The story of Satyavati

वैशम्पायन उवाच स राजा शान्तनु/मान् देवराजर्षिसत्कृतः। धर्मात्मा सर्वलोकेषु सत्यवागिति विश्रुतः॥
Vaishampayana said : The king Shantanu, adored of the celestials and the royal sages, was famous in all the worlds as being virtuous-minded and truthful.

दमो दानं क्षमा बुद्धिहींकृतिस्तेज उत्तमम्। नित्यान्यासन् महासत्त्वे शान्तनौ पुरुषर्षभ॥
Self-control, liberality, forgiveness, intelligence, modesty, patience and superior energy ever dwelt in that best of men, Shantanu.

एवं स गुणसम्पन्नो धर्मार्थकुशलो नृपः। आसीद् भरतवंशस्य गोप्ता सर्वजनस्य च॥
That king endued with such accomplishments. He was learned in both Dharma and Artha. He was both the protector of the Bharata race and all the people,

कम्बुग्रीवः पृथुव्यंसो मत्तवारणविक्रमः। अन्वितः परिपूर्णार्यैः सर्वैर्नृपतिलक्षणैः॥ :॥
His neck was like the conch shell, his shoulder was broad, he was as powerful as a mad elephant. All the auspicious signs of royalty dwelt in his person and they considered that to be their best abode.

तस्य कीर्तिमतो वृत्तमवेक्ष्य सततं नराः। धर्म एव परः कामादर्थाचेति व्यवस्थिताः॥
The people, seeing the (virtuous) acts of that king of great achievements, came to know that virtue was ever superior to pleasure and profit. was

एतान्यासन् महासत्त्वे शान्तनौ पुरुषर्षभे! न चास्य सदृशः कश्चिद् धर्मतः पार्थिवोऽभवत्॥
These accomplishments were all in that best of men, Shantanu and no other king was to equal him in virtue.

वर्तमानं हि धर्मेषु सर्वधर्मभृतां वरम्। तं महीषा महीपालं राजराज्येऽभ्यषेचयन्॥
All the kings of the earth, seeing him devoted to all kinds of virtues, installed him as the king of kings.

वीतशोकभयाबाधाः सुखस्वप्ननिबोधनाः। पतिं भारत गोतारं समपद्यन्त भूमिपा:॥
All the kings were free from misery, fear and anxiety of all kinds during the reign of that lord-protector of the Bharata race. They all slept in peace and rose in peace after happy dreams,

तेन कीर्तिमता शिष्टाः शक्रप्रतिमतेजसा। यज्ञदानक्रियाशीला: समपद्यन्त भूमिपाः॥
All the kings became virtuous and devoted to liberality and religious acts and sacrifices from the great example set by that great king of wonderful achievements (Shantanu) who was like Indra himself.

शान्तनुप्रमुखैर्गुप्ते लोके नृपतिभिस्तदा। नियमात् सर्ववर्णानां धर्मोत्तरमवर्तत॥
When the earth was ruled by Shantanu and other kings like him, the religious merits of every order greatly increased.

ब्रह्म पर्यचरत् क्षत्रं विशः क्षत्रमनुव्रताः। ब्रह्मक्षत्रानुरक्ताश्च शूद्राः पर्यचरन् विशः॥
The Brahmanas were served by the Kshatriyas; the Kshatriyas were served by the Vaishyas; the Shudras, adoring both the Brahmanas and the Kshatriyas, served the Vaishyas.

स हास्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने। वसन् सागरपर्यन्तामन्वशासद् वसुन्धराम्॥
Shantanu lived in Hastinapur, the beautiful capital of the Kurus; he ruled over the whole earth bounded by the sea.

स देवराजसदृशो धर्मज्ञः सत्यवागृजुः। दानधर्मतपोयोगाच्छ्रिया परमया युतः॥
He was truthful and virtuous like the king of the celestial; and from his liberality, virtues and asceticism he acquired great fortune.

अरागद्वेषसंयुक्तः सोमवत् प्रियदर्शनः। तेजसा सूर्यकल्पोऽभूद् वायुवेगसमो जवे। अन्तकप्रतिमः कोपे क्षमया पृथिवीसमः॥
He was free from anger and malice, he was as handsome as Soma himself. He was as effulgent as the sun and as courageous as the Vayu. He was like Yama in anger and like Earth in patience.

वधः पशुवराहाणां तथैव मृगपक्षिणाम्। शान्तनौ पृथिवीपाले नावर्तत तथा नृप॥
O king, when Shantanu ruled the earth, no deer, beers, birds or other animals were needlessly killed.

ब्रह्मधर्मोत्तरे राज्ये शान्तनुर्विनयात्मवान्। समं शशास भूतानि कामरागविवर्जितः॥
The virtue of kindness reigned in the kingdom of Shantanu, who himself was full of mercy and free from anger. He equally protected all creatures.

देवर्षिपितृयज्ञार्थमारभ्यन्त तदा क्रियाः। न चाधर्मेण केषांचित् प्राणिनामभवद् वधः॥
The sacrifices in honour of the celestials, Rishis and Pitris were performed but no creature was sinfully deprived of its life.

असुखानामनाथानां तिर्यग्योनिषु वर्तताम्। स एव राजा सर्वेषां भूतानामभवत् पिता॥
That king became a father of those that were miserable, of those that had not protectors, nay even of birds and beasts and all creatures.

तस्मिन् कुरुपतिश्रेष्ठे राजराजेश्वरे सति। श्रिता वागभवत् सत्यं दानधर्माश्रितं मनः॥
During the reign of that best of the Kuru kings, the king of all kings, (Shantanu) the speech was mixed with truth and mind was devoted to liberality and virtue.

स समः षोडशाष्टौ च चतस्रोऽष्टौ तथापराः। रतिमप्राप्नुवन् स्त्रीषु बभूव वनगोचरः॥
Having enjoyed the companionship of women thirty six years, he retired into a forest.

तथारूपस्तथाचारस्तथावृत्तस्तथाश्रुतः। गाङ्गेयस्तस्य पुत्रोऽभून्नाम्ना देवव्रतो वसुः॥
Shantanu's son, the Vasu, born of Ganga, named Devavrata, resembled his father in beauty, in conduct, in habits and in learning.

सर्वास्त्रेषु स निष्णान्तः पार्थिवेष्वितरेषु च। महाबलो महासत्त्वो महावीर्यो महारथः॥
He was expert in all sorts of weapons belonging to heaven and earth. He was greatly strong and vastly energetic; he was a great carwarrior; and he was a great beauty.

स कदाचिन्मृगं विद्ध्वा गङ्गामनुसरन् नदीम्। भागीरथीमल्पजलां शान्तनुर्दृष्टवान् नृपः॥
Once on a time, he (Shantanu) wounded a beer and pursued it along the banks of the Ganges. The king Shantanu saw that the Bhagirathi (Ganga) had became shallow.

तां दृष्ट्वा चिन्तयामास शान्तनुः पुरुषर्षभः। स्यन्दते किं त्वियं नाद्य सरिच्छ्रेष्ठा यथा पुरा॥
Having seen this, the best of men, Shantanu began to reflect, "Why, does not the best of rivers run as before?"

ततो निमित्तमन्विच्छन् ददर्श स महामनाः। कुमारं रूपसम्पन्नं बृहन्तं चारुदर्शनम्॥ दिव्यमस्त्रं विकुर्वाणं यथा देवं पुरन्दरम्। कृत्स्नां गङ्गां समावृत्य शरैस्तीक्ष्णैरवस्थितम्॥
In searching for its cause, the illustrious king saw a beautiful, strong built and amiable youth. Like Indra himself, who had checked the flow of the river Ganga by his sharp celestial weapons.

तां शरैराचितां दृष्ट्वा नदीं गङ्गां तदन्तिके। अभवद् विस्मितो राजा दृष्ट्वा कर्मातिमानुषम्॥
The king, seeing this wonderful feat (of the youth), namely the checking of Ganga in her course by arrows, was very much surprised.

जातमात्रं पुरा दृष्ट्वा तं पुत्रं शान्तनुस्तदा। नोपलेभे स्मृति धीमानभिज्ञातुं तमात्मजम्॥ तदद्भुतं ततो
Shantanu had seen him only once, a few minutes after his birth; therefore, he had not sufficient recollection to identify that youth with his son.

स तु तं पितरं दृष्ट्वा मोहयामास मायया। सम्मोह्य तु ततः क्षिप्रं तत्रैवान्तरधीयत॥
But the youth, as soon as he saw his father, clouded the king's perception by Maya (delusion) and instantly disappeared before his very sight.

दृष्ट्वा तत्र राजा स शान्तनुः। शङ्कमानः सुतं गङ्गामब्रवीद् दर्शयेति ह॥
The king Shantanu, being much surprised with what he saw and believing the youth to be his own son, said to Ganga, "Show me the child."

दर्शयामास तं गङ्गा बिभ्रती रूपमुत्तमम्। गृहीत्वा दक्षिणे पाणौ तं कुमारमलंकृतम्॥
Ganga, assuming a beautiful form, showed him the youth decked in ornaments, holding him by his right hand.

अलंकृतामाभरणौर्विरजोऽम्बरसंवृताम्। दृष्टपूर्वामपि स तां नाभ्यजानात् स शान्तनुः॥
Shantanu could not recognise that beautiful lady, bedecked with ornaments and attired in fine robes, though he had seen her before.

गङ्गोवाच यं पुत्रमष्टमं राजंस्त्वं पुरा मय्यविन्दथाः। स चायं पुरुषव्याघ्र सर्वास्त्रविदनुत्तमः॥
Ganga said : O king, O best of men, the eighth son whom you formerly begot on me, is this, Know that this excellent child is expert in all the weapons.

गृहाणेमं महाराज मया संवर्धितं सुतम्। आदाय पुरुषव्याघ्र नयस्वैनं गृहं विभो॥
O great king, take him now. He has been carefully reared by me. O best of men, taking him with you, go home.

वेदानधिजगे साङ्गान् वसिष्ठादेष वीर्यवान्। कृतास्त्रः परमेष्वासो देवराजसमो युधि॥
This greatly energetic boy has studied with Vasistha all the Vedas with their Angas. He is skillful in all the weapons, he is a great bowman, he is like Indra himself in battle.

सुराणां सम्मतो नित्यमसुराणां च भारत। उशना वेद यच्छास्त्रमयं तद् वेद सर्वशः॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, both the celestial and the Asuras look on him with favour. Whatever the Vedas and Shastras are known to Ushanas (Shukra) are all known to this boy.

तथैवाङ्गिरसः पुत्रः सुरासुरनमस्कृतः। यद् वेद शास्त्रं तचापि कृत्स्नमस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठितम्॥ तव पुत्रे महाबाहौ साङ्गोपाङ्गं महात्मनि। ऋषिः परैरनाधृप्यो जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान्॥ यदस्त्रं वेद रामश्च तदेतस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठितम्। महेष्वासमिमं राजन् राजधर्मार्थकोविदम्॥ मया दत्तं निजं पुत्रं वीरं वीर गृहं नय।
All the Vedas and Shastras that are known by the son of Angirasa (Brihaspati), adored of the celestials and Asuras, he is master of them all. All the weapons that were known to the powerful and invincible son of Jamadagni (Parashurama) are fully and completely known to your this illustrious and mighty-armed son. king, this boy is a great bow-man and learned in the treatises on the duties of kings. O hero, take home your this heroic son given by me.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तयैवं समनुज्ञातः पुत्रमादाय शान्तनुः॥ भ्राजमानं यथादित्यमाययौ स्वपुरं प्रति। पौरवस्तु पुरीं गत्वा पुरन्दरपुरोपमाम्॥ सर्वकामसमृद्धार्थ मेने सोऽऽत्मानमात्मना। पौरवेषु ततः पुत्र राज्यार्थमभयप्रदम्॥ गुणवन्तं महात्मानं यौवराज्येऽभ्यषेचयत्। पौरवाञ्छान्तनोः पुत्रः पितरं च महायशाः॥ राष्ट्रं च रञ्जयामास वृत्तेन भरतर्षभ। स तथा सह पुत्रेण रममाणो महीपतिः॥ वर्तयामास वर्षाणि चत्वार्यमितविक्रमः। स कदाचित् वनं यातो यमुनामभितो नदीम्॥ महीपतिरनिर्देश्यमाजिघ्रद् गन्धमुत्तमम्। तस्य प्रभवमन्विच्छन् विचचार समन्ततः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus commanded by her (Ganga), Shantanu took his son, as effulgent as the sun and started for his own capital. Having reached the city which was like the City of Indra, the descendant of Puru (Shantanu) considered himself very fortunate and successful in his wishes. He then installed his accomplished and illustrious son as his heirapparent for the protection of the kingdom of the Kurus. O best of the Bharatas, the illustrious son soon pleased his father and all the members of his family. He pleased all the subjects of his kingdom by his conduct. The greatly powerful king lived happily with his son for four years. Once on a time, he went to a forest on the banks of the river, named Yamuna. When the kin was roaming there, he perceived a sweet scent coming from an unknown direction.

स ददर्श तदा कन्यां दाशानां देवरूपिणीम्। तामपृच्छत् स दृष्ट्वैव कन्याममितलोचनाम्॥
Being desirous of finding out its cause, he wandered about hither and thither; and (at last) he saw a maiden of celestial beauty, belonging to the fishermen class.

कस्य त्वमसि का चासि किं च भीरु चिकीर्षसि। साब्रवीद् दाशकन्यास्मि धर्मार्थं वाहये तरिम्॥ पितुर्नियोगाद् भद्रं ते दाशराज्ञो महात्मनः। रूपमाधुर्यगन्धैस्तां संयुक्तां देवरूपिणीम्॥ समीक्ष्य राजा दाशेयी कामयामास शान्तनुः। स गत्वा पितरं तस्या वरयामास तां तदा॥
Having seen her, he asked that black-eyed maiden, "O timid maiden, who are you? What are you doing here?” She said, “Blessing be upon you! I am the daughter of the chief of the fishermen. By the command of my father I am engaged to row this boat of take people across this river for religious merits.” Having seen her endued with celestial beauty, amiableness and fragrance, the king Shantanu desired to possess her. He went to her father and asked him to bestow her upon him.

पर्यपृच्छत् ततस्तस्याः पितरं सोऽऽत्मकारणात्। स च तं प्रत्युवाचेदं दाशराजो महीपतिम्॥ जातमात्रैव मे देया वराय वरवर्णिनी। हृदि कामस्तु मे कश्चित् तं निबोध जनेश्वर॥
He desired to know whether he was willing to give her in marriage. The chief of the fishermen replied to the king saying, “As soon as that best of beautiful girls was born it, it was understood by me that she should be bestowed (on some one). But, О king, hear the desire that I have in my heart.

यदीमां धर्मपत्नीं त्वं मत्तः प्रार्थयसेऽनघ। सत्यवागसि सत्येन समयं कुरु मे ततः॥
O sinless one, if you desire to makes her your lawful wife, you are truthful, then truly give me a pledge.

समयेन प्रदद्यां ते कन्यामहमिमां नृप। न हि मे त्वत्समः कश्चिद् वरो जातु भविष्यति।॥
O king, if you give me the pledge, I shall then bestow my daughter on you, for I can never obtain a husband for her like you."

शान्तनुरुवाच श्रुत्वा तव वरं दाश व्यवस्येयमहं तव। दातव्यं चेत् प्रदास्यामि न त्वदेयं कथंचन॥
Shantanu said : O fisherman, after hearing what you ask, I can then say whether I will be able to grant it or not. If it is capable of being granted, I shall certainly grant it.

दाश उवाच अस्यां जायेत यः पुत्रः स राजा पृथिवीपते। त्वदूर्ध्वमभिषेक्तव्यो नान्यः कश्चन पार्थिव॥
The fisherman said: O king, the son that will be born of this girl shall be installed on your throne and none else shall you make your successor.

वैशम्पायन उवाच नाकामयत तं दातुं वरं दाशाय शान्तनुः। शरीरजेन तीव्रण दह्यमानोऽपि भारत॥
Vaishampayana said : O descendant of Bharata race, Shantanu became unwilling to grant the wish of the fisherman, thought his body was being burnt by the fire of desire.

स चिन्तयन्नेव तदा दाशकन्यां महीपतिः। प्रत्ययाद्धास्तिनपुरं कामोपहतचेतनः॥
That lord of the earth returned to Hastinapur, thinking of the daughter of the fisherman and his heart afflicted by desire.

ततः कदाचिच्छोचन्तं शान्तनुं ध्यानमास्थितम्। पुत्रो देवव्रतोऽभ्येत्य पितरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
One day when he was thus meditating over (the girl) in sorrow, his son Devavrata came to him and said-

सर्वतो भवतः क्षेमं विधेयाः सर्वपार्थिवाः। तत् किमर्थमिहाभीक्ष्णं परिशोचसि दुःखितः॥
"All is prosperity with you; all chiefs and potentates obey you, why then you grieve thus in sorrow?

ध्यायन्निव च मां राजन्नाभिभाषसि किंचन। न चाश्वेन विनिर्यासि विवर्णो हरिणः कृशः॥
O king, deep in your own thoughts, you do not speak a word to me in reply. You do not now go out on horse back. You are pale and emaciated and discoloured.

व्याधिमिच्छामि ते ज्ञातुं प्रतिकुर्यां हि तत्र वै। एवमुक्तः स पुत्रेण शान्तनुः प्रत्यभाषत॥
I wish to know the disease from which you suffer, so that I may try to get a remedy." Having been thus addressed by his son, Shantanu replied,

असंशयं ध्यानपरो यथा वत्स तथा शृणु। अपत्यं नस्त्वमेवैकः कुले महति भारत॥
"Truly I am melancholy. Hear why I am so. O descendant of Bharata race, you are the only son in this our great dynasty.

शस्त्रनित्यश्च सततं पौरुषे पर्यवस्थितः। अनित्यतां च लोकानामनुशोचामि पुत्रक॥
You are always engaged in the sports of arms and achievement of power. O son, I am, however, always thinking of the instability of life.

कथंचित् तव गाङ्गेय विपत्तौ नास्ति नः कुलम्। असंशयं त्वमेवैकः शतादपि वरः सुतः॥
O son of Ganga, if anything happens to you, we shall be sonless and we shall have no descendants. Truly you alone are equal to one hundred best sons.

न चाप्यहं वृथा भूयो दारान् कर्तुमिहोत्सहे। संतानस्याविनाशाय कामये भद्रमस्तु ते॥
I do not, therefore, desire to marry again. I only desire that prosperity may always attend on you, SO that our dynasty may be perpetuated.

अनपत्यतैकपुत्रत्वमित्याहुर्धर्मवादिनः। अग्निहोत्रं त्रयीविद्यासंतानमपि चाक्षयम्॥ सर्वाण्येतान्यपत्यस्य कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम्। एवमेतन्मनुष्येषु तच सर्वप्रजास्विति॥
The religious men say that he who has one son has no son at all. The Agnihotra worship and three classes of study do not yield the one sixteenth part of the religious merits as are derived by the birth of a son. There is hardly any difference in this respect between men and other animals.

यदपत्यं महाप्राज्ञ तत्र मे नास्ति संशयः। एषा त्रयीपुराणानां देवतानां च शाश्वती॥
I have no doubt that he who has got a son gains heaven. The three Vedas, which are the roots of the Puranas and which authoritative even to the celestials, contain many proofs of this.

त्वं च शूरः सदामर्षी शस्त्रनित्यश्च भारत। नान्यत्र युद्धात् तस्मात् ते निधनं विद्यते क्वचित्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, you are a hero of excitable temper; and you are always engaged in the exercises of arms. There is every likelihood of your being killed on the field of battle.

सोऽस्मि संशयमापन्नस्त्वयि शान्ते कथं भवेत्। इति ते कारणं तात दुःखस्योक्तमशेषतः॥
"If it so happens, what would be the state of our race! For this reason I am melancholy. I have now told you the cause of my sorrow!” are

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तत्कारणं राज्ञो ज्ञात्वा सर्वमशेषतः। देवव्रतो महाबुद्धिः प्रज्ञया चान्वचिन्तयत्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard the cause (of his grief) from the king, the greatly intelligent and wise Devavrata thought for a while.

अभ्यगच्छत् तदैवाशु वृद्धामात्यं पितुर्हितम्। तमपृच्छत् तदाभ्येत्य पितुस्तच्छोककारणम्॥
He then went to the old minister, devoted to his father's welfare. He asked him the cause of his father's sorrow.

तस्मै स कुरुमुख्याय यथावत् परिपृच्छते। वरं शशंस कन्यां तामुद्दिश्य भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, that foremost of the Kurus asked him all about it and he then heard from him about the pledge regarding the maiden.

ततो देवव्रतो वृद्धैः क्षत्रियैः सहितस्तदा। अभिगम्य दाशराजं कन्यां वन्ने पितुः स्वयम्॥
Thereupon, Devavrata, accompanied with many venerable Kshatriya chiefs, went to the chief of the fishermen and begged his daughter for his father.

तं दाशः प्रतिजग्राह विधिवत् प्रतिपूज्य च। अब्रवीचैनमासीनं राजसंसदि भारत॥
The fisherman received him with all due adorations. O descendant of the Bharata race, when the prince was seated, he addressed him thus-

त्वमेव नाथः पर्याप्तः शान्तनोर्भरतर्षभ। पुत्रः शस्त्रभृतां श्रेष्ठः किं तु वक्ष्यामि ते वचः॥
"O best of the Bharata race, you are the lord of great prowess, you are the best of wielders of arms. You are the only son of Shantanu, But I have something to tell you.

को हि सम्बन्धकं श्लाघ्यमीप्सितं यौनमीदृशम्। अतिक्रामन्न तप्येत साक्षादपि शतक्रतुः॥
If the bride's father be Indra himself, still he is to repent for rejecting such an exceedingly honourable and desirable proposal of marriage.

अपत्यं चैतदार्यस्य यो युष्माकं समो गुणैः। यस्य शुक्रात् सत्यवती सम्भूता वरवर्णिनी॥
The great man from whose seed was born this most beautiful maiden Satyavati is equal to you in virtue.

तेन मे बहुशस्तात पिता ते परिकीर्तितः। अर्हः सत्यवतीं वोढुं धर्मज्ञः स नराधिपः॥
He has many times recounted to me the great achievements of your father. He has told me that, that virtuous king is worthy of marrying Satyavati.

अर्थितश्चापि राजर्षिः प्रत्याख्यातः पुरा मया। स चाप्यासीत् सत्यवत्या भृशमर्थी महायशाः॥ कन्यापितृत्वात् किंचित् तु वक्ष्यामि त्वां नराधिप। बलवत्सपत्नतामत्र दोषं पश्यामि केवलम्॥
Allow me to tell you that I have formerly rejected the offer of that best of Brahmarshis, the celestial sage Asita, who had often asked Satyavati in marriage. O king, I have only one word to say on behalf of this maiden as her father. The only strong objection in this matter is the fact of a rival in a co-wife's son.

यस्य हि त्वं सपत्नः स्या गन्धर्वस्यासुरस्य वा। न स जातु चिरं जीवेत् त्वयि क्रुद्धे परंतप॥
O chastiser of foes, he is not safe, even he be an Asura or a Gandharva, who is your foe. He will never live long if you grow angry.

एतावानत्र दोषो हि नान्यः कश्चन पार्थिवा एतज्जानीहि भद्रं ते दानादाने परंतप॥
O king, this is the only objection in the marriage. There is no other. O chastiser of foes, know, this is all I have to say in the matter of bestowal (of Satyavati)"

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तु गाङ्गेयस्तयुक्तं प्रत्यभाषत। शृण्वतां भूमिपालानां पितुराय भारत॥
Vaishampayana said : O descendant of the Bharata race, having been thus addressed, the son of Ganga (Devavrata) replied to him in the hearing of all the chiefs and potentates for the sake of his father.

इदं मे व्रतमादत्स्व सत्यं सत्यवतां वर। नैव जातो न वाजात ईदृशं वक्तुमुत्सहेत्॥
O foremost of truthful men, listen to the vow I take today. There is none born or will be born who will have the courage to take to take such a vow.

एवमेतत् करिष्यामि यथा त्वमनुभाषसे। योऽस्यां जनिष्यते पुत्रः स नो राजा भविष्यति॥
I shall do what you demand. The son that will be born of this maiden will be our king.

इत्युक्तः पुनरेवाथ तं दाशः प्रत्यभाषत। चिकीर्षुर्दुष्करं कर्म राज्यार्थे भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, having been thus addressed (by Bhishma), the chief of the fishermen, desirous of achieving the difficult matter of making his daughter's son king, thus spoke to him.

त्वमेव नाथः सम्प्राप्तः शान्तनोरमिताते। कन्यायाश्चैव धर्मात्मन् प्रभुर्दानाय चेश्वरः॥
The Fisherman said : "O virtuous-minded man, you have come here as the full manager of your greatly glorious father. But also the sole manager on my behalf in the matter of the bestowal of this girl.

इदं तु वचनं सौम्य कार्यं चैव निबोध मे। कौमारिकाणां शीलेन वक्ष्याम्यहमिरन्दम॥
O Gentle Sir, there is something else to be said and something else to be done. O chastiser of foes, those that have daughter must say what I say.

यत् त्वया सत्यवत्यर्थे सत्यधर्मपरायण। राजमध्ये प्रतिज्ञातमनुरूपं तवैव तत्॥
O devotee of the religion of truth, the pledge that you have taken in the midst of these chiefs for the sake of Satyavati is worthy of you.

नान्यथा तन्महाबाहो संशयोऽत्र न कश्चन। तवापत्यं भवेद् यत् तु तत्र नः संशयो महान्॥
I have not the least doubt that it will never be violated by you. But I have great doubt in respect of your sons.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्यैतन्मतमाज्ञाय सत्यधर्मपरायणः। प्रत्यजानात् तदा राजन् पितुः प्रियचिकीर्षया॥
Vaishampayana said : O king, the devotee of religion of truth,(Devavrata), knowing the scruple of the fisherman and being moved by the desire of doing good to his father then said.

दाशराज निबोधेदं वचनं मे नरोत्तम। शृण्वतां भूमिपालानां यद् ब्रवीमि पितुः कृते॥
O chief of the fishermen, O best of chiefs, hear what I say for the sake of my father before all these chiefs and potentates.

राज्यं तावत् पूर्वमेव मया त्यक्तं नराधिपाः। अपत्यहेतोरपि च करिष्येऽद्य विनिश्चयम्॥
O chiefs and potentates, I relinquished my right to the throne a few moments before. I shall now settle the doubt that has arisen in respect to my sons.

अद्यप्रभृति मे दाश ब्रह्मचर्यं भविष्यति। अपुत्रस्यापि मे लोका भविष्यन्त्यक्षया दिवि॥
O fisherman, from this day I adopt the vow of Brahmacharya. If I die sonless, still I shall ascend to the rejoins of the everlasting bliss.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः। ददानीत्येव तं दाशो धर्मात्मा प्रत्यभाषत॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard those words, the hair of the fisherman stood erect in delight and he said, “I bestowed my daughter."

ततोऽन्तरिक्षेऽप्सरसो देवाः सर्षिगणास्तदा। अभ्यवर्षन्त कुसुमैर्भीष्मोऽयमिति चाब्रुवन्॥
Thereupon the Apsaras, the celestial and the various classes of Rishis, began to pour down flowers from the firmament (upon the head of Devavrata) and they all exclaimed "This man is Bhishma (the terrible.)"

ततः स पितुराय तामुवाच यशस्विनीम्। अधिरोह रथं मातर्गच्छावः स्वगृहानिति॥
He (Bhishma) them for the sake of his father, addressed the illustrious (lady) thus, “O mother, ascend this chariot and let us go to our home."

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा तु भीष्मस्तां रथमारोप्य भाविनीम्। आगम्य हास्तिनपुरं शान्तनोः संन्यवेदयत्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this, Bhishma made the beautiful maiden ascend his car. Then coming to Hastinapur, he told Shantanu all that had happened.

तस्य तद् दुष्करं कर्म प्रशशंसुर्नराधिपाः। समेताश्च पृथक् चैव भीष्मोऽयमिति चाब्रुवन्॥
All the assembled chiefs and potentates applauded him jointly and individually for his great act. They exclaimed, “He is (really) Bhishma."

तच्छ्रुत्वा दुष्करं कर्म कृतं भीष्मेण शान्तनुः। स्वच्छन्दमरणं तुष्टो ददौ तस्मै महात्मने॥
Having heard the great deed performed by his son Bhishma, Shantanu gave that illustrious man the boon of dying at will.

न ते मृत्युः प्रभविता यावजीवितुमिच्छसि। त्वत्तो ह्यनुज्ञां सम्प्राप्य मृत्युः प्रभवितानघ॥
He said, "O my sinless son! death will have no effect untill you wish to live. Death can influence you only after your permission.