Birth of Dushala

जनमेजय उवाच धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्राणामादितः कथितं त्वया। ऋषेः प्रसादात् तु शतं न च कन्या प्रकीर्तिता॥
Janamejaya said : You have told me from the beginning all about the birth of Dhritarashtra's one hundred sons, the result of the boon granted by the Rishi, but you have not told me (the particular of the birth) of the daughter.

वैश्यापुत्रो युयुत्सुश्च कन्या चैका शताधिका। गान्धारराजदुहिता शतपुत्रेति चानघ॥ उक्ता महर्षिणा तेन व्यासेनामिततेजसा। कथं त्विदानी भगवन् कन्यां त्वं तु ब्रवीषि मे॥
O sinless one, you have said that over and above one hundred sons, there was another son, named Yuyutsu, born of a Vaishya woman and also a daughter by Gandhari. The daughter of the king of Gandhara would get one hundred sons. O illustrious man, so said the great Rishi Vyasa of immeasurable effulgence. How do you then tell me that a daughter was born (over and above the hundred)?

यदि भागशतं पेशी कृता तेन महर्षिणा। न प्रजास्यति चेद् भूयः सौबलेयी कथंचन॥ कथं तु सम्भवस्तस्या दुःशलाया वदस्व मे। यथावदिह विप्रः परं मेऽत्र कुतूलहम्॥
The ball of flesh was divided by the great Rishi into only one hundred parts and the daughter of Subala (Gandhari) did not conceive at any other time. How then was born Duhshala? O Brahmana Rishi, tell me this; my curiosity is very great.

वैशम्पायन उवाच साध्वयं प्रश्न उद्दिष्टः पाण्डवेय ब्रवीमि ते। तां मांसपेशी भगवान् स्वयमेव महातपाः॥ शीताभिरद्धिरासिच्य भागं भागमकल्पयत्। यो यथा कल्पितो भागस्तं तं धात्र्या तथा नृप॥ घृतपूर्णेषु कुण्डेषु एकैकं प्राक्षिपत् तदा। एतस्मिन्नन्तरे साध्वी गान्धारी सृदृढव्रता॥ दुहितुः स्नेहसंयोगमनुध्याय वराङ्गना। मनसाचिन्तयद् देवी एतत् पुत्रशतं मम॥ भविष्यति न संदेहो न ब्रवीत्यन्यथा मुनिः। ममेयं परमा तुष्टिर्दुहिता मे भवेद् यदि॥
Vaishampayana said : O descendant of Pandu, your question is just. I shall tell you how it happened. The great ascetic, the illustrious Rishi himself, sprinkled that ball of fresh with cool water and begin to divide it into hundred parts, O king, as it was being divided into parts, the nurse began to take them up and put them one by one into the jars filled with ghee. In the meanwhile the beautiful and chaste Gandhari of rigid vows, feeling the affection for a daughter. Reflected in her mind, there is no doubt that I shall have one hundred sons. The Rishi had said this and it cannot be otherwise. If a daughter is born to me over and above my one hundred sons, I shall be exceedingly happy.

एका शताधिका बाला भविष्यति कनीयसी। ततो दौहित्रजाल्लोकादबाह्योऽसौ पतिर्मम॥
My husband may then go to those worlds that the possession of a daughter's sons confers on a man.

अधिका किल नारीणां प्रीतिर्जामातृजा भवेत्। यदि नाम ममापि स्याद् दुहितैका शताधिका॥ कृतकृत्या भवेयं वै पुत्रदौहित्रसंवृता। यदि सत्यं तपस्तप्तं दत्तं वाप्यथवा हुतम्॥ गुरवस्तोषिता वापि तथास्तु दुहिता मम। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु कृष्णद्वैपायनः स्वयम्॥ व्यभजत् स तदा पेशी भगवानृषिसत्तमः। गणयित्वा शतं पूर्णमंशानामाह सौबलीम्॥
Every woman feels a very great affection for her son-in-law. If, therefore, I get a daughter over and above my one hundred sons, then surrounded by sons and daughter's sons, I shall feel myself supremely happy. If I have truly performed penances, if I have ever given in charity, if I have ever performed Homa, if ever I have respected my superiors, lets a daughter be born to me." All this time that best of Rishis, the illustrious Krishna Dvaipayana himself was dividing that ball of flesh. Counting full one hundred parts, he said to the daughter of Subala (Gandhari).

व्यास उवाच पूर्णं पुत्रशतं त्वेतन्न मिथ्या वागुदाहृता। दौहित्रयोगाय भाग एकः शिष्टः शतात् परः। एषा ते सुभगा कन्या भविष्यति यथेप्सिता॥
"Here are your one hundred sons, I did not speak to you anything that was not true. Here is a part over and above one hundred which will give you a daughter's son. From this will be born an amiable and fortunate daughter, as you have desired."

ततोऽन्यं घृतकुम्भं च समानाय्य महातपाः। तं चापि प्राक्षिपत् तत्र कन्यामागं तपोधनः॥ एतत् ते कथितं राजन् दुःशलाजन्म भारत। ब्रूहि राजेन्द्र किं भूयो वर्तयिष्यामि तेऽनघ।॥
Then that great ascetic, bringing another jar filled with ghee, placed the part into it for the purpose of daughter, O descendant of the Bharata race, thus have I narrated to you all about the birth of Dushala. O sinless one, tell me what more am I to narrate.