Raising up of Kunti's children

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तया राजा तां देवीं पुनरब्रवीत्। धर्मविद् धर्मसंयुक्तमिदं वचनमुत्तमम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed, the king (Pandu), learned in the precepts of religious spoke these words of virtuous import to that lady (his wife).

पाण्डुरुवाच एवमेतत् पुरा कुन्ति व्युषिताश्वश्चकार ह। यथा त्वयोक्तं कल्याणि स ह्यासीदमरोपमः॥
Pandu said: O Kunti, what you have said is true. Vyushitashva of old did exactly as you said; he was like a celestial.

अथ त्विदं प्रवक्ष्यामि धर्मतत्त्वं निबोध मे। पुराणमृषिभिईष्टं धर्मविद्भिर्महात्मभिः॥
But I shall tell you the religious precepts which the illustrious Rishis, learned in the precepts of virtue, said in the Puranas.

अनावृताः किल पुरा स्त्रिय आसन्वरानने। कामचारविहारिण्यः स्वतंत्राश्चारुहासिनी॥
O beautiful featured lady, O lady of sweet smiles, women were not formerly kept within the house. They used to go about freely and enjoyed as they liked.

तासां व्युच्चरमाणानां कौमारात्सुभगे पतीन्। नाधर्मोऽभूद्वरारोहे स हि धर्मः पुराऽभवत्॥
O fortunate lady, O beautiful one, they had promiscuous intercourse form their maidenhood and they were not regarded sinful, for it was the custom of the age.

तं चैव धर्म पौराणं तिर्यग्योनिगताः प्रजाः। अद्याप्यनुविधीयन्ते कामक्रोधविवर्जिताः॥
That very usage of the olden time is up to date followed by birds and beasts and they are free from anger and passions (for this promiscuous intercourse).

प्रमाणदृष्टो धर्मोऽयं पूज्यते च महर्षिभिः। उत्तरेषु च रम्भोरु कुरुष्वद्यापि पूज्यते॥
O lady of tapering thighs, the practice, being sanctioned by presidents, is praised by great Rishis; it is still regarded with respect by the Northern Kurus.

स्त्रीणामनुग्रहकरः स हि धर्मः सनातनः। अस्मिंस्तु लोके न चिरान्मर्यादेयं शुचिस्मिते॥ स्थापिता येन यस्माच्च तन्मे विस्तरतः शृणु।
O lady of sweet smiles, this eternal usage, very favourable to the women, had the sanction of antiquity; the present practice has been established only very lately. Hear, I shall narrate to you in detail who established it and why.

बभूवोद्दालको नाम महर्षिरिति नः श्रुतम्॥ श्वेतकेतुरिति ख्यातः पुत्रस्तस्याभवन्मुनिः।
We have heard that there was a great Rishi, named Uddalaka. He had a son, known by the name of Svetaketu, who was also a Rishi.

मर्यादेयं कृता तेन धा वै श्वेतकेतुना॥ कोपात्कमलपत्राक्षि यदर्थं तन्निबोध मे।
O lotus eyed one, the present virtuous practice was established by that Svetaketu in anger. I shall tell you why he did it.

वेतकेतोः किल पुरा समक्षं मातरं पितुः॥ जग्राह ब्राह्मणः पाणौ गच्छाव इति चाब्रवीत्।
One day, in the time of yore, in the very presence of Shvetaketu's father, a Brahmana came and taking his (Shvetaketu's) mother by the hand said, “Let us go".

ऋषिपुत्रस्ततः कोपं चकारामर्षचोदितः॥ मातरं तां तथा दृष्ट्वा नीयमानां बलादिव।
Having seen his mother taken away as if by force, the son of the Rishi grew angry and became very much affected with sorrow.

क्रुद्धं तं तु पिता दृष्ट्वा श्वेतकेतुमुवाच ह॥ मा तात कोपं कास्त्विमेष धर्मः सनातनः।
Seeing him angry, his father told Shvetaketu, “O child, do not be angry. This is an eternal usage.

अनावृता हि सर्वेषां वर्णानामङ्गना भुवि॥ यथा गावः स्थितास्तात स्वे स्वे वर्णे तथा प्रजाः।
The women of all the orders on earth are free. O son, men, in this matter as regards their respective orders, act as kine."

ऋषिपुत्रोऽथ तं धर्मं श्वेतकेतुर्न चक्षमे॥ चकार चैव मर्यादामिमां स्त्रीपुंसयोर्भुवि।
The son of the Rishi, Svetaketu, disapproved of this usage and he established the following practice on earth as regards men and women.

मानुषेषु महाभागे न त्वेवान्येषु जन्तुषु॥ तदाप्रभृति मर्यादा स्थितेयमिति नः श्रुतम्।
O greatly illustrious lady, we have heard that the present practice among men and women dates from that day but not among other animals.

श्वेतकेतुरुवाच व्युच्चरन्त्याः पतिं नार्या अद्यप्रभृति पातकम्॥ भ्रूणहत्यासमं घोरं भविष्यत्यसुखावहम्।
Svetaketu said: The wife, not adhering to her husband, will be sinful from this date; she will commit as great and painful sin as the killing of an embryo.

भार्यां तथा व्युच्चरतः कौमारब्रह्मचारिणीम्॥ पतिव्रतामेतदेव भविता पातकं भुवि।
The men who will go to other women neglecting a chaste and loving wife who has from her maidenhood observed a vow of purity, will commit the same sin.

पत्या नियुक्ता या चैव पत्नी पुत्रार्थमेव च॥ न करिष्यति तस्याश्च भविष्यति तदेव हि।
The woman, who being commanded by her husband to raise offspring, will refuse to do it, will commit also the some sin.

इति तेन पुरा भीरु मर्यादा स्थापिता बलात्॥ उद्दालकस्य पुत्रेण धा वै श्वेतकेतुना।
Pandu said: O timid lady, it was thus established by force in olden time the present virtuous usage by Uddalaka's son Shvetaketu.

सौदासेन च रम्भोरु नियुक्ता पुत्रजन्मनि॥ मदयन्ती जगामर्षि वसिष्ठामिति नः श्रुतम्।
O lady of the tapering thighs, we have heard that Madayanti, being appointed by (her husband) Saudasa, went to Rishi Vasishtha to raise up offspring.

तस्माल्लेभे च सा पुत्रमश्मकं नाम भाविनी॥ एवं कृतवती सापि भर्तुः प्रियचिकीर्षया।
That lady obtained from his a son, named Asmaka. She did this, moved by the desire of doing good to her husband.

अस्माकमपि ते जन्म विदितं कमलेक्षण॥ कृष्णद्वैपायनाद्भीरु कुरूणां वंशवृद्धये।
O louts-eyed one, O timid girl, you know our birth, begotten by Krishna Dvaipayana, in order to expand the Kuru race.

अत एतानि सर्वाणि कारणानि समीक्ष्य वै॥ ममैतद्वचनं धर्म्यं कर्तुमर्हस्यनिन्दिते।
O faultless one, seeing all these precedents, you should do my bidding which is not inconsistent with virtue.

ऋतावृतौ राजपुत्रि स्त्रिया भर्ता पतिव्रते॥ नातिवर्तव्य इत्येवं धर्मं धर्मविदो विदुः। शेषष्वन्येषु कालेषु स्वातन्त्र्यं स्त्री किलार्हति॥
O princess, O devoted wife, the men learned in the precepts of virtue, said that a wife in her season must seek her husband, though she may be free at other times.

धर्ममेवं जनाः सन्तः पुराणं परिचक्षते। भर्ता भार्यां राजपुत्रि धर्म्य वाधर्म्यमेव वा॥ यद् ब्रूयात् तत् तथा कार्यमिति वेदविदो विदुः।
The wise have said that this was the ancient practice. But, O princess, men, learned in the Vedas, have declared that whether the act be sinful or sinless, it is the duty of the wife to do what her husband commands.

विशेषतः पुत्रगृध्नी हीन: प्रजननात् स्वयम्॥ यथाहमनवद्याङ्गि पुत्रदर्शनलालसः। तथा रक्ताङ्गुलितलः पद्मपत्रनिभः शुभे॥ प्रसादार्थं मया तेऽयं शिरस्यभ्युद्यतोऽञ्जलिः।
O lady of faultless features, especially I who am deprived of the power of procreation, having yet become desirous of seeing son, should more to be obeyed by you. O amiable girl, joining my palms furnished with rosy fingers like lotus-leaves, I place my hand on your head to propitiate you.

मन्नियोगात् सुकेशान्ते द्विजातेस्तपसाधिकात्॥ पुत्रान् गुणसमायुक्तानुत्पादयितुमर्हसि। त्वत्कृतेऽहं पुथुश्रोणि गच्छेयं पुत्रिणां गतिम्॥
O lady of beautiful hair, you should raise accomplished sons at my command by the help of same Brahmanas possessed of great ascetic merits. O lady of beautiful hips, by your doing this, I shall go to the way reserved for those that are blessed with sons.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ता ततः कुन्ती पाण्डुं परपुरंजयम्। प्रत्युवाच वरारोहा भर्तुः प्रियहिते रता॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed by that subjugator of hostile cities, Pandu, the beautiful Kunti, ever engaged in doing good to her husband, thus replied-

पितृवेश्मन्यहं बाला नियुक्तातिथिपूजने। उग्रं पर्यचरं तत्र ब्राह्मणं संशितव्रतम्॥ निगूढनिश्चयं धर्मे यं तं दुर्वाससं विदुः। तमहं संशितात्मानं सर्वयत्नैरतोषयम्॥
O lord, I was engaged in my girlhood at my father's house in attending upon all guests. I attentively served the Brahmanas of rigid Vows. I gratified with all attentions that Brahmana, known as Durvasa, who had all his passions under control and who was acquainted with all the mysteries of religion.

स मेऽभिचारसंयुक्तमाचष्ट भगवान् वरम्। मन्त्रं त्विमं च मे प्रादादब्रवीच्चैव मामिदम्॥
Pleased with the attention with which waited upon him, that illustrious (Brahmana) gave me a boon in the form of a Mantra. He told me-

यं यं देवं त्वमेतेन मन्त्रेणावाहयिष्यसि। अकामो वा सकामो वा वशं ते समुपैष्यति॥
“Any of the celestials, whom you will call by this (Mantra), will be obedient to you, whether he likes it or not.

तस्य तस्य प्रसादात् ते राज्ञि पुत्रो भविष्यति। इत्युक्ताहं तदानेन पितृवेश्मनि भारत॥
O princes, by each of their favour, you shall have offspring." descendant of the Bharata race, this was told to me by him at my father's house.

ब्राह्मणस्य वचस्तथ्यं तस्य कालोऽयमागतः। अनुज्ञाता त्वया देवमाह्वयेयमहं नृप। तेन मन्त्रेण राजर्षे यथास्यान्नौ प्रजा हिता॥
O king, the words, uttered by the Brahmana, can never be false; the time has come when they may yield fruits. Commanded by you, I can call the celestial.

आवाहयामि कं देवं ब्रूहि सत्यवतां वर। त्वत्तोऽनुज्ञाप्रतीक्षां मां विद्ध्यस्मिन् कर्मणि स्थिताम्॥
By that Mantra to rise up good offspring. O royal sage, O foremost of truthful men, tell me which of the celestials I shall call. Know, wait your commands in this matter.

पाण्डुरुवाच अद्यैव त्वं वरारोहे प्रयतस्व यथाविधि। धर्ममावाहय शुभे स हि लोकेषु पुण्यभाक्॥
Pandu said : O beautiful lady, O amiable one try to do it today in the proper form. Call Dharma (the god of justice), for he is the most virtuous in the world.

अधर्मेण न नो धर्मः संयुज्यति कथंचन। लोकश्चायं वरारोहे धर्मोऽयमिति मन्यते॥ धार्मिकश्च कुरूणां स भविष्यति न संशयः। धर्मेण चापि दत्तस्य नाधर्मे रंस्यते मनः॥ तस्माद् धर्मं पुरस्कृत्य नियता त्वं शुचिस्मिते। उपचाराभिचाराभ्यां धर्ममावाहयस्व वै॥
O beautiful lady, Dharma will ever be able to pollute us with sin and people will also consider that what we do is never sinful. There is no doubt the son thus begotten will be virtuous among the Kurus. Begotten by Dharma, his mind will never be in sin. Therefore, O lady of sweets smiles,, keeping virtue before your eyes and observing all vows, call Dharma by the help of your solicitations and incantations.

वैशम्पायन उवाच सा तथोक्ता तथेत्युक्त्वा तेन भ; वराङ्गना। अभिवाद्याभ्यनुज्ञाता प्रदक्षिणमवर्तत॥
Vaishampayana said : That best of women, (Kunti), having been thus addressed, said-"Be it so". She then went round him (for seven times) and resolved to do his bidding.