Conversation between Bhishma and Satyavati

भीष्म उवाच जामदग्न्येन रामेण पितृर्वधममृध्यता। राजा परशुना पूर्वं हैहयाधिपतिर्हतः॥ शतानि दश बाहूनां निकृत्तान्यर्जुनस्य वै। लोकस्याचरितो धर्मस्तेनाति किल दुश्चरः॥
Bhishma said: The king Haihayas was killed by (Parashu) Rama, the son of Jamadagni, with his battle axe from his anger at the death of his father. Cutting off one thousand arms of Arjuna (Haihayas), he achieved a most difficult feat in the world.

पुनश्च धनुरादाय महास्त्राणि प्रमुञ्चता। निर्दग्धं क्षत्रमसकृद्रथेन जयता महीम्॥ एवमुचावचैरस्त्रैर्भार्गवेण महात्मना। त्रिःसप्तकृत्वः पृथिवी कृता निःक्षत्रिया पुरा॥
He set out on his car to conquer the world; and taking up his bow, he hurled his mighty weapons to exterminate the Kshatriyas. In olden time the illustrious descendant of the Bhrigu race, exterminated the Kshatriya race for twenty one times with his swift arrows.

एवं निःक्षत्रिये लोके कृते तेन महर्षिणा। ततः संभूय सर्वाभिः क्षत्रियाभिः समन्ततः॥ उत्पादितान्यपत्यानि ब्राह्मणैर्वेदपारगैः। पाणिग्राहस्य तनय इति वेदेषु निश्चितम्॥
When the earth was thus in olden time made Kshatriya-less by that great Rishi, the Kshatriya women raised children by the Brahmanas, learned in the Vedas. They went to the Brahmanas not lustfully, but from virtuous motives. It is said in the Vedas that the son so raised belongs to him that had married the mother.

धर्मं मनसि संस्थाप्य ब्राह्मणांस्ताः समभ्ययुः। लोकेऽप्याचरितो दृष्टः क्षत्रियाणां पुनर्भवः॥
Having established Dharma in mind those Brahmanas reached there. In this world we have seen rebirth of Kshatriyas.

ततः पुनः समुदितं क्षत्रं समभवत्तदा। इमं चैवात्र वक्ष्येऽहमितिहासं पुरातनम्॥
Thus it was that the Kshatriya race was again brought into existence all over the world. There is an old history in connection with this matter and I shall narrate it to you.

अथोतथ्य इति ख्यात आसीद्धीमानृषिः पुरा। ममता नाम तस्यासीद्धार्या परमसंमता॥ उतथ्यस्य यवीयांस्तु पुरोधास्त्रिदिवौकसाम्। बृहस्पतिर्ब्रहत्तेजा ममतामन्वपद्यत॥
There was in the time of yore, a wise Rishi, named Utathya. He had a wife, name Mamata whom he dearly loved. One day Utathya's younger brother, the priest of the celestials, the greatly effulgent Brihaspati, proposed to Mamata.

उवाच ममता तं तु देवरं वदतां वरम्। अन्तर्वन्ती त्वहं भ्रात्रा ज्येष्ठेनारम्यतामिति॥
Mamata said to her Devara (husband's younger brother), that best of eloquent men, “I am pregnant by your elder brother; therefore you should not seek me now.

अयं च मे महाभाग कुक्षावेव बृहस्पते। औतथ्यो वेदमत्रापि षडङ्गं प्रत्यधीयत॥ अमोघरेतास्त्वं चापि द्वयोर्नास्त्यत्र संभवः। तस्मादेवंगते त्वद्य उपारमितुमर्हसि॥
O illustrious Brihaspati, the child, who is now in my womb, has studied there the Vedas with six Angas. Your seed is also infallible. How is it possible for two children to live there at the same time? Therefore, you should not desire me to-day.”

एवमुक्तस्तदा सम्यग्बृहस्पतिरुदारधीः। कामात्मानं तदात्मानं न शशाक नियच्छितुम्॥
Having been thus addressed by her, Brihaspati, though greatly intelligent, could not suppress his desire.

स बभूव ततः कामी तया सार्धमकामया। उत्सृजन्तं तु तं रेतः स गर्भस्थोऽभ्यभाषत॥ भोस्तात मा गमः कामं द्वयोर्नास्तीह संभवः। अल्पावकाशो भगवन्पूर्वं चाहमिहागतः॥ अमोधरेताश्च भवान्न पीडां कर्तुमर्हति। अश्रुत्वैव तु तद्वाक्यं गर्भस्थस्य बृहस्पतिः॥ जगाम मैथुनायैव ममतां चारुलोचनाम्। शुक्रोत्सर्गं ततो बुद्ध्वा तस्या गर्भगतो मुनिः॥ पद्ध्यामारोधयन्मार्ग शुक्रस्य च बृहस्पतेः। स्थानमप्राप्तमथ तच्छुक्रं प्रतिहतं तदा॥ पपात सहसा भूमौ ततः क्रुद्धो बृहस्पतिः। तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं शुक्रं शशाप स रुषान्वितः॥ उतथ्यपुत्रं गर्भस्थं निर्भय॑ भगवानृषिः। यन्मां त्वमीदृशे काले सर्वभूतेप्सिते सति॥
(Slokas 14 to 21 are not translated for obvious reasons.)

एवमात्थ वचस्तस्मात्तमो दीर्घ प्रवेक्ष्यसि। स वै दीर्घतमा नाम शापादृषिरजायत।॥ बृहस्पतेर्वृहत्कीर्तेर्वृहस्पतिरिवौजसा। जात्यन्धे वेदवित्प्राज्ञः पत्नी लेभे स विद्यया॥ तरुणी रूपसंपन्नां प्रद्वेषीं नाम ब्राह्मणीम्। स पुत्राञ्जनयामास गौतमादीन्महायशाः॥
From the curse of the Rishi Brihaspati, Utathy's son, as illustrious and as effulgent as Brihaspati, was born blind; and he was named Dirghatamas. The born-blind, Veda-knowing and greatly wise Rishi obtained for his wife by his learning a young and handsome Brahmana maiden, named Pradveshi.

ऋषेरुतथ्यस्य तदा संतानकुलवृद्धये। धर्मात्मा च महात्मा च वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः॥ गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच सोऽधीत्य निखिलं मुनिः। प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया।॥
He begot on her Gautama and other sons in order to keep up the illustrious line of Utathya's race. But Gautama and others were all covetous and fools. The virtuous-minded, high souled and learned in the Vedas and Vedangas. (Dirghatamas) learnt from Surabhi's son the practices of the cow race and he began publicly to commit the vice.

ततो वितथमर्यादं तं दृष्ट्वा मुनिसत्तमाः। क्रुद्धा मोहाभिभूतास्ते सर्वे तत्राश्रमौकसः॥ अहोऽयं भिन्नमर्यादो नाश्रमे वस्तुमर्हति। तस्मादेनं वयं सर्वे पापात्मानं त्यजामहे॥
The excellent Rishis, the dwellers of the same hermitage, became indignant to see him transgress all propriety. They said, “This man transgresses all propriety. He deserves not to live in the hermitage. We shall all renounce this sinful wretch."

इत्यन्योऽन्यं समाभाष्य ते दीर्घतमसं मुनिम्। पुत्रलाभा च सा पत्नी न तुतोष पतिं तदा॥
They said many things else regarding the Rishi Dirghatamas. His wife also, having (already) obtained sons, was not pleased with him.

प्रद्वेष्युवाच प्रद्विषन्तीं पतिर्भार्यां किं मां द्वेक्षीति चाब्रवीत्। भार्याया भरणाद्भर्ती पालनाच पतिः स्मृतः॥ अहं त्वद्भरणाशक्ता जात्यधं ससुतं तदा। नित्यकालं श्रमेणार्ता न भरेयं महातपः॥
Pradveshi said : The husband then addressing his wife Pradveshi said, "Why are you dissatisfied with me?" The husband is called Bhatri, because he supports his wife; he is called Pati, because he protects her, but you are neither to me. O great ascetic, as you are blind from your birth, it is I who have supported you and your children. But I shall do it no longer.

भीष्म उवाच तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ऋषिः कोपसमन्वितः। प्रत्युवाच ततः पत्नी प्रद्वेषीं ससुतां तदा॥
Bhishma said: Having heard her words, the Rishi became angry and he said to his wife Pradveshi and her sons "Take me to the Kshatriyas (kings) and you will then be rich."

पुरा यथा। वै॥ प्रद्वेष्युवाच नियतां क्षत्रियकुले धनार्थश्च भविष्यति। त्वया दत्तं धनं विप्र नेच्छेयं दुःखकारणम्॥
Pradveshi said : O Brahmana, I do not desire to possess the wealth, earned by you, which would always be the cause of misery. O best of Brahmanas, do what you like; I shall not support you as I did before.

दीर्घतमा उवाच यथेष्टं कुरु विप्रेन्द्र न भरेयं अद्यप्रभृति मर्यादा मया लोके प्रतिष्ठिता॥ एक एव पतिर्नार्या यावजीवं परायणम्। मृते जीवति वा तस्मिन्नापरं प्राप्नुयान्नरम्॥ अभिगम्य परं नारी पतिष्यति न संशयः। आपतीनां तु नारीणामद्यप्रभृति पातकम्॥ यद्यस्ति चेद्धनं सर्वे वृथाभोगा भवन्तु ताः। अकीर्तिः परिवादाश्च नित्यं तासां भवन्तु
Dirghatamas said : From this day I make this rule among men that every woman shall stick to one husband only all through her life. Whether the husband is dead, or whether he is alive, she must not have connection with another man. She, who will have it, will be considered as fallen. A woman without a husband will always be liable to be sinful. Even if she is wealthy, she will not be able to enjoy it truly. Calumny and evil report will always follow her.

इति तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ब्राह्मणी भृशकोपिता। गङ्गायां नीयतामेष पुत्रा इत्येवमब्रवीत्॥
Bhishma said: Having heard these words, the Brahmana lady became exceedingly angry and said, “O sons, throw him into the Ganges.”

लोभमोहाभिभूतास्ते पुत्रास्तं गौतमादयः। बध्वोडुपे परिक्षिप्य गङ्गायां समवासृजन्॥ कस्मादन्धश्च वृद्धश्च भर्तव्योऽयमिति स्म ते। चिन्तयित्वा ततः क्रूराः प्रतिजग्मुरथो गृहान्॥
Her avaricious and foolish sons, Gautama and his brothers, exclaimed, “Why should we support this blind old man?” Thus thinking, those wicked men tied him on a raft and threw him into the Ganges. They then returned home.

सोऽनुस्रोतस्तदा विप्रः प्लवमानो यदृच्छया। जगाम सुबहून्देशानन्धस्तेनोडुपेन ह॥ तं तु राजा बलि म सर्वधर्मविदां वरः। अपश्यन्मजनगतः स्रोतसाभ्याशमागतम्॥
The Brahmana, drifting along the stream on that raft, passed through the territories of many kings. One day a king, named Bali, learned in all the precepts of religion, saw him (the blind Rishi) drifting along the stream and approaching near him.

जग्राह चैनं धर्मात्मा बलिः सत्यपराक्रमः। ज्ञात्वा चैवं स वव्रेऽथ पुत्रार्थं भरतर्षभ।॥ सन्तानार्थं महाभाग भार्यासु मम मानद। पुत्रा-धर्मार्थकुशलानुत्पादयितुमर्हसि॥
O best of the Bharata race, the virtuousminded Bali, whose strength was truth, knowing who he was, took him up (from the stream) for the purpose of raising up offspring. He said. "O illustrious man, I have to raise up a few sons on my wife. Therefore, beget on her some virtuous and wise sons.'

एवमुक्तः स तेजस्वी तं तथेत्युक्तवानृषिः। तस्मै स राजा स्वां भार्यां सुदेष्णां प्राहिणोत्तदा॥
Thus addressed, the greatly effulgent Rishi said to him, “Be it so.” Thereupon, that king sent his wife Sudeshna to him.

अन्धं वृद्धं च तं मत्वा न सा देवी जगाम ह। स्वां तु धात्रेयिकां तस्मै वृद्धाय प्राहिणोत्तदा॥ तस्यां काक्षीवदादीन्स शूद्रयोनावृषिस्तदा। जनयामास धर्मात्मा पुत्रानेकादशैव तु॥
That lady, knowing him to be blind and old, did not go to him. She sent to him her old nurse. The virtuous-minded Rishi begot on that Shudra woman eleven sons.

काक्षीवदादीन्पुत्रांस्तान्दृष्ट्वा सर्वानधीयतः। उवाच तमृषि राजा ममेम इति भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, seeing all those sons, Kakshivata being their eldest, who studied all the Vedas, the king one day asked the Rishi, "Are these sons mine?”

नेत्युवाच महर्षिस्तं ममेम इति चाब्रवीत्। शूद्रयोनौ मया हीमे जाता: काक्षीवदादयः॥
The great Rishi said to him, "No, they are mine. I have begotten Kakshivat and others on a Shudra woman.

अन्धं वृद्धं च मां दृष्ट्वा सुदेष्णा महिषी तव। अवमन्य ददौ मूढा शूद्रां धात्रेयिका मम॥
Your queen, Sudeshna, finding me old and blind, the foolish woman, insulted me (by not coming herself) and sent her nurse to me.

ततः प्रसादयामास पुनस्तमृषिसत्तमम्। बलिः सुदेष्णाः स्वां भार्यां तस्मै स प्राहिणोत्पुनः।।५१
He (the king) then gratified the excellent Rishi and sent his wife, Sudeshna, again to him.

तां स दीर्घतमाङ्गेषु स्पृष्ट्वा देवीमथाब्रवीत्। भविष्यन्ति कुमारास्ते तेजसादित्यवर्चसः॥
Dhirghatama touched that lady's body and told her, “You will give birth to sons, as effulgent as the sun.

अङ्गो वङ्गः कलिङ्गश्च पुण्ड्रः सुह्यश्च ते सुताः। तेषां देशा: समाख्याताः स्वनाम कथिता भुवि॥
Namely, Anga, Vanga, Kalinga Pundra and Sunga. Five countries will be named on earth after their names,

अङ्गस्याङ्गोऽभवद्देशो वङ्गो वङ्गस्य च स्मृतः। कलिङ्गविषयश्चैव कलिङ्गस्य च स स्मृतः॥ पुण्ड्रस्य पुण्ड्राः प्रख्याताः सुह्माः सुह्मस्य च स्मृताः। एवं बले: पुरा वंशः प्रख्यातो वै महर्षिजः॥
From Anga a country will be called Anga, from Banga one Banga, from Kalinga one Kalinga, from Pundra one Pundra and from Suhma one Sahma. It was thus the line of Bali was perpetuated by the Rishi.

एवमन्ये महेष्वासा ब्राह्मणैः क्षत्रिया भुवि। जाता: परमधर्मज्ञां वीर्यवन्तो महाबलाः। एतच्छ्रुत्वा त्वमप्यत्र मात: कुरु यथेप्सितम्॥
It was thus that many virtuous, greatly energetic and exceedingly strong bow-men, Kshatriyas, were born from the Brahmanas. Hearing this, O mother, do as you like in this matter. Q