Conquest of Pandu

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मो राज्ञः पाण्डोर्यशस्विनः। विवाहस्यापरस्यार्थे चकार मतिमान् मतिम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Some time after, the son of Shantanu, the intelligent Bhishma, thought of marrying Pandu to a second wife.

सोऽमात्यैः स्थविरैः सार्धं ब्राह्मणैश्च महर्षिभिः। बलेन चतुरङ्गेण ययौ मद्रपतेः पुरम्॥
Accompanied by the aged ministers Brahmanas and great Rishis and with a force of the four kinds he went to the capital of the king of Madra.

तमागतमभिश्रुत्य भीष्मं वाह्रीकपुङ्गवः। प्रत्युद्गम्यार्चयित्वा च पुरं प्रावेशयन्नृपः॥
That best of Valhikas (the king of Madra), having heard of his coming, went out to receive him with all honour; and that king (Bhishma) also entered his capital.

दत्त्वा तस्यासनं शुभं पाद्यमर्थ्य तथैव च। मधुपर्कं च मद्रेशः पप्रच्छागमनेऽर्थिताम्॥
The king of Madra, having given him a white seat, water for washing his feet and Arghya, asked the reason of his coming.

तं भीष्मः प्रत्युवाचेदं मद्रराजं कुरूद्वहः। आगतं मां विजानीहि कन्यार्थिनमरिन्दम॥
The supporter of the Kurus' honour, Bhishma replied to the king of Madra," chastiser of foes, know that I have come for a maiden.

श्रूयते भवतः साध्वी स्वसा माद्री यशस्विनी। तामहं वरयिष्यामि पाण्डोरर्थे यशस्विनीम्॥
We have heard that you have an illustrious and chaste sister, named Madri. I chose that illustrious maiden for Pandu.

युक्तरूपो हि सम्बन्धे त्वं नो राजन् वयं तव। एतत् संचिन्त्य मद्रेश गृहाणास्मान् यथाविधि॥
O king, you are in every way worthy of alliance with us. We also are worthy of you. O king of Madra, considering all this, accept us in from."

तमेवंवादिनं भीष्मं प्रत्यभाषत मद्रपः। न हि मेऽन्यो वरस्त्वत्तः श्रेयानिति मतिर्मम॥
Having been thus addressed by Bhishma, the king of Madra replied, "To my mind there is no other better bridegroom than one of your family.

पूर्वैः प्रवर्तितं किंचित् कुलेऽस्मिन् नृपसत्तमैः। साधु वा यदि वासाधु तन्नातिक्रान्तमुत्सहे॥
But there is a custom in our family ever observed by all the best of our kings. Be it good or bad, I can not transgress it.

व्यक्तं तद् भवतश्चापि विदितं नात्र संशयः। न च युक्तं तथा वक्तुं भवान् देहीति सत्तम॥
It (this custom) is well known and there is no doubt that it is also known to you. O the proper excellent man, therefore, it is not proper for you to say "Bestow your sister.”

कुलधर्मः स नो वीर प्रमाणं परमं च तत्। तेन त्वां न ब्रवीम्येतदसंदिग्धं वचोऽरिहन्॥
O hero, it is our family custom to receive tribute. Therefore, I cannot give you any . assurance in the matter of your request.'

तं भीष्मः प्रत्युवाचेदं मद्रराजं जनाधिपः। धर्म एष परो राजन् स्वयमुक्तः स्वयम्भुवा॥
The king Bhishma thus replied to the king of Madra, "O king, this is a great virtue; the self created (Brahma) has himself said it.

नात्र कश्चन दोषोऽस्ति पूर्वैर्विधिरयं कृतः। विदितेयं च ते शल्य मर्यादा साधुसम्मता॥
Your ancestors have observed this custom. There is no fault to be found with it. O Salya, it is well known that this custom has the approbation of the wise."

इत्युक्त्वा स महातेजाः शातकुम्भं कृताकृतम्। रत्नानि च विचित्राणि शल्यायादात् सहस्रशः॥ गजानश्वान् रथांश्चैव वासांस्याभरणानि च। मणिमुक्ताप्रवालं च गाङ्गेयो व्यसृजच्छुभम्॥
Having said this, that greatly effulgent son of Ganga (Bhishma) gave Salya much gold, both coined and uncoined, precious stones of various colors, elephants, horses and cars, much cloth and many ornaments, many gems, pearls and corals.

तत् प्रगृह्य धनं सर्वं शल्यः सम्प्रीतमानसः। ददौ तां समलंकृत्य स्वसारं कौरवर्षभे॥
Salya receive all these wealth in delightful health and gave away his sister decked with ornaments, to that lion of the Kuru race.

स तां माद्रीमुपादाय भीष्मः सागरगासुतः। आजगाम पुरीं धीमान् प्रविष्टो गजसाह्वयम्॥
The son of ocean going Ganga, intelligent Bhishma, taking Madri with him, returned to the capital, named after the elephant (Hastinapur).

तत इष्टेऽहनि प्राप्ते मुहूर्ते साधुसम्मते। जग्राह विधिवत् पाणिं मात्र्याः पाण्डुराधिपः॥
The king Pandu, on an auspicious day and at the time indicated by the wise accepted the hands of Madri in due form.

ततो विवाहे निवृत्ते स राजा कुरुनन्दनः। स्थापयामास तां भार्यां शुभे वेश्मनि भाविनीम्॥
After the completion of the marriage, that king, the descendant of the Kuru race, established his beautiful wife in handsome mansions.

स ताभ्यां व्यचरत् सार्धं भार्याभ्यां राजसत्तमः। कुन्त्या माझ्या च राजेन्द्रो यथाकामं यथासुखम्॥
O king of kings, that best of kings (Pandu) then give himself up to enjoyments with his two wives, Kunti and Madri, at will and at pleasure.

ततः स कौरवो राजा विहृत्य त्रिदशा निशाः। जिगीषया महीं पाण्डुनिरक्रामत् पुरात् प्रभो॥
O king, when thirty days had passed away that Kuru king, the lord Pandu, started from his capital to conquer the world.

स भीष्मप्रमुखान् वृद्धानभिवाद्य प्रणम्य च। धृतराष्ट्रं च कौरव्यं तथान्यान् कुरुसत्तमान्। आमन्त्र्य प्रययौ राजा तैश्चैवाप्यनुमोदितः॥ मङ्गलाचारयुक्ताभिराशीभिरभिनन्दितः। गजवाजिरथौघेन बलेन महतागमत्॥ स राजा देवगर्भाभो विजिगीषुर्वसुंधराम्। हृष्टपुष्टबलैः प्रायात् पाण्डुः शत्रूननेकशः॥
After saluting and bowing to Bhishma and other elders and bidding adieu to Dhritarashtra and other best of the Kurus, receiving their permission and performing all auspicious rites, the king (Pandu) set out on his great campaign blessed by all around and accompanied by a great army of elephants, horses and cars. That celestial like king was desirous of conquering the whole earth.

पूर्वमागस्कृतो गत्वा दशार्णाः समरे जिताः। पाण्डुना नरसिंहेन कौरवाणां यशोभृता।२५॥
Pandu marched against the enemies with such strong forces (as narrated above). Going to the east, that best of men, that spreader of Kuru fame, Pandu, defeated the Dasharnas.

ततः सेनामुपादाय पाण्डुर्नानाविधध्वजाम्। प्रभूतहस्त्यश्वयुतां पदातिरथसंकुलाम्॥ आगस्कारी महीपानां बहूनां बलदर्पितः। गोप्ता मगधराष्ट्रस्य दीर्घो राजगृहे हतः॥
Pandu then with his army of innumerable elephants, cavalry, infantry and charioteers and various colored banners. Marched against Dirgha, the king of Magadha, who being proud of his strength, had offended many kings. Attacking him in his capital, Rajgriha, he killed him.

ततः कोशं समादाय वाहनानि च भूरिशः। पाण्डुना मिथिलां गत्वा विदेहाः समरे जिताः॥
Taking possession of his treasury and many beasts of burden Pandu, went to Mithila and conquered the Videha in battle.

तथा काशिषु सुह्येषु पुण्ड्रेषु च नरर्षभ। स्वबाहुबलवीर्येण कुरूणामकरोद् यशः॥
O best of men, he then conquered Kashi, Sumha and Pundra; and by the strength of his prowess he spread the fame of the Kurus.

तं शरोधमहाज्वालं शस्त्रार्चिषमरिन्दमम्। पाण्डुपावकमासाद्य व्यदह्यन्त नराधिपाः॥
The kings were burnt by the far reaching flames, represented by his arrows and the splendour of his weapons, of the great fire represented by that chastiser of foes, Pandu.

ते ससेनाः ससेनेन निध्वंसितबला नृपाः। पाण्डुना वशगाः कृत्वा कुरुकर्मसु योजिताः॥
Pandu defeated with his army the kings with their forces; he kept them engaged in the works of the Kurus.

तेन ते निर्जिताः सर्वे पृथिव्यां सर्वपार्थिवाः। तमेकं मेनिरे शूरं देवेष्विव पुरंदरम्॥
Having been thus defeated by him, all the kings of the world recognised him as the only hero on earth as Indra is among the celestial.

कृताञ्जलयः सर्वे प्रणता वसुधाधिपाः। उपाजग्मुर्धनं गृह्य रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
All the kings of the world bowed to him with joined hands and they waited upon him with presents of various kinds of gems and wealth.

तं तदादाय ययौ मणिमुक्ताप्रवालं च सुवर्णं रजतं बहु। गोरत्नान्यश्वरत्नानि रथरत्नानि कुञ्जरान्॥ खरोष्ट्रमहिषीश्चैव यच्च किंचिदजाविकम्। कम्बलाजिनरत्नानि रारूवास्तरणानि च। तत् सर्वं प्रतिजग्राह राजा नागपुराधिपः॥
Precious stones, pearls, corals, much gold and silver, the jewels of cows and horses, elephants and cars. Asses, camels, buffaloes, goats and sheep, blankets and beautiful birds and carpets made of the skin of Ranku. Having taken them all, the king of Hastinapur.

पाण्डुः पुनर्मुदितवाहनः। हर्षयिष्यन् स्वराष्ट्राणि पुरं च गजसाह्वयम्॥
Pandu, returned to his own capital Hastinapur to the great delight of all his subjects and citizens.

शन्तनो राजसिंहस्य भरतस्य च धीमतः। प्रणष्टः कीर्तिजः शब्दः पाण्डुना पुनराहृतः॥
O the lion of kings, the fame of Shantanu and that of Bharata, was about to be extinct, but it was now revived by Pandu.

ये पुरा कुरुराष्ट्राणि जहः कुरुधनानि च। ते नागपुरसिंहेन पाण्डुना करदीकृताः॥
They, who robbed the Kurus before of both territory and wealth, were now forced by Pandu, the lion of Hastinapur, to pay tributes."

इत्यभाषन्त राजानो राजामात्याश्च संगताः। प्रतीतमनसो हृष्टाः पौरजानपदैः सह॥
Thus said in joyful heart the kings with their ministers and with the citizens and people.

प्रत्युद्ययुश्च तं प्राप्तं सर्वे भीष्मपुरोगमाः। ते नदूरमिवाध्वानं गत्वा नागपुरालयात्॥ आवृतं ददृशशुहष्टा लोकं बहुविधैर्धनैः। नानायानसमानीतै रत्नैरुच्चावचैस्तदा॥ हस्त्यश्वरथरत्नैश्च गोभिरुष्ट्रैस्तथादिभिः। नान्तं ददृशुरासाद्य भीष्मेण सह कौरवाः॥
All the Kurus with Bhishma at their head went out to receive him when he was near Hastinapur. They saw in delight the attendants of the king (Pandu), laden with much wealth; the train of various conveyances, of elephants, horses, cars, kine, camels and other animals laden with all kinds of wealth was so long that they could not find its end.

सोऽभिवाद्य पितुः पादौ कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनः। यथार्ह मानयामास पौरजानपदानपि॥
Then the dweller of Kausalya's joy, (Pandu), worshipped the feet of his father (uncle) Bhishma and then saluted the citizens and others as each deserved.

प्रमृद्य परराष्ट्राणि कृतार्थं पुनरागतम्। पुत्रमाश्लिष्य भीष्मस्तु हर्षादश्रुण्यवर्तयत्॥
Bhishma also shed tears of joy and embraced his son who had returned victorious after subjugating many kingdoms of others.

स तूर्यशतशङ्खानां भेरीणां च महास्वनैः। हर्षयन् सर्वशः पौरान विवेश गजसाह्वयम्॥
And he (Pandu), instilling joy into the hearts of his people, entered Hastinapur in a flourish of hundreds of trumpets and bugles,