Colloquy between Pandu and Pritha

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत्रापि तपसि श्रेष्ठे वर्तमानः स वीर्यवान्। सिद्धचारणसव्रनां बभूव प्रियदर्शनः॥
Vaishampayana said : That greatly powerful man (Pandu; was there engaged in the best of asceticism) and he soon became the favorite of all the Siddhas and Charanas.

शुश्रूषुरनहंवादी संयतात्मा जितेन्द्रियः। स्वर्यं गन्तुं पराक्रान्तः स्वेन वीर्येण भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, he was devoted to the service of his preceptors; he was free from vanity; he was self controlled and master over his passions. The powerful man went to heaven by his own prowess.

केषांचिदभवद् भ्राता केषांचिदभवत् सखा। ऋषयस्त्वपरे चैनं पुत्रवत् पर्यपालयन्॥
He became the brother of some and the friend of others, the others again treated him as their own son.

स तु कालेन महता प्राप्य निष्कलुषं तपः। ब्रह्मर्षिसदृशः पाण्डुर्बभूव भरतर्षभ।॥
O best of the Bharata race, after a long time Pandu acquired those great and sinless ascetic merits, by which he became like a Brahmarshi.

अमावस्यां तु सहिता ऋषयः संशितव्रताः। ब्रह्मणं द्रष्टुकामास्ते सम्प्रतस्थुर्महर्षयः॥
On a new moon day the Rishis of rigid vows assembled together and were about to start with the desire of seeing Brahma.

सम्प्रयातानृषीन् दृष्ट्वा पाण्डुर्वचनमब्रवीत्। भवन्तः क्व गमिष्यन्ति ब्रूत मे वदतां वराः॥
Seeing the Rishis about to start, Pandu said, "O best of eloquent men, tell me where you are going."

ऋषयः ऊचुः समवायो महानद्य ब्रह्मलोके महात्मनाम्। देवानां च ऋषीणां च पितृणां च महात्मनाम्। वयं तत्र गमिष्यामो द्रष्टुकामाः स्वयम्भुवम्॥
The Rishi said : There will be a great assemblage of highsouled celestial Rishis and Pitris in the abode of Brahma. We shall go there; we are desirous of seeing the self created (Brahma).

वैशम्पायन उवाच पाण्डुरुत्थाय सहसा गन्तुकामो महर्षिभिः। स्वर्गपारं तितीर्घः स शतशृङ्गादुदङ्मुखः॥ प्रतस्थे सह पत्नीभ्यामब्रुवंस्तं च तापसाः। उपर्युपरि गच्छन्तः शैलराजमुदङ्मुखाः॥
Vaishampayana said : Pandu suddenly rose with the desire of going with the Rishis and reaching the heaven. When he was about to start with his two wives in a northerly direction from the mountains with the hundred peaks, the ascetics addressed him thus.

दृष्टवन्तो गिरौ रम्ये दुर्गान् देशान् बहून् वयम्। विमानशतसम्बाधां गीतस्वरनिनादिताम्॥ आक्रीडभूमिं देवानां गन्धर्वाप्सरसां तथा। उद्यानानि कुबेरस्य समानि विषमाणि च॥
"In our northward march, ascending the king of mountains, higher and higher we have seen many delightful and inaccessible regions, on the breast of the hill. (We have seen) the retreats of the celestials, Gandharvas and Apsaras, with hundreds of places resounding with the sweet note of celestial music. (We have seen) the gardens of Kubera, laid out on even and uneven grounds.

महानदीनितम्बांश्च गहनान् गिरिगह्वरान्। सन्ति नित्यहिमा देशा निर्वृक्षमृगपक्षिणः॥
(We have seen) the banks of great rivers and mountain caverns. There are regions (on that mountain) everlastingly covered with snow and devoid of birds and beasts and trees.

सन्ति क्वचिन्महादर्यो दुर्गाः काश्चिद् दुरासदाः। नातिक्रामेत पक्षी यान् कुत एवेतरे मृगाः॥
There are some places, where are very dangerous caves that they are perfectly inaccessible and unfit for habitation. Not to speak of other creatures, even birds can not cross them.

वायुरेको हि यात्यत्र सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः। गच्छन्त्यौ शैलराजेऽस्मिन् राजपुत्र्यौ कथं त्विमे॥ न सीदेतामदुःखा मा गमो भरतर्षभ।
"The only thing that can go there is air and only beings, Siddhas and great Rishis. O best of the Bharata race, these princesses are unaccustomed to hardship; how will they ascend those heights of the king of mountains? Therefore, do not come with us.'

पाण्डुरुवाच अप्रजस्य महाभागा न द्वारं परिचक्षते॥ स्वर्गे तेनाभितप्तोऽहमप्रजस्तु ब्रवीमि वः। पित्र्यादृणादनिर्मुक्तस्तेन तप्ये तपोधनाः॥
Pandu said: O greatly fortunate ones, it is said that there is no heaven for a sonless. I am sonless. I speak to you in sorrow. O great ascetics, I am sorry, because I have not been able to free myself from the debt I owe to my forefathers.

देहनाशे ध्रुवो नाशः पितॄणामेष निश्चयः। ऋणैश्चतुर्भिः संयुक्ता जायन्ते मानवा भुवि॥
In the dissolution of my body, my ancestors are sure to perish. Men are born in this world with four debts.

पितृदेवर्षिमनुजैर्देयं तेभ्यश्च धर्मतः। एतानि तु यथाकालं यो न बुध्यति मानवः॥ न तस्य लोकाः सन्तीति धर्मविद्भिः प्रतिष्ठितम्। यज्ञैस्तु देवान् प्रीणाति स्वाध्यायतपसा मुनीन्।॥
(The name of debts) namely the debts due to the ancestors, the celestials, the Rishis and other men. They must be discharged with virtue. It has been established by the learned men that no regions of bliss exist for those who neglect to pay in due time these debts. The celestial are paid (gratified) by sacrifices, the Rishis by study and meditation.

पुत्रैः श्राद्धैः पितॄश्चापि आनृशंस्येन मानवान्। ऋषिदेवमनुष्याणां परिमुक्तोऽस्मि धर्मतः॥ त्रयाणामितरेषां तु नाश आत्मनि नश्यति। पित्र्यादृणादनिर्मुक्त इदानीमस्मि तापसाः॥
The Pitris by begetting children and performing Shraddha and the other men by humanity and kindness, I have virtuously discharged my debts to the celestials, Rishis and other men. But there are those (Pitris) who are sure to perish at the dissolution of my body. O ascetics, I am not as yet free from the debt I owe to my ancestors.

इह तस्मात् प्रजाहेतोः प्रजायन्ते नरोत्तमाः। यथैवाहं पितुः क्षेत्रे जातस्तेन महर्षिणा॥ तथैवास्मिन् मम क्षेत्रे कथं वै सम्भवेत् प्रजा।
The best of men were born to beget children to discharge that debt. As I was begotten by the great Rishi on the field of my father, so should children be begotten on my soil (wives).

ऋषयः ऊचुः अस्ति वै तव धर्मात्मान् विद्मो देवोपमं शुभम्॥ अपत्यमनघं राजन् वयं दिव्येन चक्षुषा। देवोद्दिष्टं नरव्याघ्र कर्मणेहोपपादय॥
The Rishis said : O virtuous minded man, O king, there is progeny for you that will be sinless, greatly fortunate and like the celestial themselves. We see this with our prophetic eyes. O best of kings, therefore, accomplish the purposes of the celestials by your acts.

अक्लिष्टं फलमव्यग्रो विन्दते बुद्धिमान् नरः। तस्मिन् दृष्टे फले राजन् प्रयत्न कर्तुमर्हसि॥ अपत्यं गुणसम्पन्नं लब्धा प्रीतिकरं ह्यसि।
The intelligent man who acts with deliberation always obtains good fruits. Therefore, O king, you should exert yourself. The fruits you will obtain is visible. You will surely obtain accomplished and agreeable sons.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तच्छ्रुत्वा तापसवचः पाण्डुश्चिन्तापरोऽभवत्॥ आत्मनो मृगशापेन जानन्नुपहतां क्रियाम्। सोऽब्रवीद् विजने कुन्ती धर्मपत्नी यशस्विनीम्। अपत्योत्पादने यत्नमापदि त्वं समर्थय॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard these words of the ascetics and remembering the loss of his procreative power owing to the curse of the deer, Pandu began to reflect. He told his lawfully wedded wife, illustrious Kunti, in private, “Try to raise offspring at this emergency.

अपत्यं नाम लोकेषु प्रतिष्ठा धर्मसंहिता। इति कुन्ति विदुर्धीराः शाश्वतं धर्मवादिनः॥ इष्टं दत्तं तपस्तप्तं नियमश्च स्वनुष्ठितः। सर्वमेवानपत्यस्य न पावनमिहोच्यते॥
O Kunti, the wise expounders of the eternal religion say that son is the source of virtuous fame in the three worlds, Sacrifices, gifts in charity, ascetic penances and carefully observed vows, do not free a sonless man from his sins.

सोऽहमेवं विदित्वैतत् प्रपश्यामि शुचिस्मिते। अनपत्यः शुभाँल्लोकान् न प्राप्स्यामीति चिन्तयन्।३०।
O lady of sweet smiles, knowing all this, I am certain that sonless as I am, I shall not obtain the regions of felicity.

मृगाभिशापान्नष्टं मे जननं ह्यकृतात्मनः। नृशंसकारिणो भीरु यथैवोपहतं पुरा॥
O timid lady, as I was formerly addicted to cruel acts and led a vicious life, I have lost my power of procreation by the curse of the deer.

इमे वै बन्धुदायादाः षट् पुत्रा धर्मदर्शने। षडेवाबन्धुदायादाः पुत्रास्ताञ्छृणु मे पृथे।॥
O Pritha, the religious books mention of six kinds of sons who are both heirs and kinsmen and six kinds more who are not heirs, but kinsmen. I shall speak of them; listen to me.

स्वयंजातः प्रणीतश्च तत्समः पुत्रिकासुतः। पौन वश्च कानीनः भगिन्यां यश्च जायते॥ दत्तः क्रीतः कृत्रिमश्च उपगच्छेत् स्वयं च यः। सहोढो ज्ञातिरेताच हीनयोनिधृतश्च यः॥
(They are), Aurasa (the son begotten by one's own self on his own wife), Pranita (the son begotten on one's own wife by an accomplished person), Parikrita (the son begotten on one's wife by a man for a pecuniary consideration), Paunarbhava (the son begotten on a wife after her husband's death), Kanin (the son born in the maidenhood), Kunda (the son born of a women who had intercourse with four persons), Datta (the son given by another), Krita (the son bought from another), Upakrita (the son coming to one out of gratitude), Svayam upagata (the son coming himself to give him away), Sahodha (the son born of a pregnant bride), Hina Yonidhrita (the son born of a wife of a lower caste.)

पूर्वपूर्वतमाभावं मत्वा लिप्सेत वै सुतम्। उत्तमादवराः पुंसः काङ्क्षन्ते पुत्रमापदि॥
On the failure of getting offspring of the first class, the mother should try to get the offspring of the next class and so on. At the time of emergency (failure of offspring), men raise up sons by their accomplished younger brothers.

अपत्यं धर्मफलदं श्रेष्ठं विन्दन्ति मानवाः। आत्मशुक्रादपि पृथे मनुः स्वायम्भुवोऽब्रवीत्॥
O Pritha, the self created Manu has said that men, failing to obtain son of their own, might raise up excellent virtue giving sons by others.

तस्मात् प्रहेष्याम्यद्य त्वां हीनः प्रजननात् स्वयम्। सदृशाच्छ्रेयसो वा त्वं विद्ध्यपत्यं यशस्विनि॥
As I am destitute of the power of procreation, I command you to raise illustrious offspring by some men equal or superior to me.

शृणु कुन्ति कथामेतां शारदण्डायिनी प्रति। सा वीरपत्नी गुरुणा नियुक्ता पुत्रजन्मनि॥
O Kunti, hear the history of that wife of a hero, the daughter of Sharadandayana, who raised offspring at the command of her lord.

पुष्येण प्रयता स्नाता निशि कुन्ति चतुष्पथे। वरयित्वा द्विजं सिद्धं हुत्वा पुंसवनेऽनलम्।
O Kunti, after the bath when her season came, she went in the night to a place where four roads met. Worshipping a Brahmana who was crowned with ascetic success, she poured libations in the fire of Punsavana.

कर्मण्यवसिते तस्मिन्सा तेनैव सहावसत्। तत्र त्रीञ्जनयामास दुर्जयादीन्महारथान्॥
After performing this, she lived with him; and thus were begotten on her three sons, Durjaya being the eldest.

तथा त्वमपि कल्याणि ब्राह्मणात्तपसाधिकात्। मन्नियोगाद्यत क्षिप्रमपत्योत्पादनं प्रति॥
O greatly fortunate lady, like her you too at my command raise offspring by some Brahmana who is superior to me in ascetic merits.