to Hastinapur without Bhima.

स्थैर्गजैस्तथा चाश्चर्यानैश्चान्यैरनेकशः। ब्रुवन्तो भीमसेनस्तु यातो ह्यग्रत एव नः॥ ततो दुर्योधनः पापस्तत्रापश्यन् वृकोदरम्। भ्रातृभिः सहितो हृष्टां नगरं प्रविवेश ह॥
Some on horses, some on elephants and some preferring cars and other conveyances. They said, “Bhima must have gone before us." The wicked Duryodhana was glad not to see Bhima; and we entered the city with his brothers (in joy).

युधिष्ठिरस्तु धर्मात्मा ह्यविदन् पापमात्मनि। स्वेनानुमानेन परं साधं समनुपश्यति॥
The virtuous minded Yudhisthira, himself being unacquainted with vice and wickedness considered others to be as honest as he himself was.

सोऽभ्युपेत्य तदा पार्थो मातरं भ्रातृवत्सलः। अभिवाद्याब्रवीत् कुन्तीमम्ब भीम इहागतः॥
The son of Pritha, (Yudhisthira), full of filial love, went to his mother, Kunti and making obeisance to her he said, “Has Bhima come here?

क्व गतो भविता मातर्नेह पश्यामि तं शुभे। उद्यानानि वनं चैव विचितानि समन्ततः॥ तदर्थं न च तं वीरं दृष्टवन्तो वृकोदरम्। मन्यमानस्ततः सर्वे यातो नः पूर्वमेव सः॥
O good mother, I do not see him here. Where has he gone? We sought for him long in the gardens and the woods. But we did not find Vrikodara any where. We thought in our mind that he had preceded us.

आगताः स्म महाभागे व्याकुलेनान्तरात्मना। इहागम्य क्व नु गतस्त्वया वा प्रेषितः क्व नु॥
O illustrious lady, we have come here, our hearts being great anxiety. Coming here, where has he gone? Have you sent him any where?

कथयस्व महाबाहुं भीमसेनं यशस्विनि। न हि मे शुध्यते भावस्तं वीरं प्रति शोभने।॥
O illustrious lady, O great one, tell me, I am full of doubts respecting the mighty hero, Bhima.

यतः प्रसुप्तं मन्येऽहं भीमं नेति हतस्तु सः। इत्युक्ता च ततः कुन्ती धर्मराजेन धीमता॥ हा हेति कृत्वा सम्भ्रान्ता प्रत्युवाच युधिष्ठिरम्। न पुत्र भीमं पश्यामि न मामभ्येत्यसाविति॥
He was asleep and has not come, I believe Bhima is killed." Having been thus addressed by the intelligent son of Dharma (Yudhisthira), Kunti. Cried out "Alas! alas!" She then said to Yudhisthira in alarm, O son, I have not seen Bhima; he has not come to me.

शीघ्रमन्वेषणे यत्नं कुरु तस्यानुजैः सह। इत्युक्त्वा तनयं ज्येष्ठं हृदयेन विदूयता॥ क्षत्तारमानाय्य तदा कुन्ती वचनमब्रवीत्। क्व गतो भगवन् क्षत्तर्भीमसेनो न दृश्यते॥
Go soon with your brothers and make a careful search for him.” Having said this in sorrowful heart to her eldest son. Kunti summoned Kshatta (Vidura) and spoke to him thus, "O illustrious Kshatta, I do not see Bhimasena. Where is he gone!

उद्यानान्निर्गताः सर्वे भ्रातरो भ्रातभिः सह। तत्रैकस्तु महाबाहुर्भीमो नाभ्येति मामिह॥
The others with all their brothers have returned from the gardens; only my mighty arined Bhima has not come.

न च प्रीणयते चक्षुः सदा दुर्योधनस्य सः। क्रूरोऽसौ दुर्मतिः क्षुद्रो राज्यलुब्धोऽनपत्रपः॥
He is always in the evil look of Duryodhana. The Kurus are all wicked, narrow minded, covetous for sovereignty and impudent.

निहन्यादपि तं वीरं जातमन्युः सुयोधनः। तेन मे व्याकुलं चित्तं हृदयं दह्यतीव च॥
They might have killed him in anger. Therefore, my mind is affected with anxiety and my heart burns.

विदुर उवाच मैवं वदस्व कल्याणि शेषसंरक्षणं कुरु। प्रत्यादिष्टो हि दुष्टात्मा शेषेऽपि प्रहरेत् तव॥
Vidura said : O blessed lady, do not say so. Protect the others (your sons) from the Kurus. It abused, the wicked minded (Duryodhana) may kill the rest (of your sons).

दीर्घायुषस्तव सुता यथोवाच महामुनिः। आगमिष्यति ते पुत्रः प्रीति चोत्पादयिष्यति॥ तु
The great Rishi say that your sons would be long lived. (Therefore) that son (Bhima) will surely return and gladden your heart.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा ययौ विद्वान् विदुरः स्वं निवेशनम्। कुन्ती चिन्तापरा भूत्वा सहासीना सुतैर्गृहे॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this, the learned Vidura went (back) to his house. Kunti with her sons lived in her house in (great) anxiety.

ततोऽष्टमे दिवसे प्रत्यबुध्यत पाण्डवः। तस्मिंस्तदा रसे जीर्णे सोऽप्रमेयबलो बली।॥
The Pandava (Bhima) awoke from his sleep on the eight days and he left himself strong beyond measure by digesting that Rasa (ambrosia).

तं दृष्ट्वा प्रतिबुध्यन्तं पाण्डवं ते भुजङ्गमाः। सान्त्वयामासुरव्यग्रा वचनं चेदमब्रुवन्॥
Seeing the Pandava (Bhima) awake the snakes consoled and cheered him and they spoke to him thus.

यत् ते पीतो महाबाहो रसोऽयं वीर्यसम्भृतः। तस्मान्नागायुतबलो रणेऽधृष्यो भविष्यसि॥
O mighty armed hero, the strength giving Rasa (liquor) which you have drunk will give you the strength of ten thousand elephants and you will be invincible in battle.

गच्छाद्य त्वं च स्वगृहं स्नातो दिव्यैरिमै लैः। भ्रातरस्तेऽनुतप्यन्ति त्वां विना कुरुपुङ्गव॥
O best of the Kuru race, bathe in this sacred and auspicious water and return home. Your brothers are disconsolate for your absence.

ततः स्नातो महाबाहुः शुचिः शुल्काम्बस्रजः। ततो नागस्य भवने कृतकौतुकमङ्गलः॥ ओषधीभिर्विषघ्नीभिः सुरभीभिर्विशेषतः। भुक्तवान् परमान्नं च नागैर्दत्तं महाबलः॥
Thereupon the mighty armed (hero) became purified by a bath and decked himself with white garments and with white flowery garlands. He ate the Paramanya offered to him by the powerful Nagas. Then being adored and blessed by the Naga hero, the Pandava (Bhima), decked with various celestial ornaments, rose from the nether regions.

पूजितो भुजगैर्वीरं आशीभिश्चाभिनन्दितः। दिव्याभरणसंछन्नो नागानामन्त्र्य पाण्डवः॥ उदतिष्ठत् प्रहृष्टात्मा नागलोकादरिंदमः। उत्क्षिप्तः स तु नागेन जलाज्जलरुहेक्षणः॥ तस्मिन्नेव वनोद्देशे स्थापितः कुरुनन्दनः। ते चान्तर्दधिरे नागाः पाण्डवस्यैव पश्यतः॥
That chastiser of foes (Bhima) rose from the abode of the Nagas in delightful heart. The lotus eyed (hero), being upraised by the Nagas from the water, was placed in the self same gardens, where he had been sporting. They then vanished in his own sight.

तत उत्थाय कौन्तयो भीमसेनो महाबलः। आजगाम महाबाहुर्मातुरन्तिकमञ्जसा॥
The powerful Bhima, the son of Kunti, being thus arisen, ran to his mother with all speed.

ततोऽभिवाद्य जननी ज्येष्ठं भ्रातरमेव च। कनीयसः समानाय शिरःस्वरिविमर्दनः॥
Saluting her and his eldest brother, that chastiser of foes smelt the heads of his younger brothers.

तैश्चापि सम्परिष्वक्तः सह मात्रा नरर्षभैः। अन्योन्यगतसौहार्दाद् दिष्ट्या दिष्ट्येति चाब्रुवन्॥
He was embraced by his mother and by every one of those best of men. In filial love for one another they then exclaimed, “What joy! What great joy!"

ततस्तत् सर्वमाचष्ट दुर्योधनविचेष्टितम्। भ्रातृणां भीमसेनश्च महाबलपराक्रमः॥
Everything about the villainy of Duryodhana was told to his brothers by the greatly powerful Bhima.

नागलोके च यद् वृत्तं गुणदोषमशेषतः। तच्च सर्वमशेषेण कथयामास पाण्डवः॥
The Pandava (Bhima) told them in detail all about the lucky and unlucky incidents that befell him in the region of the Nagas.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा भीममाह वचोऽर्थवत्। तूष्णीं भव न ते जल्प्यमिदं कार्यं कथंचन॥
Thereupon, king Yudhisthira spoke to Bhima these words of great import, “Keep your silence. Do not speak it out to any one in any way.

एवमुक्त्वा महाबाहुर्धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। भ्रातृभिः सहितः सर्वैरप्रमत्तोऽभवत् तदा॥
sons of Kunti, you should protect one another with great care from this day.” having said this, the mighty armed Dharmaraja Yudhisthira.

सारथिं चास्य दयितमपहस्तेन जनिवान्। धर्मात्मा विदुरस्तेषां पार्थानां प्रददौ मतिम्॥
With all his brothers, became very vigilant from that day. And the virtuous minded Vidura gave the sons of Pritha (the Pandavas) good counsels.

भोजने भीमसेन्स्य पुनः प्राक्षेपयद् विषम्। कालकूटं नवं तीक्ष्णं सम्भृतं लोमहर्षणम्॥
Some time after, Duryodhana again mixed (with Bhima's food) poison which was fresh, virulent, fearful, hair stirring and deadly.

वैश्यापुत्रस्तदाचष्ट पार्थानां हितकाम्यया। तच्चापि भुक्त्वाजरयदविकारं वृकोदरः॥
The son of the Vaishya women (their cousin Yuyutsu), being desirous of doing good to the sons of Pritha, informed them of it; but Vrikodara (Bhima) ate it and digested it.

विकारं न ह्यजनयत् सुतीक्ष्णमपि तद् विषम्। भीमसंहनने भीमे अजीर्यत वृकोदरे॥
Through that poison was greatly virulent, though it was intended for killing Bhima, it produced no effects on Bhima; he digested it.

एवं दुर्योधनः कर्णः शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः। अनेकैरभ्युपायैस्ताञ्जिघांसन्ति स्म पाण्डवान्॥
Thereupon, Duryodhana, Karna and the son of Subala (Shakuni) adopted numerous other means to kill that Pandava (Bhima).

पाण्डवाश्चापि तत् सर्वं प्रत्यजानन्नमर्षिताः। उद्भावनमकुर्वन्तो विदुरस्य मते स्थिताः॥
The Pandavas, though they were aware of all this, did express no indignation as advised by Vidura.

कुमारान् क्रीडमानांस्तान् दृष्ट्वा राजातिदुर्मदान्। गुरुं शिक्षार्थमन्विष्य गौतमं तान् न्यवेदयत्॥ शरस्तम्बे समुद्भूतं वेदशास्त्रार्थपारगम्। अधिजग्मुश्च कुरवो धनुर्वेदं कृपात् तु ते॥
King Dhritrasthra to search Kripacharya born of race of Gautama, who was originated from arrows for giving the education of their Kumar's engaged in playing and impertinent. Accepting them as a preceptor they handed over Kumar's of Kuru race to him. They started the teaching of Dhanurveda (archery). were